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Applications and Plugins

Invision Community Suite 4.4+ applications and plugins. Remember: XML files are plugins and TAR files are applications.

197 files

  1. Member Map

    About This File
    IPS 4.4 ONLY 
    For IPS 4.3, use version 3.5.7
    Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive map. Member Map has a permission model so you can limit which groups can add to the map.

    As an administrator you have the ability to create custom groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers in the map, for example if they would like to post the location of an upcoming meet, exhibits, shops, etc.
    For developers
    If you are a developer and you store location data in your app that you'd like to show on the map, you can now do so creating a membermap/Mapmarkers extension. Instruction on how to use it is included in the auto-generated file.
    What's New in Version   See changelog 
    Released September 6
    If you have Pages records that have a location stored, this can now be shown in the map It is finally compatible with the Member Location plugin. In the list of profile fields, you'll see an entry for this plugin on top of the list. You may have to press the link in the "Import members" setting to restart the sync process after changing the  Added a setting to disable the "Staff" grouping in the member list sidebar Added a setting where you can define the profile fields that should be visible in the marker popup for members. No, you did not miss v3.6.3. I know I skipped it. Fixed an untranslated language string in the activity stream


       (1 review)


  2. (DP44) Referrals System

    With this app you can allow your members invite other members.

    enable/disable system, select allowed groups to use this mod, three invite types: free -> user may or may not enter inviter name; force -> user must enter inviter name; invite only: user must be referred by invite form (with hashed keycode), list of all invited users, list of all invited users in ACP with filter options, invites by referral link, points system integration (any system!), promotion to the new group after reaching specific amount of referred users, ability to enable/disable member powers to raising people via ACP, info in member profiles about referrer, ability to add/edit/remove referred transactions, ability to turn off the "Referrer Information" block in profiles, ability to award referrer if his referrred member made topic/post, invite form, option to enable/disable custom invite message, option to disable invites from the same IP and much more, resend option to resend sent invites, option to approve transaction only if referrer add more than X defined posts. Note:
    it's a first release of this app for a 4.x series. it's a lifetime purchase! Once time buy = lifetime updates (for a 4.x serie).


       (1 review)


  3. Member Notes

    This application will allow users from specific user groups to add notes to members, in order to have better control of the member's life in the community
    Adding Notes: Users from specific groups can add notes in two places:
    + Create menu Directly on user Profile, on a new tab called Notes, where notes can be edited or deleted, if you have permission to do it. Directly on member's posts Features:
    New tab called Member Notes on ModeratorCP -> Member Management to display notes from all members, where notes can be edited or deleted, if you have permission to do it. Number of notes on user's posts, linked to the tab in his profile. You can also add a note from the post. Number of notes on user's personal card (mini profile on hover user link) Widget to display the latest notes. Notification to all users who can view notes when someone gets a new note. Ability to send a private message to the member with the note content. Group permissions:
    Can view notes Can add notes Can edit notes Can delete notes Settings:
    Show the PM option on Member Notes form


       (0 reviews)


  4. Advanced Stats

    Member Stats
    Shows the registration stats of your board in a graph view Shows the member count per group in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the members with the most content on your board Shows a block list of the members with the most reputation on your board Shows a block list of the last registered members on your board The blocks can be filtered to show between 5 and 100 Topic Stats
    Shows the topics created per day stats of your board in a graph view Shows the topic count per forum in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the members who have created the most topics Shows a block list of the topics what have had the most replies Shows a block list of the most viewed topics These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100 Post Stats
    Shows the posts created per day stats of your board in a graph view Shows the post count per forum in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the members who have created the most posts Shows a block list of the latest posts on your board Shows a block list of the members who have edited their posts the most times These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100 IPS Downloads ( This is not a requirement if you don't have it installed it just won't show in the ACP or front end )
    Shows a graph chart with the amount of uploads over a time period Shows the file count per category in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block with a list of members with the most uploads Shows a block with a list of the most downloaded files Shows a block with a list of the highest rated files These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100 Club Stats
    Shows the clubs created per day stats of your board in a graph view Shows the member count per club in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the members of the most leaders of clubs Shows a block list of the members of the most joined clubs Shows a block list of the members of the members who have invited x amount of people These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100 Reaction Stats
    Shows the reactions per day stats of your board in a graph view Shows the reaction count per reaction in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the topics what have accumulated the most reactions Shows a block list of the members who have received the most reactions Shows a block list of the members who have gave the most reactions These blocks can be filtered to show between 5 and 100 Gallery Stats
    Added the gallery app to the stats Shows the images uploaded per day stats of your board in a graph view Shows the images count per album in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the members who have uploaded the most images Shows a block list of the members who have the most albums Shows a block list of the most viewed images These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100 Warning Stats
    Shows the warnings per day stats of your board in a graph view Shows the warning point count per group in a nice 3D pie chart Shows a block list of the 'TRIGGER HAPPY MODERATORS' moderators who have gave the most warning points Shows a block list of the members who have received the most warning points Shows a block list of any banned member who recently tried to access the site These blocks can be filtered to show between 5 and 100 You can also look up topic and post stats from certain members, This feature can be set to certain member groups only in the admin panel
    Look Up Stats By Member (Topics)
    Shows the members topics created per day stats in a graph view Shows a block list of the members topics with the most replies Shows a block list of the members most viewed topic Shows a block list of the members topics with last activity These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100 Look Up Stats By Member (Posts)
    Shows the members posts created per day stats in a graph view Shows a block list of the members posts with the last avtivity These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100 Widgets
    Shows a block with a list of members with the most content posted Shows a block with a list of members with the most topics created Shows a block with a list of members with the most posts created Shows a block with a list of the most reacted to topics Shows a block with a list of members with the most warning points All widgets have a setting for how many you want to show in the blocks Other
    Each stat page can be shown or hidden to certain members groups in the admin panel except the Member Stats (although it can be hidden to guests) as it's needed for a landing page (If you want to completly disable certain group viewing of it, then you can do that via the module permissions) All graph views can be filtered to be shown 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY' and by a date range and shown as 'LINE CHARTS', 'AREA CHARTS', 'BAR CHARTS' or 'COLUMN CHARTS' If you want to use the menu manager to add secondary items to the stats tab then there is a setting to disable the built in nav tabs in the pages You can set the default view of each graph in the admin panel You can set the default limit of stats to show in the blocks in the admin panel (users can still filter by 5 - 100) How To Install
    Go to your ACP and applications, click to install new app and install the downloaded .tar file Once installed go to admin settings, Menu manager and add a new tab selecting stats ( There is a image of the menu manager bit in the screenshots ) PLEASE NOTE
    These stats are for the front end for you and your members to view, it does have permissions for what groups can see what pages etc, But none of these stats are shown on the admin panel


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  5. Custom Notifications

    Custom Notifications adds a powerful yet easy feature for admins to generate their own inline notifications, which behave like native IPS notifications. Admins can write and send as many custom notifications as they like, and basic options like authorship and link help enhance the behavior of the notifications.  
    This application also includes a REST API interface


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  6. Rahina Topic Stats

    Rahina Topic Stats is a simple plugin to add some new stats in Topics/Question Topics pages. these stats style is based on Rahina theme.
    New look for topic description area Add number of views Add number of replies, answers Language string for tooltip phrases, so can be translatable in multi language communities


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  7. Stop Talking Alone

    This plugin will help you to not to talk alone by adding a notice and hiding the editor when only one user is active in the conversation.


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  8. New Members Today

    Keeps track of the number of new registered members that have visited your site in a custom duration and also records which day you set the record for the most new members online in the same day all options done via the front settings and Admin CP.
    Show new users for how many hours ago.
    Who Can See.
    Show Stat.
    Limit Maximum Number of The List.
    Groups To Exclude From the Link.
    Order Users Link By.
    Sort Type.
    Show user photo. NEW
    User photo size. NEW


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  9. Sidebar profile

    Your profile stats summarized and in reach! ???


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  10. Menu/Navigation Icons

    This applications lets you upload an icon or use a fontawesome icon on the menu/navigation.
    It is fully built into the menu manager so no learning curve required.
    Features include:
    Icons appear on primary navigation bar, as well as the mobile bar. Allows for various icon types including images, FontAwesome icons, or raw HTML/CSS to not have to mess around with your templates. Live viewing of your icon directly in the menu manager. I'll release updates and whatnot, let me know what you think!


       (0 reviews)


  11. Who Was Online (Hours)

    Keeps track of the number of registered members that have visited your site in a custom duration and also records which day you set the record for the most members online in the same day all options done via the front settings and Admin CP.
    Show online users for how many hours ago.
    Who Can See.
    Show Stat.
    Limit Maximum Number of The List.
    Groups To Exclude From the Link.
    Order Users Link By.
    Sort Type.
    Show user photo. NEW
    User photo size. NEW

    4.4.x Users please read
    To make this plugin work to display colors please make sure have the following turn on,
    ACP - Members - Profiles - Profile Settings Tab, scroll to the bottom of the page:

    The above is new settings in 4.4.x only.


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  12. (aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator

    English: The plugin allows you to display child groups. Plugin works with Group Color on User Link, of the IPS 4.4 version it is not needed.


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  13. Opt-in Billing | Disable Billing Address for Subscriptions

    This File is no longer available in IPS
    Tested Working in IPS 4.4
    This plugin will prevent Commerce asking the customer for their real name and address information when purchasing a subscription.
    Disable billing addresses completely or allow the customer to choose whether to enter a billing address by enabling opt-in billing. Opt-in billing will work for all purchases which do not require billing information, not just subscriptions. Optionally disable billing addresses for all physical products. Useful if for example you would like to use Commerce's shipping feature for tracking purposes of non-physical goods. Please note that if you use PayPal as a payment gateway with Billing Agreements set to Required, this plugin will not be able to help you as PayPal requires address information for Billing Agreements. If Billing Agreements are optional or disabled this plugin will work fine with PayPal.
    1.2.1 Update:
    New Features:
    Added an option to disable billing information for physical products (the use case for this is very limited, do not enable unless you are certain that you really need it) Improvements:
    The opt-in billing toggle description style has been made more in line with the rest of the suite


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  14. iAwards

    About This File
    The long-awaited awards application for IPS has arrived!
    iAwards provides administrators the ability to award their members with badges that show in their profile and, if chosen, on their posts.
    Standalone this application has the ability to manually award members and to award members based on the amount of awards the member has. You can award both from the ACP as well as from the create menu at the top of your site.
    In order to give everyone a fully customizable way to award we have integrated it with the Rules application. 
    This gives you the power to award your members based on rules that you create instead of the ones that we think up.
    Features include:
    Choose location of awards – Under the post or under the author pane. Hide awards – To allow members to show the ones they want. Award based on number of awards. Manual awarding. Upgrade Tools for both HQ Awards and Awards (Free). Category and awards management. Support topic at IPS: Click Here
    For the best support please register at http://bbcode.it
    Recommended addons:
    Automation Rules Lite or Automation Rules Full
    iAwards Guide By @Chris59: Award-Guide-v1.0.pdf
    What's New in Version 1.3.2   See changelog 
    Released August 18
    widgets now follow new framework rules some minor fixes 


       (2 reviews)


  15. CoinPayments.net Gateway

    About This File
    This package has been abandoned:
    This application has been abondened because I simply don't have the time to take good care of it and keep it up2date. I've released the source code for it under the MIT license so it can be used as a base or as reference if needed.
    https://www.coinpayments.net/ gateway for commerce.
    Users will be able to select which currency to pay with, only currencies that are selected as accepted in https://www.coinpayments.net/acct-coins are displayed!
    PayPal Pasthru and Ecwid Store are NOT supported only the crypto currencies are!
    The version 2.0 is only compatible with IPS >= 4.4.1, support for IPS 4.4.0 is not provided, for IPS 4.2.x and IPS 4.3.x use version 1.5.0.


       (1 review)


  16. Enhanced Grid Forums

    About This File
    Enhanced Grid Forums is a plugin, mainly created to make a new look for forum's grid view option. this look are inspired from NeoGAF. Plugin also have some option for your Forums "Topic Listing" pages to display topics in Grid view (based on Legend news / Legend Reviews and Legend Profiles)
    Plugin Options:
    Forums - Demo Activate new Grid view look (requires first to choose "grid view" option for Default forum view) Option for grids background color Option for grids texts color Option for grids hover color Topic Listing - Demo Activate new Grid view look Number of grids per line Default background image for topics without image attachments Default size for grid images Option for grids background color Option for grids texts color Option for grids hover color


