Applications and Plugins
Invision Community Suite 4.7+ applications and plugins. Remember: XML files are plugins and TAR files are applications.
232 files
Who's Online Avatars
By Dusan
This plugin replaces usernames with avatars in the Who's Online widget.
Rejoin Member To Conversation
By Dusan
This plugin will allow members (with specific groups) to rejoin to conversation with members who left the conversation.
Signature Moderation
By Dusan
This resource will set member's signature under review before it shows in topics.
Display a message on the board top to the member who has a pending signature Display a counter of pending signatures beside the notifications icon to inform moderators how many signatures are awaiting review Records per page on ModeratorCP -> Signature Moderation Groups to apply the signature restriction Moderator Permission:
Can manage signatures? Workflow:
It will automatically set as PENDING all signatures from members of the groups you selected when you change the group setting; so it won't set signatures as pending if you save the settings and DO NOT change the groups. You need to change the groups to fire the action and it runs on a background task so it may take a few minutes in large boards.4 downloads
Advanced Tags & Prefixes
By Dusan
Do you feel limited by the tag system or prefixes?
This application enhances IPS 4's built-in tag and prefix system. It adds custom styling and fine-grained control over prefixes, plus new settings, enhancements, and helpful moderation tools. Prefixes are explicitly created through the Admin CP and can be chosen from a separate prefix dropdown when creating a topic or other prefix-enabled content.
Some of its features:
Define all prefixes manually through the Prefix Manager--even for open-tag systems. Show common tags and prefixes across your site with the Tag Cloud Widget. Add, fix, merge, and remove tags and prefixes in bulk through the Tag Manager. Choose a prefix when posting any prefix-enabled content, separate from tags. Control where and how tags and prefixes are displayed. Add custom HTML formatting to your prefixes, allowing colors, images, and much more. Limit prefixes by member group and location. Require a prefix in certain forums*. Add tags and prefixes to topics in bulk with Saved Actions or the Mass-Add tool. Apply a prefix to topics imported from RSS. Set a default prefix and tags for all new topics in a forum*. Override the global tag settings by forum*. This lets you enter custom tags in some forums and not others, change how many tags are required, or have a prefix option without any tags at all. Display topic prefixes in the page title, last post info, and as filters under each forum's description, if you want.40 downloads
By Dusan
Help fund your forum with donations, set up goals, and track member donations. Offer rewards for members donating.
NEW Support for custom fields with donations. NEW UI tab and widget improvements and enhancements. Option to automatically demote a member back to his original member group x days after their donation. Option to mark goals as achieved and remove them from listing after they have reached 100% donations. Option to create goals that are continuous and have no set end date. RSS feeds for the latest donations and latest goals listings. Ability to track the individual status of each goal as members choose to donate to their preferred goals. Set up fixed donation amounts a member can donate or let the member choose the amount. This includes a minimum donation amount allowed. Group permissions for who can view the donation tracker, view goals, view donations, and who can donate. All payment data is logged including successful and unsuccessful attempts on the payment function. A new discussion topic was created for each new successful donation. Ability to track the top donors in the view top donors page. Payment gateways included are Paypal, Skrill, Payza (Alert Pay), Offline Payments, and Paymentwall.27 downloads
Advanced Custom Widgets
By Dusan
Create sticky or normal widgets with custom contents or blocks from the Pages application. sticky widgets are positioned fixed to the page sides you choose in the widget configuration.
You can select Page blocks to show in the custom widgets instead of custom content. Custom Title and Content fields are translatable. Widgets can be added to default widget areas but become position-fixed if the widget is sticky and shows on the page area you choose. You can change the sticky widget width and height. customize widget text color widget colors like backgrounds and text colors.8 downloads
Advanced Online Indicator
By Dusan
This plugin places an online indicator next to usernames in posts and private conversation messages. You are able to specify the Font Awesome icon for both statuses, online and offline.
The avatar indicator is now supported, with a bunch of settings.
Similar Content on Post Screen
By Dusan
This plugin will show similar content titles on the post screen when the user is typing in the title field. It uses defaults from IPS4 core search, like sorting by relevance or date, number of characters per word, permission for the items, etc. Works in Clubs too.
Works in apps:
Forums Blogs Downloads Calendar Pages 3rd Party Apps: tested on Tutorials, Classifieds, and Videos System. Settings:
Number of content items to appear Allowed groups to use the feature Limit content to a year3 downloads
By Dusan
This resource will allow members to send notifications to other members.
Groups permissions:
Can send notifications to members Can send notifications to groups Content items required to send notifications Restrict new notifications per hour/day/week or month Member Restriction:
Can send notifications?4 downloads
Topic Description
By Dusan
This resource will allow members to add a brief description of the topic they're creating.
Display - Topic descriptions will show up on:
Topic View Forum view Fluid view Activity streams Search results Member profile (activity stream and Content -> Topics) Topic Feed widget (horizontal mode) Per forum configuration:
Enable topic description in this forum. Is topic description required? Topic description maximum length Settings:
Display in forum view? Display in Fluid view? Display in Activity Streams and Search Results? Display in Member Profile -> Content -> Topics? Tools:
Mass Toggle Topic Description in Forums Deleted all topic descriptions Moderator Permission: Can add/edit/delete topic descriptions?0 downloads
Followed Content
By Dusan
This widget will display the following content from all contents available on your board, like Forums topics, Gallery images, Downloads files, Blog entries, Calendar events, and Page records, ordered by the last post, so you can get fast access to your followed items when they got a new reply/comment. It also will display records from any 3rd party app that meets the requirement for IPS4 Content, such as Tutorials, video systems, VideoBox, Raffles, Quizzes, Crowdfunding, etc.
Widget configurations:
It has some configurations from a feed widget, such as: Status Pinned Featured Visibility Author Items from the last X days Number of items to show Groups to display the block. Notes:
SOURCE ITEMS: it will vary according to the applications you have installed on your board and if they meet the requirement for the IPS4 Content Item. TEMPLATES: it uses, if available, templates from the feed widgets of each app. If it isn't available, then a basic list template will displayed instead. PERMISSIONS: users will view only items that he has permission to view.1 download
Contact Us
By Dusan
This application will replace the standard Contact Us form from IPS 4.
Ability to use Departments, which are permission-based, so you can choose which user groups can use each department. Ability to send to everyone in any group by department Ability to add several emails by department Post topic to forum by department Ability to add Extra Fields to the form and choose their position (before or after regular fields) Custom email template6 downloads
Sidebar Forums
By Dusan
This plugin will display the categories/forums/subforums in a widget, just like happens with other apps (Pages, Downloads, etc.).
Widget setting:
Number of subforums to display Notes:
Permissions honored: The user will view categories/forums with permission to view. Although it is named Sidebar, the block can also the used in the main area.2 downloads
Low Stock Notice
By Dusan
This resource will allow administrators to display a low stock notice when the product stock level reaches a predefined level.
Per product configuration:
Enable low stock notice in the product Show stock level in the notice: LOW STOCK - X left! If disabled, only LOW STOCK will be displayed. Minimum stock level to display the notice Example of usage:
You can set a specific product to display the notice when it reaches 10 items in the stock; so from 10 to 1 it will display the notice, for example: LOW STOCK - 3 left!2 downloads
Members Tab
By Dusan
This application adds a tab to the navigation allowing your chosen member groups to view all the members of your board in a tidy grid view.
Adds a tab to the navigation bar Shows a list of your registered members Search the member's content at the click of a button Show a list of the member's information on your board Shows the user's member's group Shows the user's member ID Shows the user's follower count Shows the user's content count Shows the users post per day ratio Shows the number of members of the days the user has won Shows the user's joined date Shows the number of days the user has been registered to the site Shows the member's online status Shows the member's last activity Shows the member's birthday Shows the member's age Shows the members timezone Shows the member's last used device Show a list of the member clubs they have joined All the information above can be shown or hidden in the ACP ( YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHOW EVERYTHING ) you can also choose what user groups can view each bit of information Sort the list by Joined date Post count Username Member Group Custom sort by Post count ( ANY, MORE THAN x AMOUNT, LESS THAN x AMOUNT, EXACTLY x AMOUNT ) Reputation points ( ANY, MORE THAN x AMOUNT, LESS THAN x AMOUNT, EXACTLY x AMOUNT ) Joined date ( BETWEEN ) Last visit ( BETWEEN ) Last post ( BETWEEN ) Choose what user groups can use/view the members tab9 downloads
Members Shop Profile Gifts
By Dusan
Allow your members to buy or send virtual gifts for their profiles using their members shop points, you can create unlimited gifts for members to redeem.
