89 files
Beagle – Responsive Admin Template
By Flippy
Beagle is a beautiful admin template with a clean and fresh concept, made it with love in every pixel, with tons of beautiful features ready to use.
Full responsive design based on Bootstrap Configurable tons of variables Fixed top bar Two sidebars Optimized CSS animations on mobile LESS files included (only for Bootstrap 3 version) SASS files Built-in Grunt workflow Customized plugins Js modular core Fixed & scrollable left sidebar Multiple panel styles Pricing tables Error pages styles Login & Sign Up pages Forgot password page Email inbox page Email detail page Email compose page Colorful customized charts Datatables plugin Wizard component CSS 3 modal effects Easy to customize Checkbox & radio components Documentation included32 downloads
TrendyBlog Responsive
By Nairelos
Présentation de TrendyBlog :
Lien de démonstration :
By Gh0S7
Boomchat 7.1 ( bridge ) Responsive chat
Boomchat is a userfriendly easy to install php chat script that includes lot of uniques features. With is fully responsive design whatever if you are using a mobile a computer or even a tablet boomchat will always fit your screen and give you the best chat experience possible.
Boomchat requirement
1 Database ( empty ) Mysqli installed PHP 5.4 or higher and a lot of friend !!!120 downloads
Pro | The Most Advanced Website Creator for WordPress.
This is not a NULLED RELEASE
This release is normally only available from after purchasing the X lisence and then UPGRADE for another 30$
Feel free to read everything they have to say under here, but what struck me when i purchased this license was the video from here
Don't be a leech if you like this download please give some rep for more downloads like this
Alright, alright, alright! Hold on to your hats, because we've got a doozy of a release for you today. Nearly a year in the making and fueled by many (seriously, maaaaany) late nights and cups of caffeinated beverages, this long fabled and much discussed day has finally arrived. Ladies and gentleman, we present to you: X Pro! We have a lot of information to cover today, so let's jump right in.
Please note, this is a quite lengthy post, but I guess that's what happens when you have a year's worth of work to write about, eh? If you're not a long-form text kind of person, your executive summary is as follows:
TL;DR X Pro's new header and footer builders are the first of an exciting new set of builders and features we plan on moving our development towards. Essentially, we have aimed to provide the user with a highly curated and intuitive, yet incredibly granular experience, allowing fine-tuned control on top of a rock-solid, lean foundation.
That title might sound a bit epic, but it's true: our new header and footer builders mark the beginning of a new chapter for Themeco. Not only do these builders feature unprecedented power and flexibility unlike anything seen in today's website creation space, they also serve as the foundation for further development we have planned down the road (e.g. v2 elements, exapnded theme options, et cetera).
"So what exactly are these new builders and what can I do with them?" I hear you asking. Excellent question, esteemed Internet reader! The answer: practically anything you can dream up.
Alright, so let's get down to brass tacks. The structure of your headers and footers are broken down into three levels (technically four) of markup: the header or the footer as a wrapper, bars, containers, and elements. This isn't too dissimilar from the sections, rows, columns, and elements you've come to know in our page builder. However, as the needs of headers and footers differ somewhat from that of page content, we've crafted a specialized set of lean markup and styling to suit these circumstances. Below is a quick rundown of each piece:
Header and Footer Wrappers – These are the general purpose elements that will contain all markup you create. For headers we use the semantic <header> element, and for footers we utilize the <footer> element. The great thing about the way all the markup is structured is that it is always placed in the proper order regardless of its physical appearance on the page. For example, you may have a "fixed bottom" header bar that sticks to the bottom of the screen at all times, but this markup is still structurally the first thing on your website, making it SEO friendly. Bars – The heavy lifter of the group, bars setup your general layout, design foundation, and functionality. Containers – Serve as a way to group similar elements, or structure your layout more intricately as needed. Elements – Now we're getting to the fun part—elements are what bring your bars to life! We have a completely brand new set of highly modular elements including off canvas content, infinitely flexible buttons, responsive and accessible modals, multiple unique sets of navigation, styled shopping carts, unique search forms, and so much more! Before going on, let's take a moment to see some examples of what is possible with the new builders:
Premium URL Shortener
By Kensei
Premium URL Shortener is a PHP URL shortener script packed with many unique features. It has been built from scratch with performance in mind. Some of the features include geotargeting, premium membership, powerful dashboard and admin panel and a series of CMS tools to help you build your dream. Furthermore, it will keep getting better with each update!
InOut Webmail Ultimate nulled
By Colaintworld
Webmail and chat solutions for small/medium sized businesses. Inout Webmail script is loaded with state of the art features and it allows all mail operations under the same page without reloading the page. This gives you blazing fast response, ease of use and Gmail like performance but without the huge costs. The web based live chat service with instant messaging and group chat options can keep your users always connected. Advanced features like efficient spam protection, mail filtering and conversation grouping makes email management a bliss. The address book feature helps your users maintain and organize their contacts easily. For larger enterprises, Inout Webmail comes with Hypertable to handle large amounts of data at high speeds.
Unlimited Users
Inout Webmail is designed to handle large amounts of users so you can continue to use the same platform as the business grows. Control your technology costs with Inout Webmail.
