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IPS Community Suite 4.2

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245 files

  1. Unread Topic Badge

    This plugin places an unread badge next to forum titles with unread topics, and next to topics with unread posts. Clicking the badge next to a topic, will take you to its first unread post. (It also works with questions forums)
    You also have settings to remove the "unread dot" on the topics, and to make the topic links go to the first unread post.
    Add your style to the class 'unread_badge' in custom.css to override the default IPS4 badge styles.
    Compatible with Community Suite 4.2.1


       (1 review)


  2. Sidebar Poll

    Adds the poll contents from a topic into your forums sidebar. Includes permissions for who can view the sidebar poll.


       (0 reviews)


  3. Donate Sidebar

    Simple to configure plugin that adds a Paypal donation form to your sidebar. With the option to enter your own custom html donate code. Also includes group permissions as well as a percentage status bar of your donations based on an entered goal amount. For more features and the ability to track donations, you can find the Donations app here.
    What's New in Version 2.2.0   
    Released July 25
    Compatibility update for IP.Board 4.2.x.


       (1 review)


  4. Do Not Disable Your Messenger!

    This simple plugin will remove the link "Disable my messenger" from all members and will show an error if the user tries to disable via URL. If you want to restore the Messenger for existing users that has disabled it, run the following query in your SQL Toolbox:
    update core_members set members_disable_pm = 0; Append the DB Prefix to the table name (core_members) just in case your use any. Ex.: ibf_core_members.
    IPS 4.2 IPS 4.1


       (0 reviews)


  5. Clickable IP in Online Users List

    This simple plugin will convert IP Addresses in the Online Users list into links. Clicking them will take you to the IP Address Tools in the ModCP.
    Can use IP tools permission must be enabled to see the IPs.
    Compatible with Community Suite 4.2.1
    What's New in Version 1.0.4   
    Released July 27
    - Maintenance release for 4.2.0


       (0 reviews)


  6. Member ID in Post

    Will show the user's member id to Admin and Mods in the post screen underneath "Post Count".
    Please note: Only use the "4.2 ONLY" file if you are on IPS 4.2. 
    Custom CSS class for your own stying Automatically hidden in "Phone" view of the responsive design Uses it's own customizable language string for "Member ID" Follows uniformity of IPS' fields Template in Themes for better editing What's New in Version 1.2.0   
    Released August 2
    Added setting so that you can decide which groups you would like to display this information to. 


       (0 reviews)


  7. Followed By

    This plugin will add total followers on members post.
    What's New in Version 1.1.0   
    Released July 24
    IPS 4.2 compatibility


       (0 reviews)


  8. Member Reputation in Userbar

    Member Reputation in Userbar is an plugin which adds an reputation level (with font awesome configurable icon) to userbar and mobile drawer.
    What's New in Version 1.0.5   
    Released July 24
    Link is no more clickable when user can not see reputations.


       (2 reviews)


  9. Birthday in Registration Screen

    Version currently available for download is only compatible with 4.17 onward and is compatible with IPS 4.2 as well.
    This plugin will allow new users to fill the Birthday on register form.
    Require birth date on registration screen? Require full birth date? If enabled, MONTH, DAY and YEAR will be required. If disabled, only MONTH and DAY are required. What's New in Version 3.0.0   
    Released July 27
    Update for 4.1.17+ compatibility which fixes an issue where custom profile information was not being saved when using this plugin.


       (2 reviews)


  10. Go To Top - Posts Controls

    This plugin places a "Go To Top" button in the posts controls both for forum posts and private messages.
    Edit the language string "goToTop" if you want to modify the Font Awesome icon.
    Compatible with Community Suite 4.2.1
    WARNING: 1.0.3 is not compatible with 4.1.19 or lower. Use 1.0.2 for these versions.
    What's New in Version 1.0.3   
    Released July 27
    - Updated for 4.2.0 (Re-released to fix a bug that prevented people without mod privileges see the button)


       (0 reviews)


  11. Member Age

    This plugin will display the members age on topics and on their profiles.
    What's New in Version 1.1.0   
    Released July 28
    Compatibility with IPS 4.2:
    Release for 4.2


       (0 reviews)


  12. Who Was Online

    Keeps track of the number of registered members that have visited your site in a custom duration and also records which day you set the record for the most members online in the same day all options done via the front settings.
    Please install as a fresh plugin and don't use the upgrade function if had Who Was Online installed on 4.1.x or 4.2.x before this version.
    Key Features
    Show Online Users For How Many Hour Ago.
    Who Can See.
    Show Stat.
    Limit Maximum Number of The List.
    Groups To Exclude From the Link.
    Order Users Link By.
    Sort Type.


