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Applications and Plugins

Invision Community Suite 4.7+ applications and plugins. Remember: XML files are plugins and TAR files are applications.

232 files

  1. Profile Songs

    This application will allow your members to upload music tracks to play on their profiles with a nice tidy custom audio player
    Adds a custom java-script / jquery / Ajax music players to users profiles ( if they have uploaded tracks that is  )
    Allow your members to upload multiple music tracks to their profiles
    Adds a playlist with all their uploaded music allowing to switch tracks easily
    Easily edit the track names by clicking and holding the track name in the playlist without having to reload the page
    Easily re-position the tracks by dragging them and dropping them into your chosen positions
    The audio player has 5 buttons
    Repeat ( this will repeat the playing track )
    Next ( skip to the next track )
    Previous ( go to the last track )
    Volume ( Toggles volume bar )
    This will show and volume bar that you can drag with 2 more buttons allowing you to turn it up or down
    Play / Pause ( Does what it says on the tin )
    Easily delete each track without having to reload the page ( this will show a pop-up asking to confirm the deletion )
    Members can customize their audio player's button / volume / progress bar from a choice of 8 colors what are either solid or with a shadow
    Set auto play function so members' tracks will auto-play when the page loads
    Allow members to add other members' tracks to their playlists
    This will not duplicate or copy any audio files it will just add the ability for the track to be played on other members' playlists
    Tracks added to playlists via sharing will not count towards the user's uploads count as they are not uploading a new track
    Members can toggle the ability for other members to add their tracks to their playlists easily via the audio player
    When a member grants permission for their tracks to be shared a new add to my playlist icon will appear next to their track names 
    If a member adds another member's track to their playlist and the uploader decides to delete their track, the track will also be removed from all playlists it has been added to
    Admin Member Group Settings ( These are set per group )
    Can upload audio tracks
    Select the maximum upload size per track
    Select the maximum upload limit per batch of uploads
    Select the number of total tracks the member can upload altogether
    Members ShopAdd a item to the member's shop allowing you to charge points for members to upload tracks
    This will override all group permissions set except the total uploads per batch so if you only want to allow users to add tracks via shop items then you need to remove their permissions to use it and the item will be the only way they can add tracks


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  2. Linked Accounts - Post As

    Linked Accounts allows your members to link one or more accounts then quickly switch between them. You have a full range of options about which usergroups can use the Linked Accounts system and which usergroups cannot be linked to. The POST AS feature allows the user with linked accounts to create/reply to a topic using a Linked Account. Each action is logged so you can keep a track of what linked account users do.
    The Linked Accounts system could be useful for fan fiction forums, roleplaying forums, or just those of you with multiple accounts (e.g, John Doe, Administrator, Forum News).
    Linked Accounts is integrated to Login system of IPS4, so to control the number of failed logins, Reset failed login count (minutes) on ACP -> Login Handlers -> Login Settings.


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  3. Chatbox Free

    This is very simple chat system with the basic features:
    Ajax chat, auto update. Display as a widget, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Rules. Supports emoticons, URL, Images (GIF, PNG, JPG) *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup  @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.


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  4. Custom Pages

    Many people are looking for an equivalent of IPS Pages. This application allows you to add your own subpages with any content.
    The current version is a bit poor but it will be enriched with additional functions, i.e.:
    PHP content support Password protection


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  5. Steam Profile Integration

    This app will obtain data from Steam for your users, and groups, and place it in your IPS Community database for use anywhere on your site. Your board will re-load your members Steam Online information, in configurable batches, every 2 minutes, so you always have up to date information without impacting load times of your community pages.
    Out of the box, this app will display steam information in the following places
    Member Profile Next to Members' posts Member Hovercards (Steam Online Status only) Widget: X Random Online Steam Members displayed anywhere you can place a Widget More detailed information about the members Steam profile is displayed on the Members Profile page. Including an optional list of games the member owns. Out of the box the list of games can be shown in either an image grid layout, or list view. Valid Steam Input format for Custom Profile Field:
    Steam Name: ex. ' Aiwa ' 17 digit Steam ID: ex. 76561197964468370 Old school Steam ID: ex. STEAM_0:0:2101321  


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  6. [ WF ] Large Avatars

    WARNING : This plugin may not work if you are using a template with custom postContainer !
    Using this plugin you will be able to display large avatars on your community. I've made this plugin as an more easy method of the following tutorial made years ago :
    Crafted with love for the WebFlake Community.


