Applications and Plugins
Invision Community Suite 4.4+ applications and plugins. Remember: XML files are plugins and TAR files are applications.
197 files
Points Economy
Create as many different points currencies as you want to fill your needs Name each points currency uniquely with singular and plural formats Give any points currency an automatic prefix and/or suffix Points currencies can be configured with 0 to 5 decimal place precision Points currencies can be exchanged with each other by permission matrix Each points currency has its own exchange rate for points conversions Create different banks that members can transfer points balances between Set up interest rates on banks that allow members to earn dividends Set holding periods per currency and per bank to fit your goals Set minimum and maximum balance limits per currency per bank Members can send points to other members according to permissions All transactions are automatically logged to an account register for accountability Manage any points balance manually via the ACP Credit points balances using an expiration date that the points must be claimed by Debit points balances using an expiration date to set up a due period137 downloads
Group Name Indicator
By Birdman
Show a legend of your groups in Who's Online and Recently Browsing active users list, sorted in the order you specify and linked to the search system. Handy so that people know what those group prefixes and suffixes mean.
FYI: Be sure you are running the latest version on the newer versions (4.3.x) of Invision Community. Also, if you end up with errors in the logs that seem to implicate GNI make sure you have EXIF installed - that's the root cause of the problem and the plugin is just getting caught in the crossfire.
What's New in Version 4
Released February 2
4.4 Compatibility
(NB44) Translate. Filter By App/Plugin
By Birdman
This plugin will allow filter language strings by app or plugin
Content Items Required to Start Private Messages
By Birdman
This plugin will set a number of content items that users must have to start a private message. User will still be able to reply to existing/new private messages.
Display number of items required on the error message Number of content items required Apply restrictions to (choose groups)38 downloads
Application that allows you to create and display messages throughout your forum. Customize the style of each message and choose under which circumstances they display.
Click here to read my IPS Marketplace purchase guide before purchasing.
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Feature List:
Enable or disable the global hook that displays all messages in one location. Now supports widgets, allowing you to add each message as an individual widget. Show messages based on how many days ago a member has joined. Useful for display messages to new members. Restrict individual messages to show only to certain member groups. Restrict individual messages to show only on certain forums. Restrict individual messages to show only in certain skins. Choose from a few different message styles or use your own custom css class. Each message uses the rich text editor for easy editing of your message. Order messages by a drag and drop position or select a random order. Control all the messages and settings conveniently through the admin cp.198 downloads
Calendar Enhancements
This resource will add new features to the Calendar, such as:
User will receive a notification about the event he has RSVPed in the event date Countdown to the events start date on Upcoming Events widget Ability to filter events by Venue Manage RSVP Attendees Add or Remove Attendees Change event author Swap Reviews & Comments tabs position in event view Add settings to control: Number of comments per page Number of reviews per page Add a new tab in member profile do display all events RSVPed by the member ------------------------------------------------------------------
Some features listed above already existed in other resources. They will be delisted from marketplace and all existing clients will get a copy of this.
Advanced Tags & Prefixes
Do you feel limited by the tag system or prefixes? This application enhances IPS 4's built-in tag and prefix system. It adds custom styling and fine-grained control over prefixes, plus new settings, enhancements, and helpful moderation tools. Prefixes are explicitly created through the Admin CP, and can be chosen from a separate prefix dropdown when creating a topic or other prefix-enabled content. Some of its features: Define all prefixes manually through the Prefix Manager--even for open-tag systems. Show common tags and prefixes across your site with the Tag Cloud Widget. Add, fix, merge, and remove tags and prefixes in bulk through the Tag Manager. Choose a prefix when posting any prefix-enabled content, separate from tags. Control where and how tags and prefixes are displayed. Add custom HTML formatting to your prefixes, allowing colors, images, and much more. Limit prefixes by member group and location. Require a prefix in certain forums*. Add tags and prefixes to topics in bulk with Saved Actions or the Mass-Add tool. Apply a prefix to topics imported from RSS. Set a default prefix and tags for all new topics in a forum*. Override the global tag settings by forum*. This lets you enter custom tags in some forums and not others, or change how many tags are required, or have a prefix option without any tags at all. Display topic prefixes in the page title, last post info, and as filters under each forum's description, if you want. * These added settings should work for all tag-enabled content types. The focus of this application is Forums and topics, but it also supports Calendar events and any other tag-enabled content. That being said, I cannot guarantee compatibility with or support all possible applications and circumstances.
Discord Native Widget
This is a simple application that adds support for the Discord native widget to IPS.
This is the same iframe based widget that you can access from your servers settings screen.
Plug-and-play, just drag the widget to your sidebar and enter in your Server ID Supports both dark and light themes Unofficial Rich Discord Integration support (can provide a link prompting users to link their accounts below the widget)506 downloads
Restrict Code
This plugin enables you to restrict viewing code blocks to certain user groups based on forum.
It creates a new settings panel under each forums edit form, enabling you to select restricted groups and to enter a custom restriction message.
