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WhatsApp Share Link 1.0.9

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About This File

Adds the WhatsApp share service to IPS 4.1.x.

Once enabled, the WhatsApp icon should appear in your share links on your phone/tablet. It is hidden by default on desktops because clicking the icon on desktop does nothing and the ability to share has not yet been added to WhatsApp Web. This is toggable in the WhatsApp share link settings.

After clicking the link it opens WhatsApp and you will need to click on a user/conversation for the text to appear.


If you're updating to 1.0.9 or later you need to upload the contents of the /upload folder to your IPS 4.1.x install.


As of 1.0.6 the text string has been removed to improve performance. To customize you still have access to $url and $title within the whatsapp_cvh template (Core > Global > Plugins in the template editor). You will need to format the text string as desired. An example would be:

<a href="whatsapp://send?text={expression="\IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::encodeURIComponent( $title . ' ' . $url )"}" class="cShareLink cShareLink_whatsapp" title='{lang="whatsapp_text"}' data-ipsTooltip>
	<i class="fa fa-whatsapp"></i>

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