Chats, Calendar, Lists & More…
You don’t just get a web based email script but a fully loaded Gmail inspired platform with chat solutions, group chats, calendars, to do lists.
Fully Featured Webmail Script
Preview panes, spam protection, draft auto save, activity logging, HTML Editor, forwarding & auto replies are just few of the plethora of options available to the internet. All features that you currently enjoy on your personal webmail clients like Gmail are integrated into Inout Webmail for Business.
Big Data Management
That’s right. We have incorporated open source Hypertable into Webmail for businesses that handle large amount of data, users or both. Big Data technologies allow retrieval of large amounts of data and high number requests at blistering speeds. This is suitable for larger enterprises.
X | The Theme
This is not a nulled release, but its a full download from themeforest so you can use it without key.
Just upload extentions like normal plugins.
X – Overview
Stacks – X includes multiple unique designs inside of one powerful WordPress theme, and we refer to these designs as “Stacks.” There are currently four Stacks available in X. It’s like buying one theme and constantly getting access to new designs all the time! The links below take you to the main demo for each Stack, however we have created multiple unique demos for each Stack so be sure to check them all out.
Integrity Renew Icon Ethos Extensions – Easily build upon the firm foundation X has already laid forth with our incredible new Extensions. Within the X ecosystem, Extensions are comprised of plugins built by our staff to work seamlessly with X, as well as third party plugins by developers we’ve partnered with to bring you great features that we’ve integrated tightly into the theme. This keeps X lean for those who might not need a certain feature and as efficient as possible for those who do! Be sure to check out a full list of our Extensions for more information on these amazing features that are included for free with each unique purchase as well as this FAQ explaining how the licensing works.
Experts – X was built upon the input of industry-leading experts. We consulted numerous individuals and asked them what sort of features they wanted to see in a theme from an SEO standpoint, design, feature-set, et cetera, and built their suggestions right into the theme. Forget the marketing speak, X truly delivers on what it promises.
Theme Options Panel – Being on the cutting edge of WordPress development is something we wanted to do from the start. Because of that, we made sure that we avoided the use of clunky additional admin panels and instead, opted to utilize a powerful, recently rebuilt theme options panel. With this setup, you can preview all of the changes you make to your site live without any need to switch windows or refresh the browser in addition to searching for exactly what you need. When you’re happy with your changes, select “Save” and your updates will go live. All of the following can be edited:
Stack selection (Integrity, Renew, Icon, or Ethos) Site layout (fullwidth or boxed) Site max-width (in pixels) Site width (in percentage) Content layout (content left – sidebar right, sidebar left – content right, or fullwidth) Background color, pattern, image, and image fade Countless Stack-specific options Enable custom fonts and their subsets if desired Logo font, color, size, weight, letter spacing, and choose to enable uppercasestyling Navbar link color, link color hover, size, weight, and choose to enable uppercase styling Headings font, color, weight, letter spacing, and choose to enable uppercasestyling Body font, color, size (base and content area), and weight Link color and link color hover Button style (3D, flat, or transparent) Button shape (square, rounded, or pill) Button size (mini, small, regular, large, extra large, or jumbo) Button font color, background color, and border color (and set values for the hover as well) Header position (static top, fixed top, fixed left, or fixed right) Logo and navigation layout (inline or stacked) Enable or disable Navbar Search Navbar top height (in pixels) Navbar side width (in pixels) Logo upload Make logo retina ready Navbar top and side logo alignment (in pixels) Navbar top and side link alignment (in pixels) Mobile navbar button alignment (in pixels) Mobile navbar button size (in pixels) Header widget areas (one, two, three, or four) Header widget area button color Header widget area button color hover Enable or disable topbar Topbar content for taglines, contact information, or secondary navigation(accepts HTML input) Enable or disable breadcrumbs Enable or disable top footer area) Footer widget areas (one, two, three, or four) Enable or disable bottom footer, footer menu, footer social menu, and footer content area Bottom footer content (accepts HTML input) Enable or disable the Scroll Top Anchor, allowing your users to return to the top of your site with the click of a mouse Update blog style (standard or masonry) Update blog layout Update archive style (standard or masonry) Update archive layout Enable or disable post meta Enable the excerpt or full post content on your index page Custom URL slug for your portoflio items Enable cropped featured images Enable or disable portfolio item meta Custom portfolio tag list title Custom portfolio project title Custom portfolio project button text Enable or disable social sharing links on portfolio items Manage and preview your bbPress setup Update bbPress layout Enable or disable bbPress Navbar Menu Manage and preview your BuddyPress setup Update BuddyPress layout Enable or disable BuddyPress Navbar Menu Custom BuddyPress component titles Custom BuddyPress component subtitles (in applicable Stacks) Manage and preview your WooCommerce shop Update shop layout Select product columns Posts per page for the shop Enable or disable various product tabs with ease Enable or disable Related Products and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera) Enable or disable Upsells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera) Enable or disable Cross Sells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera) Adjust WooCommerce widget image alignment Profiles for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Pinterest, Dribbble, Behance, Tumblr, and RSS Site icons (favicon, touch icon, tile icon, and tile icon background color) Input custom CSS right in the Theme Customizer Input custom JavaScript right in the Theme Customizer Manage all of your widgetized areas right in the Theme Customizer And so much more! Responsive – Let’s face it: we live in a mobile world. It’s absolutely essential that your website be as accessible as possible on all devices. However, we felt that responsive design was something else we wanted to make even better. Instead of utilizing a design that merely changes every so often at fixed breakpoints, we opted for a completely fluid (percentage-based) design that looks great on all screen sizes (even the “in-between” ones). It’s something that truly has to be seen to gather the whole experience. So fire up your 27” iMac, 11” netbook, Kindle Fire, Android phone, or anything else you can conjure up – X will look fabulous on all of them.