       (1 review)


  13. Anti-Spam IPS4

    No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math. No spam bots signups, no spam bots posts.
    Hook uses invisible tests to stop spam bots at the IP.Board.
    Anti-spam features of the hook
    Stop spam bots at registrations. Stop spam bots at the topics. Contact form protection (CAPTCHA should be disabled!) Allow guest posting on the forum without CAPTCHA. iPhone/iPad, Android app to control registrations and posts at the board. Anti-spam hook info
    We have developed an anti-spam hook for IP.Board that would provide maximum protection from spam and you can provide for your visitors a simple and convenient form of posts/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 100% of spam bots.
    Low false/positive rate
    This hook uses multiple anti-spam tests to filter spam bots with lower false/positive rate as possible. Multiple anti-spam tests avoid false/positive blocks for real website visitors even if one of the tests failed.
    Spam attacks log
    Service CleanTalk (this hook is a client application for CleanTalk anti-spam service) records all filtered comments, registration and other spam attacks in the "Log of spam attacks" and stores the data in the log up to 45 days. Using the log, you can ensure reliable protection of your website from spam and no false/positive filtering.
    Private blacklists
    Automatically block comments and registrations from your private black IP/email address list. This option helps to strengthen the protection from a manual spam or block unwanted comments from users. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.
    Blocking users by country
    Automatically block comments and registrations from the countries you have set a ban for. This option is useful in cases of manual spam protection and for protection enhancement. If your site is not intended for an international audience and you do not expect comments/users from other countries.
    Blocking comments by "stop words"
    You can block comments which contain "stop words" to enhance spam filtering and messages with obscene words blocking. You can add particular words or phrases.
    CleanTalk has an advanced option "SpamFireWall". This option allows blocking the most active spam bots before they get access to your website. It prevents spam bots from loading website pages so your web server doesn't have to perform all scripts on these pages. Also, it prevents scanning of pages of the website by spam bots. Therefore SpamFireWall significantly reduces the load on your web server. SpamFireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spam bots. SpamFireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spam bots. CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and checks all other requests on the website in the moment of submitting comments/registers etc.
    How SpamFireWall works?
    The visitor enters to your website. HTTP request data are being checked in the nearly 5.8 million of the identified spambot IPs. If it is an active spambot, the bot gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then he receives a normal page. This process is completely transparent for the visitors. All the CleanTalk SpamFireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering. Private blacklist for SpamFireWall
    It allows you to add individual IP addresses and subnets to SpamFireWall. It blocks the attacks from IP addresses which are not included in the SFW base yet. This option can help to block HTTP/HTTPS DDoS, SQL, brute force attacks and any others that made it through the HTTP/HTTPS. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.
    The CleanTalk is premium anti-spam for IPS4, please look at the pricing. We try to provide the service at the highest level and we can not afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of providing anti-spam protection. Paying for a year of service, you save a lot more and get:
    100% protection against spambots Time and resources saving More registrations/comments/visitors Protect several websites at once at different CMS Easy to install and use Traffic acquisition and user loyalty 24/7 technical support Clear statistics No captcha, puzzles, etc. Free mobile app Also, you can use CleanTalk app for iPhone/iPad to control anti-spam service on web-site or control comments, signups, contacts, and orders.
    1. Download the latest version of the CleanTalk Anti-Spam hook.
    2. Place the downloaded xml-file in the folder "<IPS4-root-folder>/plugins".
    3. Go to "System —> Plugins" and press the button "Install New Plugin".
    4. Choose the CleanTalk xml-file from "<IPS4-root-folder>/plugins" and press the button "Install".
    5. During the installation 4 files will be downloaded to "<IPS4-root-folder>/uploads":
    If it didn't happen for some reasons, download them manually and put them in the folder "uploads". Create this folder if it does not exist.
    6. Click the pencil symbol opposite the "CleanTalk Spam protect" line.
    7. Copy the access key from your CleanTalk Control Panel and paste it in the field "Access key", turn the plugin's options on and press the button "Save".
    Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail [email protected].
    Please go to Dashboard to see the anti-spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!
    Please check your email to get the account password.