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  7. Activity Block

    This block displays any activity stream (default or custom) in a widget.
    Horizontal and vertical blocks are included Editable title of the block Always uses condensed view Number of items to show in one block (up to 100) Show default stream if no stream is chosen Note: you can create an admin-defined stream in ACP and display it through this widget as well.


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  8. Change Joined Date

    This application will allow admins to change a member's joined date in profiles (front-end and ACP).
    Only admins with no restriction to edit member's profiles on ACP can change member's joined date in the front end


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  9. Automatic Post When Moving Topic

    This plugin will create an automatic post when moving a topic.
    The initial state of the "Create Post" checkbox Display the full path of the forums Add links to the forums Increment author content count Type of post author Current moderator Specific member Post Content Moving Topic Form:
    A new field is added to the moving topic form so the moderator will be able to choose if creates the post or not per topic Note:
    This is supposed to work ONLY in the topic view by clicking on MOVE in the Moderation Actions menu. It won't work in the forum view when you select one or more topics.


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  10. (BIM) Pro Stats

    This is a small plugin that allows the use of a Widget to display the statistics on your site. Members could see and update the newest information on that.
    Manage stats in the widget's settings: Easy to add/delete stats. Drag & drop to reorder the position quickly. Clicking on stats to options: title, categories, thumbnails. Supports IPS official apps: Forums, Downloads, Pages, Nexus, Gallery, Calendar. And 3rd party apps that meet the requirement for IPS4 Content, such as Videobox, Musicbox, Tutorials, etc.... with the following stats: New content New comments New reviews Most viewed Hot Topics New Members Top Reputations Other: Auto-update stats every X seconds. Widget title. Thumbnail style (square or round). Fully support AJAX. Fully support responsive design. Cache system for high quality/performance.  


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  11. Choose Topic Embed Image

    This resource will add the ability to moderators choose any attached image in the topic to be the topic embed image (image used when you share a link within your community) and the og:image (image used when you share a topic link in social media, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). By default, IPS 4 uses the first attached image.


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  12. Birthdays Widget

    This plugin will create a birthday widget to display birthdays in the following way:
    Current day +3 days in the vertical mode (sidebar) Current day +7 days in horizontal mode (top or bottom) Widget configuration:
    Content Item Count Reputation Points Achievements Points Active in the latest X days Groups


