89 files
Boomchat - Responsive PHP/AJAX Chat
By Desert
Chat software built using jquery that allow user to chat in 3 different ways. Boomchat only contain 1 page and dont need any page reload for both main chat and private chat. Boomchat contain lot of uniques features that give full control to user and admin.
GameCP PHP Script Nulled 1.4
By Desert
GameCP is a web-based PHP & MySQL control panel for game & voice
servers. You could call it a 'game panel', 'game control panel',
'game hosting control panel', 'game server control panel',
'gameserver panel' or 'game server panel' but we like to call it
This nulled release permits you to have 9999 Windows machines and 9999
Linux machines. Also has AddOn for Removal Copyright notice
Official Liker
By evitaerCi
Official Liker Clone PHP Script May 2015 Version
A tool for those who want to gain fame among their friends & catch their attention by popularising their status & photos likes.
By evitaerCi
phpSound - Music Sharing Platform
phpSound is a Social Music Sharing Platform similar with SoundCloud, that allows users to upload their music online and share them with the world.
Real Estate Agency Portal
By evitaerCi
Real Estate Agency Portal v1.5.4
Script was born to be ahead in innovation and at the peak of the real estate portal solutions, specifically designed for easy customization and use. The script is so awesome that there are several clones on the market (with public confession), you can not make a mistake if you download the original version!
Support: PHP 5.x
By evitaerCi
SiteCloner v1.03 Make Clones of any website
SiteCloner is a PHP script which allows you to make copies, clones or archives of any website. It does not matter wether this website is made with regular HTML files or was built using a CMS like WordPress or Joomla; SiteClones clones them all!
Support: PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, MySQL 5.x
Open eShop
By evitaerCi
Open eShop v1.7.1 – Sell Your Digital Goods
Sell your eBooks, videos, music, HTML, WordPress themes, services, licenses and any other digital good directly in your site!
NEW 1.7.0: EU VAT compliance, affiliate system, print orders, custom CSS.
Support: PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, MySQL 5.x
By evitaerCi
xCRUD v1.6.26.1 – Data Management System (PHP CRUD)
xCRUD – is a simple-usage but powerfull Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) generator application for PHP and MySQL. The application offers you many ways to work with your data and scaffolding, while remaining very easy to use even for non-programmers. Content management becomes simple and flexible, hours of saved time, minutes to implement. You can use it as plain php library or with your favorite framework and cms.
Support: PHP 5.x, MySQL 5.x
By evitaerCi
HoverAlls v2.6 – Hover Effects Framework
A super-lightweight all-in-one framework for creating nearly any type of animation – without any coding experience.
Support: JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS
Youtube Music Engine
By evitaerCi
[center][b]Youtube Music Engine v5.8.3[/b][/center]
[center]Youtube Music Engine Script is an online script that displays intelligent results on the screen so that the visitor can listen and add to playlist of the selected song. The user can see artist bios, top tracks, save playlist in local browser and more. Youtube Music Engine have a technology “Radio Mode”: the user can discover new songs and artist in inteligent mode and create automatic playlist.
All this with AJAX technology to improve the user experience.
Youtube Music Engine was developed using codeigniter and bootstrap which allows administrator to escalate the application as his desire using this frameworks.
Note: Requires a web browser with flash player support to reproduce the songs (Tested only in Firefox and Google Chrome ). [/center]
[*] Api Key (It is Free)
[*]Operating System : Linux
[*]Web Server : Apache
[*]PHP Version: 5.3 or Higher
[*]PHP allow_url_fopen ON
[*]PHP CURL Enabled
[*]PHP mod_rewrite Enabled
[*]MySQL 4.1 or later, MySQL 5.x for best performance.
[*]Mysqli Extension
[/list]25 downloads
By evitaerCi
[center][b]SocialKit v1.3.5 – Social Networking Platform[/b][/center]
[center]SocialKit is a Social Networking Platform that consists of various features including Live Chat, Pages, Groups, Messages, Stories, Comments, Likes, Shares, Notifications, #Hashtags, @Mentions, etc. It allows users to socialize with each other, share with their favorite community, connect with their favorite brands, artists, celebrities, and much more.[/center]
[center][b]Support:[/b] PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, MySQL 5.x, Other[/center]52 downloads
Secura – AJAX Cart
By evitaerCi
[center][size=5][b]Ajax Cart for HTML websites with Digital Products[/b][/size][/center]
[center][b]Secura – AJAX Cart[/b] is a powerful system which can be integrated to new/old HTML websites to extend their functionality as a Cart with downloadable products. You can now sale your digital products right from your old HTML website. You don’t need to use OpenCart or any other cart for your e-commerce website. You can create your own e-commerce website in minutes using this Cart system.[/center]
[center][b]No need to Have any Knowledge of PHP,MySql.
