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Invision Community Suite 4.3

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259 files

  1. TDB Stop Shouting

    What does it do?
    This plug-in prevents your members from trying to steal attention, by entering a title in purely uppercasing with lots of punctuation. The Plug-in will try and strip the text to a more readable format that is constant with your board posting guidelines.
    Plug-in Settings:
    Case Types: There are 5 different types of casing that you can use. No Modification, Sentence Case, Upper Case, Lower Case and Title Case. Excessive Punctuation: This tries to reduce excessive punctuation from the title. This will turn ??????? to ? and !!!!!! to !. Exception Words: These are word of your choosing that will never have their casing changed, regardless of your plug-in settings. If the word is upper case, all of these words in the title will be forced Upper case for example. Remove Characters: These are characters that will be removed regardless of how many there are in the title text. Names that begin with O', Mc or Mac will be processed automatically from o'neill to O'Neill or mcneill to McNeill.
    Please Note this version has been converted from a Plug-in to a Application.
    If you have previously installed the plugin version, do NOT uninstall the plugin until you have installed the Application version first or you will lose your previous settings. I have created a upgrade script, but it seems to be a hit and miss whether or not it will work. You may have to manually port over your plugin settings afterwards.
    Changed: Converted the plugin version to an Application. This will give me much more control over future additions which I have planned for this Application. Changed: The Settings form is now split into 5 different tabs to make it easier to work with. Added:  StopShouting will now handle core applications such as CMS and Calendar Events. I do not have 'Gallery' or 'Blogs' so I cannot test these on my install. Added: The ability to disable or override CMS's built in formatting functions. This is to prevent StopShouting's titles being overwritten by CMS text formatting and to save some CPU cycles. If you want a field to be formatted, you must SELECT it in CMS using the 'Apply Text Formatter' in the field Settings. The formatting Options will be ignored while handled by StopShouting. CMS titles will be handled automatically regardless of these settings. Changed: Optimized the code to reduce overhead and speed things up a little more. Fixed: Titles with certain punctuation characters were not handled correctly and the words afterwards would not be capitalized correctly. Fixed: Exceptions 'words' function was not working as expected. I have finally managed to fix this issues.


       (0 reviews)


  2. (SOS43) Staff Applications System 1.2.2

    Are you looking for staff? Developers? Designers? Or anything else? This application will help admins/moderators to find people to help in their boards.
    Here's a quick rundown of some of the features for this resource:
    Extra Fields Module to add Positions on ACP (moderator, webdesigner, developer, etc) Ability to automatically move the "winner" member to a chosen group (you inform the group when you're adding the application record) Ability to restrict the application by: Content count, Reputation points/likes, Number of days as member, Minimum age and groups Ability to inform how many places the position has. Example: you can create an application record to "hire" 3 moderators. Module on ModeratorCP to view all pending records from all applications Compatible with most important features from IPS 4.2 (Recommended Comments, Content Message, Reactions, Member History, Richer Embeds, etc.) Fully integrated to the framework: tag system, follow system, report system, search system, activity streams, share Links, etc. Moderator actions on applications, comments and reviews Moderator permission to approve/reject applications Ability to create RSS feeds from member applications Etc.


       (1 review)


  3. Website Footer

    Website Footer v1.01
    Adds a footer to your forum with bunch of links, social media.
    As you can see from the screen-shots, you can add up to 6 different blocks, quickly change the look and feel via the plug-in settings and add your own logo.
    Feel free to use or not.


       (0 reviews)


  4. Store Products Widget

    This plugin will display products from your Store on a widget in two ways: New Products or Featured Products.
    Plugin settings:
    Type of products to display: new or featured products Groups allowed to view the block Commerce related setting:
    New Products: Show up to X products added to the store within the last X days Requirement:
    Commerce application Notes:
    The carousel will not turn on unless you have more products than will fit inside the widget. It also will not magically turn on if you shrink your browser width. The carousel determines itself whether to enable or not when the page is first loaded.


       (1 review)


  5. Show IP Address on Mobile Devices

    This allows show the IP Address in post to show on Mobile as by default this is hidden.


