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(IPSViet) Image Meta Tag 1.0.1

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About This File

By default, when you share a post from a forum on Facebook, the image from external links will not dc display (picture attached is ok). The reason is because the IPS automatically to og: image logo path if the article does not have any public enclosed. To overcome that problem, this plugin will automatically find and add affiliate links in addition to image

<meta property="og:image" content="duongdanhinhanh.jpg">

Such as share on Facebook will show beautiful images.

Its behavior is to take the path from the content image of the first article. Especially may take the form of youtube and vimeo thumbnail.

Note: after installation, viewsource'll og: image is the first image in the article so that the plugin works fine. If it does not share on Facebook still picture it is because Facebook has not obtained the new data to update your website, copy the url intohttps://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ then posts then click Debug, finished press Fetch new information'll scrape new image instead of the website logo.

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