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Applications and Plugins

Invision Community Suite 4.5+ applications and plugins. Remember: XML files are plugins and TAR files are applications.

56 files

  1. (aXen) Advanced Server List

    Server table showing server information about the status, name, number of players, current map and their owners as applications on IPS Community Suite.
    ? ? === Demo === ? ?
    Other features:
    Set your own fields for the server: Name, Own name, IP, Own IP, Statistics URL, TV URL, Vote URL, Forum URL, Highlight for the server, Special badge for the new server, Hiding server owners in button, The scroll that the user can control, Color filling of players, RWD, Lazy loading in img icons, Table in 2 columns that the user can control, Debug mode for server (A reason can be enter), Separate page for server list Refresh data servers button in AdminCP, Custom connect URL to the server ?️ Requirements
    PHP 7.3+ - For IPS 4.5 PHP 7.4+ - For IPS 4.6 Bzip2 - Used for A2S Compressed responses ❗❗ Unlocked external ports on the website server ? Compatible servers
    ARK: Survival Evolved Arma3 Battlefield 2 Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield 1942 Battlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Hardline Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty: United Offensive Call of Duty: World at War Conan Exiles Contagion Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source DayZ Standalone DayZ Mod Discord Garry's Mod GRAV Online GTA Five M Grand Theft Auto Network Half Life 2: Deathmatch Hurtworld Insurgency Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Just Cause 3 Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Minecraft Medal of honor: Allied Assault Multi Theft Auto Mumble Server Natural Selection 2 Quake 2 Server Quake 3 Server Quake Live Red Orchestra 2 Rust San Andreas Multiplayer 7 Days to Die The Ship Squad StarMade Teamspeak 3 Teeworlds Server Terraria Team Fortress 2 Tibia Tshock Unreal 2 Unturned Unreal Tournament 3 Unreal Tournament 2004 Valheim Ventrilo Warsow World Opponent Network


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  2. BTCPay Gateway

    This is gateway plugin for BTCPay Server payments processor. Works for IPS 4.4, was not tested on previous versions.
    Free and open source. GitHub: https://github.com/RangeMachine/BTCPayGateway
    What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog 
    Released Thursday at 02:29 PM
    Major changes:
    IPB 4.6.x support.
    Minor changes:
    IPN script now is controller All IPN status now should be handler in correct way Mark as complete/invalid IPN status is handled also in correct way Small gateway settings changes (make sure to recheck your settings after update)


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  3. Brilliant Discord Integration

    Unbelievably Brilliant Discord Integration for every community
    Brilliant Discord Integration was designed to work efficiently with every size of the community. This App doesn’t set any limits of community users number to support it brilliantly, therefore it’s ideal for small, medium-sized, and even for really huge forums.
    Our Brilliant App redefines integration standards
    Forget the usual problems with:
    App configuration Role synchronization Adding users into the server and enjoy rethought functionalities offered by our Brilliant Discord Integration App.
    Our experience allowed us to offer most awaited features:
    Brilliant transparency in every configuration step
    We worked with many people to make the configuration possibly simple. And we achieved it! The only thing you have to do is to run the configuration wizard. It contains very helpful field descriptions, and just two text inputs.
    Perfect synchronization of roles and nicknames
    Our Application automatically synchronizes roles and nicknames of your community members. This feature allows them to easily identify each other on your Discord server. And gives you possibility to easily manage their permissions.
    Roles and nicknames are synchronized from your site to Discord server and not the other way around.
    Innovative notifications solution
    Brilliant Discord Integration can send notifications about all content on your site to the Discord server. You can select from 25* different types of content + all content from Pages databases, including comments and reviews. You can configure to send notifications only about content from specified categories, only authored by specified members or comment/reviews only for specified content items. To improve notifications' look, you can use configurable Discord's Rich Embeds.
    *With all official IPS applications (Blogs, Calendar, Commerce, Core, Downloads, Forums, Gallery) installed.
    Original Magic Invites system 
    Magic Invites allows you to manage who can join your Discord server. You can create invites in ACP, and setup group specific permissions for them. If you have enabled Friendly URLs on your site, you can also use a friendly URL for your invites (example.com/invite/invite_key or example.com/discord/invite/invite_key).
    Please note that the whole application (including Magic Invites system) works perfect when there are no basic Discord invites on your Discord server.
    Server security with brilliant Approval Queue
    Using Magic Invites system, you can force your community members (or just specific groups) to send approval request before they join your Discord server. After administrator accepts a member for just one-time or forever, he is immediately added to your Discord server.
    Server promotion with Discord Widget
    Our widget is the best way to promote your Discord server among your community members. Currently it supports 4 official looks from Discord. It may also be a link to a Magic Invite. Note that it only works if you have enabled Server Widget in your Discord server settings.
    Logging in and registration using Discord
    Logging in with Discord is automatically enabled when you finish Brilliant Discord Integration's configuration. Moreover, to enable registration using Discord or edit settings of the login method, go to the Login & Registration page in ACP.


