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Invision Community Suite 4.3

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259 files

  1. Vivid

    Credits: @samukka
    Introducing Vivid! A dark, beautiful flex theme that has a sidebar to make whole body overlay with the content.

    *NEW* Framework
    You don’t just get a simple theme, you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website, make it yours!

    *NEW* Language Setting Keys
    In this theme, we've set up the language keys for our settings. I know all of you were dying to wait for this, so you can understand the settings very well.

    *NEW* Secondary Footer: Twitter Integration
    Introducing Twitter integration! In the configuration settings, you'll be able to enable/disable, modify the Twitter footer title, and of course, input your user profile name.

    *NEW* Social Icons
    In our new framework, we introduce you with new social icons: Instagram, Dribbble, Soundcloud, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

    *NEW* Back to Top
    Also in our framework, when you scroll down, you'll see the back to top button so you don't have to scroll yourself.

    *NEW* Hide/Show Sidebar
    On the right side of the sidebar, you'll be able to hide and show the sidebar by simply toggling the sidebar button. Also, a huge thanks to @Martin A. for helping me with the cookie.

    *NEW* Hide/Show Horizontal Footer Widget(s)
    On the right side of the horizontal footer title, you'll be able to hide and show the widget(s) by simply toggling the arrow button.

    Google Font
    Choose your own font to be display everywhere on your forum.

    Google Font Weight(s)
    Put more styles into the new font you chose.

    Override Site Title
    Spice up your site title by putting in the title you want to be display on the header.

    Body Background Image
    By default, you'll be able to upload a background to make the content overlay with your selected background.

    Enable Secondary Footer
    Need more storage for the footer? Don’t worry, we created another footer so you can store more stuff or anything that you want inside.

    Secondary Footer: About Us
    Also on the secondary footer, we made an about us section so you can describe your site and your users interests.

    You will get setting(s) of changing the default colors to your own liking.


       (1 review)


  2. Member Map

    IPS 4.3 ONLY
    Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive map. Member Map has a permission model so you can limit which groups can add to the map.

    As an administrator you have the ability to create custom groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers in the map, for example if they would like to post the location of an upcoming meet, exhibits, shops, etc.
    For developers
    If you are a developer and you store location data in your app that you'd like to show on the map, you can now do so creating a membermap/Mapmarkers extension. Instruction on how to use it is included in the auto-generated file.
      Released May 21
    3.5.1 Bug fixes.  3.5.0 This is a compatibility update for IPS 4.3. This app no longer works on IPS 4.2.


       (0 reviews)


  3. Auto Tagging 1.0.5

    Hook creating automatic tags for topics in selected forums


       (0 reviews)


  4. (UPDATED) Deflection for IPS Suite 4.3.x 4.3.6 Paid version

    Theme Settings

    Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since no code changes are required.

    Minimal HTML edits

    This theme has only 3 modified template files, which means in most cases, you will not need to install theme updates between IPS versions. Too easy!

    Dropdown Navigation Menus

    All sub navigation links are placed inside a dropdown menu which is visible on-hover.

    Background Picker

    If enabled, your members can choose their own header background image from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. This feature can be customized within the theme settings.

    Mega Footer

    A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings.

    Social links

    Social links from over 20 sites can be customized via the theme settings, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc)

    Global message

    Display a message across the top of your site with important announcements. Once your members have seen the message, they can press the Dismiss button to remove it (until you configure a new one).

    Guest message

    A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum.

    HTML logo with slogan

    Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead.

    Latest Topic on Mobiles

    The latest topic title is visible on tablets and mobiles, allowing more convenient access to your latest content for mobile users.


       (0 reviews)


  5. crankychips

    About This File
    (1.)2.0 is here, no idea why we jumped to far but why not! 

    Demo account:
    Username: test, password: test
    Please pay attention to the ACP instruction while working with the slider!
    For the slider we chose let your work with JSON to allow you to add as many slides as you want!
    This is a example of JSON for your slider:
    { "Crankchips": { "text": "This is v1.0", "button": { "text": "Check this out!", "link": "https:\/\/www.puffysticks.com\/" } }, "Crankchips v2.0": { "text": "This is v2.0" } } This is a example of JSON code for a slider with 2 slides.
    The objects inside the first (main) json ( defined by an opened curly bracket => { ) must have this specific form:
        "Crankchips": {         "text": "This is v1.0",         "button": {             "text": "Check this out!",             "link": "https:\/\/www.puffysticks.com\/"         }     } "Crankchips": { "text": "This is v1.0", "button": { "text": "Check this out!", "link": "https:\/\/www.puffysticks.com\/" } } Where "Crankychips" is the title of the slide, and the object after the colon ( : ) are the properties of the slide, the first property is "text" which represents the content of your slide, the second property ( which is also an object ) is "button" which has properties too, those being "text" ( again but as property of the "button" object ) which represents the button text on which users will click to read more about your slide and the "link" property which represents the link where the users will be sent to when clicking the button.
    The title and property of every slide should be passed through an online JSON escape tool like this one!
    If you are one of the first 10 buyers contact us about a freebie. It's free!