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  17. ThreadStarter: Steam

    About This File
    This plugin allows users to easily create topics about steam games and fill them with content automatically.
    Users can add steam games to topics. After attaching a game, which can be done easily using a search with auto complete, the thread will show various information about it above the post. The topic will display logo, screenshots, description text and various other information about the game. Discussed steam games can be shown in adjustable widgets which allow random, recently posted, most discussed and much more... Posting games can be restricted to certain forums. Game forums can show steam content with the game logo above the topic list. Access rights to edit and post games. Posting content can also be allowed in clubs. Only works for games on steam. For all other games check out ThreadStarter: Games  
    How to Install
    Go to ACP > applications and upload the downloaded tar file After installation the plugin will pull a full list of steam games in the background which will be updated once per day. This games can be attached to topics as shown in the screenshots.  
    noexcept.de video


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  18. Steam Profile Integration

    About This File
    Includes a 4.3+ compatible Sign in With Steam Login Handler!
    This app will obtain data from Steam for your users, and groups, and place it in your IPS Community database for use anywhere on your site. Your board will re-load your members Steam Online information, in configurable batches, every 2 minutes, so you always have up to date information without impacting load times of your community pages.
    Out of the box, this app will display steam information in the following places
    Member Profile Next to Members' posts Member Hovercards (Steam Online Status only) Widget: X Random Online Steam Members displayed anywhere you can place a Widget Widget: Steam Group information More detailed information about the members Steam profile is displayed on the Members Profile page.  Including an optional list of games the member owns.  Out of the box the list of games can be shown in either an image grid layout, or list view.
    Don't want to use Sign in With Steam? No problem, this app works with a Custom Profile field also. Want to use both a custom profile field AND Sign in With Steam? Not a problem, this app seamlessly pulls information from both locations to create a single list of users to cache. 
    Valid Steam Input format for Custom Profile Field:
    Steam Name: ex. ' Aiwa ' 17 digit Steam ID: ex. 76561197964468370 Old school Steam ID: ex. STEAM_0:0:2101321 *** If there are any other places you'd like to see a users steam information displayed, let me know!
    Scales seamlessly to work with larger boards without impacting site / server performance.  
    IP.Board 3.4.x version available here.
    *** Supported natively on 64 bit server configurations.  For 32 bit server configurations, php-bcmath is required to decode this format. Apache / Nginx server timeout settings should be > 30 seconds.  This allows Steam Web API servers time to respond before failing gracefully.  If configured for < 30 seconds, HTTP 502 errors may occur when running large / bulk updates. If in doubt, contact your hosting provider. IPS 4.4 and above, use 2.1.11+
    IPS 4.3.x use version 2.1.11
    IPS 4.2.x use version 2.1.7, unsupported
    IPS 4.0.x & 4.1.x, use version 2.0.13, unsupported


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  19. iAwards

    The long awaited awards application for IPS has arrived!
    iAwards provides administrators the ability to award their members with badges that show in their profile and, if chosen, on their posts.
    Standalone this application has the ability to manually award members and to award members based on the amount of awards the member has. You can award both from the ACP as well as from the create menu at the top of your site.
    In order to give everyone a fully customizable way to award we have integrated it with the Rules application. 
    This gives you the power to award your members based on rules that you create instead of the ones that we think up.
    Features include:
    Choose location of awards – Under the post or under the author pane. Hide awards – To allow members to show the ones they want. Award based on number of awards. Manual awarding. Upgrade Tools for both HQ Awards and Awards (Free). Category and awards management. Support topic at IPS: Click Here
    For the best support please register at http://bbcode.it
    Recommended addons:
    Automation Rules Lite or Automation Rules Full
    iAwards Guide By @Chris59: Award-Guide-v1.0.pdf
    What's New in Version 1.3.0   
    Released February 26
    4.4 Compatibility release


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  20. (BIM) Chatbox+

    Coded with ♥ 
    Chatbox+ is a chat application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports chatting in rooms, IPS clubs and the Private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other.
    Demo 1 with basic input form: https://demo.ipsviet.com/chat/room/2-demo-1-basic-input-form/ Demo 2 with Full Editor: https://demo.ipsviet.com/chat/room/3-demo-2-with-full-editor/ Demo 3 with a floating popup on bottom right: https://demo.ipsviet.com/forums/ Features:
    *NEW* Private one-2-one chat (like Facebook):  (this feature is in beta testing, there will probably be undiscovered issues, we will fix issues that come up as quick as possible)

