Invision Community Suite 4.3
Browse our Invision Community Suite 4.3+ content.
259 files
Developer Tools
By Dusan
These files are required to use developer mode in IPS Community Suite.
What's New in Version 4.3.6?
4.3.6 compatibility32 downloads
German Language Pack for IPS Community Suite 4
By Dusan
German Translation for Invision Power Suite (IPS) 4, created for IPS4.3.x (tested successfully with previous versions)
Deutsche Übersetzung für Invision Power Suite (IPS) 4 erstellt für IPS4.3.x (erfolgreich getestet mit vorherigen versionen)
(c) 2014-2018 by Alexander Mueller and the, eMail: [email protected]
Polish translation for IPS Community Suite 4.x
By Dusan
System Forums Calendar Commerce Pages Blogs Downloads (SD) Company Directory Chatbox (SD) Sales Portal Pro (SD) My Places Polliwog (SD) Newsletter Tapatalk104 downloads
Languages Flags on Board Top
By Dusan
This plugin will display the languages flags or the language drop-down on board top so the user can swap between languages in a faster way.
Leaderboard Access Permisison
By Dusan
Will restrict Leader-board access to specific groups.
Groups that won't have access to Leader-board6 downloads
Remove Member Title from Posts
By Dusan
This plugin will remove Member Title from posts.
Redirect Forum on New Tab
By Dusan
This plugin (hook) will allow redirect forums to be opened on a new tab/window.
Latest tested/working version is 4.3.6 but this plugin is so simple it should work on any 4.x version.
My Activity On User Bar
By Dusan
This plugin will add a link to the user activity on User Bar.
Stop Shouting in Topic Titles
By Dusan
This plugin will change the "UPPERCASE TOPIC TITLE" to "Lowercase topic title": it will transform all uppercase letters into lowercase letters and will capitalize the first letter of the topic title.
Type of topic title: first letter uppercase or first letter of each word uppercase Reserved word: Those words will remain in UPPERCASE Note:
Made to work and tested only in English and Brazilian Portuguese. Latest CONFIRMED working IPS version is 4.3.6 but the plugin is really simple, should be fine across all 4.x
What's New in Version 1.0.2
Fixed errors on special characters19 downloads
By Dusan
Mind theme has been updated to the latest version 4.3.
Basic instructions are included in the package.
Hope you like.
Demo (Go to footer and select Mind)
Demo account:
User: Test
Password: test
What's New in Version See changelogs
Released September 28
Added option to hide Welcome background image on mobile. Fixed Scroll to top button, overlapping elements on mobile.194 downloads
(NE) Hide post content 2.2.5
By qrt1977
About This File
Version 1.x and up Plugin which allows administrators to control the display of topic replies to guest viewers, showing a custom editable message to guests. Guests must register & sign-in to be able to view the replies. Can be set on all or specific forums. Topic exceptions can be made using a comma-separated listing of the topic IDs which will not be affected. Version 2.0 and up Ability to hide content in the first post in a topic, and not just replies to that topic. Ability to exclude topics from being affected by the plugin. Ability to exclude search engines from being treated as guests Tom Iron's 'Cloak' functionality has been incorporated, now allow hiding of the following: All content Links (including/excluding mentions) Linked images (including/excluding emoticons) Attachments Code Quotes Spoilers Each of the above will have their own replacement message displayed. Allows the ability to merge multiple instances of the same replacement message, thus only displaying one replacement message in the event that someone has multiple items in the content. The 'Cloak' functionality now uses DOM instead of Regex to locate items in the content, and is thus more reliable. Version 2.1 and up modified the 'Apply to forum(s)' setting functionality original behaviour: admin chose which forums would be affected by the plugin ('All forums' or select forums from list - therefore inclusive) new behaviour: An include or exclude option is now available. 'Include' is the default, and behaves as above. 'Exclude', when choosing, will allow an admin to select which forums won't be affected by the plugin. this feature will be useful to those who have a large number of forums and want to apply the plugin to a large percentage of those forums. Example: 100 forums total, but apply plugin to 97 of those. So instead of selecting the 97 forums to include, it's easier/quicker to just select the 3 forums to exclude. added ability to hide content from member groups, instead of just guests. Please review your replacement content to ensure that it is relevant to this new functionality. For example - the default value for this used to indicate "You must be signed in.....", which will no longer be correct if you use the member group functionality. fixed issue with non-image attachments not being affected by the 'Hide attachments' functionality. name change to '(NE) Hide post content'85 downloads
(DP42) Guest View Limits 2.0.1
By qrt1977
About This File
Limit page views for guests in specified amount of time.
bots can explore whole board without limits, enable/disable mod, exclude urls, exclude forums and clubs, set visit limit number and time, set error message, limit topics (or no). Version for IP.Board 3.x can be downloaded here.