       (1 review)


  6. Xpaider

    Couldn't get better pictures because the won't load on the site https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8750-black-friday-sale-xpaider/
    Works with the latest versions of these applications:
    IP.Board 4.3.x
    Admin Control Panel
    Included in the download:
    Theme XML file for installation
    All fonts used throughout the theme
    IBTheme copyright and license agreement
    Admin CP is themed to match forums


       (0 reviews)


  7. (itzknotty) social network widgets

    What is it?
    Itzknotty is a small application that brings several widgets with it to display your tweets from twitter or posts from your facebook pages / groups:
    A widget to display the latest posts of a configured facebook page A widget to display the latest live stream of a configured facebook page. The livestream widget will only be displayed if there are users viewing the stream at the moment. A widget to display the tweets of a configured twitter page There is also a page...
    ...that shows the complete activity stream of the configured facebook page. The user can click on a button to load the next activity items from the facebook page. ...that shows the last Instagram posts of your configured account. Configure the application (Facebook)
    Go to the admin control panel of your site and login with your account. Go to Community > Itzknotty > Settings Select the tab for the facebook settings Fill in your data:
      Facebook Pagename
    The name of the page you want retrieve data from (https://www.facebook.com/your-pagename). You could also insert the id of a group or other endpoints that support the "feed" configuration. But: the data must be public accessable!
      Facebook App ID
    The app id of your application. For further information how to create an app scroll down.
      Facebook App Secret
    The secret of your application.
      Facebook Access Token
    Since Facebook updated their API it is not enough to get data with the app ID and the App Secret. So you must generate your own access token. See this tutorial to generate a never expiring access token (costs 10 minutes of your time): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17197970/facebook-permanent-page-access-token/28418469#28418469
      Place the widgets you prefere to your board.

      Add a link to the complete stream if you want:

    How to create a Facebook application to access data of your page
    You need an active Facebook account to create an app.
    Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and make sure you are logged in with your preferred account. Click the button "Add a new App" And fill in the information for Display Name, Contact Email and choose Apps for Pages as category.

      Click on Create App ID and confirm the security check to proceed. Navigate to the Settings page in the left navigation bar. Copy your App ID and your App Secret and insert both in your admin control panel.

    Everything should work now.
    Configure the application (Twitter)
    Go to the admin control panel of your site and login with your account. Go to Community > Itzknotty > Settings Select the tab for the twitter settings Fill in your data you can get from your twitter application. Place the widgets you prefere to your board. How to create a Twitter application to access data of your page
    You need an active Twitter account to create an app.
    Go to https://dev.twitter.com/ and make sure you are logged in with your preferred account. Click the button "My Apps" and "Create new app" Fill in the details and accept the Developer Agreement. Choose "read permissions" only to be more secure. You do not need write permission for the application. You can copy & paste your data from there Configure the application (Instagram)
    Go to the admin control panel of your site and login with your account. Go to Community > Itzknotty > Settings Select the tab for the Instagram settings Fill in your data you can get from your Facebook application. Insagram uses the Facebook Graph API. So you can follow the guide to configure your Facebook page from above. But make sure your access token also has the right to read data from instagram (instagram_basic_data). Place the widgets you prefere to your board. Link the All activity page in your menu.


       (0 reviews)


  8. Pages SuperHelp

    Pages SuperDocs is a set of responsive Pages templates. It is loosely based on the design of the IPS Developer Documentation section, but the concept has been extended into a turnkey solution for all sorts of category-based Pages databases. 
    Live Demo
    What’s needed: 
    IPS 4.2 or 4.3 in its most recent version with the Pages application   A pages database that uses Categories. (Up to 4 levels can be shown in the Record View navigation) What’s recommended: 
    Pages SuperDocs is compatible with the Pages Category Images plugin. Upload images for your database categories with it and Pages SuperDocs will make your database look even more appealing (See screenshots for a comparison). Without this plugin, you will only be able to change the header image of the SuperDocs templates.  Which templates are included:
    A category listing template to be used as the homepage for your database. It features a header box with the database title and description on a user-defined color gradient and background image.  A Listing template replacing the dull forum listing design that is used by default. Both your categories and records are shown in a simplistic and beautiful grid layout. If you have the Pages Category Images plugin, your category images will be shown here as well.  A unique Record View template. It supports all the stock features (Ratings, reactions, comments, reviews …), but adds a useful navigation tree at the side. With it, users can easily jump between individual records. The main level is always shown. All categories and records within a main level entry will be shown automatically, once you open records within that category. For database with many records per category, the output of records in the navigation can be suppressed.   Note: You can use the templates for any number of databases, but the settings will always apply to all SuperDocs templates.  Detailed Feature Description and Notes:
    The templates are fully responsive but work best on pages without a sidebar, since the included navigation in the record view adds a column to the layout.  The templates come with several options you can easily adjust through the included settings plugin.  Base color—Used for the category boxes and the gradient Gradient color—When different from base color, creates a gradient for the header area Category image aspect ratio—Only used if you have the category image plugin installed. Box font color—The font color in the header area sitting over the box and gradient colors Active color—Link color of the active record in the SuperDocs navigation Use custom header image—Link a file to be shown in the header area Author in Record View—show/hide author in record view Levels of Records—How many levels of records are shown in the navigation? Category box text alignment—left/center/right alignment of text in category boxes


