Applications and Plugins
Invision Community Suite 4.4+ applications and plugins. Remember: XML files are plugins and TAR files are applications.
197 files
Total Time Spent Online 1.0.2
By Mesquite
This plugin will show how many time each member spends logged into the site.
Acronym for days, hours, minutes and seconds User groups that will have their time online recorded Groups that will be able to view the total time online from other users Show total time online in Profile Header? Show total time online when you hover a member link? Show total time online in posts? Widget:
This plugin has a widget to display the most online members of your community. Notes:
Plugin made from the scratch, which fixed the issue of accumulating many hours improperly Not compatible with the "Use Redis to reduce MySQL overhead" setting. DO NOT purchase if you use REDIS. Refund won't be provided if that's the case.609 downloads
Advertisement Addon
By DicDal
If you have Google Adsense adverts on your forum, then you will know how fussy they are about where you place their adverts.
This plugin will automatically try removing Ads from pages or area's where Google might not want their adverts displayed. For example this plugin will automatically remove adverts:
When the site is off-line, On specific Core Pages: Settings, Notifications, Attachments, Followed Members, Messenger, ModCP, Ignore Members, Support, Register Page, Login Page and Member Profiles, Most Pages where there might be a Edit/Add/Modify/Submit/Create form, On the Commerce Pages for Clients and Support, On the Discovery and Stream Pages, Any Forum which is selected in the plugin Settings. This could be for forums that you would not want Google poking around in, You can also add Pages to the ignore list via the plugin settings. You can select to display Ads on the Staff Directory, On-line Users and Leaderboard Pages.
At the moment this plugin has been tested on Forums, Pages and Nexus and may not work 100% of the time. If that is the case then use the Disable URL option within the settings.
(BIM) Chatbox+
By DicDal
Chatbox+ is an application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports room chat, club chat and the private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other.
Demo 1: Clean Text input: Demo 2: Full Editor: Demo 3: Chat bot sends message every 10 seconds: Global popup on bottom right: ⭐Features:
*NEW* Private one-2-one chat (like Facebook):
Chat boxes display on bottom right allow member to chat with each other. Multi chat at same time. Permission for who can use the private chat. Ability to select skin for each box. Load more messages on scroll up (or down). Easy to find member name to start the chat. Sound notification for new message. Report messages. User online status. Minimize and close chat boxes. Ban settings. Supports Clean Text Input with emoji, Youtube, URL, image URL, Giphy plugins, Supports Lazyload images. Interval in milliseconds. Flood control. Message length limit. Permission to edit/delete messages. Fully responsive - will adapt to mobile, tablet, desktop. Rooms & Clubs Chat
Admin can create multiple rooms, display rooms in widgets, or a new page. Club owner can create a room. Announcement & Rules for each room. Online Users list. Allow guest to join and chat with their custom nickname and random avatar. Show online users in the panel or popup. Global Chat: Show room in a a floating popup on the bottom of the pages so users can chat anywhere. Toggle show/hide the popup. Option to hide popup chat on mobile. User controls: On/Off sound notification. Open chat in a popup. Select skins. Moderator controls: Edit Announcement. User blocking system: Display moderator who blocked the user. Ability to add the reason. Auto unblock user after X minutes. Clean room (delete all messages). Quick edit/delete a message. System messages to notify when: New content posted from 3rd-party apps, supports: Forums (new topic, new reply) Downloads (new file, new comment, new review) Pages (new article, new comment, new review) Gallery (new image, new comment) Blogs (new entry, new comment) Calendar (new event, new comment) Status updates, status replies New registration. Videobox (new video, new comment, new review) Musicbox (new song, new comment) New announcement. New donation. User joined/left room. Auto Messages (Chat Bot) Create multiple messages with cycle time in seconds. Select a member as a Bot to post the messages automatically every X seconds. The auto messages run on client-side, will not be saved to database for the best performance and saving database. Archive messages: Permission for who can view archive messages. Search messages by member name, guest name, content, time. Sorting messages by time, content, chatter name. Edit/Delete/Report message. Other features:
Input message: Clean text: only supports URL, image URL, Youtube URL, GIF from GIPHY
Editor: You can use full formatting from Editor: color, bold, size, emoticons... and all Editor's plugins.