Due to the rework on this app (every new resource has to be done from the scratch to run on IPS4 and it was a hook on 3.4), a new purchase is required. Thank you for your understanding.
(DP43) CSE Google 3.0.1
By qrt1977
What's New in Version 3.0.1
This plugin will display the search results CSE Google only if the user searches in 'all' content on the board. Otherwise the built in search engine will be used.
Development of this plugin was supported by the eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters.
Fixed issue with plugin enabled (not all search type options were available).
(IPBA) Recent Topics App 2.0.0 Beta 1
By qrt1977
REST API support added.
It's not the plugin anymore, it's the application.
More stable.
For 4.3 and later
Luxury 4.3
By qrt1977
About This File
Works with the latest versions of these applications:
IP.Board 4.2.x and 4.3.x
Admin Control Panel
Included in the download:
Theme XML file for installation
All fonts used throughout the theme
IBTheme copyright and license agreement
Admin CP is themed to match forums
Surface Dark
By Dusan
The theme of «Surface» is a fully modernized design IPS in different colors.
We tried to make the best design and make it easier to customize style, so have worked out every detail.
We wish to make as high quality a product as possible and «Surface» will reveal it.
Also in the archive are present:
Skin Images (4 custom guest message cover backgrounds) Click here for demo!
Body Settings
Buttons Settings
Custom Settings
Forms & Toggle's
Forum Nodes
Front-End Colors
Guest Message
Social Icons
Title's & Widget's
Topic View
Version 1.2.3 - 4.3 Global Update What's new:
Fixed all bugs that people have found CSS & HTML code optimized Added goTop button Added Button Waves Effect Added new userinfopane types Reinterpretation Design Elements: Fonts, Settings Added new the design of the profile Flipping style elements with flexbox Flipping style elements with all articles blocks And much more...420 downloads
Clubs Enhancements 1.1.2
By Dusan
This resource will give more power to Club Owners. They will be able to execute functions currently only possible in the Admin CP.
1.0.18 for IPB 4.2.x
1.1.x for IPB 4.3.x
Add ability to create a custom HOME page for the Club Convert forums or apps categories into Club Features with a single click, so you don't need to manually move a bunch of items (topics, images, files, events, etc) - Admin CP feature. Convert Club Features into forums or categories Manage Club Features: Reorder (drag and drog) features Disable features: items from a disabled feature will not appear in the Club activity stream Delete features: just like on ACP, with option to delete content or move it to another club/category. Ability to ADMINS ban/unban members from the whole clubs. A banned member won't be able to access any club page, including its content (topics, files, images, etc.). IMPORTANT: Club items will continue to appear in Activity Streams, profiles, searchs, etc. The restriction will happen only when the member tries to read them. Allow members to choose which features will be automatically created when creating a club. Restrict number of equal features per club (example: you can only have one "topic" feature). Restrict Number of Clubs per member. Restrict Number of Clubs a member can join. Add ability to create a QUESTION feature when creating a feature from FORUMS app. Add members to the club (setting to allow Club Owners to use it. Admins can use it). Add members from a specific user group to the club (secondary groups checked) (setting to allow Club Owners to use it. Admins can use it). Change owner of the club. Change type of the club (option according to the owner group setting). Display club icons on users posts Display club icons on user profile (hover card) Settings:
Allow admins/club owners to create a custom HOME page for the Club Restrict Number of Features? Number of features per club Allow Club Owners to manually ADD MEMBERS? Display 'Added By' info when admin/owner add members manually Display Club Icon on posts panel? Number of Club Icons to display Club Icons Sort Order: name, last activity and random Display Club Icons on Hovercard Profile? Number of Club Icons to display Club Icons Sort Order: name, last activity and random89 downloads
Dutch translation - Nederlands taalbestand IPS4
By Birdman
Dit is een Nederlandstalig taalbestand voor IPS Community Suite 4 en bevat de vertaling voor de volgende onderdelen:
Systeem Conversies Forum Kalender Galerij Pages Blogs Downloads Clubs Aanmeldings Logboek 2.1.2 Leden Kaart 3.5.1 Geavanceerde Tags & Prefixes 3.1.10 Automatisch welkom 2.5.4 Bim Chatbox 3.1.1 Zowel de front-end als back-end werd volledig vertaald voor deze onderdelen.