Page Builder – X customers can choose between Cornerstone, our incredible 100% front-end page builder or Visual Composer for use within X. Both plugins are included with each verified purchase.
Typography – The web is first and foremost a typographic medium. Because of that, we wanted to ensure that the level of control over your site’s type was unparalleled in any other WordPress theme on the market. We’ve not only included over 600 free Google Fonts to use in your theme, we’ve made it so that all respective weights of each font are dynamically loaded, ultimately providing you with more choice, and better overall site performance. Adjust sizes, colors, letter spacing, capitalization, and so much more with X’s near endless typographic options.
Shortcodes – The bread and butter of any good theme. Shortcodes enable you to become a power user and take your site to new heights. But you’re only as good as what you’re provided with in your theme. With X, we’ve built 40 stellar shortcodes (plenty of them truly one of a kind), allowing you to build virtually any layout your mind can imagine. All shortcodes are included via a custom built plugin for easy maintenance. Included shortcodes are as follows:
Accordon Alert Audio Embed Author Block Grid Blockquote Buttons Callout Clear Code Container Content Band Columns Columnize Custom Headline Dropcap Entry Share Feature Headline Gap Highlight Icon List Icons Images Line Map Popovers & Tooltips Promo Prompt Protected Content Pullquote Recent Posts Responsive Lightbox Responsive Pricing Table Responsive Slider Responsive Text Responsive Video Responsive Visibility Search Skill Bar Tabbed Content Table of Contents To see examples of the shortcodes and how they look in each Stack, check out the links below:
Shortcodes – Integrity Shortcodes – Renew Shortcodes – Icon Shortcodes – Ethos Navigation – Utilize dozens of navigation options including positioning, height, centering, integrated search, and much more. The sky is the limit!
Megamenus – Looking to display lots of content? Megamenus provide you with a visually engaging way to organize complex navigation layouts.
Search – Our optional search functionality takes the traditional search form into the 21st century with clean styling and ease of use (it’s slick).
One Page Sites – Easily setup one page navigation with X on your homepage or across multiple pages to create unique and engaging layouts for your visitors.
WooCommerce – Easily transform your WordPress website into a full fledged eCommerce storefront with the click of a mouse (and for absolutely no additional cost). The X WordPress theme is fully integrated with the WooCommerce plugin for those who need it; however, if you don?t need an eCommerce feature on your site there will be no additional impact on your site?s performance. X only uses what needs to be used at any given time, keeping load times fast and visitors happy. But that?s not all! Since X was created to support multiple, completely unique designs called Stacks, each Stack has it?s own look and feel when it comes to WooCommerce integration. If you are looking for an eCommerce solution, you now have multiple completely unique looks to choose from! Check them out below:
Shop – Integrity Shop – Renew Shop – Icon Shop – Integrity bbPress – Still running that clunky, old-hat forum software on your website? If you haven’t tried out bbPress yet, you might want to give it a try! bbPress is forum software developed by the creators of WordPress, so you can rest assured that it will always be compatible with your installation and run using the most up to date features available. With X, we’ve taken it a step further and combed through every corner of what bbPress has to offer in an effort to tailor even the tiniest detail so that it is completely custom and not just like another “add-on.” bbPress is completely optional and is not required to run X, so if you don’t have any need for forums on your website, fear not! The theme will handle the loading of additional styles for bbPress dynamically, so if you’re not using the plugin you won’t have any extra code getting loaded in that you don’t need.
bbPress – Integrity bbPress – Renew bbPress – Icon bbPress – Ethos BuddyPress – If you’re looking to take your site “beyond the blog,” BuddyPress might just be the solution you’ve been looking for. As their website puts it, BuddyPress is ”...a powerful (yet elegant) suite of social networking components, made the WordPress way, to help you build a flexible & robust community.” X features fully integrated styling and functionality for BuddyPress. We’ve left no stone unturned by taking all native components such as profiles, settings, groups, activity streams, notifications, friendships, and private messaging (along with much more) and customized them to meet our highest standards. As with all of our integrated plugins, customers who don’t plan on using BuddyPress won’t have any extra code loaded onto their website…kiss code bloat goodbye!
BuddyPress – Integrity BuddyPress – Renew BuddyPress – Icon BuddyPress – Ethos Marketing – Some people merely provide you with a theme and send you on your way to figure the rest out yourself. With our comprehensive member area, you won’t be alone in purchasing X. You’ll not only receive advice from industry experts on how to finely craft your content to reach a larger audience, but you’ll also receive training on how to use the theme itself. Dozens of HD videos and detailed documentation make working with X one of the best experiences you’ll ever have.
Site Layout – It’s always nice to have decisions. Choose between boxed or fullwidth layouts across all Stacks to find a design that truly suits your needs.
