About This File
This hook ajaxifies and effectifies the built-in fast reply function.
Advanced functionality includes:
[*]The browser scrolls smoothly to the new posts.
[*]Posts reveal to the user with one of the following built-in effects according to admin input:
[*]New posts that have been made after the page has been loaded are highlighted automatically with an effect of your choice.
[*]If the board is set to merge concurrent posts, the pre-merge post is faded out and the post-merge post is revealed.
[*]Support for back/forward browser buttons.
[*]The fast reply textarea is cleared after every successful reply.
[*]Admin CP settings allow disabling ajax fast replies by forum
and by group, selecting effect types, fine-tuning the effect
parameters, and enabling/disabling this hook.
Advanced functionality includes:
[*]The browser scrolls smoothly to the new posts.
[*]Posts reveal to the user with one of the following built-in effects according to admin input:
[*]New posts that have been made after the page has been loaded are highlighted automatically with an effect of your choice.
[*]If the board is set to merge concurrent posts, the pre-merge post is faded out and the post-merge post is revealed.
[*]Support for back/forward browser buttons.
[*]The fast reply textarea is cleared after every successful reply.
[*]Admin CP settings allow disabling ajax fast replies by forum
and by group, selecting effect types, fine-tuning the effect
parameters, and enabling/disabling this hook.