Main Features
Adds a new tab to member's profiles for the gifts to be shown/seen Create categories to place gifts in These categories will be shown in the members profiles in the order of them in the ACP Create gifts for members to have on their profiles All ACP-created gifts will be shown on the member's profiles with the images in Grayscale Once a member redeems a gift the image on their profiles will be shown in full-color If a member has redeemed more than 1 of the same gift it will show how many they have in a little notification bubble Shows random gifts on the member's posts/topics in the forums You can disable this via the ACP settings You can set the amount to show in the ACP settings All images use the lazy load setting if you have enabled the lazy load How To Use
Once installed go to the members shop tab in the ACP and select the profile gifts > category & gifts link Click the Create New button and add a category Now click the add gift button and create a gift adding a name and uploading an image Repeat for all your images/categories Go to the member's shop items and add a new item by selecting the profile gift item Fill in all the details as you would like any other item There will be a new setting showing all your created gifts select one of them from the list to use If you want the gift image to show as the item image you will need to re-upload that image for that item ( I will be looking into it doing it automatically but will need to edit member's shop for this ) The item will now be available to purchase within the member's shop application9 downloads
Bulk PM
By Dusan
This application will allow admins to send Bulk PMs to specific user groups.
PM Settings:
Author Allow reply & add a copy to the author's Inbox folder Title Content PM Filters:
Groups to send the PM Include Secondary Groups Content Count Reputation Points Joined Date Last Visit to the Site5 downloads
FAQ in Search Results
By Dusan
This resource will give admins the ability to create frequently asked questions in search results based on the terms used in the search. You can categorize areas of interest and each category will be displayed as a tab in search results.
This resource will enhance user experience in your board and will certainly avoid so many topics (or any type of content item) with the same matter/questions as they will be presented with a list of questions and answers relating to the searched term.
1 download
Enhanced Links Moderation
By Dusan
By default, IPS moderates links posted but it's all or nothing: all links from all members will be moderated (except those who can bypass word and link filters).
This plugin will add 3 new options when moderating links:
Number of content items Number of days as a member Groups Use case: you can moderate all links from MEMBERS (user group) that have less than 30 days as a registered user in your board and a minimum of 5 posts.
Change Group in Moderator Panel
By Dusan
This application will allow users to change PRIMARY member groups or add groups to SECONDARY groups in the Moderator Panel. Admins won't have their group changed.
Posts: display Change Group link in posts Staff Groups: these groups won't appear as an option to the moderator Moderator permission:
Will allow moderators with this enabled to change members groups in Moderator CP.11 downloads
Post Donations
By Dusan
The application will allow your users to donate for posts indicating an arbitrary amount and reason for donating.
You can select groups whose users will be able to donate or accept donations. Specify the donor list limit when viewing a topic. Each donation post displays the total amount of donations by currency. Make the reason field required. You can display the balance in posts and/or in the userBar. Users can control the display of the balance themselves in the settings of their accounts. The author of the post will receive a notification about the new donation. Commerce integration
You can specify the amount of the commission that will be charged. You can donate in any currency and any payment gateways that exist and are configured in the Commerce application.
Currently, you can place two widgets on your pages:
Top donors. The widget will show users who donated the most for posts for a certain period of time (week, month, year, or all time). Latest donations. The widget will show the donor, the author of the post, the date, and the amount of the donation.2 downloads
Warn Options in Topic View
By Dusan
This simple plugin will allow admins to warn or flag spam from a topic instead of visiting a profile.
1 download
Report Center Messages
By Dusan
This application will allow moderators to send predefined personal messages to members who reported content. This is a sort of feedback for those who take their time to help to keep things civilized in your community.
All the fields are translatable, which means you can use different messages in different languages.
Message author Current logged-in user Specific user Add comment to the report If enabled, a comment will be added to the report (moderator content tab) saying that a message was sent to the member who reported. Admin CP restrictions:
View Messages Add Messages Edit Messages Delete Messages Manage Settings2 downloads
Approval Queue on UserBar
By Dusan
The plugin adds a notification about publications waiting for approval in the panel.
(D) Enable CSS in editor
By Dusan
In version 4.7+, developers have disabled the ability to edit system CSS files.
The plugin includes the ability to edit CSS files the way you're used to in the editor panel.