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IPS Community Suite 4.1

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641 files

  1. Twitch Channels By Pages ( IP.Content )

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This is not a custom plugin or an application, This is a custom database by Pages app created and customized for twitch system.
    This is also the recreation and upgraded version of Guide: Creating twitch Channels using pages 
    What is the different? check features 
    Features : 
    Twitch status, Online/Offline, Viewers, game name. Optionally allowing channel chat, side by side with stream video  Auto sorting channels by online status. Custom block template customized to show one recent stream with user status on block title. Responsive design and using IPS css classes which will perfectly suite any theme you're using.  
    STEP 1 - installing the database
    zip file contains 4 files 
    Twitch.xml - This is the main database file, Go to  ACP > Pages > Database > Create New > Upload Database > and upload theTwitch.xml
    After you install the database go to ACP-> Pages > Database > Twitch > Edit > Database Key > Name the database key to TwitchDB and Save.
    You will also need to set permissions for custom database fields at ACP > Pages > Twitch > Fields > Then set whatever permission you want for each field.
      CSS.txt - This text file contains the css used for this database, Copy the codes and then Go to,  ACP > Pages > Templates > New-> Add CSS File > name it Twitch and Save. from the same page click on CSS tab open the twitch file you created and paste the codes
      JS.txt - This text file contains the JavaScript used for this database, Copy the codes and then Got to,  ACP > Pages > Templates > New > Add Javascript File > name it Twitch and Save. from the same page click on JS tab open the twitch file you created and paste the codes.
      Twitch-Block.xml - This is an optional Block template you can use it to show the recent twitch channels, to install this block template go to ACP-> Pages-> Templates > Upload Template.
    once you upload the template go to ACP > Blocks > Create New Block > Feed from Twitch > Next > Content > Template > selectTwitch_Block template and save the block.
    You may also want to make the block to show only one record.  
    STEP 2 - creating a page for the database
    Go to ACP > Pages > Pages > Add Page > Content Editor > Manual HTML > Next >...
    1.  Click on Page Includes tab and select the twitch javascript and the css you created on step 1
    2.  Click on Content tab and select Twitch database tag from right side of page, If you have already named the database key to TwitchDB just paste the following tag in Content tab
    That's all for the installation  check  DEMO on our website 


       (9 reviews)


  2. Send PM via Admin CP Profile

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin will allow admins to start a conversation with members directly on their profiles on Admin CP.
    What's New in Version 1.0.1
    Added Notification to the plugin: if enabled, the user will receive an email informing about the message.


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  3. Disable Ads on Specific Pages

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin will allow admin to disable Ads on Register and Login screens.


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  4. Uncheck Admin Emails on Registration

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    When this plugin is enabled, the "Send me news and updates" checkbox on the registration page will be unchecked by default, to comply with certain email laws. The user can still enable it, but it will start unchecked, whereas by default it would start checked.


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  5. Default Photo per Group

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin will set a default photo for members who have yet to select one. Each group has your own image. If a photo of an specific group is not found, the defult photo from theme will be displayed.
    Uploads the xml plugin file into AdminCP > System > Plugins (it insert 3 default image: default_photo_6.png for moderators, default_photo_3.png for members, default_photo_4.png for administrators) Go into Themes > on right Menu > Manage resources > Add Resources, follow this istruction: Location: global Folder: plugins Application: System Resource, file name must have this format: default_photo_ID.png (replace ID with group id of the group that must have uploaded photo) I have uploaded also a .psd file for customize as you wish the photo and three image included on xml file.


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  6. [CV01] Cover photo height

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin allows each member to set cover photo height for their own profile. This setting placed in "Account Settings".
    In plugin settings (ACP) administrators can set max and min height of covers.


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  7. (inw) Hide Sidebar

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Plugin (inw) Hide Sidebar allow members to hide/show sidebar on your community. In plugin settings you can select users, who can hide sidebar.


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  8. Google Docs Embed

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Gives your members the opportunity to auto-embed documents, spreadsheets or presentations from Google Docs.
    Usage instructions are included in the ZIP file. Feel free to share this PDF with your members


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  9. Best Answer on Discussions Forum

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin will restore the BEST ANSWER feature from IP.Board 3.4. It will allow topic starters and users from selected groups to mark a post as best answer. A tag ANSWERED will appear on forum view to show which topics are resolved.
    What's New in Version 1.0.5
    Fixed error on User Profile -> Activity -> Topics and selection of ALL GROUPS in Groups allowed to set topics as Answered setting


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  10. BacktoTop (custom)

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    The plugin adds the button to easily return to top of page.
    It is slightly modified plugin (SB) BacktoTop 
    • changed color and position of button;
    • fixed translation.