Installatie instructies
Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Klik op 'Create New' en selecteer de tab 'Upload' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand en klik op 'Save' Upgrade instructies
Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Aanpassingen' --> 'Talen' Klik rechts van 'Nederlands' op het pijltje dat naar beneden wijst om het vervolgmenu te openen Klik op 'Upload nieuwe versie' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand en klik op 'Opslaan'
This is the Dutch translation file for IPS Community Suite 4 and contains translations for:
System Converters Forum Calendar Gallery Pages Blogs Downloads Clubs Login logs 2.1.2 Member Map 3.5.1 Advanced Tags & Prefixes 3.1.10 Auto Welcome 2.5.4 Bim Chatbox 3.1.1 Front-end and back-end are fully translated.
Installation instructions
Log into the ACP Go to 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Click on 'Create New' and select the tab 'Upload' Select the downloaded file and click on 'Save'
Release opmerkingen
Het taalbestand bevat geen formeel taalgebruik, dit betekend dat de Jij/je vorm is toegepast. Er is geen vertaling van Commerce.
Default Cover Photo
By Veka Mcp
This plugin will set a cover photo if the user doesn't have one. downloads
Español (Hispano)
By Veka Mcp
Complete Spanish translation of the Invision Community Suite
Este paquete contiene la traducción completa al 100% de la Suite Invision Community.
Traducción al español de las aplicaciones incluidas en la versión 4.3.x de Invisión Community:
Sistema (Incluída la administración completa) Blog Calendario Comercio Convertidor Descargas Foros Galería Páginas El paquete contiene dos archivos .zip cuyo nombre y contenido es el siguiente:
"Español (Hispano)-Toda la suite en 1" - Traducción completa de toda la Suite Invision en un solo archivo de idioma. "Español (Hispano) - En 9 archivos de sistema y" - Traducción completa de toda la Suite Invision, dividida en los archivos correspondientes a cada aplicación oficial de la Suite (para aquellas personas que no tengan instaladas todas las aplicaciones). Nota: Algunas frases han sido traducidas empleando el traductor automático de Google Translator, por lo que es posible que presenten pequeños errores gramaticales que espero poder corregir en futuras versiones.
This package contains the complete translation to 100% of the Invision Community Suite.
Translation into Spanish of the applications included in version 4.3.x of Invisión Community:
System core (including full administration) Blog Calendar Commerce Converter Downloads Forums Gallery Pages The package contains two .zip files whose name and content is as follows:
"Español (Hispano)-Toda la suite en 1" - Complete translation of the entire Invision Suite in a single language .xml file. "Español (Hispano) - En 9 archivos de sistema y" - Complete translation of the entire Invision Suite, divided into the files corresponding to each official application of the Suite (for those people who do not have all the applications installed). Note: Some phrases have been translated using the automatic translator of Google Translator, so it is possible that they present small grammatical errors that I hope to correct in future versions.
Sign Up Link On Error Message
This plugin will add a Sign Up link for guests in the Error messages across the board.
Infraskew Theme
Infraskew is a Beautiful, Creative, Super advanced theme comes with a lot of customization's and features Google fonts, custom html full-sized widgets, Extra footer, Social links, News ticker, Custom forum category styles, Six of awesome article templates and a powerful touch slider that can be integrated with (Pages) application as a complete package for infinite slider, theme colors are entirely customizable with easy settings. Without touching a line of code you can Switch between a Dark or Light theme schemes with one click and customize from any of the colors all within the settings.
Scroll to bottom and change the theme to Infraskew.
Key Features
Palette. 2 color schemes. Dark & Light versions.
One click to switch your website between color schemes.
Customize from any of the colors schemes you want all within theme settings. Color Management %99 all theme colors are customizable with color settings. Without touching a line of code you can change the entire front-end colors all in a theme editing page.
Customize colors of CK Editor, Widgets, Navigation's, Social links, Topic background, Author panel background, Forms & Toggles, Pagination & tabs, Buttons, Notifications, Messages...etc). Forum Category Styles. Set a custom background, title background, colors, and a cover to specific forums.
