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(CGN) After War 2.0.1

5 Screenshots

About This File

[b]After War professional skin for IP.Board 3.4.x[/b]
Skin set in a fantasy world after global war, successor to the last D3V skin.
Color combination of brown with shades of yellow and orange.
Designed special for game servers community.
Such as Metin2, MU Online, League of Legends, Lineage and other games.

[color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=5][b]Skin features[/b][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*]registration baiting
[*]social media
[*]unique appearance of tables and boxes
[*]two different style of avatar
[*]skin adapts to any screen resolution
[*]and other you can see on the demo
[b]Social Media included:[/b][list]
[b]Files Included:[/b][list]
[*]logo & font
[*]skin files
[b]Skin Compatible with:[/b][list]

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