Custom Backgrounds – Setting a background to your site helps to set the mood you’re trying to achieve. Simple colors can be light, clean, and professional, patterns can provide some texture and depth, while whole images can make a powerful statement. With X, there’s no fuss with any of these options as you can easily alter each Stack fit your style. Additionally, you can even set unique background images on individual pages, including using multiples to create fullwidth background slideshows (a very creative use for portfolios). You’ve never had this much fun playing around with background images.
Helpful Page Templates – X comes with numerous pages templates to provide you with plenty of flexibility and power when it comes to building the site you want. Easily turn off certain elements like your header or footer on particular pages to assist you in creating marketing squeeze pages, long form sales letters, and anything else you can think of. Our included blank templates are perfect for crafting unique homepage designs along with our powerful shortcodes, ensuring that your site will never look like anyone else’s who is using X. Included page templates are as follows:
Blank – Container | Header, Footer Blank – Container | Header, No Footer Blank – Container | No Header, No Footer Blank – No Container | Header, Footer Blank – No Container | Header, No Footer Blank – No Container | No Header, No Footer Layout – Content Left, Sidebar Right Layout – Sidebar Left, Content Right Layout – Fullwidth Layout – Portfolio Unlimited Sidebars – It’s a given with most themes these days and it’s no different with X. You have unlimited sidebars at your disposal to achieve whatever your project desires. Our sleek, intuitive sidebar manager interface has a couple tricks up it’s sleeve, and paired with our layout templates, you can accomplish anything. Some of the things you can do with sidebars in X include:
Create and manage unlimited unique sidebars Set sidebars on either side of the page (left or right) Manage all unique sidebars from one streamlined interface Set sidebars on parent pages to be inherited by all child pages as well Unique Portfolios – Each Stack in X features it’s own unique, one of a kind portfolio layout. While each portfolio appears visually different, you can still achieve all of the same desired results across all of them. Additionally, you can quickly and easily setup multiple portfolios on your website with our portfolio page template! With each portfolio that you create you can choose to display portfolio items from all categories, one category, or a custom selection of categories. With so much flexibility, it’s a snap to organize your work online. Some features of the portfolios include:
Set a unique URL slug for your portfolio items Set how many posts per page you want to appear on the index listing Set how many columns you want to use on the index listing Supports images, galleries, and video Display either the featured image or the media type (e.g. gallery, video) on the index page Set unique backgrounds on each individual post to mirror your work Categorize and tag your portfolio pieces like normal posts for easy organization Portfolio photography generously provided by James Brandon,
Slider Revolution – X not only supports, but includes the premium Slider Revolution plugin (a $25 value) for free along with your purchase of the theme. Effortlessly create and manage unique slideshows with captivating transitions and animations that are all completely responsive. With X, you can easily include a slider at the top of any page using a simple option dropdown, or to the body of your pages and posts using the generated shortcodes.
Simple Forms – Styling is included for the most popular form creation plugins on the market including Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms for quick form setup.
Icon Fonts – They’re all the rage right now, and for good reason. Icon fonts are easy to use, look great across all devices (we’re talking about you retina displays), and aren’t much of a performance hit. With X, we’ve chosen to include two icon font libraries, Font Awesome, and the Foundation Social Set, combined to give you nearly 400 icons to use throughout your paragraphs, buttons, lists, and just about anything else you can think about.
Integrated Social Sharing – Facilitating the sharing of your content is a breeze with X. Built-in options allow for a quick, efficient, and seamless sharing experience that always feels custom tailored and never tacked on.
Retina Ready – Along with HTML5, CSS3, and icon fonts, X also ensures things like your logo look crystal clear across all devices.
Dynamic Thumbnail Sizing – Since we’ve provided you with not only the ability to control the width of your site, but also your content area, that much variable room can cause problems with your media (i.e. too big, too small, et cetera). However, we’ve included some custom scripting that takes care of all that, dynamically sizing all featured image content across your site based upon the dimensions you’ve chosen for your theme. What does it all mean in the end? Better performance and happier users. What else could you ask for?
Photoshop Files – Yep, we’ve got those, too. All available Photoshop files are included with your purchase of the X WordPress Theme.
Clean Code – X conforms to industry best practices at all levels. The attention to detail given by our developers on all levels is absolutely unparalleled. Implementing the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques, along with cutting edge WordPress standards ensures that your theme will provide you with the best possible experience you could hope for with a premium theme. Better load times and performance means your content is more readily consumed by your visitors, leading to repeat customers and increased exposure.
Demo Data – Sometimes it’s nice to get a little head start. Included with your purchase of X is a set of demo data illustrating how to accomplish dozens of unique layouts, along with how to take advantage of X’s unique feature-set. Be sure to check out our all new Expanded Demos – only available in the X Theme.
iLightBox jQuery Plugin – To make your images as beautiful as possible, we’ve integrated the iLightBox jQuery plugin directly in the theme in conjunction with the responsive lightbox shortcode. This $13 value is free with your purchase of X, and will ensure that your photographs look beautiful as ever in it’s fully responsive, minimal display.