    Translation key is BacktoTop_title.


       (1 review)


  11. (BIM41) Forums Stats

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Main features:
    The stats with 2 tabs that shows newest posts and newest topics. Ajax update (auto or manually). Use widget to display (not support widget sidebar yet).   What's New in Version 1.1.2
    Bug fixes.


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  12. Notify Me of Replies Enabled on New Topics/Replies

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin will enable/check the checkbox NOTIFY ME OF REPLIES on new topic/reply form, regardless the 'Automatically follow content' notification setting of the user.
    Groups that will have the checkbox enabled NOTE: If you got the error 1S111/1 mkdir(): No such file or directory when installing this plugin, simply uninstall it and reinstall it. It will work just fine.


       (1 review)


  13. Topic Viewed by Users

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin will record each visit made by users from selected groups to topics of specific forums.
    Record single visit: if disabled, a flood control setting will appear to set a number of minutes to avoid recording consecutive visits to the same topic Groups that WILL NOT have their visits to the topic logged Forums Groups allowed to view the visitors list List sort by and list direction Guests are not logged Important: 
    When I inherited this file there was a bug in the uninstall routine. A tiny syntax error. If you've never attempted to uninstall this file before just upgrade to the latest version and you should be fine. If you have attempted to uninstall before you may end up with problems trying to reinstall this ever again. You can try to clear out database elements (many places) and clear your IPS server directory of the plugin files and that may help or maybe it won't. All I have to go on is someone's very broken IPS installation and honestly I don't even think this plugin was ever the problem but it did get caught up in the mess.
    This file is unsupported!
    I'm releasing what is effectively a duplicate of this plugin with minimal support soon, and a paid (cheap) version with more template options that will have support. This file will remain as-is from this point forward.
    What's New in Version 1.1.2 
    Fixed uninstall routine


       (2 reviews)


  14. Topic Title links to First Unread Post

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Simple plugin that changes the behaviour of a forum topic title link so that it goes to the first unread post rather than the first post in the topic. At the moment this is a global change but it could be done on a per-user basis if there is sufficient interest.
    What's New in Version 1.0.2
    Fix for 4.1.13


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  15. Post Highlight Colour Per Forum

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. 
    The new option in 4.1.13 to highlight the forum posts made by members of specific groups is great, except when you have private forums for those specific groups - such as admin and moderator discussion forums, when it can all get a bit too colourful.
    This plugin enables you to choose which forums you want to display the highlighting, based either on a whitelist or blacklist.
    What's New in Version 1.0.1
    Got one of my show/hide options backwards!


       (1 review)


  16. Mind

    Demo: http://xander.cl/demo/


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  17. Downloads Category Stats Block Widget

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Brings back the 3.x Downloads Category Stats on the sidebar. Since it's a widget, you can arrange it on the sidebar as you like. 
    You can edit the display options and title of the block widget.
    The block widget only displays on the Downloads Category pages. Hit refresh after placing the widget for it to display.
    What's New in Version 1.0.2
    1.0.2: Several people reported discrepancies between the Downloads category cache and what live SQL statements showed. These differences were for Broken and Pending files. The discrepancies persisted over several days, indicating the issue is deeper than a laggy cache. A new "Query Type" setting lets you chose between the cached data and a live SQL lookup for Broken and Pending files.
    1.0.1: Simpler method of calculating file count that always matches Category sidebar.


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  18. Downloads Category (Sidebar) Tweaks

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Several changes to the Categories sidebar in the Downloads area, when and how sub-categories are displayed, and when the full navigation Categories sidebar displays. And changes to how categories/subcategories are shown when a category has sub-categories but the parent category is empty.


