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Social Coupon 1.2.0

   (1 review)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Social Coupon v1.2.0 for WordPress

Social Coupon for WordPress is a WooCommerce extension that allows you to easily add a social coupon system to your site that allows users to get instant discounts for sharing your pages. Social Coupon makes it super easy for you to gain thousands of new fans and followers for your brand, and increase your social media traffic. More shares = more traffic = more $$$$

How does it work? You can choose to show Social Coupon on your product pages, cart page, and checkout page. When a social action is completed, a WooCommerce coupon code of your choice will be applied directly to their cart.

User Feedback

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Works beautifully. 

I've been able to offer coupons to customers in exchange for them sharing, liking or tweeting the site on their social media platforms.

It was pretty easy to set up, and was issue/stress free.

Awesome, many thanks.

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