       (3 reviews)


  4. Stop ACP Notifications

    This will let you get rid of Invision notifications and warnings - the ones that take up lots of visual space from the admin panel.
    You can still see the notifications from the upper-right icon, or change the settings to your taste.
    Credits are in the XML file. Whoever you are, thank you for making this plugin available. ?


       (1 review)


  5. Birthday in Registration Screen 5

    Updated version that works with 4.5.
    It also makes it optional for users to inform their full birthday - or just day and month.


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  6. (BIM) Topic Thumbnail 4.5.10

    What's New in Version 4.5.10   
    Released March 31
    CSS issues.
    Cache problem.


       (3 reviews)


  7. iAwards

    The long awaited awards application for IPS has arrived!
    iAwards provides administrators the ability to award their members with badges that show in their profile and, if chosen, on their posts.
    Standalone this application has the ability to manually award members and to award members based on the amount of awards the member has. You can award both from the ACP as well as from the create menu at the top of your site.
    In order to give everyone a fully customizable way to award we have integrated it with the Rules application. 
    This gives you the power to award your members based on rules that you create instead of the ones that we think up.
    Features include:
    Choose location of awards – Under the post or under the author pane.
    Hide awards – To allow members to show the ones they want.
    Award based on number of awards.
    Manual awarding.
    Upgrade Tools for both HQ Awards and Awards (Free).
    Category and awards management.


       (2 reviews)


  8. (SD) Payment Gateways

    Available payment gateways:
    PayU Dotpay.pl Dotpay.pl - sms Przelewy24.pl InPay.pl Nmi.com RushPay.pl PayFast EveryPay MakeCommerce Fortumo Paynow Checkout.com Stripe checkout paygol.com realisto.net  
    Available invoice provides:
    Infakt.pl Ifirma.pl Wfirma.pl  
    Multiple payment gateways
    The application also allows you to send sms notifications using smsapi.pl or Twilio.com


       (0 reviews)


  9. (SD) Image Host

    The application allows you to create a system to upload images on forum.
    The application fetch news from ipsbeyond.pl and displays them in acp on the home page of the application
    Uploading images (depends on group permissions) Ability to delete images (depends on group permissions) Ability to turn off application Upload image from "Create menu" Create thumbnail images Ability to apply a watermark to an image Ability to set the allowed extensions for files Ability to set up file size Warning. If you have an app (DP34) iHost you can migrate data using query:
    INSERT INTO ibf_sdimagehost_images (image_member_id, image_real_name, image_location, image_file_size, image_ip_address, image_added, image_thumb_location) (SELECT u_member_id, u_real_name, u_location, u_size, u_ip, u_time, CONCAT( "thumb_", u_location ) as "image_thumb_location" FROM ibf_ihost_images) where ibf_ are prefix in database


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  10. (SD) Delete Account

    Application makes to easy proces removeing member account from board. Normally member must know to whom write message, but if someone hacked their account then he have problem after removeing accont. Now you do not need to know who and what to write. Only go to special page, accept form. Next board send email to your email address with additional confirmation. When you click confirmation link then administrator receive email with information that someone want to delete account and on special page on ACP he decide what he do.