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  13. Quizzes

    Quizzes is a fun (graded quiz - one or multiple right answers) application that allows you and your members to add Quizzes to your forum. With leaderboards, categories, and a unique layout, The Quizzes is sure to be a hit with your members. The Quizzes comes, among other things, with the following features:
    Three types of quizzes: graded moded (with time challenge and leaderboard ranking - ONE or MULTIPLE RIGHT ANSWERS and study mode (with no time challenge and leaderboard) Unlimited categories of quizzes, plus the unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, including: Category icon Extra fields Minimum and maximum number of questions and answers per quiz Comments and reviews, including the requirement to play the quiz to submit a review Tags & Prefixes The requirement to take quizzes, by: Number of content items Number of reputation points/likes Number of days as a member Groups Discussion topic: will create a topic when a new quiz is submitted. Also, there's an option to create a reply showing the score/time when someone completes the quiz Per-category permissions to show categories, view quizzes, submit quizzes, comment, and review quizzes Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit quizzes Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approved content items must have to access the app Integrates into IPS4 Moderating system, which all common permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc. Robust Admin Restrictions Type of content field: textarea for plain text or IPS4 editor Ability to add an image to the quiz question Ability to set the minimum/maximum title length and description length The ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Search integration: search adverts along with the rest of your community’s content  Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on Integrates into Activity Streams  Integrates to Share Links to share Integration to Member Filters (Bulk Mail, etc.) Integration with ACP Live Seach (categories) Support for notifications such as new quizzes, comments, reviews, and when someone completes a quiz Ability to follow/like categories and individual quizzes Ability to upload or import an image from a URL to be the Quiz image. The image will be displayed on quiz view, categories, etc. Quiz protection: the game will be aborted if you leave the current tab/browser. This is to prevent users from searching elsewhere. That's a setting. Setting to allow users to play a quiz only once Feedback: you can create funny phrases to be used on Quiz results according to user score New setting to randomize quiz questions A new setting to promote members to a group when they reach a specific rank in the quiz Totally functional on mobile devices More... INTEGRATION:
    Raffles System Members who play the quiz and score 100% on it will earn a ticket to a Raffle chosen by the quiz submitter Quiz submitter will be able to choose only their own raffles Members Shop Points can be given in two ways: Global: Points will be given regardless of the result achieved in the game (GRADED mode only) and will be given only once if you allow people to play multiple times. Based on Feedback range: You will be able to reward members according to their results when playing a quiz. A new field in the feedback form will allow you to set the number of points  


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  14. Ignore Topics

    So, are you tired of those useless topics that tell you nothing and have dozens of posts in one day?
    This plugin will allow users (from selected groups) to ignore topics (on selected forums). Ignored topics won't appear in Activity Streams or search results.
    Members can manage their ignored topics on Accounts Settings.
    Groups allowed to use the feature Forums where topics can be ignored Hide IGNORED topics from Activity Streams Hide IGNORED topics from Search Results Hide IGNORED TOPICS on Forum View Display IGNORED badge on forum view Display IGNORED badge on topic view Topics to be ignored by new members


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  15. Raffles System

    This application will allow members to create and manage raffles and giveaways on your board.
    Requirement: For Raffles: Commerce: https://invisionpower.com/features/commerce For Giveaways: Commerce NOT required THIS IS NOT AN UPGRADE of the old app (for IP.Board 3), so if you used the old app you probably still have data from the old app in your database, take a read on Manual.pdf in the zip file or request support BEFORE you install this app. Each purchase entitles you to use the Raffles System on one Community installation. Be aware that may have local laws regarding paying for the tickets unless you are registered as a non-profit organization, or have special authorization to do so. Some sites like PayPal usually shut accounts down or even take action against the accounts of people using their site in that manner. Features:
    Winners Wall: a place to display winners from all raffles/giveaways Ability to choose which type of content per category: only Raffles, only Giveaways, or both Up to 100 prizes per raffle/giveaway (category setting) Restrictions member's participation per raffle/giveaway by: Tickets per member (raffles only) Number of participants Content count Reputation points/likes Number of days as a member Groups Multiple participants per raffle/giveaway (participants can buy more than one ticket (raffle only) to increase their odds) Unlimited categories of raffles/giveaways with permissions, and extra fields, plus the unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions, and extra fields Category Icons Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee, and commission and use multi-currencies Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display raffle prices Raffles Management on ACP: a place where admins can control the status of raffles: activate raffle, change expiration date, and perform mod actions like pin/unpin, lock/unlock, etc Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit raffles Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approved content items must have to access the app, and restrict X raffles/giveaways by a period of time (day, week, month, and year) Robust Admin CP Restrictions Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer The ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on Integrates to: Activity Streams Share Links Tag/Prefixs system Notifications such as new raffles/giveaways, etc Follow System for raffles/giveaways and categories Announcements Advertisements Search system ACP Live Seach (categories) Moderating system, which all common permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Raffles, Comments, and Reviews Achievements system  Webhooks Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts More...