Many stylish designs available: 5 skins: 3 styles for messages: Standard Bubbles Condensed Donation & SuperChat (requires IPS Commerce) *NEW* Allow users to donate directly in the room. After making a payment, the message will be highlighted in a different color. Ability to select permission for who can donate. Select a donation goal from Commerce. Easy to setup the color for SuperChat based on the donation amount. Sending system notification when someone donates to the room.
Tools for admin: Delete all system messages Delete all room's messages Delete all conversation Import messages from the Chatbox FREE Extra features: Supports playing a song from Musicbox Report center integration allows users to report bad massages. Auto loads old messages when scrolling down (or up). Highlight the message row if someone mentions you. Flood control, max messages, limit characters, sorting messages... Display number of online users in Chat menu. Display counter of characters when typing message. *NEW* Support IPS Link Filter for disallowed/allowed links. *NEW* Lazy load images. Fully responsive.1,139 downloads
Trophies and Medals
By DicDal
Trophies and Medals is the best new way to award trophies to your community in a full rewards system! It offers a fun and engaging new way to give awards ("trophies and medals") to your community to promote positive behavior and more active participation! You can assign new trophies based upon conditions or criteria that you define, or you can let your moderators manually give medals for unique circumstances! Trophies and Medals also includes advanced integration with REST API and Automation Rules by @Kevin Carwile so the app can be extended for unlimited possibilities.
Are you looking for an awards app where you can automatically give awards, trophies, and medals based upon forum posts, topics, and more? Are you looking to increase repeat engagement by giving out rewards? Or are you struggling to grow your new community? Are you looking to add gamification features to encourage positive behavior like quality posting? Are you looking for more features beyond the IPS Leaderboard to customize the levels, types, and images of awards? Are you looking to monetize your community ($$) and add bonus features for paying members? Are you looking for a well-supported app by a IPS third-party developer who passionately loves supporting the IPS community? Start creating a full awards system with Trophies and Medals by @Fosters!
The Basics
Trophies - Trophies are automatically awarded based upon criteria. The criteria are defined by the admin in the ACP. Medals - Medals are manually awarded by moderators, administrators, or groups who have permission. Medals are assigned on the front-end. The application supports both trophies and medals for both auto-awarding and custom awards!
Trophy Filters
Build a rich and advanced awards system with a nearly limitless variety of choices to help you promote the most awesome community you can! Create sets of new trophies based upon various criteria, and layer them with other sets to create a whole system of awards! The criteria system uses native IPS 4 extensions for deep integration, and more criteria can be added in future releases. Let us know what criteria you need .
Member Criteria
User is an Administrator User is a Moderator User has Avatar User does not have Avatar Registered for X days User is in Group User is in X clubs Content Criteria
User has X content User has X reputation User has given X reactions Downloads Criteria
User has uploaded X files User has file with X downloads Gallery Criteria
User has uploaded X images User has uploaded X albums Forums Criteria
User has started X topics User has posted X posts User has X best answers Commerce Criteria
User has purchased X product Integration
The app features extensions with various third-party systems to empower advanced admins and developers to get more out of the app.
REST API. These are the available REST methods: POST /trophies/awardmedal GET /trophies/medals GET /trophies/medals/{id} GET /trophies/trophies GET /trophies/trophies{id} Automation Rules by @Kevin Carwile -- Link to IPS Marketplace Referrals by @Fosters -- Link to IPS Marketplace Member Shop by @TheJackal84 -- Link to IPS Marketplace527 downloads
Files Tab on User Profile
By DicDal
This resource will restore the FILES tab on user profile.
Downloads app Settings:
Display TAB if the member has no file submitted Number of files per page Display Files TAB to chosen groups Display Files TAB from chosen groups Honor pinned files Hide Moderator options Important Notice:
If you used the previous version of this resource (which was a plugin), follow the steps before install this application: Uninstall the plugin Via FTP, delete the following file from your file system: applications/downloads/extensions/core/Profile/Files.php. Install this application69 downloads
Color Palette
By DicDal
Important: This application requires IP.Gallery to function.