Custom Post Formats – Manage your blog posts better by taking advantage of WordPress’ custom post formats. The following post formats are included, each with their own unique set of data inputs for managing content efficiently and easily:
Standard Image Gallery Audio Video Quote Link Search Engine Optimized – A lot of people boast about search engine optimization. We actually have data to back it up. X was built with the help of industry experts, SEO included. Rest assured that everything from the foundational markup utilizing the latest semantic HTML5 elements, up to specialized shortcodes for increased clickthrough rates have all been expertly crafted to ensure that your site ranks as best it can.
Translation Ready – X is translation ready and comes with included .mo and .po files.
Unlimited Styling – Trust us on this: virtually any layout or design you can think of is possible with X WordPress Theme. We even believed in this so much, we created 30 demo sites (yes, 30), to show off what is truly possible with X, and these were just from our team. Imagine what you could create with your own imagination and the tools necessary to make it happen.
Right to Left – Included with X are Stack specific stylesheets that support right to left languages and reposition elements when necessary.
WAI-ARIA Roles – X includes WAI-ARIA roles throughout each and every template file to ensure that your site conforms to the latest accessibility standards set forth by the W3C.
Unbelievable Member Resources – Experience a member area like you’ve never seen before. Fully responsive, helpful support forums, HD tutorials, expert contributions, and so much more. X is more than just a theme, it’s an experience unto itself.
Updates – Our #1 priority is to keep X on the cutting edge of functionality, and our team is quick to address bug fixes as well as adding new features.
Multisite Tested – X has been thoroughly tested across numerous multisite setups (including our own demo installations), so you can rest easy knowing that everything will function as it should across your network.
Child Theme Compatible – X is child theme compatible, with child themes available upon your purchase of the theme to make customization easy and painless.
Custom Widgets – It’s a breeze to include your Flickr or Dribbble feed into your theme with X’s custom widgets. Simply drag and drop them wherever you desire, input your user information, and you’re good to go!
Cross Browser Compatibility – No browser is left behind with the X WordPress Theme! All modern browsers supported by X include:
Google Chrome Firefox Safari Opera Internet Explorer 11 Internet Explorer 10 Internet Explorer 9 Threaded Comments – Threaded comment support is active in X and fully responsive, allowing your users’ comments to be easily viewable and readable on all devices, no matter how small.
Best WordPress Theme 2017 – X is truly the ultimate WordPress theme, and we look forward to proving it to you. Pick up your first or next license today!
Sngine - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform
By bandnan
Sngine is a Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
Sngine is very easy to install, Watch how to install in less than 1 minute
Sngine is the Fastest Social Network Script on Codecanyon Google PageSpeed 97/100
User Demo::
Demo Link (You can register and test it yourself)
Admin Demo::
Demo Link (Login using this username/password)
Username: demo.admin
Password: 123456
(This account can’t do any action on the demo version)
321 Membership
321 Membership is a PHP application that allows website owners to quickly add a powerful, fast and highly customizable user login or membership area to their website.
Whether you want to build a login area for your users or clients, a private membership area or a powerful web application, network or platform – 321 Membership is the perfect basis for your projects.
The application is super fast, powerful and comes with great features such as user registration, password recovery, user profiles with avatar and powerful admin features to manage all users. It can be super easily customized to perfectly fit all your requirements and can be installed within 30 seconds by just uploading the files to your hosting – that’s it.
Within just a few seconds, you have your own powerful login and membership area that you can use to build any kind of login area, membership platform or network.
All Features:
- Powerful user login, membership and user management application
- Unlimited users
- User Login
- User Registration
- Password recovery (“Forgot password”-function)
- User profiles with username and avatar
- User roles (e.g. “User”, “Staff”, “Admin”)
- Powerful admin panel (Manage settings and users)
- Super easy to customize
- 30 second installation (just upload – that’s it)
- Fully responsive for mobile devices
- Easily translatable (just one language file containing all texts)
- Just requires PHP > 5.3, PDO and SQLite or MySQL
Compatible Browsers:
- IE10
- IE11
- Firefox
- Safari
- Opera
- Chrome
- Edge
Demo Login:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Password: admin
Note: some admin features are disabled in the demo
phpDolphin – Social Network Platform
By Guest
[center][size=7]PHPDolphin Social Network[/size][/center]
[size=4]Downloaded directly from CodeCanyon, this is the original PHPDolphin script.[/size]313 downloads
FbLikeStatus - Facebook Like Status Script
By Guest
[font=verdana]Build your own Facebook Community!
FbLikeStatus is a powerful PHP script to help you easily create a status and quotes website that Facebook users can “like” and that is heavily focused around this. Since the stuff they like show up in their FB profile and consequently in the news feed of their friends, this makes the whole website EXTREMELY viral! Also, websites created with FbLikeStatus are sentenced to live and grow on autopilot because users add their own content!
The perfect Facebook viral marketing tool, that works as an automatic way to make money with FaceBook. It is maybe the best and easiest next-to-free way right now to generate a HUGE amount of leads and to multiply your list; it’s designed to be as simple, easy and enjoyable to use as possible for the users, while as effective and easy to maintain as possible for the site owner.
After you set up your site and with literally next to zero promotion, by the time the first users start using your site, more users will follow, that will bring even more, and then EVEN MORE , etc, while you sit and watch your earnings skyrocket![/font]158 downloads
Tan Mp3 Search Engine V4
By Klique
We have new update, if you are a customer please read the news, and helper here.