    Chat boxes display on bottom right allow member to chat with each other. Multi chat at same time. Permission for who can use the private chat. Ability to select skin for each box. Load more messages on scroll up (or down). Easy to find member name to start the chat. Sound notification for new message. Minimize and close chat boxes. Supports Clean Text Input with emoji, Guggy/Giphy plugins, Youtube, URL, image URL. Supports Lazyload images. Interval in miliseconds. Flood control. Message length limit. Permission to edit/delete messages. Fully responsive - will adapt to mobile, tablet, desktop. (To-do: ignore member, new conversation style, tool to delete all conversations, invite member to a conversation...) Rooms & Clubs Chat

    Admin can create multiple rooms, display rooms in widgets, or a new page. Club owner can create a room. Announcement & Rules for each room. Online Users list. Allow guest to join and chat with their custom nickname and random avatar. Floating Popup: Show room in a a floating popup on the bottom of the pages so users can chat anywhere. Toggle show/hide the popup. Option to hide popup chat on mobile. Many stylish designs available: 5 skins:  3 styles for messages: Standard  Bubbles  Condensed  User controls: On/Off sound notification. Open chat in a popup. Select skins. Moderator controls: Edit Announcement. Block/unblock users. Clean room (delete all messages). Quick edit/delete a message. Input message: Clean text: only supports URL, image URL, Youtube URL, Giphy, Guggy.  Editor: You can use full formatting from Editor: color, bold, size, emoticons... and all Editor's plugins.  System messages to notify: New content posted (post, comment, review) from 3rd-party apps, supports: Forums, Downloads, Pages, Gallery, Blogs, Calendar, Videobox, Musicbox. New announcement. User joined/left room. Auto Messages: Create multiple messages with cycle time in seconds. Select a member as a bot to post the messages automatically every X seconds. Others: Supports playing a song from Musicbox Report center integration allows users to report bad massages. Auto loads old messages when scrolling down (or up). Highlight the message row if someone mentions you. Flood control, max messages, limit characters, sorting messages... Show online users in the panel. Lazyload images. Fully responsive.


       (7 reviews)


  21. Self Destructing Notes

    This is a simple app, that allows you to create a note that will self destruct after viewing by another person/user. 
    create a note, it copies a link to your clipboard, send link to another party, note will destroy itself after they view it.
    if you find this application useful, please considering donating to:
    any amount will help keep this app free and up to date.


       (2 reviews)


  22. Reseller Hosting cPanel Integration for IPB

    This lightweight plugins enables your Invision Power Board (IPB) software to act as a web hosting management platform for Reseller Hosting, similar to WHMCS. Unlike a Dedicated or VPS with root access, Reseller Hosting is a cheap alternative for web designers and administrators to host several websites using cPanel's Web Hosting Manager (WHM). Reseller Hosting is offered by many of the top web hosting companies. IPB does not natively support cPanel/WHM accounts without root access thus making resell hosting through IPB difficult. This plugin allows you the ability specify a package/plan name that you've created in WHM and assign it to a hosting product within Commerce. Hosting account quotas such as disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, database accounts etc. are managed through each plan you create within WHM.
    Popular Reseller Hosting Companies
    Bluehost ResellerClub Hostgator A2hosting Siteground Requirements: A reseller web hosting account with WHM/cPanel.
    Open Source Repository (GitHub): https://github.com/DeschutesDesignGroupLLC/ResellerHostingPlugin


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  23. Exclude PMs from Merge Content

    This plugin will EXCLUDE private messages from the setting Merge concurrent posts. You won't get any notification if the user replies again within the setting time, so you won't be aware if something important has been said/changed.


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  24. Database Tickets

    Tickets is a simple Pages database that emulates a ticket system.
    In a few steps you can have your own  ticket system installed and ready to interact with your members, without cost.

    Each member will see their own tickets, so you must be logged in to view your content.
    User: Test
    Password: test


       (4 reviews)


  25. GroupMention

    Compatible with IPB 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4
    This app allows you to tag/mention groups.  Want all members of specific groups to read a post? Simply tag the groups and all the members of these groups will then receive a notification (same behaviour as with user mentions).
    Customizable settings:
    Enable/Disable Choose who is allowed to mention groups Choose which groups can be mentioned


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