No custom css or coding knowledge is required, All you have to do is selecting forums and apply your colors. Footer. Enable/Disable footer. optionally show/hide on mobiles and tablets. Editor field column. with a header text field and a Truncatable option. Custom HTML field column. provided with a sample for quick links. Pages application column to get records from database. Color settings for footer background, Header color, Text color & link hover color. Upload a background image for footer, with an optional setting to apply opacity. Advanced Footer Application.
With advanced footer application you can have ultimate footer columns. Add footer rows, Add any number of custom column blocks, feed from all IPS applications. add different footers for different themes and more...
Custom Widgets. Add Two Editor field widgets to show on top or bottom of your website. Optionally show it to specific pages like Registration, Login, Staff directory, User profiles ...etc). Set user group permissions, customize colors and backgrounds. Great for guest messages, or custom html. Advanced Custom Widgets Plugin.
Advanced custom widgets allows you to add Sticky and Normal custom TXT and HTML widgets to your website. Each widget you add is fully customizable with its own configuration settings.
RTL Support.
Theme add-ons
Swiper Slider. Swiper is a powerful and a modern touch slider integrated in this theme, You can add 5 custom slides. also feeds from Pages app. Enable/Disable Swiper. Who can see. Where to show. Excludable from IPS applications and other pages on the site. Add custom slider height. Show pagination. Show navigation. Enable/Disable Autoplay. Loop Mode. Swiping mode. Lazy Loading. Add a texture overlay. Add a color overlay. Sliding Effects. Custom Slider content CSS, background color, Title color and title font size. Slider image position. 5 Custom and reorderable Sliders.
Each slider have its own Editor field, Title field, Image field and User group permissions. Swiper Slider Application
With swiper slider application you can add infinite custom sliders, and feed from IPS applications ( Downloads, Pages, Gallery ). on thefly add/edit sliders. give permissions for those you want to add sliders and more...
News Ticker. With this horizontal and auto scrolling news ticker present headlines or minor updates on your website. Customize background and text color of tickers. Add a news ticker title with options to customize background, text color. News Ticker Plugin
News Ticker plugin comes with many more options and configurations to customize including a couple more different styles. and on the fly add/edit tickers with options for who can add/edit... and more...
Free Resources
This theme is included with the following paid resources
A different article styles.
Copyright text removal
If you must remove the copyright notice on bottom of the theme. you need to purchase the theme copyright removal plugin.
T.I.T License Copyright Removal
Anti Spam
By Jeffrey
No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math. No spambots signups, no spambots posts.
Hook uses invisible tests to stop spambots at the IP.Board.
Anti-spam features of the hook
Stop spambots at registrations. Stop spambots at the topics. Contact form protection (CAPTCHA should be disabled!) Allow guest posting on the forum without CAPTCHA. iPhone/iPad, Android app to control registrations and posts on the board. Anti-spam hook info
We have developed an anti-spam hook for IP.Board that would provide maximum protection from spam and you can provide for your visitors a simple and convenient form of posts/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 100% of spambots.
Low false/positive rate
This hook uses multiple anti-spam tests to filter spambots with lower false/positive rate as possible. Multiple anti-spam tests avoid false/positive blocks for real website visitors even if one of the tests failed.
Spam attacks log
Service CleanTalk (this hook is a client application for CleanTalk anti-spam service) records all filtered comments, registration and other spam attacks in the "Log of spam attacks" and stores the data in the log up to 45 days. Using the log, you can ensure reliable protection of your website from spam and no false/positive filtering.
Private blacklists
Automatically block comments and registrations from your private black IP/email address list. This option helps to strengthen the protection from a manual spam or block unwanted comments from users. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.
Blocking users by country
Automatically block comments and registrations from the countries you have set a ban for. This option is useful in cases of manual spam protection and for protection enhancement. If your site is not intended for an international audience and you do not expect comments/users from other countries.
Blocking comments by "stop words"
You can block comments which contain "stop words" to enhance spam filtering and messages with obscene words blocking. You can add particular words or phrases.