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  11. (SD) Course Box

    This application adds in your community place which allows your members creating and selling their online courses. Members can create free online courses, courses with flat price and package price courses. Packages in course allow members giving different additionals and author decides what they are.
    Basic functionalities:
    Categories with permissions Ability to create courses by members (permission per group) Ability to upload movies to local storage (permission per group)  Ability to define time to access to course (we can define how long members after joining to course have access to content. Eg. We can set unlimited access or access only through X days) Ability to define expiration date to join (for example, we can determine that we can sign up for the course only until day X, after this day the course will still be visible, but you will not be able to join it anymore) Customer center with course list to which member joined Widgets Ability to organize course as modules or simple lessons Ability to share additional materials to each lesson Ability to comment courses Ability to comment each lesson (course author cant urn on/off this function) Ability to review courses (admin cant urn on option which allow to add opinion only members which joined to course) Ability to review each lesson (course author can turn on/off this function) Abiliy to define course description which will be shown only for course students Students list (only course author can see) Ability to upload custom category cover Notification about joining the course Ability to move lessons between modules Notification for students about creation of a new lesson Ability to automatically create a club for students and automatically add students to the club Ability to send PM to all students in course Ability to specify the duration of lessons Ability to create FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for the course Widget in the admin panel Statistics in the teacher's panel For proper operation of the application, the Commerce (IP.Nexus) application is necessary.
    Demo aplikacji / Application demo: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/courses/
    Galeria zdjęć / Gallery: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/gallery/album/88-sd-course-box/


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  12. Disable Admin Emails

    Will remove the admin emails/mailing list option from all locations in IP.Board.


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  13. Forum Table Header

    Simple plugin that adds table headers to the forum table. Both the css and template bit are customizable from the admin cps theme editor to easily modify the header style.


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  14. Format Tags CSS

    This plugin adds a css value for each tag that can be later modified in the themes css files. Included where ever tag is displayed as well as in view more tag popup. I will enable a support topic for this listing but due to my limited css knowledge, I will not be able to offer support for complex css changes.


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  15. Pages Category URL

    Remove or limit the number of parent categories that are displayed in Pages category friendly urls. Requires the Pages application.


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  16. Staff Badge in User Profile

    Staff Badge in User Profile plugin adds a badge for users who are administrators or have moderator privileges. 
    This simple plugin was made at the request of one of the users.
    Phrases to translate:
    StaffBadgeUserProfile_title StaffBadgeUserProfile_desc


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  17. Format Username in Profile

    Plugin formats the user's nickname in his profile. By default, the nickname is not formatted.


       (1 review)


  18. (aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator

    The plugin show secondary groups on website in:
    Topics Hovercard Profile Search


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  19. (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS

    The plugin updates the Font Awesome version to version 5 without destroying the icons embedded in IPS version 4.
    Uses the official site https://use.fontawesome.com/
    Change Log => https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md


       (0 reviews)


  20. (SD) Game Keys Store 1.5.1

    Application allows you to sell game keys either through external APIs or directly uploaded to the database.
    Creating a category tree Ability to create additional fields assigned to a category Ability to create game makers Ability to create platforms where games work Ability to comment on games Ability to add game reviews only after purchasing a particular game Possibility to set a promotional price for the game Allow multiple products to be purchased at the same time Reactions in game view Ability to connect game with club Advanced promotion module Countdown in pre-order game Discount codes Advanced search Ability to assign additional fields for all categories automatically Normal categories have been changed to categories with permissions Wish list Ability to selection of payment methods REST API Promoting company profiles (FB, Twitter, Our pick) Recommended comments Message in game view Answer to reviews List of owned games Game importer from API Free games Games with the author's approve "Empty" games (eg profile for an old game) License type: file (ability to upload and download files) Commerce (IP.Nexus) is required for right working.
    More screens: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/gallery/album/82-sd-game-keys-store/
    More information about versions: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/release-notes/sd-game-store/
    More info: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/clubs/4-sd-game-keys-store/
    You must add at least one product to the database so that there is no error on the home page
    No copyright footer


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  21. (aXen) Advanced Server List

