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[HQ] My Followed Topics Hook 1.0.5

1 Screenshot

About This File

This hook when enabled, will show your members topics they "Follow", it presents them with the last posters user information, and for consistency with 3.2.x+, the the topic link is formed to take them to the last post in the topic, the "unread" dot/star that appears when a topic is unread will take them to the first unread post.
You as the admin choose how many followed topics are to be displayed, default is 5.
This setting Limits The Number of Topics to Show in the hook, set to 0 to show all followed topics [b]NOT RECOMMENDED[/b], set a limit to show X followed topics.
Sorts by last update.
DEMO info:
link: [url="http://www.marchertech.com/board/"]http://www.marchertech.com/board/[/url]
username: demo
pass: demo1234

Price: $ 6
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