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IPS Community Suite 4.1

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641 files

  1. [WF NULL] IPS Community Suite

    IPS Community Suite
    Released 05/10/2017
    WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic if you need assistance.

    As always, we recommend that you backup your current installation (database included) before upgrading.


       (28 reviews)


  2. -

    This plugin allows you to highlight linked posts that have the #comment-XXX tag within the url. Settings included to change the color used for highlight background and border.


       (0 reviews)


  3. Sign in through Steam

    Sign in through Steam
    This application for Invision Community Suite 4.3+ adds a Steam Login Method that allow your users to login with their Steam account.
    NOTE: This application IS NOT compatible with Invision Community Suite 4.2, you should continue using the plugin version.
    Login to your ACP, and browse to System -> Site Features -> Application Click Install. Upload steamlogin.tar Browse to System -> Settings -> Login & Registrations Within the methods tab, click Create New. Click Steam, Continue, and fill in the form modifying settings as you wish. It should now be ready to go. Go to your account settings to link your profile! Upgrade from 4.2 Plugin
    Login to your ACP, and browse to System -> Site Features -> Application Click Install. Upload the zip file. Manually run the queue. (Optional, but it speeds up conversion of logins) Delete the following files from your server: applications/core/interface/steam/auth.php applications/core/interface/steam/index.html applications/core/sources/ProfileSync/Steam.php applications/core/sources/ProfileSync/index.html system/Login/Steam.php It should be ready to go.  


       (7 reviews)


  4. (TB) Show IP to Admins Only

    This plugin allows ONLY administrators to see the posters IP in topic view regardless of any other setting. This is especially useful for forums that must comply with laws that allow only the administrators and nobody else to see the IPs for privacy related issues (like in Italy).


       (0 reviews)


  5. Xenforo Trade FR for 2.0.12

    I share a french traduction of Xenforo 2 for free
    The author wants me to quote the source. It's SyTryCommunity
    Bye and see you soon


       (0 reviews)


  6. Xenforo 2 German language without addons.

    This is a German language pack for Xenforo 2.0.10. Served as a basis
    "Language Pack German You (Speddy20537)" by Boothby, downloadable at
    XF2.x - Language Pack German You Das
    Language package was completely revised for the usage on BSDForen.de,
    Almost all publicly visible phrases have been expressed in style
    corrected. In addition, she switched from "you" to "you".

    * All phrases created by BSDForen.de may be used freely,
    also for creating other language packs. The only limitation
    is that the phrases are not used for commercial language packs
    be allowed to. Say: Use in commercial forums okay, the
    Use in language packages that are offered for money, not.
    * The language pack contains several phrases that are written by Boothby
    for "German language pack (Speddy20537)". They stand
    under the same conditions as "Sprachpaket Deutsch Sie (Speddy20537".
    * This language pack comes WITHOUT any support!


       (0 reviews)


  7. XENFORO 2 German Speak V2.0.9

    So I have sat down for several days now how long can I not say now but it warren days and have made the forum itself to 99.99 percent in German about feedback I would be very happy.


       (0 reviews)


  8. Polish translation Xenforo 2

    Licencja darmowa dla wszystkich Polaków! Przetłumaczyliśmy ją pod kątem naszego forum. Przetłumaczone zostały głowne fraz. Tłumaczenie jest udostępnione pod warunkiem pozostawienia linka w stopcie.

    Polish translation for XenForo.


       (1 review)


  9. Leaderboard Access Permisison

    Will restrict Leaderboard access to specific groups.


       (0 reviews)


  10. Snow

    The Snow plugin adds a festive, wintry touch to any IPS4 website with configurable Javascript-driven snow.
    Snow that gently falls and gathers, with wind speed and direction determined by the mouse X position. Settings provided include:     Number of snow particles on screen and active ("falling") at any time Configurable Animation tick rate Snow Color (with color picker) Snow by default is in the header, but can be configured to be in any HTML element ID, or within the document body. Snow "floor" can be set in pixels (the absolute pixel value at which the snow stops falling or sticks) Stickiness of snow (does it stick to the bottom of the window/element or not?) Twinkle effect - snow fades in and out as it goes down the screen Optional support for mobile devices (will be cruel to their CPU and battery!)

    Enjoy what is perhaps the second most useless plugin ever developed for IPS4!

    Original BSD-licensed code for snowstorm provided by Scott Schiller (2007).
    WARNING: Will slow down browsers. As the Javascript implementing this functionality is not mine, only critical IPS-breaking issues will be fixed. What you see is what you get, take it or leave it.