Demo at
Admin demo at (demo/demo)
Requirements PHP 4.5 or higher, PMySQL 4.x or higher, mod_rewrite, curl or file_get_contents open.
The license for one domain is 49.99$ (one year free support), you can also choose the life time license by click to Life time license while doing oder.
Mp3 search engine with many tech inside like smart cache, search mp3 from many source, related youtube video. video search, base on Smarty Template engine and ofcause, Best seo optimizer, try to search "" on google too see how best of this script.
TAN Mp3 Search Engine is one of the best solutions if you want to start your own music portal. It has a beautiful and intuitive interface built with the latest development tools to make it as easy to use for you. Beside that there are many fine features :
User Features
Powerful HTML5 Music Player that work on iPad and mobile browsers Using smart cache to help server healthy Base on Smarty, a library that allows the creation of HTML templates that are easy to customize and improve design. Visitors can be able to search music, it also builded in correct keyword (when visitor search with wrong keyword, will show Did you mean ...?) Easy searching MP3 and Video from many source on the internet. Top songs information from LAST.FM API, Top Video come from Youtube Api Playlist management Registration with facebook and google account Multi-user Clean & Modern design, nice and neat interface for the fastest browsing speed. Member profile page, that included favorited songs and playlists. Ajax based by loading youtube related video and more.... Cross-Browser compatible And more ... Script/Admin Features
Manager source Manager member Change admin password Config your website Filter illegal username Customization Features
Everything is customizable. You can edit the design, create your own template, edit the header and footer, add your own graphics, whatever you need.
[CodeCanyon] Classifieds Made Easy
By Guest
[b]Classified made easy[/b] is an easy to use PHP script which can be used as classified or any kind of listing website. You can easily add,edit or delete categories. For ex, if you just want to use it as job listing website then you may create just job categories and related subcategories. Similarly you can use it for any other type of listing site. You can update any keyword such as ‘Category’, ‘Subcategory’ to whatever you wish. The search results are also shown on Map for easy viewing. It is multilingual and you can add/edit any translation easily. You may also charge visitors for posting featured ads. This system can also be used as a directory listing site. This is responsive in design but may not fit well on smaller screen mobile devices. So if you plan to use it on mobile device then it is
recommended that you first check the demo on your mobile device.
Site admins can easily choose the default site language including that of front end. Supports all major languages including [b]RTL support[/b]
– Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Haitian Creole,
Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and
[b]Now you can automatically populate listings using [url=""]Oodle Classified Plugin[/url][/b]
[b]There are help docs that comes with this package and they are located inside a folder named Help. You can refer to the [url=""]Installation Steps here [/url] and [url=""]Minimum Requirements here[/url][/b]
[url=""]Complete Changelog Here[/url]
[url=""]Full screen map homepage demo[/url]
[url=""]Text mode homepage demo [/url]
[b]Username:[/b] admin
[b]Password:[/b] testtest
Prominent Features: - [b]HTML5 Responsive[/b] design and [b]10+ bootstrap themes[/b] included. - Classified listings on [b]Google Maps[/b] - [b]GeoIP[/b] option. - [b]Clustering support[/b] - Supports [b]thousands of markers[/b] without performance issue.
The script can load thousands of markers without any performance issue and you can use the API options to connect to your external database. Custom plugins functionality allows you write custom plugins or code. A
single markers is composed up of merely 32 bytes so loading 10,000 markers would mean loading only 320 kb of marker data and 50,000 markers would be merely 1.6 mb of data.
- [b]API[/b]
- Load [b]External Data[/b] - [b]Multilingual[/b]
- [b]Adsense[/b] Ready- [b]PayPal[/b] integrated for featured ads. - [b]SEO[/b] Support inbuilt - [b]RTL Support[/b] (Click on top right link in the demo) - [b]Facebook[/b] connect - Automatically populate listings using [b][url=""]Oodle plugin[/url][/b] - [b]Listing tags[/b] such as [b]Viewed[/b], [b]Featured[/b] and [b]Liked[/b] All Features:[list]
[*]HTML5 Responsive design and 10+ bootstrap themes included.
[*]Search listings by defining search criteria such as categories, sub categories, price, keyword and city.
[*]Easy to use drop-downs to refine the search.
enabled i.e. it will automatically zoom to your location, if there’s at
least one listing in your city otherwise it will show larger region.
[*]Add, Edit or Delete categories and sub categories.
[*]Automatically populate listings using [url=""]Oodle plugin[/url]
[*]Choose your default homepage i.e. Map or Text mode.
[*]Search results are also shown on Google map which can be toggled to full screen.
[*]Listings on Google map shows small description, price, contact info and
an image. Full description can be seen by clicking on more info link.
[*]Unique marker for featured listings on map
[*]Easy access to favorite listings
[*]Add/Edit/Delete custom pages using rich text editor.
[*]Adsense ready. Easily add adsense or other advertisements through admin options.
[*]PayPal integrated. Members can buy featured listings for the price and duration set by the site admin.
[*]Admin can set a listing as featured or top listing.
custom address or location through map while adding/editing listing.
This is very helpful as sometimes Google doesn’t recognize an address.
So you can define your own address easily.
[*]RSS feed enabled.
[*]It is multilingual and supports all major languages and you can add/edit any translation easily.