CleanTalk has an advanced option "SpamFireWall". This option allows blocking the most active spambots before they get access to your website. It prevents spambots from loading website pages so your web server doesn't have to perform all scripts on these pages. Also, it prevents scanning of pages of the website by spambots. Therefore SpamFireWall significantly reduces the load on your web server. SpamFireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spambots. SpamFireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spambots. CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and checks all other requests on the website at the moment of submitting comments/registers etc.
How SpamFireWall works?
The visitor enters to your website. HTTP request data are being checked in the nearly 5.8 million of the identified spambot IPs. If it is an active spambot, the bot gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then he receives a normal page. This process is completely transparent for the visitors. All the CleanTalk SpamFireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering. Private blacklist for SpamFireWall
It allows you to add individual IP addresses and subnets to SpamFireWall. It blocks the attacks from IP addresses which are not included in the SFW base yet. This option can help to block HTTP/HTTPS DDoS, SQL, brute force attacks and any others that made it through the HTTP/HTTPS. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.
The CleanTalk is premium anti-spam for IPS4, please look at the pricing. We try to provide the service at the highest level and we can not afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of providing anti-spam protection. Paying for a year of service, you save a lot more and get:
100% protection against spambots Time and resources saving More registrations/comments/visitors Protect several websites at once at different CMS Easy to install and use Traffic acquisition and user loyalty 24/7 technical support Clear statistics No captcha, puzzles, etc. Free mobile app Also, you can use CleanTalk app for iPhone/iPad to control anti-spam service on website or control comments, signups, contacts, and orders.
1. Download the latest version of the CleanTalk Anti-Spam hook.
2. Place the downloaded xml-file in the folder "<IPS4-root-folder>/plugins".
3. Go to "System —> Plugins" and press the button "Install New Plugin".
4. Choose the CleanTalk xml-file from "<IPS4-root-folder>/plugins" and press the button "Install".
5. During the installation 3 files will be downloaded to "<IPS4-root-folder>/uploads":
If it didn't happen for some reasons, download them manually and put them in the folder "uploads". Create this folder if it does not exist.
6. Click the pencil symbol opposite the "CleanTalk Spam protect" line.
7. Copy the access key from your CleanTalk Control Panel and paste it in the field "Access key", turn the plugin's options on and press the button "Save".
Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail [email protected].
Please go to Dashboard to see the anti-spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!
Please check your email to get the account password.
The hook is a client application for cloud anti-spam service, which are daily protects 5k websites from spambots. Also, you can use CleanTalk app for iPhone/iPad to control anti-spam service on website or control posts and signups on the board.
How can I test anti-spam protection?
Please use email [email protected] to test anti-spam for signups.
Should I use another antispam hook?
Use other antispam hooks not necessarily, because CleanTalk stops up to 100% of spambots. In some cases, several anti-spam hooks can conflict, so it will be better to use just one plugin.
Troubleshooting Guide
Anti-spam by CleanTalk support forum
If you're having trouble getting things to work after installing the hook, here are a few things to check:
If you haven't yet, please upgrade hook to the latest version. If you have error '*** Forbidden. Enable JavaScript. Anti-spam service ***' please check JavaScript support in your browser and do JavaScript test at this page Check out JavaScript support. If you have spam signups or posts please check the Access key at hook settings. The key should be same as you can find in service Control panel.
Additional features
Online, daily and weekly anti-spam reports traffic VS spam. Apps for iPhone, Android to control anti-spam service, comments, signups, contacts. With traffic and spam statistics for last 7 days. Anti-spam apps for most popular CMS on
By Veka Mcp
Classifieds System is an application that enables your members to list items for sale/trade, monetizing your community.
Commerce: How does it work?
Admin can enable TRANSACTIONS, which will allow members to buy items directly from another member via app and the advertiser receives the amount paid via account credit. If TRANSACTIONS is disabled, things has to be done manually: member needs to contact the advertiser in ways he wants (he chooses when posting the advert), make the deal, then the advertiser will set the advert as PENDING DEAL. After the payment/deal is done, advertiser sets the advert as COMPLETED. In both cases, if the advert is a SALES advert type BIDS (offers) are allowed if the admin enables the setting and if the advertiser also enables it when posting the advert.
