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IPS Community Suite 4.2

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245 files

  1. Portal

    About This File
    Adds a Portal application to IP.Board. Based upon IP.Board Portal by IPS. Please be sure to direct all support questions or suggestions in the discussion topic rather then at IPS. The Portal is currently exclusive to the IPS Marketplace, I do not support this application elsewhere.
    Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.


       (0 reviews)


  2. [WF RETAIL] IPS Community Suite

    IPS Community Suite 4.2.8
    Released 3/6/2018
    Please note the following:
    This distribution is not nulled. This is not recommended for use with live environments. A license key will be required.


       (12 reviews)


  3. Cambridge

    This is the Cambridge theme from IB Theme.
    Hope you enjoy.


       (0 reviews)


  4. Soft Blue 4.2

    I purchased Soft Blue 4.2 from IB Themes. I thought I would share it with everyone here.
    Theme is quite nice. Hope you enjoy!


       (0 reviews)


  5. Advanced Custom Widgets

    Advanced Custom Widgets
    Advanced custom widgets allows you to add advanced custom TXT and HTML widgets to your website, You can add Default and Fixed widgets, Each widget you add is fully customizable with its own configuration settings.
    Comes with a lot of configurations to customize, Fixed widgets can have a specific width and height or full screen height, Set a position to show the widget, Optionally hide on mobiles and tablets, Change colors, Choose who can see...etc)
    Fixed and normal widgets Fixed widgets. Add fixed widgets to website sides you choose in the widget configuration, each widget can have different position or even a custom position.  Normal widgets. Add normal and default widgets
      TXT & HTML widgets Each widget can be TXT or HTML.
      Fully customizable widgets. Each widget you add can have different settings and different colors. You can customize widget width, height, fixed positions, optionally hide on mobiles and tablets, customize fixed sides switcher, Switcher type, Switcher style, set User group  permissions and colors...etc)  


       (0 reviews)


  6. Minimized Quote

    This is a simple plugin that alters the amount of text/image shown in quote boxes. The changes are purely visual, no permanent change will be done to the stored post. It is also backward compatible with older posts. And everything will be restored if the plugin is disabled/uninstalled.
    If you're having issues, please send me a personal message. Do NOT post it as a review, as I don't monitor those.


       (1 review)


  7. (BIM42) Chatbox Latest

    This is very simple chat system with the basic features:
    Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Supports emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) *NEW* Supports GUGGY to turn any text message into funny GIF and Sticker by using /guggy command (Eg: /guggy I love you)  *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup  @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.


       (0 reviews)


  8. Trophies and Medals

    Trophies and Medals is the best new way to award trophies to your community in a full rewards system!  It offers a fun and engaging new way to give awards ("trophies and medals") to your community to promote positive behavior and more active participation!  You can assign new trophies based upon conditions or criteria that you define, or you can let your moderators manually give medals for unique circumstances!  Trophies and Medals also includes advanced integration with REST API and Automation Rules by @Kevin Carwile so the app can be extended for unlimited possibilities. 
    Are you looking for an awards app where you can automatically give awards, trophies, and medals based upon forum posts, topics, and more? Are you looking to increase repeat engagement by giving out rewards? Or are you struggling to grow your new community? Are you looking to add gamification features to encourage positive behavior like quality posting? Are you looking for more features beyond the IPS Leaderboard to customize the levels, types, and images of awards? Are you looking to monetize your community ($$) and add bonus features for paying members? Are you looking for a well-supported app by a IPS third-party developer who passionately loves supporting the IPS community? Start creating a full awards system with Trophies and Medals by @Fosters!
    The Basics
    Trophies - Trophies are automatically awarded based upon criteria.  The criteria are defined by the admin in the ACP. Medals - Medals are manually awarded by moderators, administrators, or groups who have permission. Medals are assigned on the front-end. The application supports both trophies and medals for both auto-awarding and custom awards!  
    Trophy Filters
    Build a rich and advanced awards system with a nearly limitless variety of choices to help you promote the most awesome community you can!  Create sets of new trophies based upon various criteria, and layer them with other sets to create a whole system of awards!  The criteria system uses native IPS 4 extensions for deep integration, and more criteria can be added in future releases.  Let us know what criteria you need .
    Member Criteria
    User is an Administrator User is a Moderator User has Avatar User does not have Avatar Registered for X days User is in Group User is in X clubs Content Criteria
    User has X content User has X reputation User has given X reactions Downloads Criteria
    User has uploaded X files User has file with X downloads   Gallery Criteria
    User has uploaded X images User has uploaded X albums Forums Criteria
    User has started X topics User has posted X posts User has X best answers Commerce Criteria
    User has purchased X product Integration
    The app features extensions with various third-party systems to empower advanced admins and developers to get more out of the app.  
    REST API.  These are the available REST methods: POST /trophies/awardmedal GET /trophies/medals GET /trophies/medals/{id} GET /trophies/trophies GET /trophies/trophies{id} Automation Rules by @Kevin Carwile -- Link to IPS Marketplace Referrals by @Fosters -- Link to IPS Marketplace Member Shop by @TheJackal84 -- Link to IPS Marketplace


