Invision Community Suite 4.4+ themes.
43 files
dark gaming - theme
This theme is a clean aspect for gaming community based on deflection. The theme was created by me and my fellow Craze. I release this skin because many kids copy it with inspect element and claim are their.
27.01.2021 UPDATE : For those who are unable to find the code to show the categories icon, here is a short tutorial : Go in your template codes, after go in forums - index - forumRow, and edit this code with your category id. Make sure you have fontawesome 5.0 installed or the IPS plugin for it.
<div class="junky-forum-icon"> {{if $forum->id == 259 }} <i class="fas fa-hamburger"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 2 }} <i class="fas fa-newspaper"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7872 }} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 17512 }} <i class="fas fa-eye"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3}} <i class="fas fa-users-cog"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 4}} <i class="fas fa-hands-helping"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7163}} <i class="fas fa-comment-dollar"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7735}} <i class="fas fa-grin-stars"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1013 || $forum->id == 3365 || $forum->id == 11}} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3365}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 11}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1030}} <i class="fab fa-teamspeak"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 16701}} <i class="fas fa-cubes"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 29}} <i class="fab fa-adobe"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 28}} <i class="fas fa-comment-alt"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 31}} <i class="fas fa-tags"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 30}} <i class="fas fa-microchip"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 15459}} <i class="fas fa-trash"> </i> {{else}} <i class="far fa-comment-alt"> </i>
This is a custom version of „Deflection” good for gaming communities. The theme was made by a good friend of mine, you can visit his website here : click ( if you wanna hire him ) To edit the links menu and the slider, go in „globaltemplate” and search for these lines !
<div id='ipsLayout_header'> <header> <div class="ipsContentBox"> <div class="ipsLayout_container"> <div class="ipsLogo"> <a href=""><img src=""></a> </div> <div class="meniuforum"> <a href="">Forumuri</a> <a href="">Personal</a> <a href="">Cluburi</a> <a href="">Toată activitatea</a> <a href="">Chatbox</a> </div> <div style="float: right" class="ipsUserPanel"> {{if !\in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="userBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}} </div> </div></div> </header> </div> <div class="header_slider"> <div class="ipsLayout_container"> <div class="swiper-container"> <!-- Additional required wrapper --> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <!-- Slides --> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="header_slider-content"> <h2 class="header_slider-title">Noua interfață Ecila!</h2> <p class="header_slider-subtitle">Cu siguranță vor exista lucruri care credeți că pot fi schimbate - menționați acest lucru în topicul special creat.</p> <a href="" class="header_slider-btn header_slider-btn--orange">Citește mai mult</a> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="header_slider-content"> <h2 class="header_slider-title">Campanie super moderatori</h2> <p class="header_slider-subtitle">Avem nevoie de mai mult personal, dacă consideri că ești capabil poți face o aplicație.</p> <a href="" class="header_slider-btn header_slider-btn--orange">Citește mai mult</a> </div></div> <div class="swiper-slide"><div class="header_slider-content"> <h2 class="header_slider-title">Afiliere servere</h2> <p class="header_slider-subtitle">Ai un server de CS1.6 sau GO și nu ai un forum pentru el? Aplică în comunitate și vei primi DNS și categorii gratuite.</p> <a href="" class="header_slider-btn header_slider-btn--orange">Citește mai mult</a> </div></div> </div> <!-- If we need pagination --> </div></div> </div> To edit the footer text, go in „footer” and search for these lines !
<center> <a href=""><img src="" style="width: 35px;opacity: 1;"></a> <a class="xdelafooter">×</a> <a href=""><img src="" style="width: 100px;"></a> <div class="sharosky__about">Ecila a luat naștere în anul 2010. De atunci, ne axăm pe gaming, specialitatea noastră fiind legendarul Counter-Strike. În cursul acestor ani, comunitatea noastră a avut în palmares unele dintre cele mai populate servere de CS 1.6 și CS:GO. Vom rămâne mereu recunoscători că sunteți alături de noi după 10 ani de activitate pe prima scenă!</div> </center>
This is a custom version of „Deflection” good for gaming communities. The theme was made by a good friend of mine, you can visit his website here : click ( if you wanna hire him ) To edit the links menu and the logo, go in „globaltemplate” and search for these lines !
<div id='ipsLayout_header'> <header id='header'> <div class='menu-banner'> <div class="ipsLayout_container"> <div class='leftmenu'> <a href="">Staff</a> <a href="">Affiliations</a> <a href=""><span>PRO</span>store</a> <a href="">Join on <span>Teamspeak</span></a> </div> <div class='logomid'><a href=""><img class="logoone" src=""><img class="logotwo" src=""></a></div> <div class='rightmenu'> {template="userBar" app="core" group="global" params=""} </div> </div> </div> </header> </div>
Edoba Dark Theme
By Goodfellas
Login & Password: test
Dark theme with huge theme settings.