Copy Code to Clipboard
This plugin enables a small "Copy to Clipboard" button to appear next to all code blocks. This allows your members to easily copy code for use in other applications!
Animation of the notification icon
By Birdman
Animation of the notification icon
The plugin adds animation to the new notification and after hovering over the icon.
What's New in Version 1.0.0
Released February 28
No changelog available for this version.
Minimized Quote
By Birdman
This is a simple plugin that alters the amount of text/image shown in quote boxes. The changes are purely visual, no permanent change will be done to the stored post. It is also backward compatible with older posts. And everything will be restored if the plugin is disabled/uninstalled.
What's New in Version 1.2.0
Released February 25
IPS 4.4 compatibility update.100 downloads
(HQ4) Moods
By Head Guru
Increase the bond between the users of your community by allowing them to express their current mood and feeling. This application will allow your members to choose moods created by you and enter their own currently feeling (if permitted) which will be displayed in forum topics, hover cards and user’s profiles. Members will also be able to see the latest moods updates by all members through the included widget. This application will help give your community, a deeper “community” feel.
Create your own moods with your own images. Set the display position of moods around the avatar: top left & right, bottom left, center & right. Set the image size for display in topics and profile. Also supports wide width images for classic style mood images. Optional menu link & user nav icon. Members can enter custom feeling text for moods. Set the allowed feeling text length. Group based permissions. Moods displayed on profile, in topics and hover cards. Latest Mood Updates widget. Editable language strings. Starter Mood Pack with PSD Template.247 downloads
Twitch Channels By Pages ( IP.Content )
By leguedric
This version has been updated by me to work properly with 4.4.x and Twitch changes.
This is not a custom plugin or an application, This is a custom database by Pages app created and customized for twitch system.
This is also the recreation and upgraded version of Guide: Creating twitch Channels using pages
What is the different? check features
Features :
Twitch status, Online/Offline, Viewers, game name. Optionally allowing channel chat, side by side with stream video Auto sorting channels by online status. Custom block template customized to show one recent stream with user status on block title. Responsive design and using IPS css classes which will perfectly suite any theme you're using.
STEP 1 - installing the database
zip file contains 4 files
Twitch.xml - This is the main database file, Go to ACP > Pages > Database > Create New > Upload Database > and upload the Twitch.xml
After you install the database go to ACP-> Pages > Database > Twitch > Edit > Database Key > Name the database key to TwitchDB and Save.
You will also need to set permissions for custom database fields at ACP > Pages > Twitch > Fields > Then set whatever permission you want for each field.
CSS.txt - This text file contains the css used for this database, Copy the codes and then Go to, ACP > Pages > Templates > New-> Add CSS File > name it Twitch and Save. from the same page click on CSS tab open the twitch file you created and paste the codes
JS.txt - This text file contains the JavaScript used for this database, Copy the codes and then Got to, ACP > Pages > Templates > New > Add Javascript File > name it Twitch and Save. from the same page click on JS tab open the twitch file you created and paste the codes.
Twitch-Block.xml - This is an optional Block template you can use it to show the recent twitch channels, to install this block template go to ACP-> Pages-> Templates > Upload Template.
once you upload the template go to ACP > Blocks > Create New Block > Feed from Twitch > Next > Content > Template > select Twitch_Block template and save the block.
You may also want to make the block to show only one record.
STEP 2 - creating a page for the database
Go to ACP > Pages > Pages > Add Page > Content Editor > Manual HTML > Next >...
1. Click on Page Includes tab and select the twitch javascript and the css you created on step 1
2. Click on Content tab and select Twitch database tag from right side of page, If you have already named the database key to TwitchDB just paste the following tag in Content tab
{database="TwitchDB"}149 downloads
(DP42) Latest Profile Visitors
Clone standard IPS function Recent Profile Visitors in the user profile into a widget which could be added as a widget anywhere.
Website Footer 1.0.2
This is a plugin which I created quickly to add an footer with a bunch of links and some social media links to my forum and I thought I would share it with the IPS community.
As you can see from the screen-shots, you can add up to 6 different blocks, quickly change the look and feel via the plug-in settings and add your own logo.
Feel free to use or not.
It's free, and you're welcome ?
(aXen) Your posts from chatbox
English: The plugin shows posts from the chatbox in the profile and on its preview.
Chatbox is required in any version.
Polish: Wtyczka pokazuje wpisy z chatbox'a w profilu i na jego podglądzie.
Wymagana jest aplikacja Chatbox w dowolnej wersji.
By Snow8819
Pages SuperHelp is a set of Pages templates for help/FAQ sections, tutorials, online courses and similar content.
Live Demo
What’s needed:
IPS 4.4/4.4 in their most recent version with the Pages application A Pages databases that uses several levels of categories. Benefits of SuperHelp:
The Pages stock templates are limited to show only one level at a time: One level of categories; one level of record links in one category; one full record. SuperHelp is based on an older version of IPS’ Help Guide Section and can show much more information and make browsing your database much easier. The template set has a beautiful and clean look and is of course fully responsive. It adopts to almost all IPS sites and the included settings plugin lets you edit the template appearance without any HTML knowledge.