       (0 reviews)


  9. Scroll Indicator

    This plugin added a scrolling indicator in the yor forum (in procent)


       (0 reviews)


  10. Magnum Theme



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  11. Infraskew Theme

    Infraskew is a Beautiful, Creative, Super advanced theme comes with a lot of customization's and features including responsive navigation, Google fonts, custom html full-sized widgets, Extra footer, Social links, News ticker, Custom forum category styles, Six of awesome article templates and a powerful touch slider that can be integrated with (IP.Content) as a complete package for infinite slider, theme colors are entirely customizable with easy settings, You can easily switch between a Dark or White scheme ALL with color settings.

    Main features
    Swiper Slider
    Swiper is a modern touch slider beautifully designed to show your articles and custom slides, You can add custom slides and feeds from (Pages) app, comes with a lot of settings and customization's to work the way you desire.
    You can choose where to show the slider for example Forums only, or any of IPS applications You can also exclude the slider from showing on pages like register, Login, Search, Activity, topics...etc) Including all IPS applications You can add 5 custom and sortable sliders within theme settings, All sliders have its own Usergroup permissions You can also add a (Pages) feed block to show database records in the slider with a customized template made especially for slider.

    News ticker
    Responsive and easy to use news ticker, Add as many tickers as you want all within theme options, You can also show a (Pages) database records in the news ticker. 
    Change auto scrolling speed, Change title, Customizable colors.
    Custom Widgets
    Add Two fully customizable custom widgets to show on top or bottom of your website, You can place it anywhere you want for example Registration page, Login page, Staff directory page, Search page, User profiles page...etc) You can also set user group permissions for each of the widgets, Great for guest messages, or to use it for custom ads and/or custom html.
    Header & Navigation
    Slick, flexible and responsive header comes with a lot of options to customize, All colors are customizable with settings including many more useful options to customize the way you want.
    Show your website navigation in a beautiful drop down, drop up, fading, sliding effects, Optionally enable or disabling sticky navigation on scroll,  Use a custom google font for navigation, Change menus text alignment, Change font size, Two different menus hover effects...etc).
    Extra Footer
    Extra footer is a simple and responsive footer layout, you can add Links, Add (Pages) database records, Site Informations.
    Fully customizable colors with settings, You can also add a background image to apply on footer.
    Style your forum categories
    This theme included with an awesome feature which allows you to style your forum categories, For example adding a different background color gradients, Title background and color, or a cover to the forum section.
    Comes with 3 rules, with each rules You can select multiple forum categories to apply the styles.
    Web Font Loader
    Change website font to any custom font from google fonts site, all you have to do is typing your desired font name to apply.
    Change the body font to any custom font, Additionally you can also change the navigation font separately.
    Ultimate colors.
    Without touching a line of code, Theme colors are completely customizable with settings, You can easily change any element color on the theme to your desired colors, switch between a white or dark theme ALL within theme color settings, Personalize colors as desired of everything on the website E.g. Body, Wrapper, Headers, Navigation, User bar, Side bars, Footer, Titles, Topics, Author panels, Editor, Reactions, Messages, Pop-up, Breadcrumb, Reactions...etc)

    A different article styles
    This theme included with a free copy of «A different article styles» A beautiful design to Show your Pages database and blocks with six different styles, you can set the styles on the main (pages) database page and/or as blocks anywhere on the website.
    A plugin to customize the styles. With the plugin You can change the style colors and some useful settings to resize article images - Responsive and pixel-perfect design.

    One column Two column Three column Two column first featured Three column first featured and a mini news feed block Feature  
    Copyright Removal
    T.I.T License Copyright Removal


       (0 reviews)


  12. (HQ4) Shoutcast Radio

    Show off your Shoutcast v1 & v2 Internet Radio station(s) on your community with this widget. The Shoutcast Radio widget only takes a moment to setup and whenever you start streaming music through your Shoutcast server this widget will show that it's online with addition details such as current listeners, song name, genre & stream links.
    Easy to setup. Widget works with both head/footer and sidebar zones. Select which groups can view the block Add multiple radio stations Shows radio details such as current song, current listeners and genre. Easy stream links for iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, QuickTime & Real Player.  
    IPS 4.0 Final Shoutcast v1 & v2 servers.


       (0 reviews)


  13. Clubs Enhancements

    This resource will give more power to Club Owners. They will be able to execute functions currently only possible in the Admin CP.
    Add ability to create a custom HOME page for the Club Convert forums or apps categories into Club Features with a single click, so you don't need to manually move a bunch of items (topics, images, files, events, etc) - Admin CP feature. Convert Club Features into forums or categories Manage Club Features: Reorder (drag and drog) features Disable features: items from a disabled feature will not appear in the Club activity stream Delete features: just like on ACP, with option to delete content or move it to another club/category. Ability to ADMINS ban/unban members from the whole clubs. A banned member won't be able to access any club page, including its content (topics, files, images, etc.). IMPORTANT: Club items will continue to appear in Activity Streams, profiles, searchs, etc. The restriction will happen only when the member tries to read them. Allow members to choose which features will be automatically created when creating a club. Restrict number of equal features per club (example: you can only have one "topic" feature). Restrict Number of Clubs per member. Restrict Number of Clubs a member can join. Add ability to create a QUESTION feature when creating a feature from FORUMS app. Add members to the club (setting to allow Club Owners to use it. Admins can use it). Add members from a specific user group to the club (secondary groups checked) (setting to allow Club Owners to use it. Admins can use it). Change owner of the club. Change type of the club (option according to the owner group setting). Display club icons on users posts Display club icons on user profile (hover card) Settings:
    Allow admins/club owners to create a custom HOME page for the Club Restrict Number of Features? Number of features per club Allow Club Owners to manually ADD MEMBERS? Display 'Added By' info when admin/owner add members manually Display Club Icon on posts panel? Number of Club Icons to display Club Icons Sort Order: name, last activity and random Display Club Icons on Hovercard Profile? Number of Club Icons to display Club Icons Sort Order: name, last activity and random


       (0 reviews)


  14. Group Color on User Link

    4.2x users please upgrade to version 11 which fixes an XSS vulnerability.
    Version 11 is 4.3 compatible.
    Version 8 is the last version to support 4.1.19.x or lower. Click the change log button below and select Version 8 if you need it.
    This plugin forces user links to display member group color/formatting.
    This applies in all places where the \IPS\Member object is used to produce links to a member.
    With Version 3, this plugin now supports Search and Stream results with some caveats. Any changes to the Core - System - searchResults template will likely break this plugin, at least as far as those pages go (but if they break you'll probably need to disable this entirely). There seem to be some systemic problems with theme hooks within this template (or at least while IN_DEV) so I needed to grab most of the template to do what needed to be done. This template needs to be fiddled with due to the fact that IPS does not use the \IPS\Member object in Search and Stream result creation but rather fetches a handful of fields from the member database directly. This results in the author/member names being dumped in as plain text and formatted with language keys. I had to force-feed group formatting into the mix and then change all the language calls to allow for html to parse correctly. You will notice that possessives are NOT formatted (i.e. Flitterkill's topic, etc...) You'll have to live with that until I get drunk enough to want to bother with accounting for possessives. It will not be "fun".
    On profile view, your status update name remains unformatted but replies are formatted. Also keep in mind that your user name in the cover photo and also on profile hovercards (when you cursor over a username/photo and the mini profile appears) - those usernames remain unformatted and probably should remain that way. See below.

    If you are wondering why some areas do not have formatted names and others do that is because there are many different ways the userlink is created throughout the suite. If the IPS\Member object is used specifically the group color will be applied automatically. In EVERY other instance additional coding is required. Sometimes easy, other times not. 
    This remains UNSUPPORTED! You can shoot me a PM if there are problems (or if that template gets changed) but do not expect instantaneous fixes/support.


       (0 reviews)


  15. BNY



       (0 reviews)


  16. Blood Gaming RIP

    Blood Gaming + plugins
    Install first
    General StatisticsEnabled
    Group Color on User LinkEnabled
    Group LegendEnabled
    Who Was Online
    Chatbox 2.1.6
    all plugins and application are inside zip !
    !!!!!ENJOY!!!!!!  Free Stuff please subscribe for more RIP
    NOTE:!! you nedd to have 4.2.8 the theme was built on default theme from 4.2.8 


       (6 reviews)


  17. Mind

    Mind theme has been updated to the latest version (v4.2.8) with a cooler look.
    Basic instructions are included in the package.