Color Palette is an extension for the core IPS Gallery application. It allows color palettes to be automatically generated from images uploaded to your gallery, offering a great aesthetic addition for all artistic communities!
Note: This application is fairly resource intensive and can impact upload times on more constrained servers. If this becomes a problem on your host, you can lower the palette accuracy via the settings page to reduce the applications resource consumption.
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Enhanced Joined Date
By DicDal
This plugin will display the date a member joined your community in the Forums profile panel alongside a user's posts in the Forums application. Admins can choose between FOUR different ways to show this date.
New with Version 3 is an additional format option of Joined Month Year, ability to customize the FontAwesome icon, and a toggle for the use of the class ipsType_light which controls whether the text is dark or a little lighter.
Version 5 added a Short Month Format option and fixed locales breaking Joined Month Year option
Use the "See changelog" button below to access the earlier versions.
Version 5 or 6 are fine for both 4.3 and 4.4
Version 3.0.0: IPS 4.2.x only! Version 2.0.1: IPS 4.1.X Version 2.0.0: IPS 4.0.X196 downloads
(aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS
By DicDal
English: The plugin updates the Font Awesome version to version 5 without destroying the icons embedded in IPS version 4.
The plugin uses the official site
Change Log =>
Polski: Wtyczka aktualizuje wersję Font Awesome do wersji 5 bez niszczenia ikon osadzonych w IPS w wersji 4.
Wtyczka korzysta z oficjalnej strony
Dziennik zmian =>
Profile Songs
This application will allow your members to upload music tracks to play on their profiles with a nice tidy custom audio player
Adds a custom java-script / j-query / ajax music players added to users profiles ( if they have uploaded tracks that is ) Allow your members to upload multiple music tracks to their profiles Adds a playlist with all their uploaded music allowing to switch tracks easy Easily edit the track names by clicking and holding the track name in the playlist without having to reload the page Easily re-position the tracks by dragging them and dropping them into your chosen positions Audio player has 5 buttons Repeat ( this will repeat the playing track ) Next ( skip to the next track ) Previous ( go to the last track ) Volume ( Toggles volume bar ) This will show and volume bar what you can drag with 2 more buttons allowing you to turn it up or down Play / Pause ( Does what it says on the tin ) Easily delete each track without having to reload the page ( this will show a pop up asking to confirm the deletion ) Members can customise their audio players button / volume / progress bar from a choice of 8 colours what are either solid or with a shadow Set auto play function so members tracks will auto play when the page loads Allow members to add other members tracks to their playlists This will not duplicate or copy any audio files it will just add the ability for the track to be played on other members playlists Tracks added to playlists via sharing will not count towards the users uploads count as they are not actually uploading a new track Members can toggle the ability for other members to add their tracks to their playlists easily via the audio player When a member grants permission for their tracks to be shared a new add to my playlist icon will appear next to their track names If a member adds another members track to their playlist and the uploader decides to delete their track, the tracks will also be removed from all playlists it has been added to Admin Member Group Settings ( These are set per group )
Can upload audio tracks Select the maximum upload size per track Select the maximum upload limit per batch of uploads Select the amount of total tracks the member can upload altogether Extensions
Members Shop Add's a item to the members shop allowing you to charge points for members to upload tracks This will override all group permissions set except the total uploads per batch so if you only want to allow users to add tracks via shop items then you need to remove their permissions to use it and the item will be the only way they can add tracks595 downloads
This plugin adds a button to the editor so users can find and post the perfect GIFs from GIPHY - the world's largest library of animated images.
It's easy to use, easy to install and supports all IPS applications.
Add a button to the Editor to find and post GIFs / Stickers from GIPHY. Enable/Disable autoplay gif in results. Click on image to play GIF in results. Click on image to play GIF in content. *NEW* MPAA rating filter. Recently used GIFs. Trending GIFs (currently trending online on the GIPHY homepage). Supports Chatbox Free and Chatbox+652 downloads
Contact Us Captcha
By DicDal
Adds the captcha check to the default contact us form for selected member groups.