What is included:
A Frontpage category listing template which shows main and sub categories. A Listing template which shows sub categories, records in sub-categories and records in the current category. A Record View template with a sidebar, which shows other records in the same category. A Plugin which lets you change the settings of the templates easily. An installation PDF with detailed instructions and tips to set up your SuperHelp database. Note: You can use the templates for any number of databases, but the settings will always apply to all SuperHelp templates. The main level can use category images using the IPS Pages Category Image plugin by All Astronauts Plugin Settings:
Show category follow button: Yes/No Show record images in listing view: Yes/No Show record image in record view: Yes/No Number of lines after which the preview text gets cut off Number of records to show in a sub-category list Type of icon to use for help steps: Automatic numbering or user-defined FontAwesome pictogram Text alignment for title/description on frontpage Text alignment for title/description on listing page Text alignment for category title/description on frontpage What's New in Version 1.4.0 See changelog
Released February 12
Compatibility update for Community Suite 4.4. Only use version 1.4 for IPS 4.4 and make sure to follow the upgrade installations. You need to completely remove the SuperHelp templates and install them again from scratch.
Auto Welcome
By xdbx
To put it simply, it welcomes newly registered members. It will welcome them with an optional personal message, email or topic alert. From there you can further customize each pm, email or topic message, the subject / title and so on. It also has the ability to welcome members that are added manually through the Admin CP.
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(GS) Server List
By S!r.ReaDy
About This File
With this application administrator can add the game servers, voice servers to table with servers, server list can be placed on each page as widget.
Servers are refreshed automatically with using System Scheduler by IPS, so it reduces the load on forums. App uses native sockets for UDP handling instead of stream sockets.
Demo/Always current version and future versions:
Supported Game Servers
7 Days to Die Age of Chivalry Alien Swarm Aliens vs. Predator All-Seeing Eye America's Army 3 America's Army: Proving Grounds ARK: Survival Evolved Arma3 Armed Assault 2: Operation Arrowhead Battalion 1944 Battlefield 1942 Battlefield 2 Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Hardline Brink Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: United Offensive Citadel: Forged With Fire Conan Exiles Counter-Strike 1.5 Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Crysis Wars Dark and Light Day of Defeat Day of Defeat: Source DayZ Mod DayZ Standalone Days of War ECO Global Survival Empyrion - Galactic Survival Enemy Territory Quake Wars FarCry Fortress Forever Frontlines Fuel of War GRAV Online GTA Five M GameSpy Server GameSpy3 Server Garry's Mod Grand Theft Auto Network Grand Theft Multiplayer Half Life 2: Deathmatch Halo Hurtworld Insurgency Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Just Cause 3 Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Life is Feudal Lost Heaven Medal of Honor: Spearhead Medal of honor: Allied Assault Minecraft MinecraftPE Multi Theft Auto Natural Selection 2 No More Room in Hell PixARK Project Reality: Battlefield 2 Quake 2 Server Quake 3 Server Quake Live Red Orchestra 2 Rising Storm 2 Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Rust San Andreas Multiplayer Soldat Source Server Space Engineers Squad Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Star Wars: Battlefront 2 StarMade Team Fortress 2 Teeworlds Server Terraria The Forrest The Ship Tibia Tshock Unreal 2 Unreal Tournament Unreal Tournament 2004 Unreal Tournament 3 Unturned Warsow Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory World Opponent Network Wurm Unlimited Zombie Panic! Source Supported Voice Servers
Mumble Teamspeak 2 Teamspeak 3 Ventrilo Requirements
PHP 5.4.14+ ( tested in PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 & 7.3 ) Sockets extension for UDP handling and AF_INET* constants ( compile PHP with --enable-sockets flag ) ( ) cURL extension for HTTP handling ( required for some protocols ) ( ) Bzip2 - Used for A2S compressed responses ( compile PHP with --with-bz2 flag ) ( ) Required permissions for guest group for TS2 & TS3 servers:
b_virtualserver_info_view b_virtualserver_channelgroup_list b_virtualserver_client_list b_virtualserver_channel_list b_serverinstance_version_view - not necessarily What's New in Version 3.2.1
Released February 5
Fixed minor errors New layout design (grids instead table) Added 'Vote Link' icon602 downloads
htaccess for IPS Forums 1.0.2
This is a custom .htaccess to use on the IPS Community Suite Forums. It helps to improve your forums Google Page Speed and YSlow scores.
The top segment is the same .htaccess that is generated by the IPS Forum software. This segment is Invision Power Services code and I do not claim it as my own. All rights and credit for this segment of the .htaccess are Invision Power Services.
The bottom segment is based upon research of several websites and the references listed below. Please be careful when using this file because the contents may be incompatible with your server setup. Preventative measures have been taken to ensure that it should be safe to use in any Apache based environment.
Google recommends a minimum of one week:
GTmetrix recommends a minimum of one month: