About This File
With this members are able to post in forums anonymously. All posts
posted with the anonymous function will be tied to one account that you
define in the Admin CP. You will be able to check the true identity
behind posts in the Mod CP. Posts posted will have a generated hash in
them, to be able to tell members in discussions apart. (Please read
further details on this in the attached readme).
This is
developed and used with the thought of letting members be able to share
or ask about sensitive / personal topics in specific forums. The users
will not need to be logged out to ask as a guest and you will not have
to enable guest posting. That's how we use it, you may use it
differently [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img]
[b]Main Author:[/b] Preben at [url="http://mediehusettek.no/"]Mediehuset Tek[/url] (Modern version, Mads developed the initial version)
[*]Members of the user groups you allow will be able to post anonymously in the forums you choose
[*]An md5-hash will be added to these posts to be able to tell members apart. Read the attached readme for details
[*]Support is in place to have this work with quick reply, but it will require one file change and a template change
This hook requires one hook xml-file to be uploaded from the AdminCP. It also includes one file to upload.
[b]How can I get this to work with quick reply?[/b]
need to do a file change in the file public/js/ips.topic.js . To do
this you need file access on the server where your board is installed.
In the file ips.topic.js, find: [list=1]
[*]/* Fetch post contents */
[*] var Post = ipb.textEditor.getEditor( ipb.topic.fastReplyId ).getText();
[*] var isRte = ipb.textEditor.getEditor( ipb.topic.fastReplyId ).isRte();
Add this below:
[*]var _postAsAnon = false;
[*] if(document.getElementById('_postAsAnon')) {
[*] var _postAsAnon = document.getElementById('_postAsAnon').checked;
[*] }
A little bit further down, in the same file, find:
[*]parameters: {
[*]md5check: ipb.vars['secure_hash'],
[*]Post: Post.encodeParam(),
[*]isRte: isRte
[/list]Change it to this:
[*]parameters: {
[*] md5check: ipb.vars['secure_hash'],
[*] Post: Post.encodeParam(),
[*] isRte: isRte,
[*] _postAsAnon: _postAsAnon
[*] },
Save the file.
you need to change a template bit in your templates. In your skins,
find the template group Topic View, then open the template bit
Look for this, near the end of the template:
[*]{parse editor="Post" options="array( 'type' => 'full', 'minimize' => 1, 'isTypingCallBack' => 'ipb.topic.isTypingCallBack', 'height' => 180, 'autoSaveKey' => 'reply-' . $topic[tid], 'warnInfo' => 'fastReply', 'modAll' => $topic['_fastReplyModAll'] )"}
[*] <br />
Below it, add this:
[*]<if test="custom_hw_anonhook:|:1 == 1"></if><!-- HW_CUSTOM custom anon hook point -->
Save the template. If you've done everything correctly you should now be able to reply anonymously with quick reply aswell.
[b]Background:[/b] This is a
popular feature we currently have installed on three different large
Invision Power Boards we host, two of them 3.3 and one of them 3.2.
First version was developed in March 2010 and it have been used and
improved on two of the forums since then. [i](NOTE: This public version will not work on 3.2)[/i].
hope that by sharing some of what we develop it will help us gain new
ideas and more insight into developing for the Invision Power Systems.
If any other developers have any hints or tips on changes that should be
done to the code etc., then please let us know! [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img]
What's New in Version 1.0.2[list]
[*]Both the XML and PHP-file are updated
[*]Added columns to store information about the hash to the custom_anonymous_users table
[*]Added link next to the display name of the anonymous user that will take you to the "Check Anonymous" page for that post-id
[*]Added group setting which controls who can check for the real author (Please read the setting description)
[*]Added "Member Joined Time" to the list of variables that
can be used to generate the hash in posts (Good unique alternative to
[*]The anonymous ajax posting class will now call the parent _reply()-method when anonymous posting is not available
[*]Changed the default value of the setting "Require members to be hidden?" to "No"
[*]Updated description for the above setting to recommend the Toggle Visibility hook if set to yes
[*]Updated the readme.txt
[*]Minor code changes / reorganization
posted with the anonymous function will be tied to one account that you
define in the Admin CP. You will be able to check the true identity
behind posts in the Mod CP. Posts posted will have a generated hash in
them, to be able to tell members in discussions apart. (Please read
further details on this in the attached readme).
