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Tweaks! Customizations Galore! New Widgets!
So many I'm just going to start listing them...
- Header, primary, and secondary menu background colors fully changeable.
- Header, primary, and secondary menu font colors fully changeable.
- Change background color of message information and message warnings.
- Option for tighter row spacing throughout.
- Page fade-in animation effect for an app-like feel.
- Secondary menu options have mouse-over hover effect so you can actually see what you are about to select.
- Secondary menu options have expanded hotlink area across the entire list element instead of just the text: easy navigation for you!
- Change the name of the ACP to whatever you want!
- Online users embedded in Dashboard header with popup details (including search bots).
- Un-sticky the ACP header to gain more screen-estate when scrolling.
Optional modern-style dashboard widget format.
New in Version 12: Dashboard Patches and Updates!
Patch and Update buttons only show when there is a patch or update to 3rd Party app/plugin available. Can disable this function entirely in settings if you would rather not be bothered
New Widgets!
System Overview: Redesigned for version 11! Real-time server load, IPS installation size, IPS database size, memory available (or free), storage space available, options for Community in the Cloud customers, database details including your database engine and character search limits. Graph colors match your chosen ACP header colors, option to over-ride. When memory/server space becomes critical graphs go red! You configure when the memory and server space warnings kick in!
Gallery Overview: Mostly a rework of the default Gallery widget but with better formatting. Note the default widget (and this one) only tracks the storage space of the original images, not all the copies actually made and used by the IPS system - those stats are not saved anywhere. Spacious ACP 11 now includes the four newest images along with the four most viewed. Widget is fine wide or side.
Forum Statistics: The most glaring IPS omission. Sparkline trends for both topics created and responses made! Sparkline charts display the last eight weeks, the numbers alongside are the last three (so the right side of the sparkline chart displays those three amounts). Click the circle "i" icons for pop-up details! Lots more - check it out!
Member Statistics: Mid-transformation with Spacious ACP 11. Online users now embedded in Dashboard header. Moved from average member age to median member age. Track which members are actually using your site vs. long-dead relic member accounts from years ago. Sparkline and "i" circles work just like the other widgets. Have fun!
System Errors: Lists last five (max) system errors so you can actually see what problems are occurring under the hood. Direct links to error reports and system error page. Strongly recommend you have this widget up to see what 3rd-party apps/plugins are causing havoc on your system rather. Front and center and you can't ignore them and we 3rd party devs do not have a built in error reporting system like IPS does right now.
SimilarWeb: A website ranking/tracking service. Two SW default widgets for tracking visitor types and relative rankings, embedded in a single IPS dashboard widget. The rankings widget can have two additional websites added for tracking alongside your own site.
Alexa: Get your Alexa ranking (for whatever that's worth...) right in your dashboard. Both global and national. Updates daily and flags trending up or down from previous check. This widget is also undergoing additional dev as Alexa things have changed. Next Spacious version or two will see this one perked up.
Most Active Topics Last 3 Days: As stated. Based on topic responses only. Maximum of five listed. Useful for large boards where you are likely to overlook where the action is at any given time.
These are all under active development. Refinement and new widgets can be expected. I've also improved the Admins Online and IPS News widgets. Admins Online (which you should rename in your language files as ACP Admins Online or Active ACP Sessions) now displays avatars and the IPS news widget has been compressed vertically to not take up so much space.
Login Page Customization: Add a background or just change the color. The login box is totally customizable as well including transparency and the option to add additional text.
Dash Buttons: Add some more quick link buttons to the top of the dashboard - administrator logs, moderator logs, tasks, and a super-convenient wipe caches button! Wipe caches includes the CIC resync process to better fight the CIC caching system when installing/adjusting apps and plugins on your CIC site!
Additional System Tweaks:
- Plugin versions displayed alongside plugins.
- Your most online stat is ALWAYS being tracked, not just tracked when the stats widget in on a page on the front end!
- Restores ACP favicon. Upload whatever you like (ico format for now) or use the giant black IPS ico provided.
- PM members from the member page.
- S3 file methods will now display endpoint and directory structure in their listed names allowing you to actually tell the difference between various S3 entities.
See the rest of the screenshots; I've probably have forgotten things at this point.
New Installations:
There is just a single application file (tar) and an optional IPS black browser .ico file. Install the tar like you would any other application. That's it!
4.1 and earlier users: Starting with 4.2 there is only an application to install.
If you already have the Spacious ACP theme and Spacious Widgets application installed first delete the Spacious ACP theme. It is not compatible with 4.2. Now, you can either upgrade the Spacious Widgets application with this Spacious ACP application (yes, just go ahead and upgrade, do not install as a new app) or you can delete the Spacious Widgets application and then install this new one. If you upgrade the existing application you'll probably need to hit the support tool to clear the caches before everything starts working with theme changes and so on. This is expected (happened to me during testing)
The move to just the single application is due to IPS planning on removing the ability for themes to be set for the ACP.
All the configuration settings to alter the ACP appearance, configure widgets that require configuring, and changing your ACP login page are all available in under Customization - Spacious ACP : Settings.
To add the new widgets to your dashboard just click the add button on the dashboard, choose and then drag them where you want them to be. Be aware that both Forum and Member Statistics only support the large display widget area. They will work on the small area but may look odd... All the others can be used in the large or small areas. Front end widgets pass through a variable indicating if they are in a wide horizontal position or on the sidebar. ACP dashboard widgets do not have this which limits the custom formatting I can do to make things fit.
Heads Up! Widgets with Google Charts in them will render weird when you first drag them onto the dashboard. Just refresh the page. On install AND upgrades, Spacious tasks are automatically marked as never ran (this behavior is standard for all apps). Some widgets rely on pulling saved information that is generated by these tasks. Feel free to manually run any Spacious tasks to spark the process along if you do not feel like waiting 10-15 minutes (or longer for some stats).