       (0 reviews)


  6. Remove Forums from Board Index

    This mod lets you hide certain forums from both Board Index & Category/Forum View (based on a setting) leaving them still accessible with a direct url. This is especially useful if you want to have lot of forums and sub-forums but don't want your members see all of them listed.


       (0 reviews)


  7. Portal

    This application is not officially listed as 4.3 application, but from my personal experience using it on 4.3, it works without any problems or bugs. If you encounter some problems, message me and i will try to help you out.
    Adds a Portal application to IP.Board. Based upon IP.Board Portal by IPS.
    Step One
    Download the application and unzip it's contents into a folder on your desktop if needed. Most applications will have a basic folder structure like this. With the applications tar file and the readme or instructions file.

    Step Two
    Open your Admin CP. In your browser and navigate to the System Tab then on the left side menu and then the Applications menu At the top of this page you will see the 'Install' button, click it and find the applications tar file you just unzipped onto your desktop. Once your ready, click the Install button to start the import. The application installer will then run through the installation and you'll see several redirects until it's fully installed.

    Step Three (Manage)
    After you've installed it, depending on the type of application it is. You may notice a new tab on the front end of your forum or even more menus in the admin cp of your forums. This is how you'll view and setup this application.

    Step Four (Widgets)
    Applications now come with the ability to add widgets to your forums. If your application does have a widget available, Open your forums home page and locate the "Manage Blocks" icon on the center left hand side of your forums. Clicking this will load a side menu with all the available application widgets, locate the widget for the application your installing and then drag and drop it to what ever widget area position is available..


       (0 reviews)


  8. Redesign IPS

    This theme is not officially listed as 4.3 theme, but from my personal experience using it on 4.3, it works without any problems or bugs.
    Slider Advanced Footer Slider with a lot of options:
    Align header, content and buttons Vertical and horizontal slides! Permissions slider and slides Fullscreen and container slider size. Specific pages where show slider Pagination buttons Navigation buttons Background color and image for per slide Height slider Effect transitions Autoplay mode Loop mode Footer:
    4 blocks with customization width Permissions for per block Background footer Social links


       (0 reviews)


  9. Widgets Extensions

    The widget extension allows you to easily add custom blocks and then style them using your own CSS styles and classes.
    The plugin will add three different types of custom widgets: Text, HTML and PHP.
    Allowed Block Options:
    Set the block to display on or off, Set the block to display to selected groups only, Can elect to use a block title or not. Good if you are showing adverts or not, You can use CKEditor or CodeMirror for the block content and this can be toggled via the Blocks settings. For example, HTML and PHP can use CodeMirror to make life easier if you are using HTML or PHP in your blocks. You can easily add CCS styles to the Block Title and Content using the Widget Forms rather than having to edit templates. This makes it easier to customise each block differently to have a different look and feel to match your website theme. You can add custom CSS classes via the Widget Form for quickness. Bear in mind this will add inline CSS to your theme, so it would be better to add custom CSS Classes to the Theme Custom.css instead.


       (1 review)


  10. [DevFuse] Videos System

    Allows your members to submit their own videos for community viewing. Support is included for all the major video sites.

    Feature List:
    NEW Per category custom field support. NEW Quick add video support. NEW Video.JS support for uploaded videos. NEW Improved front end design new trending, followed, discover and featured tabs .Including pagination and sorting. NEW RSS import support for videos. Support included for share links on view video page. Support for category permissions. Set who can add videos, edit videos, delete videos, add comments, edit comments, delete comments per group. Support for per category settings, including view category, view and add video permissions and discussion topics. Ajax rating system with per group permissions who can rate and even who can change their votes. Default per category settings for sort and filter as well as number of videos per page. Support for YouTube thumbnails. Thumbnails are downloaded and saved locally for display next to videos when new videos are added using media urls. (See below for which sites are supported.) Quick add video option, enter the media url and category and the system will attempt to get the video title/description automatically. (Not all media urls supported.) Support for category or video following. Support for IPB's tag class for videos. Per category or globally created discussion topics. RSS feed for new videos added and per category rss feed export added for each category


       (3 reviews)


  11. Titan 4.3 // ipsfocus.com

    Titan for IPS.Suite 4.3
    Titan is the ultimate gaming theme, based upon a large wallpaper image which is blurred behind textured navigation and category bars. Easily upload your own image via the theme settings to completely change the colour scheme, or let your members choose from a predefined selection!