       (1 review)


  11. (BIM41) Hide Link and Code

    About This File
    This plugin will hide links, code, images in forum posts automatically. Members can use REACTIONS or REPLY to see the hidden content.
    - Select content to hide: images, external links, code, [hide] tag, attachments
    - Option to specify groups can bypass the hidden content.
    - REACTIONS or Reply to see the hidden content.
    If you use IPS 4.1.x, download 1.0.x versions. If you use IPS 4.2.x, download 2.0.x versions. (Click the "Change logs" button to select versions to download)


       (0 reviews)


  12. Profile Songs

    To install go to your AdminCP and install the hook. No readme is necessary, if you need help try to install another hook before this one.
    This allows you to set a custom songs to the forum profile. Moderators and Administrators are allowed to remove them easily, it will erase the file from your web server as well. You simply just go to the member's profile who has an inappropriate song and remove it by selecting "Remove Song" from Profile Song option. You can also set profile songs for members if you wish.
    NOTE: For 4.2.x you will need to make the following template changes in your custom theme:
    Go to the profile template file and find: <div class='ipsPad'> Change to: <div class='ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad'>
    * The profile template is located in Templates > core > profile > profile


       (2 reviews)


  13. [beta] Mandarin Chinese / Chinese Traditional translation

    translation updated to latest DP10.

    almost style properties keep untranslated, it's hard to translate properly for me.

    if you want to contribute, visit here:


       (0 reviews)


  14. Title Case Phrases

    What this translation does:
    This translation converts various phrases from XenForo's standard sentence case to title case.

    What phrases are affected?
    Navigation tabs, tab links, menu items, buttons, and headings.

    If I've missed any, feel free to let me know!

    NOTE: This translation only contains the customized phrases, so you won't have to worry about overwriting any other phrases you may have altered.

    Download file and unzip Import .xml file and overwrite the "English (US)" language


       (0 reviews)


  15. Lazy Load Videos

    About This File
    This plugin speeds up load times by replacing supported video embeds (YouTube) with preview images. Users can then view the video by clicking the preview image and the embed will load like normal via javascript.
    Speeds up page load times by preventing multiple video embeds from loading. Works in the background on page load and regardless if javascript enabled browser or not. Fall back code in place for non javascript browsers. User will simply be redirected to the videos page. Clicking the preview image will automatically load the video embed again through javascript. Choose which forums will support lazy loading of videos. Choose which member groups will have videos lazy loaded. Currently supported video sites: YouTube Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.
    What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog 
    Released October 12, 2016
    Fixed a minor bug that affected integration with other applications and plugins.


       (0 reviews)


  16. Winter holiday 2017

    Theme Winter holiday 2017 designed especially for a good winter mood. Theme has a few features and fully responsive and mobile friendly. 
    On/Off snow on front-end; Choosing the type of snow: Simple; Round; Flakes with shadow; Round with shadow; Snowdrift on Primary Nav; Snow images 1-3. Pre-defined snow images. On/Off holiday font. This theme is free, C Новым Годом!


       (0 reviews)


  17. Surface Dark

    About This File
    The theme of «Surface» is a fully modernized design IPS in different colors.
    We tried to make the best design and make it easier to customize style, so have worked out every detail.
    We wish to make as high quality a product as possible and «Surface» will reveal it.


       (17 reviews)


  18. (NB40) Topic Description

    This plugin restores the Topic Description feature that went away during the 3.x versions.
    (NB40) Topic Description — v1.0.1 ENG.zip


       (1 review)


  19. (NB40) Pinned Posts

    This plugin allows pinning posts in topics


       (1 review)


  20. Profile Songs

    As this plugin, you can set music to hear the person on entering your profile.
    If you want the music to play automatically, please change the settings in the hook settings.


       (6 reviews)


  21. Automation Rules - LITE

    Automatically update/modify content and member attributes, statuses, and properties Automatically send emails, create conversations, and send notifications Add your own custom data fields to any content, categories, or members Build relationships between fields and content to keep data synchronized Create rule sets that work together to form automated workflows Define your own custom actions that can be used in rules Schedule actions to happen at specific times (one-time or recurring) Schedule bulk processing routines for content and members on your site Share and refine your rules with other communities using import/export Notable Features
    Over 500 built in events, conditions, and actions for stock IPS products and contributed apps. Rule actions can be configured to happen in real time or at a future time. Schedule and unscheduled actions from inside of rules or manually through your ACP. Built in lists of “replacement tokens” for including variable data in text entry fields (like email content) Fully extensible by other apps and plugins to add new tokens, events, conditions, and actions. Look for Rules Expansion Packs in the marketplace which add new events/conditions/actions. Create your own custom actions within the rules app which can be invoked by rules. Create your own custom data fields for any entity on your site to manipulate with rules. Rules can be grouped together into rule groups and rule sets for easy management. Easily import and export rules and sets to share with friends or distribute as your own rule packs. Built-in rule debugging console for full visibility of what your rules are doing on your system. Built in rules error and performance logging console. Complete Stock ECA List:
    New in Version 1.1.x
    New range of custom data input fields for public/admin use Limit custom data fields by category/container Set member group permissions on custom data fields View complete overview summaries of rules and rulesets Choose content items from autocomplete form input New in Version 1.2.x
    added ability to manually schedule custom actions added ability to schedule custom actions on a recurring basis added ability to bulk process records with custom actions added new table filters to scheduled actions page  