Can be used for any forums. Have a lot of settings and you can fully customise it.
Habbo-Dev Theme
By Solife.
I share my theme that I made from the default IPS theme which I brought fixed, and some additions over time.
I share it for the simple reason that I have not used this theme on my forum for a while.
In the download folder, you will find:
A read me file (in French, English and Spanish). A "Languages" folder. The languages added when modifying the themes are: French, English and Spanish. These languages are used for example to translate the footer into the available languages. A "Screens" folder which contains the theme screens. A "Themes" folder which contains the theme in light and dark version. WARNING:
Please read the read me file to know the steps to make so that the theme is not bug.
Sorry for my English, I am basic French.
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition
Fluent Design Theme Edition is a combination of Fluent Design styles Microsoft, iOS Design, Android Design and Google Design.
We have also introduced many interesting features that are unique in standard themes.
? ? === Demo === ? ?
(Change the theme in the footer to "Fluent Design Theme Edition")
? === Release Notes - [Theme] Fluent Design Theme Edition === ?
(The applications listed below mean specially adapted to the theme or adding support for notification icons)
Forums, Calendar, Pages, Blogs, Downloads, Gallery, Commerce, (BIM) Chatbox FREE, Trophies and Medals, Post Notes, (aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator, (aXen) Yours chat entries from Chatbox, (BIM) Hide Link And Code, (GS) Chatbox/Chatbox+ Plus Enhancements, (BIM) GIPHY, Quizzes, (SD) Company Directory, (SD) Course Box, (SD) Game Keys Store, (SD) Image Host, (SD) Live Streams, (SD) My Places, (SD) Newsletter, (SD) Sales Portal Pro, (BIM) Chatbox+, Sticky Notes, (BIM) Quick Search, * NEW in 2.3.1 * Release Notes in Pages Built-in modifications:
(aXen) Record Result Line, (aXen) Group formatting in mention, (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS The theme is available in light and dark version
Behemoth theme
Behemoth is a modern, Creative, Super advanced theme comes with a lot of customization's and features including Google fonts, custom html full-sized widgets, Extra footer, Social links, News ticker, Custom forum category styles, Six of awesome article templates and a powerful touch slider that can be integrated with (Pages) as a complete package for infinite slider.
theme colors are entirely customizable with easy settings, Comes with a palette where you can with one click switch between a Dark/Light version of the theme.
WF Users: I apologize for no Screenshots. IPS was not letting me download them.
Key Features
Palette. 2 color schemes. Dark & Light versions included. One click to switch your website between the color schemes.
You can also customize from any of the colors schemes you want all within theme settings. Color Management %99 all theme colors are customizable with color settings. Without touching a line of code you can change the entire front-end colors all in a theme editing page.
Customize colors of CK Editor, Widgets, Navigation's, Social links, Topic background, Author panel background, Forms & Toggles, Pagination & tabs, Buttons, Notifications, Messages...etc). Forum Category Styles. Set a custom background, title background, colors, and a cover to specific forums.
No custom css or coding knowledge is required, All you have to do is selecting forums and apply your colors. Footer. Enable/Disable footer. optionally show/hide on mobiles and tablets. Editor field column. with a header text field and a Truncatable option. Custom HTML field column. provided with a sample for quick links. Pages application column to get records from database. Color settings for footer background, Header color, Text color & link hover color. Upload a background image for footer, with an optional setting to apply opacity. Advanced Footer Application.
With advanced footer application you can have ultimate footer columns. Add footer rows, Add any number of custom column blocks, feed from all IPS applications. add different footers for different themes and more...
Custom Widgets. Add Two Editor field widgets to show on top or bottom of your website. Optionally show it to specific pages like Registration, Login, Staff directory, User profiles ...etc). Set user group permissions, customize colors and backgrounds. Great for guest messages, or custom html. Advanced Custom Widgets Plugin.
Advanced custom widgets allows you to add Sticky and Normal custom TXT and HTML widgets to your website. Each widget you add is fully customizable with its own configuration settings.
Wide/Boxed layout.
RTL Support. Theme add-ons
Swiper Slider. Swiper is a powerful and a modern touch slider integrated in this theme, You can add 5 custom slides. also feeds from Pages app. Enable/Disable Swiper. Who can see. Where to show. Excludable from IPS applications and other pages on the site. Add custom slider height. Show pagination. Show navigation. Enable/Disable Autoplay. Loop Mode. Swiping mode. Lazy Loading. Add a texture overlay. Add a color overlay. Sliding Effects. Custom Slider content CSS, background color, Title color and title font size. Slider image position. 5 Custom and reorderable Sliders.
