About This File
About This File
Hello everyone!
What about to change your user info panel view?
Would you like to make it look modern and professional?
Here is a cool script with 3 different styles and some cool team icons.
What is included:
- 2 Versions for white and dark designs.
- Member's Exp: Based on IPS progress (pips) can be placed with modern style.
- Member's Rank or Custom Title (that already exists) can be placed with modern style.
- Members Posts.
- Member's Reputation with color.
- Member's Number.
- Member's Days Won with gold color.
- Member's Status (Online-Offline with colors "red-green")
- Member's Joined date.
- Member's Age.
- Custom Profile fields display format.
- BONUS: Team icons.
#TIP: You can hide any information you want for mobile version by changing the class: ex:
What can be added:
- Anything that exist on IPS can be added on user info panel also: Like Member's Followers, Last activity, etc.
- Just request it and you will get it for free.
- You can add / replace the font-awesome with your own. Find them here: http://fontawesome.io/icons/