[*]Powered by Ajax and jQuery hence faster and gives better user experience.
[*]Free updates.
[*]Unlimited skins as site admin can easily change colors of different
section of website and they will be instantly updated. Search form field
themes included too.
[*]Fully functional contact form, with minimum required settings, on contact us and listing page.
[*]Members can easily register to the website.
[*]Registration protected by captcha.
[*]Facebook connect enabled i.e. Login/Register through facebook.
[*]Forgot password option to retrieve forgotten passwords and usernames.
[*]Each member can have a unique profile with an avatar.
[*]Admin can ban or delete any member anytime.
[*]Listing is marked as ‘viewed’ in visitors browser after she has viewed
that listing. This helps in avoiding confusion about what listings are
yet to be seen. The tag remains intact even if the visitor visit the
website after few days.
[*]The visitor can like a listing by
clicking on the ‘Like’ button. This help user in pin pointing the
properties she is interested in even if she visits the website after few
[*]Contact form protected by reCaptcha to avoid spam, if reCaptcha settings are defined in admin options.
[*]Listings and pictures can be easily added using add listing form.
[*]Member can edit or delete her listing anytime.
[*]SEO support is in-built. Site admin can define SEO options in admin options.
[*]Friendly URLs option can be enabled through admin option.
[*]Title, description and keywords are automatically generated for each listing.
[*]Site admin can define number of days after which the listings that are
not marked as ‘permanent’ would be automatically deleted from the
website. Listings marked as ‘Permanent’ would stay intact.
[*]Admin can define his own price range to be shown in search form and add/edit listing form.
[*]Site admin can easily add/edit and update language translations.
[*]Ability to add analytic code in footer through admin options.
[*]Contact address can be added or edited anytime through admin options.
[*]Easily update website logo or title in the header.
[*]Easily add social icons in the footer.
[*]Easily update website footer.
[*]It can be used as a directory site as well.
[*]Easily embed it in any website.
[*]Easy to install using 2 step installer.
[*]Full help and documentation available in the package.
[*]Feel free to contact me in case of any problem or issue.
[/list]121 downloads
Pintastic v3 (not nulled)
By James
Staff Edit - This file has been shifted from uploader because the original uploader's account no longer exists. The current author had no part in the creation of this file, and no support is given at all from the author.
Front-End Demo
username: [email protected]
password: demo
Time for Pintastic v.3! Up to 10 times faster and even better looking than v.1 and v.2, it also features more ways for you to earn money. Paid memberships, VIP status and featured pins can now all be purchased using PayPal. Pintastic v.3 is also multilingual and supports subcategories and animated GIFs.
There’s even more to the new version: a color filter for pins, a smart search, and a landing page you can customize and turn on or off. The system has been entirely rebuilt using an updated version of our custom framework. All this has been fittingly dressed in an attractive contemporary design with fresh new interface.
Since we are offering a Pinterest clone script, we’ve also followed up on their latest layout update. In addition to our standard integration with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram there is now a Share button connecting to almost 300 social sites.
We’ve also kept all the great features from v.2:
- unlimited users,
- complete banner ads system,
- pinning from websites and your own PC,
- gallery pin,
- repins, comments, likes and following,
- unlimited regular, shared and secret boards,
- previous and next pin,
- filters for gifts, videos, latest and popular pins,
- a built-in CMS,
- ability to change the texts throughout the site from the admin panel,
- complete site management.
Chevereto v3.7.1 Nulled
By kratosbr
Chevereto v3.7.1
Released on January 30th 2016
Added edit icon indicator for each image preview on upload Added halt for invalid file extension on upload Added support for PHP 7 Added admin notice when using error_reporting in production Added translation placeholders for update process Improved class.sftp.php Improved class.ftp.php Improved custom CSS functionality Improved storage error display Fixed security issue in listings Fixed bug in non working duplicate image detection when using watermarks Fixed bug in user settings with mandatory email field for social login Fixed bug in fullscreen loader Fixed bug in album view when selecting album description text Fixed bug in user profile and untranslated followers label Fixed bug in image list when assigning multiple images to an album Fixed bug in user settings when unlinking a social account Fixed bug in image viewer with panorama images Fixed bug in image viewer with false positive 404 page (external storage images) Fixed bug in Twitter sharer when no account has been set-up Fixed bug in with "q" parameter handling Fixed bug in test email feature and unbinded $t parameter Fixed bug in anywhere uploader with NSFW input handling Fixed bug in search template and empty title Fixed syntax bug in route.api.php Fixed syntax bug in route.dashboard.php Updated Amazon PHP SDK to v3.14.0 Updated PHPMailer to v5.2.14 Updated phpseclib library Updated G\ Library to v1.0.27 Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Danish, Dutch, French, Indonesian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese translations61 downloads
PHPVibe - Video CMS
5 in 1 Media solution with accent on videos
PHPVibe comes with 5 modes for media sharing: video embed, web-playable video upload, video upload & conversion to web-playable formats, mp3 music upload, images upload. All modes can be restricted to selected users or administrator(s).
Videos are the best thing
On average visitors stay 2 minutes longer when watching a video. Marketers believe by the end of 2017 video will be close to 90% of all intern traffic, it’s believable when Youtube already records 1 billion unique users every month.