    The hook is a client application for cloud anti-spam service CleanTalk.org, which are daily protects 5k web-sites from spam bots. Also, you can use CleanTalk app for iPhone/iPad to control anti-spam service on web-site or control posts and signups at the board.
    How can I test anti-spam protection?
    Please use email [email protected] to test anti-spam for singups. 
    Should I use another antispam hooks?
    Use other antispam hooks not necessarily, because CleanTalk stops up to 100% of spam bots. In some cases, several anti-spam hooks can conflict, so it will be better use just one plugin.
    Troubleshooting Guide
    Anti-spam by CleanTalk support forum
    If you're having trouble getting things to work after installing the hook, here are a few things to check:
    If you haven't yet, please upgrade hook to the latest version. If you have error '*** Forbidden. Enable JavaScript. Anti-spam service cleantalk.org. ***' please check JavaScript support in your browser and do JavaScript test at this page Check out JavaScript support. If you have spam signups or posts please check the Access key at hook settings. The key should be same as you can find in service Control panel. Additional features
    Online, daily and weekly anti spam reports traffic VS spam. Apps for iPhone, Android to control anti spam service, comments, signups, contacts. With traffic and spam statistics for last 7 days. Anti-spam apps for most popular CMS on cleantalk.org. What's New in Version 1.8.9   
    Released July 3
    Improved protection form spam.
    Check users option.
    Small fixes.


       (2 reviews)


  14. Robots.txt

    Because i couldn't find much information on the forum for a good robots.txt.
    I try to collect all information i can find on invisioncommunity and own experience and made a robots.txt file from it.
    Good SEO is to keep the Bounce rate low, make quality links and don't make duplicate content (of your own or other websites) in google.

    Important information
    Please turn friendly URLs on! this can be found at: System > Search Engine Optimization 
    Otherwise this robots.txt will remove all your pages from google.
    Download the .htaccess and put it in your root directory.

    What's New in Version 1.1   
    Released July 7
    Add User-agent: *


       (0 reviews)


  15. Guest Message

    Add a message only viewable to guests explaining the benefits of registration to guests.
    View the IPB 3.x version here.
    What's New in Version 2.2.0   
    Released July 10
    Compatibility upgrade for IP.Board 4.2.x.


       (1 review)


  16. Group Legend

    This widget allows you to display your member groups to your users in a widget. This widget will help your users see what groups are available and allow to easily perform a search for members in a group by clicking on a group name.
    View: http://bbcode.it
    Easy to setup. Widget works with both head/footer and sidebar zones. Customize order and remove groups from the list. Groups display styled. Add an additional global prefix & suffix on all groups in the list. Select which groups can view the block Click a group to perform a member search for all users in that group. Add extra text under the Legend.  
    IPS 4.1 / 4.2 Final
    If you have suggestions for Group Legend, we'd be happy to hear them via the forums: http://bbcode.it
    Full support is provided for this plugin, you can request support via..
    Forums: http://bbcode.it
    Email: iotivedo (at) gmail.com


       (5 reviews)


  17. Post Number

    This will show the reply number next to the share icon in each post.
    Credits go to @Matt for making the initial plugin. This plugin is the same thing, but has a few more options.


       (0 reviews)


  18. Topic Viewed by Users

    Version 2 is for use with 4.2 onward. Use older versions for compatibility with or lower.
    This plugin will record each visit made by users from selected groups to topics of specific forums.
    Record single visit: if disabled, a flood control setting will appear to set a number of minutes to avoid recording consecutive visits to the same topic Groups that WILL NOT have their visits to the topic logged Forums Groups allowed to view the visitors list List sort by and list direction Guests are not logged Important: 
    When I inherited this file there was a bug in the uninstall routine. A tiny syntax error. If you've never attempted to uninstall this file before just upgrade to the latest version and you should be fine. If you have attempted to uninstall before you may end up with problems trying to reinstall this ever again. You can try to clear out database elements (many places) and clear your IPS server directory of the plugin files and that may help or maybe it won't. All I have to go on is someone's very broken IPS installation and honestly I don't even think this plugin was ever the problem but it did get caught up in the mess.