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  19. Anti-Spam IPS4

    No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math. No spam bots signups, no spam bots posts.
    Hook uses invisible tests to stop spam bots at the IP.Board.
    Anti-spam features of the hook
    Stop spam bots at registrations. Stop spam bots at the topics. Allow guest posting on the forum without CAPTCHA. iPhone/iPad, Android app to control registrations and posts at the board. Anti-spam hook info
    We have developed an anti-spam hook for IP.Board that would provide maximum protection from spam and you can provide for your visitors a simple and convenient form of posts/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 100% of spam bots.
    The hook is a client application for cloud anti-spam service CleanTalk.org, which are daily protects 5k web-sites from spam bots. Also you can use CleanTalk app for iPhone/iPad to control anti-spam service on web-site or control posts and signups at the board.
    The CleanTalk is premium anti-spam for IP.Board, please look at the pricing. We try to provide the service at the highest level and we can not afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of providing anti spam protection. Paying for a year of service, you save a lot more and get:
    Up to 100% protection from spam bots. Simple and convenient form of commenting/registrations without captcha. Always actual and regular updates. Technical support.   
    How can I test anti-spam protection?
    Please use email [email protected] to test anti-spam for singups. 
    Should I use another antispam hooks?
    Use other antispam hooks not necessarily, because CleanTalk stops up to 100% of spam bots. In some cases serveral anti-spam hooks can conflict, so it will be better use just one plugin.
    Troubleshooting Guide
    Anti-spam by CleanTalk support forum
    If you're having trouble getting things to work after installing the hook, here are a few things to check:
    If you haven't yet, please upgrade hook to the latest version. If you have error '*** Forbidden. Enable JavaScript. Anti-spam service cleantalk.org. ***' please check JavaScript support in your browser and do JavaScript test at this page Check out JavaScript support. If you have spam signups or posts please check the Access key at hook settings. The key should be same as you can find in service Control panel. Additional features
    Online, daily and weekly anti spam reports traffic VS spam. Apps for iPhone, Android to control anti spam service, comments, signups, contacts. With traffic and spam statistics for last 7 days. Anti-spam apps for most popular CMS on cleantalk.org.  
    What's New in Version 1.8.6
    Improved SFW table existing check and creation.
    Changed connection test method.


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  20. Disable remote URL actions

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This plugin gives the ability to
    Disable uploading of avatars from remote URL Disable inserting images into posts from remote URL This is particularly useful if you want to keep your server IP anonymous from potential DDoS attacks, or you just don't want to give users the ability to fetch remote files. The following thread outlines the problem clearly:


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  21. Pinterest Share Link

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Adds the Pinterest share service/link to IPS41.
    Once enabled, a Pinterest icon should appear in your share links. There are several settings under System > Sharing > Pinterest to add Pinterest features such as sharing any image on the page from the share link and/or being able to hover over an image and share directly from there.
    For sharing directly from the share button it uses your theme's sharer logo. If this is not uploaded it will use If you do not have one then it will be taken from the .png in the /uploads folder in the /upload folder of this zip. If you choose to use this please note the path must be /your-ip4-root-directory/uploads/cvh/pinterest/sharer.png
    What's New in Version 1.0.5 
    Lighter code. Code style cleanup.


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  22. (IPSViet) Image Meta Tag

    By default, when you share a post from a forum on Facebook, the image from external links will not dc display (picture attached is ok). The reason is because the IPS automatically to og: image logo path if the article does not have any public enclosed. To overcome that problem, this plugin will automatically find and add affiliate links in addition to image
    <meta property="og:image" content="duongdanhinhanh.jpg">
    Such as share on Facebook will show beautiful images.
    Its behavior is to take the path from the content image of the first article. Especially may take the form of youtube and vimeo thumbnail.
    Note: after installation, viewsource'll og: image is the first image in the article so that the plugin works fine. If it does not share on Facebook still picture it is because Facebook has not obtained the new data to update your website, copy the url intohttps://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ then posts then click Debug, finished press Fetch new information'll scrape new image instead of the website logo.


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  23. Tapatalk application IP.Suite 4 Series

    Tapatalk is an application to allow access to Internet forums on mobile devices, developed by Tapatalk, Inc.
    Tapatalk is primarily designed to provide improved forum access for mobile platforms over access provided by the forum software itself. The application was originally designed for Android[citation needed] but now also supports iOS and Windows Phone. Tapatalk allows the user to have a unified interface to access multiple forums at the same time
      Xml file in the folder to be placed apart.   To install the action, according to the pictures


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  24. Thousands Separator

    Will add the thousand separator if the language, like Brazilian Portuguese, doesn't has it. You can choose between POINT or COMMA to be the separator.


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  25. Group Name Indicator

    Show a legend of your groups in Who's Online and Recently Browsing active users list, sorted in the order you specify and linked to the search system. Handy so that people know what those group prefixes and suffixes mean.


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