About This File
PhpFox is an easy to use software program that gives you the ability to customize it to suit your needs. It comes packed with advanced social networking features found on top community websites!
Features :
(1)Theme Manager System
(2)No coding needed, all changes are easily preview
(3)Extend with Apps, 3rd party applications available
(4)Advanced Customizing, Worrying about your Specific needs?
Requirements :
(1)5.5 or higher PHP Version
(2)4.1 or higher Mysql Version
(3)Required PHP EXEC function
(4)Required PHP GD
(5)Required PHP CURL
(6)Required PHP ZipArchive
(7)Required PHP Multibyte String
(8)Required PHP XML extension
(9)64M or higher PHP memory_limit
(10)Required for Short URLs Apache mod_rewrite (optional)
Demo :
How want this theme PM ME
demo : http://facetoface.hdfilmenoi.com