       (0 reviews)


  19. htaccess for IPS Forums

    This is a custom .htaccess to use on the IPS Community Suite Forums. It helps to improve your forums Google Page Speed and YSlow scores.
    The top segment is the same .htaccess that is generated by the IPS Forum software. This segment is Invision Power Services code and I do not claim it as my own. All rights and credit for this segment of the .htaccess are Invision Power Services.
    The bottom segment is based upon research of several websites and the references listed below. Please be careful when using this file because the contents may be incompatible with your server setup. Preventative measures have been taken to ensure that it should be safe to use in any Apache based environment.
    Google recommends a minimum of one week: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/LeverageBrowserCaching
    GTmetrix recommends a minimum of one month: https://gtmetrix.com/leverage-browser-caching.html
    What's New in Version 1.0.2   
    Released July 27
    Added the "map" part that IPS generates into the .htaccess file - 404 section.


       (1 review)


  20. Clear Cache

    This plugin will allow you to clear the cache without having to use the support tool.


       (3 reviews)


  21. Mobile Create Content

    This plugin adds a "Create" button to the mobile layout. Just like the "Create" button in desktop view, now in mobile view you'll have quick access to create content for every section of your site.
    Compatible with Community Suite 4.2.1


       (0 reviews)


  22. Chatbox Stats

    This plugin adds message stats to @onlyME Chatbox application.
    You can show the total amount of messages, and the desired amount of top shouters, along with their individual amount of messages.
    At the moment, top shouters are not shown in mobile view.
    Compatible with Community Suite 4.2.1 and Chatbox 2.0.0.
    (For previous IPS versions and chatbox versions, download 1.0.2)


       (0 reviews)


  23. Auto Welcome

    To put it simply, it welcomes newly registered members. It will welcome them with an optional personal message, email or topic alert. From there you can further customize each pm, email or topic message, the subject / title and so on. It also has the ability to welcome members that are added manually through the Admin CP.
    Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.
    What's New in Version 2.5.0   
    Released August 1
    IP.Board 4.2.x compatibly update. Status updates should now use author set. Support for Chatbox has been added. The %topic_link% quick tag should work in non topic alerts now. Option to send as system pm added to prevent inbox filling up of sender. New %member_link% added that is a mention style link to member joining. Dev warning for "non-abstract" should be fixed. Support for social media signups improved.


       (1 review)


  24. Advanced Footer

    Advanced footer
    Advanced footer allows you to add a footer to your site with many blocks including Facebook feed, Twitter feed, Gallery images, Articles feed, Staff members, Custom blocks and more, Beautiful and clean design it is fully responsive and perfectly suits your theme due to its highly customizable options.  Advanced footer is featured with two row layouts with multiple columns it has a unique design with a lot of options, Footer blocks are entirely customizable, resizable, and reorderable.
    Up to 10 blocks and more in feature updates Blocks: About us, Staff members, Social links, Get in touch, Quick links, Twitter feed, facebook feed, Custom block templates for gallery images and articles, two Custom blocks. Custom color options. / or Match colors to your theme. Resizable and reorderable blocks. Highly customizable options. Super clean and fully responsive design.  
    Sorry, no demo page. some screenshots  


    What's New in Version 1.0.6   
    Released June 16
    Fixing Twiiter block, When a tweet has links in and overflows on other footer blocks 


       (0 reviews)


  25. Change Group in Moderator Panel

    This application will let allowed users to change PRIMARY member groups in Moderator Panel. Admins won't have their group changed.
    Staff Grups: these groups won't appear as option to the moderator Allowed groups: the groups will be allowed to change member groups on ModeratorCP.  
    What's New in Version 1.2.0   
    Released July 23
    IPS 4.2 compatibility. Do not use it on a 4.1 board.


       (0 reviews)


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