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  16. Staff Applications System

    Are you looking for staff? Developers? Designers? Or anything else? This application will help admins/moderators to find people to help on their boards.
    Here's a quick rundown of some of the features of this resource:
    Ability to create categories/subcategories  Extra Fields In Position form In Application form Ability to create open positions in draft mode and choose a date to automatically publish it  Module to add Positions on ACP (moderator, web designer, developer, etc) Ability to inform how many places the position has. Example: you can create an application record to "hire" 3 moderators. Ability to move the "winner" member to a group chosen group (you inform the group when you're adding the application record) Ability to restrict the application by Content count, Reputation points/likes, Number of days as a member, Minimum age, and groups Ability to create a topic at every new application submission. A module on ModeratorCP to view all pending records from all applications Compatible with most important features from IPS 4.2 (Recommended Comments, Content Message, Reactions, Member History, Richer Embeds, etc.) Integrated into the framework: Tag system, Follow System, Report system, Search system, Share Links, etc. Moderator actions on applications and comments/reviews Moderator permission to approve/reject applications Ability to create RSS feeds from member applications Etc. Permission: NO ONE except staff (with proper permission) will be able to view/read or know who are the applicants. All that regular members will know is the number of users who applied to it.


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  17. iAwards

    The long-awaited awards application for IPS has arrived!
    iAwards provides administrators the ability to award their members with badges that show in their profile and, if chosen, on their posts.
    Standalone this application has the ability to manually award members and to award members based on the amount of awards the member has. You can award both from the ACP as well as from the Create menu at the top of your site.
    In order to give everyone a fully customizable way to award we have integrated it with the Rules application. 
    This gives you the power to award your members based on rules that you create instead of the ones that we think up.
    Features include:
    Choose the location of awards – Under the post or under the author pane. Hide awards – To allow members to show the ones they want. Award based on a number of awards. Manual awarding. Upgrade Tools for both HQ Awards and Awards (Free). Category and awards management.


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  18. VideoBox - Video & Livestream Sharing Platform

    VideoBox is an application that allows sharing videos, the best choice to run your own Movies/TV Shows website.
    2 display modes: Grid view and list view. Categories/subcategories. Custom fields for video information.  Protected custom fields that only display for logged members, or who liked the video. Search videos by custom fields. Video Collections: create/edit/remove the collections for your videos. Widgets: top poster, top videos, random videos, featured videos in a slider, collections in a carousel, quick search by custom fields,... Pages system: easy to create a new page with custom content. Uploading or using external video URL (supports: mp4, m4v, webm, m3u8, youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion). Using VideoJS to play video formats: mp4, m4v, webm. Support VTT captions, and preroll video for advertising purposes *New* Watermark on the video player. Media Tags system to define your custom player embedded from any video services (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion...). Live Streams from Twitch.tv and Youtube.com Ability to post a topic when a video is submitted *New* Tags Filter *New* View video in lightbox *New* Friendly URL. Comment system. Rating system. The following system. Clubs Reactions Supports Nexus (Commerce) to sell and buy videos. *New* Supports all Points systems. *New* Points for new video Points for new comment Points for a new review Points for reaction Lazyload  *New* Tags. Latest Videos RSS feed.


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  19. Message on Signup Form

    With this plugin, you can display a message to new members when they create an account.


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  20. Friends

    This is an application to allows users to create friendships with others.
    Users can send friend requests to others Notification when: Receiving a friend request A friend request has been accepted. Users can manage the notifications (disable/enable, use email/inline notification) Displaying friends: Friends icon on top navigation displays on all pages. Friends tab on the profile page. 1 click to send PM, Chat (requires Chatbox+) Easy to search for friends. Privacy settings can allow users to set certain actions: Who can view your Profile? Who can send your Personal Message? Who can view your friends in your profile? Widget to display random people you may know in slider or grid view. Mutual friends in the widget and profile page.


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  21. Advanced Welcome Header

    Do you like it old school? Then this welcome header is just right for you!
    It combines the charm of old boards with the modern look of Invision Community 4.x and great features for your members and guests.
    This way you can show different information texts and buttons to registered users and visitors. The most important buttons are already available and can be deactivated and activated individually. You also have the opportunity to create an unlimited number of your own buttons!
    Of course, information about the account - such as the number of posts or current rank - is also displayed.
    This application is a widget that can be freely placed via the block manager. However, as the name suggests, it is designed for the header or the actual content area and not for the sidebar.