No need to mess with codes,Just Copy Simple Code Created by Admin Panel[/b][/center]
[center][b]Support:[/b] PHP 5.0 – 5.2, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, MySQL 5.x[/center]
[*]Easy Integration.
[*]Built with Bootstrap.
[*]Fully Ajax.
[*]Fully Loaded Admin Panel.
[*]Customer Area
[*]Product Images.
[*]Product Description.
[*]Transactions System.
[*]New Purchase Notification to User.
[*]Add funds to users from Admin Panel.
[*]Prepaid Credits.
[*]User purchase details page.
[*]Products Management.
[*]Add / Remove Products.
[*]Custom Prices.
[*]4 Payment Gateways.
[*]TechProcess (TPSL)and CCAvenue for Indian customers.
[*]PayPal & Skrill (MoneyBookers).
[*]API for adding new Gateways.
[*]Free Updates.
[*]100% Support.
[/list]23 downloads
Architect - HTML and Site Builder
By evitaerCi
Architect is the most powerful and easy to use site and html builder not only on codecanyon, but probably on the internet as well. It has all the features you would except from a site builder, while also offering exclusive ones like themes and templates, closely integrated code editors, The best visual CSS and image editor around and much more.
[*]PHP >= 5.3.0
[*]MCrypt PHP Extension (Optional, but recommended)
[*]PDO Extension (enabled by default)
[*]php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
[*]MySQL Database
[/list]203 downloads
CloudFlare Browser Integrity Check 2015
By Mold
open the 'index.html' file and find [YOUR BOARD URL HERE INCLUDING YOUR /INDEX.PHP] & [YOUR BOARD URL HERE] then replace with your information!
upload 'assets' folder and the 'index.html' file to root of your server!
visit your domain via /index.html and done!
This is a skinning/emulation of CloudFlare's browser integrity check, not a real representation of its system, enjoy!135 downloads
- CloudFlare
- Security
- (and 4 more)
Custom 403 Error Page [Ripped by TTG]
This is a custom HTML/HTM/CSS/Javascript 403 Forbidden Error Page. It has a javascript file for the Red Blinking Glow around "403", and its own CSS file. I ripped this from I just came across the Error Page, and I thought it was a really cool 403 Page, so I decided to rip it, and upload it to WebFlake.
Enjoy!!90 downloads
Facebook Traffic Pop
By Guest
Tap into Facebook’s 600 million plus users now with the hottest Facebook traffic plugin. Facebook Traffc Pop is a new breed of ‘popups’ that will allow you to have your users like your pages, instead of trying to get them to click ads. More likes = more exposure = more traffic = more money!
[*]Optional close and advanced close features like clicking outside of the popup and using the escape key.
[*]Delay timer to wait a certain amount of time before the popup shows.
[*]LOCKS out ALL page functionality behind the popup!
[*]Popup stays fixed in middle of screen as user scrolls!
[*]Share Button – You can now use a customized Facebook Share button to unlock traffic pop!
[*]Cookies remember users who already ‘Liked’ the page
[*]Specify any URL or use the current page address automatically. – Use a URL of your choice, or enter a Facebook Page URL to have people becomes fans of your Facebook Page.
[*]Works on all sites and big and small
[*]Fully customizable CSS.
[*]Viral, Facebook styled pop-up is proven to induce more ‘Like’ clicks!
[*]Make Facebook your slave with one line of code!
[*]jQuery style plugin with full documentation!
