IPS Community Suite 4.1
Browse our IPS 4.0 and 4.1.x content.
641 files
Query Toolbox 1.0.0
Query Toolbox is a 3rd party developer plugin for the Invision Power Suite that adds a few extensions to the Database Schema and Versions section of the Developers Center.
Implements a "Query Toolbox" feature to the Database Schema page. This allows you to execute raw MySQL queries without needing to use the MySQL CLI client. In addition, this feature offers the benefit of being able to display the query results in a sortable formatted table. Adds a button allowing you to manually execute queries on the Versions page. This is useful when you're collaborating on projects with others or otherwise need to manually execute a query that has been added to any version. Extends the Add SQL Query dialog on the Versions page by implementing support for query templates. This allows you to easily create common queries (such as adding/deleting columns and adding group settings) without needing to manually write \IPS\Db statements.11 downloads
(SB) Pageloader 1.0.1
Include Pageloader, and you get a loading progress indicator for your page load.
Total Time Spent Online 1.0.1
This plugin will show how many time each member spends logged into the site.
Nerva IPS theme
By Lixje
Nerva is a beautiful theme of IPS, it cost $25 and I will share free !
The theme is easily changed in the admin panel !
Demo ->
Header Image by IPS Themes
By Archon
Header Image by IPS Themes is a small plugin that adds the ability to quickly and easily add a background image to your theme's header.
Set a background color for your theme's header Upload a background image Various customization options such as position, repeatable, sizing and fixed positioning.279 downloads
Emojis :: Ultimate Emoticons Pack
By nguyetanhvn
Emoji are the very popular Emoticons. now you can add support Emoji across all platforms to your community with your favorite Emoji theme.
Please Check it out Online Demo
2-Step installation Support Emoji themes One-Click change Emoji theme CKEditor live Emoji convert (While user posting) Ability to add favorite Emoji to CKEditor Emoticons menu Auto convert Emoji-Name to Emoji No need any js file to load Emoji Fully HTTPS support Categorized Emoji set import No PHP parsing Easy Emoticons Manage Load Emoji Images From localhost as well as default CDN servers TODO List
Allow users change the theme Add more Emoji themes You tell me Support Topic
Instant Informing
By Rajinn
About This File
Will let users to see Notifications, new Message and new Reports count without refreshing the page
How To Install
To install you just need upload XML file (Admin CP > System > Site Features > Plugins > Install)
Fork on Github
Important None:
This plugin can cause performance problem especially in large communitis, in this case you may increase Ajax Interval in the plugin setting
Retina Logo by IPS Themes 1.0.1
By Rajinn
Retina Logo by IPS Themes is a simple plugin that adds two methods of displaying a retina & hi-dpi ready logo to your visitors. The first method is simple down-scaling of your theme's uploaded logo. The second method is a full image replacement via Javascript.
Method 1: Down scale your theme's uploaded logo. (Requires a logo 2x the default size to be uploaded). Method 2: Detects retina/hi-dpi vistors via Javascript and replaces the logo with an image of your choice.24 downloads
(BIM40) Floating Social Sidebar
By nguyetanhvn
This plugin uses jquery Contact Buttons Plugin displays a slider left to link to the fan page. The time to slide up and down the beautiful and exquisite sites. Supported social networks: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube and have a button that displays the path to the contact page.
Desert Remake
By DragonVoid
This is a remake of the original skin made by CrustyGeek.
VirusTotal Link:
Emoticons Class
By Puzzle
This mod will add '.emoticon' class to submitted Emoticons in order if you want customize Emoticons :) images
Strikethrough Locked Topic Title
By Puzzle
This simple plugin will strikethrough locked topics titles when viewing a forum.
WhatsApp Share Link
By Puzzle
Adds the WhatsApp share service to IPS4.
Once enabled, the WhatsApp icon should appear in your share links on your phone/tablet. It is hidden by default on desktops because clicking the icon on desktop does nothing and the ability to share has not yet been added to WhatsApp Web. This is toggable in the WhatsApp share link settings.
After clicking the link it opens WhatsApp and you will need to click on a user/conversation for the text to appear.
As of 1.0.4 you must delete the /your-root-dir/system/Content/ShareServices/Whatsappcvh.php file if you've upgraded from a previous version. This may require re-enabling WhatsApp in System > Promotion > Sharing.
Improved New Version Announcement
Quick and dirty improvement of the default IPS new version announcement that gets parked in the ACP dashboard. This is just something to tie us over until IPS reconfigures the new version announcement so as to not be full text all-the-time. I recommend a tightly-formatted auto-added side widget but that's just me...
Smaller text but capitalized throughout. IPS logo in front. The most recent new version available is now indicated. Click anywhere on that text to display the full text announcement. If you have skipped a version or two those announcements are displayed as well. Click anywhere in the announcement text to hide again.32 downloads
Media Tags 1.0.2
By Tasty
About This File
Restore a feature from IP.Board 3 that allows users to define their own media tags.
1. If oembed is supported, please add custom oembed services.
2. If oembed is not supported, you can add you own media tag to replace the url to the format you would like.
3. Members without HTML Post permission will fail to save the content, as HTMLPurifier will clean all illeagal HTML contents. As a matter of this, you will have to define allowedIFrameBases, and also have to use iframe in media tag replacement.
For example(alreadly supported by IPS),
Youtube supports oembed, so you can add it to oembed services as below
URL Scheme:
API Endpoint:
And as returned html by youtube oembed is like
<iframe src="" ...>You also have to add "" to allowedIFrameBases.
What's New in Version 1.0.2
Released 20 June
Can define what type(video, photo, rich) the media tag is;
Added supports for OEmbed supports;
Ability to configure Allowed IFrame Bases;
[RIP] Deflection
Deflection theme from ipb 3.x.x now avaible for ipb 4.0.x
If you find some visual bugs please tell me and i will try to resolve it.
The sidebar profile is a customization for my own forum(maybe soon, i will post a tutuorial about how to add it), but the theme have a customization for tha chatbox with what the chat looks like shoutbox.
Dutch translation - Nederlands taalbestand IPS4 4.0.7
By Average Sam
This is the Dutch (nl-BE) translation file for IPS Community Suite 4 and contains translations for:
System Forum Calendar Gallery Chat Front-end and back-end are fully translated.
Installation instructions
Log into the ACP Go to 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Click on 'Create New' and select the tab 'Upload' Select the downloaded file and click on 'Save' -------- Dutch Version -------
Dit is het Nederlandstalige (nl-BE) taalbestand voor IPS Community Suite 4 en bevat de vertaling van volgende onderdelen:
Systeem Forum Kalender Galerij Chat Zowel de front-end als back-end werd volledig vertaald voor deze onderdelen.
Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Klik op 'Create New' en selecteer de tab 'Upload' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand en klik op 'Save' Release opmerkingen
Het taalbestand bevat geen formeel taalgebruik, dit betekend dat de je/jij vorm werd toegepast Taalbestand is een nl-BE versie, dit betekend dat dit een Nederlandstalig taalbestand is waarbij Vlaamse woorden kunnen terug te vinden zijn. Er is getracht dit zoveel als mogelijk uit te sluiten zodoende het een versie is die over landsgrenzen heen kan ingezet worden. Er is geen vertaling van Pages, Commerce en blogs gezien de auteur niet over deze applicaties beschikt
(BIM40) Forum Stats
By Cheerio
Show stats with only two tabs: Recent Posts and newest topics. Using ajax update (automatically or manually mode custom). Use the widget to display (currently not supported by the lazy sidebar).79 downloads