Each slider have its own Editor field, Title field, Image field and User group permissions. Swiper Slider Application
With swiper slider application you can add infinite custom sliders, and feed from IPS applications ( Downloads, Pages, Gallery ). on thefly add/edit sliders. give permissions for those you want to add sliders and more...
News Ticker. With this horizontal and auto scrolling news ticker present headlines or minor updates on your website. Customize background and text color of tickers. Add a news ticker title with options to customize background, text color. News Ticker Plugin
News Ticker plugin comes with many more options and configurations to customize including a couple more different styles. and on the fly add/edit tickers with options for who can add/edit... and more...
Borx Gaming Theme
By chytrusek
Theme Borx based on modern trends of design and focused on community games theme.
A large number of settings are available for full customization of the style.
Selected fonts and colors are perfect for gaming forums, beautifully displaying all the content on your site.
View demo - Login and Pass: test
View demo -
Revolution Yellow
By scooterdud
Works with the latest versions of these applications:
IP.Board 4.4.x Admin Control Panel IP.Commerce IP.Pages IP.Downloads IP.Gallery IP.Blog IP.Calendar IP.Clubs IP.Subscriptions & More! Included in the download:
Skin XML file for installation Matching Admin CP Theme Built in "Ultimate IBTheme Footer" All fonts used throughout the skin logo.psd team-icon.psd IBTheme copyright and license agreement Links to purchase add-ons like installation, copyright removal, logo text change, etc. Also works with all these plugins:
Chatbox + By onlyME Chatbox FREE By onlyME ipsProArcade By ipsProArcade PHP & TXT Widget By Pete Treanor (BD4) Group Legend By Blist Development Who's Online Avatars By Pete Treanor (NB40)Separate Pinned Topics By newbie Who Was Online (Hours) By Pete Treanor Recent Topics By Adriano Faria Widgets Extension By Catzwolf & More!124 downloads
Dimension 4.4
By DicDal
Dimension 4.4 by ipsfocus
Dimension is a minimalistic theme for IPS.Suite with a unique header effect. Once scrolled, the header collapses into a fixed bar at the top of the page, providing easy access to your navigation links.
Theme features
Theme Settings
Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required.
Fixed header on-scroll
Once scrolled, your header collapses and sticks to the top of the page. The background image becomes blurred (in compatible browsers), placing focus on your navigation links.
"Inherited" background images
Title bars inherit the same background image as your header, maintaining a consistent color scheme throughout your suite.
Header Picker
Your members can choose their own background image (or color) from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. This feature can be configured or disabled within the theme settings.
Guest message
The "Guest message" widget is restyled to grab your visitors attention. It can be added to any widget location: header, footer or sidebar.
Social links
Social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc)
HTML logo with slogan
Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead.
Mega Footer
A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings.
Minimal HTML edits
This theme has very few template files, which means in most cases, you will not need to install theme updates between IPS versions. Too easy!
Latest Topic on Mobiles
The latest topic title is visible on tablets and mobiles, allowing more convenient access to your latest content for mobile users.
Global Message
Display a message across the top of your site with important announcements. Once your members have seen the message, they can press the Dismiss button to remove it (until you configure a new one).
Retina Ready
All gradients, shadows and icons are generated using css which means your site will look great on all devices - even those with high resolution screens.
Demo: Available on ipsfocus
More information and full feature list
What's New in Version 4.4.10 See changelog
Released Wednesday at 04:40 AM
Upgraded for Invision Community 4.4.10 Fixes an issue with text being shown in social icons Some minor modifications made in preparation for future updates535 downloads
By DicDal
Vuex is a new theme with a dark color scheme that can be used for any forums.
Main features:
Customizable slider with images+captions Customizable footer items Quick side navigation on scroll492 downloads
Wireless is a gaming theme, perfect for a clan or game related community. The green color can be easily edited via the theme settings, if necessary.
Acme Theme
By scooterdud
Choosing the font color, the theme has many settings and can be fully customized. It's perfect for all forums, beautifully displaying all site content. Possibility to change header, slider, navigation, popus, forms, comments and much more..
Carbon -
Carbon, named after the carbon texture which is used throughout the design, is a dark theme for IPS.Suite 4.x and is especially perfect for gaming sites.
The blue color scheme can be modified easily with a few simple clicks in your ACP theme settings, and your members can customize the theme themselves by choosing their own background image from a preset array!
Business One
By scooterdud
Works with the latest versions of these applications:
IP.Board 4.4.x
Admin Control Panel
& More!