    A series of blocks has been included in this version, so it's recommended to use PAGES App.
    Hope you like 
    Demo account: 
    User: Test
    Password: test


       (1 review)


  18. Members Shop

    Aplicación: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8833-members-shop/
    Test: 4.2.8


       (2 reviews)



    Hi. http://hellshammers.net/tit/ DEMO VERSION IS AVAILABLE.


       (2 reviews)


  20. BanStats

    BanStats is a plugin that adds count of banned users to the "Member Stats" widget.
    Demo: https://mcadmins.pl/


       (0 reviews)


  21. Group Legend

    This widget allows you to display your member groups to your users in a widget. This widget will help your users see what groups are available and allow to easily perform a search for members in a group by clicking on a group name.
    View: http://bbcode.it
    Easy to setup. Widget works with both head/footer and sidebar zones. Customize order and remove groups from the list. Groups display styled. Add an additional global prefix & suffix on all groups in the list. Select which groups can view the block Click a group to perform a member search for all users in that group. Add extra text under the Legend.  
    IPS 4.1 / 4.2 Final
    If you have suggestions for Group Legend, we'd be happy to hear them via the forums: http://bbcode.it
    Full support is provided for this plugin, you can request support via..
    Forums: http://bbcode.it
    Email: iotivedo (at) gmail.com


       (1 review)


  22. Staff Applications System

    Are you looking for staff? Developers? Designers? Or anything else? This application will help admins/moderators to find people to help in their boards.
    Here's a quick rundown of some of the features for this resource:
    Extra Fields Module to add Positions on ACP (moderator, webdesigner, developer, etc) Ability to inform how many places the position has. Example: you can create an application record to "hire" 3 moderators. Ability to move the "winner" member to a group chosen group (you inform the group when you're adding the application record) Ability to restrict the application by: Content count, Reputation points/likes, Number of days as member, Minimum age and groups Ability to create a topic at every new application submission. Module on ModeratorCP to view all pending records from all applications Compatible with most important features from IPS 4.2 (Recommended Comments, Content Message, Reactions, Member History, Richer Embeds, etc.) Integrated to the framework: Tag system, Follow System, Report system, Search system, Share Links, etc. Moderator actions on applications and comments/reviews Moderator permission to approve/reject applications Ability to create RSS feeds from member applications Etc. Permission: NO ONE except staff (with proper permisison) will be able to view/read or know who are the applicants. All that regular members will know is the number of users who applied to it.


       (4 reviews)


  23. Enhanced Widgets

    Features nice new design instead of the default IPS widgets, Shows the prefix of the topics if one is set with a nice coloured box around the prefix, Select what forums to show the results from, Select the limit of results to show on each widget, You can also pick the topic prefix colours on each widget, This currently has 9 widgets but more will be coming ( Let me know what sort of ones you would like )
    Recent posts ( Shows a list of the recent posts ) Recent topics ( Shows a list of the recent topics ) Trending topics ( Hot Topics ) ( Shows a list of the hot topics ) Lounge ( Shows a list of the topics from your chosen forum ) Members per group ( Shows a 3D pie chart of the member count per group ) Posts per forum ( Shows a 3D pie chart of the post count per forum ) Members per club ( Shows a 3D pie chart showing how many members are in each club ) Topics per forum ( Shows a 3D pie chart showing how many topics are in each forum ) Reactions per reaction ( Shows 3D pie chart showing how many reactions have been awarded per reaction ) All widgets have their own settings and can be changed in the widget edit settings


       (0 reviews)


  24. Rankings: top posters, top topic creators, most liked

    LibterRanking plugin adds highly configurable members ranking widget which works both in horizontal and vertical orientation.
    Widget title Number of members to display Time in days to count posts/topics/reputation Content type (posts, topics or reputation) Excluded member groups


       (2 reviews)


  25. Auto Reply to Topics 2.0.1

    This plugin will create an auto reply to topics posted in specific forums. A new tab will be added in Forums (Admin CP) so you can choose in which forum will use the auto reply.
    Per forum settings:
    Enable the Auto Reply Increment Auto Reply Author content count Lock the topic after the Auto Reply is posted Auto Reply Author Auto Reply Content


       (2 reviews)


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