Search Bots Online
By DicDal
Search Bots Online - search bots in the online list. The plug-in, according to the rules of IPS, extends the function and does not replace it, thus it was possible to maintain compatibility with other plug-ins for this function.
(MIX) No background in profile name
By DicDal
Simple plugin to modify background settings in profile name and group on profile view.
Compatible with IPS 4.2/4.3/4.4
Birthday In Post
By DicDal
This plugin shows a cake icon on the users posts when they have a birthday.
Feel free to contribute
Updated for IPS 4.4 If you're on IPS 4.2 use 1.1.0 version.
If you're on IPS 4.3 use 1.2.0 version.
Mark Message As Unread
By DicDal
This quick plugin will mark a private message as unread so you can get back to it later or in a proper time. The plugin will not re-enable the total unread messages (rthe number in red circle in the message icon); it will only mark unread so you can find it faster in the messages list.
Birthday Greeter
By DicDal
Birthday greeter that can send out birthday emails, topics, personal messages, status updates, give points and chatbox messages to members celebrating their birthday. Included widgets to also wish members a happy birthday. Click here to read my IPS Marketplace purchase guide before purchasing.
Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.
NEW Integration with Basic Points application to give out points on members birthday. Support for Chatbox birthday alert. Support for status update birthday alert. Select a preferred local time and timezone to send out birthday greetings. Exclude member groups such as Banned and Validating from receiving birthday greetings. Optional customizable birthday greetings via email. Optional widget that lists the members celebrating their birthday each day. Optional customizable birthday greetings via IPB personal message system. Choose to pin or close new birthday topics created. Option to include all birthday users each day in 1 topic, instead of 1 topic per members birthday. Create optional customizable birthday topics. Create new birthday topics or add replies to a "birthday topic" when there is a members birthday. Smart quick tags allow you to send out birthday greetings with information such as Board Name, Member's Name and Age. The following tags are included: {member_name}, {age}, {suffix}, {birth_day}, {birth_month}, {birth_year}, {todays_date}, {board_name} and {birthday_list}.105 downloads
Random Files in Downloads File Feed
By DicDal
This plugin will add the ability to randomly sort files in Files feed widget.
FA Icons for Club Tabs
By DicDal
This plugin will display, in desktop and tablet, FontAwesome icons in Overview and Members tab in Clubs. It will also display icons on Home Page and Activity page if you have Improved Club Enhacements installed.
You can choose any icon from this page:
Topic Thumbnail
Main Features:
Display thumbnails of topics in the main forum view. Topic's authors or member groups that you specify can change thumbnails. They can choose a thumbnail from images in topic content, external URL, or upload from computer. Ability to generate the thumbnail from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Wistia. Using Ajax, no need to reload the page after changing the thumbnails. Support "Gallery View Mode" with big images in a responsive grid. Widget to display new topics with thumbnails. Option to replace Forum Icons with Topic Thumbnail. Thumbnails in search results, activity. Permissions for viewing and changing thumbnails. A Toggle Show/Hide for members. Support IPS Clubs.202 downloads
Featured Content Pro
Beautiful responsive Sliders or Gridview for IPS
Fully responsive - will adapt to any device. Flexible customization for sliders: horizontal/vertical random mode, autoplay, speed, duration, button,... Gridview *New* Auto gets contents from IPS applications: Pages, Forums, Gallery, Downloads, Clubs. Auto gets contents from Videobox. Auto gets contents from RSS URL. Add custom contents manually, easy manage them, drag & drop to sort the contents, click to edit the title, upload image, link, Auto creates and saves cache for thumbnails. Support widgets, easy to drag and place them to your site. Lazyload (IPS 4.4+) *New* Viewing content in a popup (supports Forums, Downloads, Pages, Videobox) *New*187 downloads
Group Name Indicator
By DicDal
Show a legend of your groups in the Who's Online and Recently Browsing widgets, sorted in the order you specify and linked to the search system. Handy so that people know what those group prefixes and suffixes mean.
FYI: Be sure you are running the latest version on the newer versions (4.3.x) of Invision Community. Also, if you end up with errors in the logs that seem to implicate GNI make sure you have EXIF installed - that's the root cause of the problem and the plugin is just getting caught in the crossfire.