    Server table showing server information about the status, name, number of players, current map and their owners as applications on IPS Community Suite.
    Other features:
    Set your own fields for the server: Name, Own name, IP, Own IP, Statistics URL, TV URL, Vote URL, Forum URL, Highlight for the server, Special badge for the new server, Hiding server owners in button, The scroll that the user can control, Color filling of players, RWD, Lazy loading in img icons, Table in 2 columns that the user can control


       (2 reviews)


  22. Friendly URL Translit

    Some browsers not able to work correctly with Cyrillic links. This simple plugin converts Cyrillic characters into Latin in all new URLs on your IPS Community Suite.
    Please note: This plugin convert only new urls while creating or saving any content. This plugin DOES NOT automatically converts any existing old urls.
    Supported languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Greek, Turkish, Romanian, French, Italian, Spanish.
    Links without plugin: domain/topic/1-вышла-локализация-для-версии-400
    Links with plugin: domain/topic/1-vyishla-lokalizatsiya-dlya-versii-400


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  23. (SD) Company Directory

    Run an online yellow pages directory with a powerful set of tools. 
    (SD) Company Directory is an application designed for leading Invision Communities looking to build a set of local listings, stores, restaurants, shops, and attractions.  It can be used as a directory of any place with a physical location, powered by mapping services and user reviews. 
    Are you an industry site?  Use Company Directory to compile a comprehensive list of local businesses and serve as a definitive resource for your industry. Are you a brand?  Use Company Directory to showcase partners, vendors, and recommended suppliers for value-added relationships.  Are you a community of interest?  Use Company Directory to organize trusted sources of materials, supplies, or information for your community, then offer and sell sponsored profiles.   Verticals
    There are some industries that will especially benefit from the power of (SD) Company Directory:
    Automotive – create a directory of repair shops, specialty goods stores, vintage repairs, or auto suppliers including contact information Education – create a directory of learning institutions, discovery centers, and tutoring spots and their specializations Civic – create a database of civic institutions for federal, state, and local Manufacturing – create a logistics directory of suppliers, vendors, outlets, warehouses, and trucking hubs Real Estate – create a directory for realtors, lenders, brokers, appraisers, and home inspectors Religion – create a directory for local places of worship Retail – create a directory of stores, outlet malls, and boutique shopping Technology – create a directory for specialized equipment manufacturers, suppliers, or outlets Travel – create a directory for local attractions, sports stadiums, parks, restaurants, and travel hotspots Nonprofits – create a directory of nonprofit organizations within your network Features
    Company Directory features a powerful set of tools requested by the community.  Highlights include:
    Specialization – create specializations that stretch across categories .  For example, you may have a restaurant and a business in different categories that are both “child friendly” or “handicap accessible.” Check-ins and Favorites – allow users to physically check-in at the location and add to favorites, which saves to a special list for future refrence Prices – sell sponsored profiles with a highlighted border.  Integrates with (SD) Sales Portal Pro. Verification – add an extra layer of trust by requiring verification of listings Nearby – search for nearby company profiles using geo location with options to expand search radius or zip code  News – dedicated news section for press releases, news clippings, or online articles for each company profile Importer – bulk import hundreds or thousands of company profiles With over a hundred settings that cover detailed settings for mapping and location, commerce, company details, widgets, moderation, SMS, contact and authorship, you can fine-tune and customize your company directory to your liking. 
    Sorting profiles Purchase package in Commerce (nexus) Expiring profiles Ability to connect country with city Contact form in profile Offline message Widget newest profiles Ability to copyright removal Permission to contact form Customer center Profile view statistics Alphabetical list Profiles filter Discount codes Predefined tags Additional main view "Favorite" profiles Additional profiles Additional profile locations Ability to connect field with categories when adding Ability to require state/city when create profile Additional category view Price list page Change profile owner Ability to change language description on mobile + default description in current member lang Ability to check-in when you physically visit the company Member can set own SEO furl Ability to turn on/off profile comments/opinions Ability to turn off Contact e-mail address field Additional validation postal code field. Allowed chars are digits and dash Ability to hide company profile author Ability to change sorting profile in categories Ability to create profiles specializations Ability to filter companies by: states, cities, specializations Additional fields in company opinion Ability to verify profile Ability to