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  22. Search Statistics with Members

    There are search statistics in IPS.
    It displays queries that users have made. But I wanted to know not only what they were looking for, but also who were looking for.
    And I sketched a small plugin that allows you to see what users are looking for.


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  23. (PC) Forum add-ons

    Forum add-ons
    Ability to use Google Material Icons Option to set icons in  Usernav, Announcements, ModCP, Notifications Announcements
    Ability to display announcements in columns (1, 2, 3) Possibility to change color Ability to set gradient Add-ons
    Main Option to change color when hovering over text Medal display option (Currently only in Popular Contributors) IP display option for administrator only (Currently only in Topics) Slightly modified usernav Ability to enable sticky header (Currently only on mobile) Badge on a new message Modify the "tooltip" Flash message Can be customized flash message: Set background color, Set text color, Set button (close) background color, Set button (close) text color Scrollbar appearance Can be customized for scrollbar appearance Set track background color Set the thumb background color Set scrollbar width Floating buttons Can be set: Button position (Left, Right) Back to top (button) Go to bottom (button) Back to home page (button) Social media Facebook Twitter Instagram VK Telegram PM Display full inbox information Logo Set animations for the logo Animations list pulse bounce rubberBand handShake "tada" wobble jello rotate Forums
    Section Displaying subforum in columns Section description under the title The different appearance of section stats Number of written topics Section icons Customizable section icons (Preferred: Font awesome 6) Own message
    Ability to display a message for All, User, Group Options Background color Text Color Possibility of a button redirecting to a topic / another page Title Message content Message icon Topics
    Settings  Modify the appearance of hidden posts Modify button appearance (quote, edit, etc.) Ability to set button icons etc. CKEditor Ability to set Font awesome 6 icons Advanced footer settings
    Settings  Show advanced footer on mobile/tablet Icons in titles Appearance Background color (IPS footer) background-color  Text Color (IPS footer) text color Width footer Title separator Color separator Section About us Title, icon, content  Staff members (max. 10 members) Social media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Steam, LinkedIn, Discord, YouTube, Pinterest Section Quick links Section Community links Section 5 Latest topics Select forum (Ability to select a department that is not: Password-locked, redirected, and "Questions" type section) Badges (Topic pinned etc.) More information (Status, last post date, topic views) Sidebar:
    Ability to collapse a given widget Version 1.0.1
    Compatibility with 4.7 Added missing icons in notifications Added ability to choose the appearance of notifications (border only, icon only, border and icon) Added icon display in the mobile version Fixed buttons in topics (approve, delete, and quote) Icon Updates Added the ability to display messages on Login and Registration pages Improvements in the appearance of the application on the mobile version Re-formatted the message for one group into multiple groups Re-formatted a single-user message into multiple Modified all field Version 1.0.2
    Added help center block Improved forms in own message Corrections to forms Added Telegram VK


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  24. Bot Blackhole

    Bot Blackhole is a tool to stop those pesky naughty web bots sneaking into places where they have no business going.
    BBH places a little trap within your website in the form of a link, and if the bot follows this link, it gets trapped with nowhere else to go.
    BBH logs all bots who fall into this trap for you to decide whether they get to stay or get flushed in the form of an IP ban. This can be done via the settings.
    Webmasters can also have emails sent to them each time a bot is blocked/Banned.
    You can add IP addresses to your Whitelist to prevent them from being blocked. All IP addresses are blocked via Invision Admin Ban Settings.
    IMPORTANT: You must add the following line to your robots.txt


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  25. CoinGate Payment Gateway

    CoinGate Payment Gateway for Invision Community. Buy, Sell & Accept Cryptocurrency. Buy Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies in Europe and Worldwide. Accepting Bitcoin Payments on Any Store.


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