    Theme features

    Theme Settings
    Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required.

    Unique navigation design
    Titan features a unique navigation design, utilising an animated effect on-hover.

    Blurred headers
    The navigation bar and category headers inherit a blurred version of your background image. Compatible with all modern browsers, except IE.

    Social links
    Social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc)

    Background picker
    Your members can choose their own background image (or color) from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. This feature can be configured and disabled if necessary within the theme settings.

    Global message
    Display a message across the top of your site with important announcements. Once your members have seen the message, they can press the Dismiss button to remove it (until you configure a new one).

    Guest message
    A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available.

    HTML logo with slogan
    Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead.

    Mega Footer
    A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings.
    Demo  //  Detailed list of features
    What's New in Version 4.3.6+   
    Released September 18
    Compatible with IPS.Suite 4.3.6 Fixed zebra striping in some tables, particularly in 3rd party addons Fixed pagination colours when used outside of the ipsButtonBar class Minor bugs reported in the ipsfocus Bug forum have also been patched


       (1 review)


  12. 2 Letters in Profile Picture

    This plugin will display 2 letters in the profile letter, if the user has 2 names, like Adriano Faria.
    Exclude word: First letter from these words will not be used in the avatar. You can see above it excluded the "di" word. Note:
    This change does not happen automatically for users already registered. It will occur after they change their display name.


       (0 reviews)


  13. Message on Signup Screen

    A simple plugin that adds a text block at the top of the user signup form.  I created this for a site that wanted to highlight some of their T&Cs at the top of the form but it may have other uses.
    Show/Hide Message. 4 built-in IPS message formats or plain WYSIWYG text


       (1 review)


  14. Quick Topic

    Will allow users to quickly create a new topic in the forums. It will add a new button on forum view and a popup will appear with TITLE and DESCRIPTION fields.
    IPS 4.3.X IPS 4.2.X IPS 4.1.X


       (0 reviews)


  15. Hold Validating Members

    This plugin allows you to put members in admin validation on hold for later review.
    Put on hold from admin validating members list. Put on hold from admin edit members forms.


       (0 reviews)


  16. Forum Table Header

    Simple plugin that adds table headers to the forum table. Both the css and template bit are customizable from the admin cps theme editor to easily modify the header style.


       (0 reviews)


  17. (GS) Reputation Points in user bar

    This plugin will display member's total reputation points on board top in user bar.


       (1 review)


  18. Send PM via Admin CP Profile

    This plugin will allow admins to start a conversation with members directly on their profiles on Admin CP.
    If you have Spacious ACP you do not need this, it's built in to Spacious.


       (0 reviews)


  19. File Review Voters

    This plugin (hook) will show who found a review useful or not useful in Downloads Files.
    Allow file submitter to view the voters Groups allowed to view the voters


       (0 reviews)


  20. Extra Fields on Category View

    This plugin will allow admins to choose which file extra fields to show on category view.
    Extra fields to display Requirement:


       (0 reviews)


  21. Who Voted in QA Forums Answers

    Will display who voted in answers for QA forums topics.
    Number of users to show in the popup Groups allowed to see the list


       (0 reviews)


  22. Hide Followers for Guests

    This plugin will hide followers list for guests.


       (0 reviews)


  23. Don't Rate Your Topic

    This plugin will not permit that topic authors rate their own topics.


       (0 reviews)


  24. Swap Comments/Reviews Tab Order

    Will swap REVIEWS and COMMENTS tabs position in the following applications:
    Calendar Downloads Gallery Pages


       (0 reviews)


  25. Members Theme in Topics

    Will display the member's theme on topics. If the user who is browsing the topic isn't allowed to use a specific theme, will be displayed the default theme name instead.


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