add profile without maps Ability to update profiles after an update package Profiles verification in the customer panel Ability to add comment in verification request New search profiles Ability to add city by user Selected groups can avoid paying Ability to assign specialization to category Ability to turn off check-in functionality Ability to turn off follow profiles Ability to turn off global search Ability to provide short and full name of the company Ability to random order companies in widget Microdata Integration with (SD) Sales Portal Pro Application redesign News system Nearby companies Remove global search Predefined Social Media icons Possibility to define opening hours RSS for news Ability to add more than one review for company Changes to sitemap Importer Tab in the profile "visited company" Ability to disable feature "You have not found the city? Add it" Widget: "Latest opinions" Widget: "Latest visited companies " Own validator for post code field Ability to edit additional fields when editing an opinion Ability to filter on additional fields Ability to assign additional fields for all categories automatically Ability to disable the specialization system Moderation tools in the category view Extension stream activity (presenting: add to favorites, check-ins) Ability to disable the verification system Ability to disable requirement to mark positions on map Displaying news of a given profile on the profile page New look for news Promoting company profiles (FB, Twitter, Our pick) Recommended comments Message in profile Answer to opinions oEmbed (profiles, comments, opinions, news) Completely rewritten news system (new version includes: reactions, messages, comments, promotion, covers) Ability to sort in Packages + multilanguage Multicurrency in packages Ability to limit package use (use limit and package only for selected groups) Companies ranking (version beta) New map provider OpenStreetMap Ability to place additional fields in the tab Changes in profile top JSON-LD Statistics of additional ratings in the opinion News categorization Ability to upload the default photo for company profiles Ability to join categories with packages Ability to disable contact by e-mail and/or PW New template for the "information window" on the map Ability to define zoom values for maps Remembering search parameters on the "nearby companies" page Ability to send an SMS to the company at certain times, specific days of the week and by users of specific groups (integration with Twilio.com) [Available on selected packages] Ability to connect all the contact methods in one button Ability to suggesting a new company to the catalog Notification about adding a new city Ability to define your own character set that will be used to filter the list of companies Additional stats in grid view Notification about new news Lazy Loading for images Ability of pinning profiles Ability to choose the time between the 24-hour and 12-hour (for opening hours) Map of all companies New SMS provider: smsapi.pl Ability to enable moderation entries per category Ability to enable comments/opinions per category Ability to enable comments/opinions moderation  per category Changes in additional profiles (adding edit options to the entry, additional fields like name and state, changing the sorting of entries) Ability to select fields for opinions per category Ability to create own photo gallery (beta version) Custom message on selected pages Notification extension (Notification of new opinion [for profile author], notification of adding profile to favorites, notification of check-in) Permissions for additional fields List of SMS sent to the company FAQ functionality Ability to upgrade/downgrade package Ability to limit gallery per profile Ability to limit photos per gallery Ability to "close" the company profile Ability to change the icon for the category marker Ability to turn off the zoom on the maps for selected groups Ability to disable the "Plan route" for selected groups The application fetch news from ipsbeyond.pl and displays them in acp on the home page of the application  
    More screens: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/gallery/album/81-sd-company-directory/
    More information about versions: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/release-notes/sd-company-directory/
    More info: https://www.ipsbeyond.pl/clubs/3-sd-company-directory/
    DEMO: http://www.ipsbeyond.pl/companies/
    No copyright footer


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  24. Who Was Online (Hours)

    Keeps track of the number of registered members that have visited your site in a custom duration and also records which day you set the record for the most members online in the same day all options done via the front settings and Admin CP.
    Show online users for how many hours ago.
    Who Can See.
    Show Stat.
    Limit Maximum Number of The List.
    Groups To Exclude From the Link.
    Order Users Link By.
    Sort Type.
    Show user photo. NEW
    User photo size. NEW


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  25. Portal

    Adds a Portal application to IP.Board. Based upon IP.Board Portal by IPS. Please be sure to direct all support questions or suggestions in the discussion topic rather then at IPS. The Portal is currently exclusive to the IPS Marketplace, I do not support this application elsewhere.
    What's New in Version 1.8.0
    IP.Board 4.5.x update.


       (1 review)


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