PHPVibe’s accent is set on video sharing for corporations and webmasters.
Easy video uploads
Your users will be able to upload videos fast, edit them once ready and share them to different social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
For non-web-playable video formats like .avi, .mpeg PHPVibe offers ffmpeg conversion support to .mp4 videos which are playable on all devices (desktop, tablets and mobile phones).
Fast and simple video embedding
PHPVibe supports multiple large video sharing websites for fast embeds. Your users can share an video by pasting an link from Youtube, Vimeo, Vine, Metacafe, Dailymotion and more.
For most popular sources the video details (thumbnail, title, description, duration) will be pre-filled.
Multi-language support
Version 3 is the first truly multi-language PHPVibe.
Your new video portal can be translated to as many languages as you want via an simple languages form.
Visitors can switch language to view the site in from the languages menu.
Unlimited channels/categories for Videos, Images or Music
PHPViBe supports natively 3 media types, the channels system is built to split every type and arrange all media sections as you desire.
You can also close and hide all sections that you do not desire on your website. For example if you want a classic video website you can easily close music and image sharing.
User system and Social logins
As the web gets more and more social, so should your website! PHPVibe comes by default with user logins (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Local)
and allows your users to build an profile, personalize it, track friends activity, and follow other users.
User experience enhancers
In a PHPVibe powered website users can “play around” not just watch videos. They can comment with the comment system or Facebook comments plugin, like or dislike an video, make video playlists/collections, follow other user’s activity.
Activity wall for users
One of the reasons Facebook is very successful is because people want to see what other people (mostly acquaintances) do and like. PHPVibe has an similar system, all activity is recorded (videos visited, liked, shared and comments made) and displays them as an beautiful wall.
Modern administration
Our video cms comes with a full featured administration panel, top of the class and ready to configure most aspects of your website, restrict user sharing as per your request, select player for every video sharing type, edit channels, users, languages, videos, crons…
Pages and Articles
The video cms comes bundled with an articles and pages modules. Pages are useful for displaying important details and informations about your website.
While articles are your own blog inside the video website, you can use it for SEO purposes or to offer fresh text information to your visitors and users.
Developer friendly
Easy to understand custom platform, 99.999% open source code with only one admin file encrypted with ioncube which doesn’t restrict in any way functional code changes in front-end or admin panel. Licensing system is simple: per main domain license key (ex: with multiple installs per same domain/key.
Youtube Crawler
Youtube importer based on Youtube’s PHP API. Need to build up fast video content? Then our YouTube Crawler is the solution for you. Built in and free it also comes with an cron (automated task).
Set what videos the crawler should search for, save the filter, and the rest will be done by the importer.
You can easily set owner and channels to the new videos!
Ninja Media Script - Viral Fun Media Sharing Site
By Blacksail£
Script Features Include:
Media Upload User Authentication Facebook & Google Authentication User Profiles Commenting User Likes Full Admin Panel Multiple Color Schemes Add Pages NSFW Functionality Watermark Support Language Translation Ready And Much Much More… Technologies Used:
Laravel 4 Bootstrap 3 Font Awesome 4 Many Other Popular Libraries & Frameworks Server Requirements:
PHP >= 5.4 Apache Web Server MCrypt PHP Extension (available in most hosting providers) Allow_url_fopen enabled PDO Extension Our full admin panel is integrated into the site. Admins can delete, edit, or disable users, media, and comments. Site customizations include logo upload, backend color changes, color schemes, and the ability to add your own custom CSS.
We have included a full 5 part video Getting Started guide to help you get up and running with Ninja Media Script.
Hope you enjoy
Great support and weekly updates!
By capt-bullet
phpFox is a featured packed social networking solution. Our goal is to provide your community with features found on major social networking websites like Facebook and MySpace.phpFox is built on a platform that gives you full control with your websites layout giving you the ability to easily create a unique look direct from the comfort of your Admin Control Panel.51 downloads
PhpSound - Music Sharing Platform
By titcrunch
phpSound v1.1.5 is a Social Music Sharing Platform similar with SoundCloud, that allows users to upload their music online and share them with the world.
Update 1.1.5 [10/4/2015]
Improved the English translation
Fixed an issue with the Playlist Search not loading up new results
Removed the favicon from the embeded player
PHP Melody + Mobile Addon :
By titcrunch
PHP Melody is a self-hosted Video CMS which evolved over the last 6 years. SEO optimization, unbeaten security and speed are advantages you no longer have to compromise on.
A truly great CMS should help you save time and make your life easier
not complicate it. Nobody enjoys spending time and money on inferior
solutions. If you value your time, don't settle for anything but the best video CMS with a proven track record, constant support and updates.
Whether you're creating a personal or business video site, PHP Melody gets the job done. This is a no fuss CMS, fit for 2014.
salespage: -
PHPFox 3.8.0 (null)
By capt-bullet
Here is the new and fresh version of PHPFox social network scrip total null and stable
Chevereto 3.6.1 Nulled PHP-SBORG
By Desert
Get your custom image hosting website
Chevereto is a powerful image hosting script that allows you to create a beautiful image hosting website in minutes.
phpDolphin - Social Network Platform
By Desert
Social Network Platform
phpDolphin is the best way to create your own social network or online community in just 5 minutes without any special knowledge.