[*]Can disable timer completely requiring user to like or close (if enabled)
[*]Set background shadow opacity via options
Includes full source with documentation and demo examples, and I have even included a blank template for you to build pages off with no set-up required!89 downloads
Sngine - Social Engine Platform
By Guest
[b][font=verdana]Sngine – Social Engine is the best way to create your own social website
or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features.[/font][/b]
[font=verdana]SEO Friendly Urls[/font]
[font=verdana]Real-time Chat, Messages & Comments[/font]
[font=verdana]Follow/Unfollow users[/font]
[font=verdana]Real-time updates on Search Page[/font]
[font=verdana]Block/Unblock users[/font]
[font=verdana]Emoticons (smiles) in Posts, Messages, Comments and Chat[/font]
[font=verdana]Filter Posts with Most (Recent, Liked, Favorited, Discussed)[/font]
[font=verdana]Filter Posts to show from (All , Just Me, Just Followers, Just Followings)[/font]
[font=verdana]Users can share (Status, Music, Videos, Photos, Questions, Polls, Links)[/font]
[font=verdana]Post on friends profiles[/font]
[font=verdana]Disable new registrations[/font]
[font=verdana]Users can publish posts in real-time to his/her Facebook & Twitter accounts[/font]
[font=verdana]Linked Accounts ( Users can like their Facebook & Twitter accounts)[/font]
[font=verdana]Signup with Social Networks (Facebook & Twitter)[/font]
[font=verdana]Getting Started page to upload avatar edit user info and connect social accounts[/font]
[font=verdana]Verification Emails ( User can re-send verification email or change it)[/font]
[font=verdana]Multi-Languages system (Support Arabic and RTL Design)[/font]
[font=verdana]Ajax Powered system[/font]
[font=verdana]Users can create/share photo albums and Video Albums [img][/img][/font]
[font=verdana]Apps powered system[/font]
[font=verdana]Questions App with Voting System on Answeres and Notes System[/font]
[font=verdana]Users can Like, Dislike and Favorite posts[/font]
[font=verdana]Real-Time Tricker like Facebook to see what others do right now![/font]
[font=verdana]Directory System to Make your website indexed and seen by search engines[/font]
[font=verdana]Awesome profile page[/font]
[font=verdana]Privacy settings[/font]
[font=verdana]Sponsored Ads System[/font]
[font=verdana]Real-time chat and Messaging system like Facebook[/font]
[font=verdana]Themes system and you can easily build your own theme[/font]
[font=verdana]Discussion App with WYSIWYG editor[/font]
[font=verdana]About/Privacy/Terms pages[/font]
[font=verdana]Block: Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.[/font]
[font=verdana]#Hahtag, @mention & smiles supported[/font]
[font=verdana]Support Age Verification[/font]
[font=verdana]See more option for long-text post like Facebook[/font]376 downloads
Atmail 7.2.x Webmail Client
By Evident
[img][/img]96 downloads
- atmail nulled
- atmail webmail
- (and 3 more)
By Evident
[img][/img]58 downloads
- webmail
- afterlogic
- (and 2 more)
Really Simple File Sharing Web Application
[center][img][/img][/center]55 downloads
Server monitor
[center][img][/img][/center]88 downloads
CloudSend 1.2
By Purple
CloudSend was created for companies such as agencies that must constantly send files to the same customers or receive files from the same customers.
The employee can upload files from the administration system and share it with it’s customers or create a public link for one time customers
Every customer can have it’s own URL with a full screen background image and login system to fit it’s CI. In this area, the customer can upload files directly to the company’s server or download files provided by company.117 downloads
By Purple
9GAG Clone - V2.7
Make a website that looks and resembles the old design of 9gag. Fully functioning!166 downloads
Improved AJAX Login & Register [Joomla]
By Guest
Need a new Login and Registration interface?[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
Improved AJAX Login is a very elegant extension, it speeds up the Login, Logout and Registration procedures with AJAX technology. These process never were so simple and easy, and the clean & smooth design, of course.[/font][/color] How does it work so fast?[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
The Improved AJAX Login does the dirty work in the background, the login process will only take a moment, it's lightning fast! This module does not need to reload your webpage, the user is logged in as soon as he hits the login button. The Login also warns the user on unsuccesful login attempts with nicely decorated popup fields. The validation of the registration form is also make in the background, and mark the incorrect fields with an error massage. Go ahead to the[url=""][b]demo page[/b][/url] and try it yourself![/font][/color] AJAX-powered User menu[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
After login with Improved AJAX Login a stylish User menu will appear instead of the login form. User menu is fully customisable and have some default menu items like Edit Your Details, Show Cart (only if VirtueMart installed) and of course Logout. User menu is also AJAX-powered so all menu items are loading in the background.[/font][/color] Some more words of the registration[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
The Improved Ajax Login & Register has an own popup-box for the fields. You can use captcha, to avoid bots registration to your site. As it previously mentioned, this extension make the validation and the register process with the AJAX technology, so there won't be any page-refresh during the registration.[/font][/color] [url=""][img][/img][/url] [url=""][img][/img][/url] [url=""][img][/img][/url] [url=""][img][/img][/url]
(click on the pictures for larger size) Few words about AJAX[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
With AJAX, web applications can send data to, and retrieve data from, a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.[/font][/color] Login with Facebook / Google / Twitter / Microsoft / LinkedIn[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
No more registration required, just one click and you can log in with your Facebook, Google, Twitter or Microsoft account. If you already have lots of users in joomla, they don't need to create new account, Improved AJAX Login will auto link people with same email address. The component includes tutorials help with configuration.[/font][/color] Live Form Editor[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
This editor using the WYSIWYG method (What You See is What You Get) to make well-planned forms in seconds, because you see the result live. There are many predefined fields like Address, Date of birth, Terms of Services, etc... But you can also create custom fields.[/font][/color][color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Museo500]
[img][/img][/font][/color]19 downloads