This is
developed and used with the thought of letting members be able to share
or ask about sensitive / personal topics in specific forums. The users
will not need to be logged out to ask as a guest and you will not have
to enable guest posting. That's how we use it, you may use it
differently [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img]
[b]Main Author:[/b] Preben at [url="http://mediehusettek.no/"]Mediehuset Tek[/url] (Modern version, Mads developed the initial version)
[*]Members of the user groups you allow will be able to post anonymously in the forums you choose
[*]An md5-hash will be added to these posts to be able to tell members apart. Read the attached readme for details
[*]Support is in place to have this work with quick reply, but it will require one file change and a template change
This hook requires one hook xml-file to be uploaded from the AdminCP. It also includes one file to upload.
[b]How can I get this to work with quick reply?[/b]
need to do a file change in the file public/js/ips.topic.js . To do
this you need file access on the server where your board is installed.
In the file ips.topic.js, find: [list=1]
[*]/* Fetch post contents */
[*] var Post = ipb.textEditor.getEditor( ipb.topic.fastReplyId ).getText();
[*] var isRte = ipb.textEditor.getEditor( ipb.topic.fastReplyId ).isRte();
Add this below:
[*]var _postAsAnon = false;
[*] if(document.getElementById('_postAsAnon')) {
[*] var _postAsAnon = document.getElementById('_postAsAnon').checked;
[*] }
A little bit further down, in the same file, find:
[*]parameters: {
[*]md5check: ipb.vars['secure_hash'],
[*]Post: Post.encodeParam(),
[*]isRte: isRte
[/list]Change it to this:
[*]parameters: {
[*] md5check: ipb.vars['secure_hash'],
[*] Post: Post.encodeParam(),
[*] isRte: isRte,
[*] _postAsAnon: _postAsAnon
[*] },
Save the file.
you need to change a template bit in your templates. In your skins,
find the template group Topic View, then open the template bit
Look for this, near the end of the template:
[*]{parse editor="Post" options="array( 'type' => 'full', 'minimize' => 1, 'isTypingCallBack' => 'ipb.topic.isTypingCallBack', 'height' => 180, 'autoSaveKey' => 'reply-' . $topic[tid], 'warnInfo' => 'fastReply', 'modAll' => $topic['_fastReplyModAll'] )"}
[*] <br />
Below it, add this:
[*]<if test="custom_hw_anonhook:|:1 == 1"></if><!-- HW_CUSTOM custom anon hook point -->
Save the template. If you've done everything correctly you should now be able to reply anonymously with quick reply aswell.
[b]Background:[/b] This is a
popular feature we currently have installed on three different large
Invision Power Boards we host, two of them 3.3 and one of them 3.2.
First version was developed in March 2010 and it have been used and
improved on two of the forums since then. [i](NOTE: This public version will not work on 3.2)[/i].
hope that by sharing some of what we develop it will help us gain new
ideas and more insight into developing for the Invision Power Systems.
If any other developers have any hints or tips on changes that should be
done to the code etc., then please let us know! [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img]
What's New in Version 1.0.2[list]
[*]Both the XML and PHP-file are updated
[*]Added columns to store information about the hash to the custom_anonymous_users table
[*]Added link next to the display name of the anonymous user that will take you to the "Check Anonymous" page for that post-id
[*]Added group setting which controls who can check for the real author (Please read the setting description)
[*]Added "Member Joined Time" to the list of variables that
can be used to generate the hash in posts (Good unique alternative to
[*]The anonymous ajax posting class will now call the parent _reply()-method when anonymous posting is not available
[*]Changed the default value of the setting "Require members to be hidden?" to "No"
[*]Updated description for the above setting to recommend the Toggle Visibility hook if set to yes
[*]Updated the readme.txt
[*]Minor code changes / reorganization