THIS IS NOT AN UPGRADE of the old app (for IP.Board 3.4), so if you used the old app you probably still have data from the old app in your database, take a read on manual.pdf (page 2) in the zip file or request support before you install this app. Each purchase entitles you to use Classifieds System on one Community installation. For IPB 4.2.x use 1.1.8 For IPB 4.3.x use 1.1.9+ Features:
Unlimited categories of adverts, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings Per-category permissions to show category, view adverts, submit adverts, ask questions and review adverts Category Icons Ability to choose the order and which blocks to display on the app index: Expiring Soon, What's New and Categories block Support Extra Fields so you can define different fields per category Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee and comission and use multi-currencies. Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies Adverts Management on ACP: a place where admins can control status of adverts: expire, complete, set as active, change expiration date, etc. Advert History (advert view): works like the Moderation History, but will log all actions related to the advert itself, like who changed the expiration date, who set the advert as complete, etc. Ability to post external advert link: you can link an advert posted in other sites, like eBay, etc. Ability to hide adverts when expired and/or completed from category view Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display advert prices Ability do add a default address for new adverts in Account Settings. Ability to add multiple packages and charge for your listings at varying price points to suit your users. Listing packages allow you to choose whether or not specific member groups should need to pay to advertise and also whether adverts will be billed according to the value of the item being sold Central area where advertiser can view all expired adverts and renew them at anytime, if the package allows renewal Users can make offers (bid) to the adverts, if the advertiser allows Advertiser can reject offers Admin can enable transactions, which means that a user can buy something from another member directly, monetizing the site with fee/comission Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit adverts Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approvwd content items must have to access the app and mpderate first X free adverts from users of the group. That will make moderator's life easier Integrates into IPS4 Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc. Advert Images settings: require image, max number of images per advert, max image filezie and max image dimensions Robust Admin Restrictions Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer Ability to give account credit to new members Ability to set the minimum/maximum title length and description length Ability to remove the upload of attachments in the advert description editor Submit questions and reviews to advert. Admin can choose if new questions or reviews are moderated, per category. Advertiser can reply to the questions Ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Search integration: search adverts along with the rest of your community’s content Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on Integrates into Activity Streams Integrates to Share Links to share Integrates to Google Maps if and address is provided in the link submission (IPS 4.1.13+: Google Map APIs now requires an API key. Go to AdminCP -> System -> Community Enhancements to enable Google Maps support) Integration to IPS4 Announcements Integration to Member Filters (Bulk Mail, etc.) Integration to IPS4 Advertisements Supports the built-in tagging system including prefixes Support for notifications such as new adverts and questions comments on adverts Ability to follow/like categories and individual adverts Ability to add adverts to a wish list Drag & drop reordering of categories, advert types, items conditions and packages in the ACP. Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts Integration with ACP Live Seach (categories, advert types, items conditions and packages) Friendly URLs for adverts and categories Matrix permission on Groups (editing a group) Reactions support (IPS 4.2) Clubs support (IPS 4.2) Content Message and Promote features (IPS 4.2) Embedded content (IPS 4.2) Recommended Questions (IPS 4.2) Added REACTIONS to the questions (IPS 4.2) Member Store (IPS 4.2) Activity stream support (IPS 4.2) Change advert type once posted Featured and Pinned Blocks for General > Settings > Views Advert posting restriction Disable EDIT feature in completed adverts Dates on expired ads Default option for user Integration to Gallery More. Support and Online Tests:
Preferably, submit a report to the official Bug Tracker for this app: Account to test the app: if you want to test it online, drop me a private message and I'll set-up a temporary account. Forthcoming versions:
Shipment feature Feedback system APP will be improved based on feedback and suggestions (that will be pondered by me due to technical reasons)
More info:
(DP43) Referrals System 3.0.0
By Veka Mcp
With this app you can allow your members invite other members.
enable/disable system, select allowed groups to use this mod, three invite types: free -> user may or may not enter inviter name; force -> user must enter inviter name; invite only: user must be referred by invite form (with hashed keycode), list of all invited users, list of all invited users in ACP with filter options, invites by referral link, points system integration (any system!), promotion to the new group after reaching specific amount of referred users, ability to enable/disable member powers to raising people via ACP, info in member profiles about referrer, ability to add/edit/remove referred transactions, ability to turn off the "Referrer Information" block in profiles, ability to award referrer if his referrred member made topic/post, invite form, option to enable/disable custom invite message, option to disable invites from the same IP and much more, resend option to resend sent invites, option to approve transaction only if referrer add more than X defined posts. Note:
it's a first release of this app for a 4.x series. it's a lifetime purchase! Once time buy = lifetime updates (for a 4.x serie).141 downloads