About This File
This hook will show a new input field when your moderators want to close a topic. In this field, they can write down why they closed it, and that will be posted as a post in the closed topic.
Step 1: Upload the application files
Upload the files in the "upload" folder. Remember to keep the structure intact!
Step 2: Install the Application
Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it!
Step 3: ACP Setup
Still inside the Admin CP, visit the System tab -> Tools & Settings -> System Settings page, and click on the Hooks tab. There will be a section here entitled Closing Reason as Post. Click on this to adjust the settings for this hook, then click the Update Settings button.
Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1, IP.Board 3.2 & IP.Board 3.3
Original Developer : Martin Aronsen