       (0 reviews)


  22. Advanced Custom Widgets

    About This File
    Advanced Custom Widgets
    Advanced custom widgets allows you to add advanced custom TXT and HTML widgets to your website, You can add Default and Fixed widgets, Each widget you add is fully customizable with its own configuration settings.
    Comes with a lot of configurations to customize, Fixed widgets can have a specific width and height or full screen height, Set a position to show the widget, Optionally hide on mobiles and tablets, Change colors, Choose who can see...etc)
    Fixed and normal widgets Fixed widgets. Add fixed widgets to website sides you choose in the widget configuration, each widget can have different position or even a custom position.  Normal widgets. Add normal and default widgets
      TXT & HTML widgets Each widget can be TXT or HTML.
      Fully customizable widgets. Each widget you add can have different settings and different colors. You can customize widget width, height, fixed positions, optionally hide on mobiles and tablets, customize fixed sides switcher, Switcher type, Switcher style, set User group  permissions and colors...etc)


       (0 reviews)


  23. Chatbox Extender

    This plugin extends (BIM) Chatbox by creating a new chat when a new topic/item or comment/review is posted. You can configure which user groups can use it and in which forums/categories/nodes.
    Extra feature soon:
    add minimal post count to write in chat done (1.0.11) automated messages / Bot (based on content / author of last message) Automation Rules integration (very useful to send custom automated message) 2 template options (default, minimal), minimal is like for new registration on activity stream done (1.0.11) Note: I am available to suggestions for improvements.
    What's New in Version 1.0.11   See changelog 
    Released Sunday at 08:02 PM
    notification of registrations now work also from Login Handlers reviews/comments notification restored improved item notification topic notification fixed (statuses link solved) added a link into AdminCP module of bimchatbox (Chatbox > Settings) to quick edit Chatbox Extenders configurations 1.0.8
    fix on settings "Something went wrong. please try again" (here) 1.0.9
    notification for new comment/review now show title of item (not "Link") 1.0.10
    fix, avoid notification when item is moved and leave link option is checked 1.0.11
    Condensed template option, one line for each results (only for new chats) Minimum posts for chat (This only cover user submitted chat, not the notification)  
    With thanks from @KeRRR


       (0 reviews)


  24. Private Forums

    About This File
    Hide Your Private Forums Behind A Transparent Box.

    You Must Change The Forum Permissions So The Group Can See The Forum But Not View The Topics


    Select What Forum To Hide
    Select Up To 5 Forums To Hide
    Choose What Usergroups To Hide The Forums From
    Light Theme Or A Transparent One For Dark Themes
    Enter Your Own Custom Text


       (1 review)


  25. 4.1 Enhanced User Info Panel

    Enhance your user info panel with this powerful fully customizable plugin for the forum topic posts, You do not need to show all the information you can choose to show or hide any one of them or just choose to hide them on mobile viewing, you can now even choose what user groups can see what information
    How to install
    Go to the ACP and then plugins then install the downloaded .xml file (Yes its that easy) How to configure
    Go the the ACP plugin panel and select the settings button on the plugin Settings Feature
    Edit the width of the user info panel between 200px - 350px Move the username to the user info panel Show/Hide the users clubs as icons (if they are members of one) Show/Hide the users cover photo (If they have one) Show/Hide the users group with colour formatting Show/Hide the users rank / title Show/Hide the users post count Show/Hide the users reputation Show/Hide the users last activity Show/Hide the users follower amount Show/Hide the users post per day ratio Show/Hide the users amount of leader board member of the days won Choose to use a gold font for the member of the day Show/Hide the users joined date Change the joined date to one saying "With Us For xxx Days" Show/Hide each section for mobile browsing Show/Hide the users online status Change the online status to a pip Choose to use a pulsating green glow for when the users online Show/Hide the users birthday Change the birthday view to the show the members age instead Show/Hide the users timezone Show/Hide secondary group images Move the users rank pips / rank image to below the info panel Set a margin from the top of the post panel (Needed on some themes you won't need for the default theme) Now works with the iAwards user info pane Show/Hide a topic starter badge or field to the info panel (If the user is the topic starter) Show/Hide the users connected device (4.2.x Only) Change the width & height of the avatar between 75px - 200px Change the font of the username (you can use web safe fonts, Google fonts or you can even upload your own!!!!!) Change the height of the users cover photo Choose to have a border-radius around the avatar and enter your own amount Choose what each user group can see on the info panel Now works with (DF42) Members Social Info  
    What's New in Version 1.0.7   
    Released May 16
    New features
    You now have the ability to change the members birthday to show their age instead (As requested) Changed the maximum width of the avatar you can select to a maximum of 200px (As requested) Changed the avatar radius from a selection list so you can now add your own amount (As requested)


       (3 reviews)


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