Included in the download:
- Skin XML file for installation
- Matching Admin CP Theme
- All fonts used throughout the skin
- logo.psd
- team-icon.psd
- IBTheme copyright and license agreement
- Links to purchase add-ons like installation, copyright removal, logo text change, etc.
Animate IPS 4.4
By mr-pimpen
Animate is a dark style for the IPS Community 4.2 forum. The main feature of the style in its cap, high-quality animation serves as a good sedative for users. Built-in social system. networks, allows you to easily configure links, adaptive layout and many other "goodies" you can take a look at the demo.
Style FLine 2.5.1 - 4.3 / 4.4+
By mr-pimpen
Style FLine 2.5.1 - 4.3 / 4.4+
Dark FLine game style for the IPB 4.4.x forum
A huge number of customization settings: slider, articles, etc.
Name: FLine
Version: 2.5.1
Compatibility: IPS 4.2.x - 4.4.x
This is Version 2.2+ of the 4TECH Theme which includes a ton of fixes since Version 1.3 (The other version here on WF)
Dreadnought Theme
By Nairelos
About This File
Dreadnought is modern, Creative, Super advanced theme comes with tons of customization's and features including responsive drop down navigation, Google fonts, custom html full-sized widgets, Advanced footer, Social links, News ticker, Custom forum category styles, Six of awesome article templates and a powerful touch slider that can be integrated with (IP.Content) as a complete package for infinite slider, theme colors are entirely customizable with easy settings, You can manually change ALL colors and switch between a Dark or White scheme with color settings. Dreadnought theme is beautifully responsive and mobile friendly, it is best suitable for Gaming website, Included with Dozen of useful settings and features for example adding a fixed social link on sidebar or footer, also two custom widgets to show on top or bottom of your website you can place it anywhere you want for example Registration page, Login page, Staff directory page, Search page, User profiles page...etc) You can also set user group permissions for each of the widgets
Key Features
Palette. 2 color schemes. Dark & Light versions included. Color Management %99 all theme colors are customizable with color settings. Without touching a line of code you can change the entire front-end colors all in a theme editing page.
Customize colors of CK Editor, Widgets, Navigation's, Social links, Topic background, Author panel background, Forms & Toggles, Pagination & tabs, Buttons, Notifications, Messages...etc). Forum Category Styles. Set a custom background, title background, colors, and a cover to specific forums.
No custom css or coding knowledge is required, All you have to do is selecting forums and apply your colors. Footer. Enable/Disable footer. optionally show/hide on mobiles and tablets. Editor field column. with a header text field and a Truncatable option. Custom HTML field column. provided with a sample for quick links. Pages application column to get records from database. Color settings for footer background, Header color, Text color & link hover color. Upload a background image for footer, with an optional setting to apply opacity. Advanced Footer Application.
With advanced footer application you can have ultimate footer columns. Add footer rows, Add any number of custom column blocks, feed from all IPS applications. add different footers for different themes and more...
Custom Widgets. Add Two Editor field widgets to show on top or bottom of your website. Optionally show it to specific pages like Registration, Login, Staff directory, User profiles ...etc). Set user group permissions, customize colors and backgrounds. Great for guest messages, or custom html. Advanced Custom Widgets Plugin.
Advanced custom widgets allows you to add Sticky and Normal custom TXT and HTML widgets to your website. Each widget you add is fully customizable with its own configuration settings.
RTL Support.
Theme add-ons
Swiper Slider. Swiper is a powerful and a modern touch slider integrated in this theme, You can add 5 custom slides. also feeds from Pages app. Enable/Disable Swiper. Who can see. Where to show. Excludable from IPS applications and other pages on the site. Add custom slider height. Show pagination. Show navigation. Enable/Disable Autoplay. Loop Mode. Swiping mode. Lazy Loading. Add a texture overlay. Add a color overlay. Sliding Effects. Custom Slider content CSS, background color, Title color and title font size. Slider image position. 5 Custom and reorderable Sliders.
Each slider have its own Editor field, Title field, Image field and User group permissions. Swiper Slider Application
With swiper slider application you can add infinite custom sliders, and feed from IPS applications ( Downloads, Pages, Gallery ). on thefly add/edit sliders. give permissions for those you want to add sliders and more...
News Ticker. With this horizontal and auto scrolling news ticker present headlines or minor updates on your website. Customize background and text color of tickers. Add a news ticker title with options to customize background, text color. News Ticker Plugin
News Ticker plugin comes with many more options and configurations to customize including a couple more different styles. and on the fly add/edit tickers with options for who can add/edit... and more...
Free Resources
This theme is included with the following paid resources
A different article styles.
Copyright text removal
If you must remove the copyright notice on bottom of the theme. you need to purchase the theme copyright removal plugin. Theme Copyright Removal