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PHPVibe - Video CMS

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About This File

5 in 1 Media solution with accent on videos

PHPVibe comes with 5 modes for media sharing: video embed, web-playable video upload, video upload & conversion to web-playable formats, mp3 music upload, images upload. All modes can be restricted to selected users or administrator(s).

Videos are the best thing

On average visitors stay 2 minutes longer when watching a video. Marketers believe by the end of 2017 video will be close to 90% of all intern traffic, it’s believable when Youtube already records 1 billion unique users every month.
PHPVibe’s accent is set on video sharing for corporations and webmasters.

Easy video uploads

Your users will be able to upload videos fast, edit them once ready and share them to different social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
For non-web-playable video formats like .avi, .mpeg PHPVibe offers ffmpeg conversion support to .mp4 videos which are playable on all devices (desktop, tablets and mobile phones).

Fast and simple video embedding

PHPVibe supports multiple large video sharing websites for fast embeds. Your users can share an video by pasting an link from Youtube, Vimeo, Vine, Metacafe, Dailymotion and more.
For most popular sources the video details (thumbnail, title, description, duration) will be pre-filled.

Multi-language support

Version 3 is the first truly multi-language PHPVibe. 
Your new video portal can be translated to as many languages as you want via an simple languages form. 
Visitors can switch language to view the site in from the languages menu.

Unlimited channels/categories for Videos, Images or Music

PHPViBe supports natively 3 media types, the channels system is built to split every type and arrange all media sections as you desire.
You can also close and hide all sections that you do not desire on your website. For example if you want a classic video website you can easily close music and image sharing.

User system and Social logins

As the web gets more and more social, so should your website! PHPVibe comes by default with user logins (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Local)
and allows your users to build an profile, personalize it, track friends activity, and follow other users.

User experience enhancers

In a PHPVibe powered website users can “play around” not just watch videos. They can comment with the comment system or Facebook comments plugin, like or dislike an video, make video playlists/collections, follow other user’s activity.

Activity wall for users

One of the reasons Facebook is very successful is because people want to see what other people (mostly acquaintances) do and like. PHPVibe has an similar system, all activity is recorded (videos visited, liked, shared and comments made) and displays them as an beautiful wall.

Modern administration

Our video cms comes with a full featured administration panel, top of the class and ready to configure most aspects of your website, restrict user sharing as per your request, select player for every video sharing type, edit channels, users, languages, videos, crons…

Pages and Articles

The video cms comes bundled with an articles and pages modules. Pages are useful for displaying important details and informations about your website.
While articles are your own blog inside the video website, you can use it for SEO purposes or to offer fresh text information to your visitors and users.

Developer friendly

Easy to understand custom platform, 99.999% open source code with only one admin file encrypted with ioncube which doesn’t restrict in any way functional code changes in front-end or admin panel. Licensing system is simple: per main domain license key (ex: domain.com) with multiple installs per same domain/key.

Youtube Crawler

Youtube importer based on Youtube’s PHP API. Need to build up fast video content? Then our YouTube Crawler is the solution for you. Built in and free it also comes with an cron (automated task).
Set what videos the crawler should search for, save the filter, and the rest will be done by the importer.
You can easily set owner and channels to the new videos!

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