What's New in Version 5.1
Patched for compatibility with IPS 4.4.5 and above, not for use on 4.4.4 or earlier. Changed how groups are selected in settings. 5.1 restores the ordering of your choices. Sorry; didn't realise that was important.1,023 downloads
PM Viewer
By DicDal
This application will allow administrators to read conversations on Admin CP. If admins has a special permission, they will also be able to VIEW hidden conversations, EDIT, HIDE/UNHIDE conversations (from appearing on PM Viewer application) and INVITE/REMOVE MEMBERS from conversations. Conversations can also be tracked by filtering keywords. If a specific keyword added by an admin is used on Conversation, users from selected group will receive a notification with a link to the conversation on PM Viewer application. Admins can also use tools to HIDE or UNHIDE all conversations with one click.
Number of conversations per page Number of log entries per page Enable keyword monitoring Keywords to monitor Notification Groups: Members from selected groups will be notified when someone sends a private message that contaims a monitored keyword. Groups Permissions:
Protected groups: If a member from a selected group is involved in a conversation, then this conversation will be not viewable in the PM Viewer application regardless of who else is involved. Can view HIDDEN conversations Can HIDE/UNHIDE conversations Can INVITE/REMOVE members from conversations Can EDIT message content: Users will also be able to view Revisions from posts and delete/restore the original text Tools:
Hide All Conversations Unhide All Conversations Logs:
Added log in all actions: view a conversation, hide/unhide conversation, add/remove users from conversations and restore or delete a revision from a post Added a Logs module to display Admin Logs from this application.
IPS Community 4.4.X (version 3.1.0 with 4.4.6 and higher) IPS Community 4.3.X IPS Community 4.2.X IPS Community 4.1.X Additional Informations:
Application originally made by @Adriano. He gave it to me to continue support and add new features. All previous purchased will be added. If you bought this mod before and you can't download it - let me know. I'll check it. If you have any suggestion or found a bug - let me know.225 downloads
(BIM) Hide Link And Code
By DicDal
This plugin will hide LINKS, CODE, IMAGES and [HIDE] in forum posts automatically. Members can use REACTIONS or REPLY to see the hidden content.
Select content to hide: images, external links, code, [hide] tag, attachments Option to specify groups can bypass the hidden content. REACTIONS or Reply to see the hidden content. Supports Clubs.411 downloads
Adds a Portal application to IP.Board. Based upon IP.Board Portal by IPS. Please be sure to direct all support questions or suggestions in the discussion topic rather then at IPS. The Portal is currently exclusive to the IPS Marketplace, I do not support this application elsewhere.
Basic Points
Points application to issue new points to members and new points for new topics, posts, signing up or giving points manually via their profile page. Control the points given for various things and permissions from the admin cp.
NEW Give out points for new items, reviews and comments in other applications. e.g. Downloads, Gallery, Calendar and most 3rd party app. Member group allowance to give out points automatically to selected member groups. Mass modify member points tool to add or remove points from selected member groups. Unlock topic feature to set which forums will require members use points to unlock and view topics. Add points for voting in poll or for poll owners who receive votes. Set points for club forums. Either individually or via the admin cp. Member filter for points to support group promotions or bulk mail filters based on the number of points. Admin tools to reset all members points or clear points logs. Redeem points into a manually processed value with custom field support. Integration with the Commerce application to redeem points into account credit. Set per forum values for members giving and receiving reactions. Set how many points new members get on signup. Enable an auto reset for points. Top points widget to display the members with the top points. Customize the fixed point options given out for each post. Change the name or prefix of points. Set how many points new topics, replies are given in each forum. Set how many points are given to the topic starter if someone replies to their topic in each forum. Import points from other Points apps if they store their points in the forums database. (Confirmed working with ibEconomy.) Points displayed in profile information of each members post. Manually modify a members points count from their profile. Including a note stating the reason. Profile tab that displays a list of that members points log. Set group permissions for who can view and manage (add/remove) points. Global points page to display all the recent points logs and actions.182 downloads