       (0 reviews)


  9. Pages SuperDocs

    Pages SuperDocs is a set of responsive Pages templates. It is loosely based on the design of the IPS Developer Documentation section, but the concept has been extended into a turnkey solution for all sorts of category-based Pages databases. 
    Live Demo
    What’s needed: 
    IPS 4.2 or 4.3 in its most recent version with the Pages application   A pages database that uses Categories. (Up to 4 levels can be shown in the Record View navigation) What’s recommended: 
    Pages SuperDocs is compatible with the Pages Category Images plugin. Upload images for your database categories with it and Pages SuperDocs will make your database look even more appealing (See screenshots for a comparison). Without this plugin, you will only be able to change the header image of the SuperDocs templates.  Which templates are included:
    A category listing template to be used as the homepage for your database. It features a header box with the database title and description on a user-defined color gradient and background image.  A Listing template replacing the dull forum listing design that is used by default. Both your categories and records are shown in a simplistic and beautiful grid layout. If you have the Pages Category Images plugin, your category images will be shown here as well.  A unique Record View template. It supports all the stock features (Ratings, reactions, comments, reviews …), but adds a useful navigation tree at the side. With it, users can easily jump between individual records. The main level is always shown. All categories and records within a main level entry will be shown automatically, once you open records within that category. For database with many records per category, the output of records in the navigation can be suppressed.   Note: You can use the templates for any number of databases, but the settings will always apply to all SuperDocs templates.  Detailed Feature Description and Notes:
    The templates are fully responsive but work best on pages without a sidebar, since the included navigation in the record view adds a column to the layout.  The templates come with several options you can easily adjust through the included settings plugin.  Base color—Used for the category boxes and the gradient Gradient color—When different from base color, creates a gradient for the header area Category image aspect ratio—Only used if you have the category image plugin installed. Box font color—The font color in the header area sitting over the box and gradient colors Active color—Link color of the active record in the SuperDocs navigation Use custom header image—Link a file to be shown in the header area Author in Record View—show/hide author in record view Levels of Records—How many levels of records are shown in the navigation? Category box text alignment—left/center/right alignment of text in category boxes


       (0 reviews)


  10. Spacious ACP 14 - Customizing the IPS 4.3 Admin Panel

    Admin control panel center witch displays more options and easy to customise.
    ***(This is not a plugin or application)***


       (3 reviews)


  11. [4.3.x] Vulpes Dark Gaming Theme

    Vulpes is a new unique theme in dark colors and gradients.
    Can be used for any forums. Have a lot of settings and you can fully customize it.


       (3 reviews)


  12. Invite System 2.1.2

    This application will allow your community to use an invitation system for new registrations. You can make it mandatory (or not, depending on your configuration). In this case, an invitantion code will be required in order to register a new account in your community.

    Public side features:
    Users can send invitation in 2 places: + Create menu and Invitations on Account Settings.
    New icon on board top (beside Notifications and Messenger) to display the converted invitees and how many invites the user has. This icon also shows the remaining invitations for the member (just like how many users are online on Chat).
    2 widgets: Top Inviters (per week, month, year and general) and Latest Converted Invitees, which are invitations converted to membership.
    Shows "Invited by" on user profile and on profile card (hover on user link).
    Tab on user profile to display their invitees (converted invitations)

    Enable Invite System
    Require an Invitation to Register an Account
    Restore deleted or expired invitation
    Display "Invitation" option on + Create menu
    Display the popup Invitations link on board top?
    Display total of remaining invitations
    Invitation Expires after X days
    Earn one Invitation at every X new content posted
    ACP Features:

    Invitations Management: a place where you can see the status of each invitation. The status are: PENDING, CONVERTED and EXPIRED. You can invite people, delete or resend invitations. You can also create batch invitations, to be used on a campaign or to be posted elsewhere. It won't send any emails.
    Bonus form: you can give invitations to a specific member or to a whole member group

    It doesn't work in Commerce registration (if you have packages in register screen)


       (0 reviews)


  13. [RETAIL] [4.3.x] Custom Language Strings

    Are you looking for a way to generate and use custom language strings? Custom Language Strings by @Fosters adds a new dimension of custom words, terms, phrases, and sentences to your language pack! You can use these custom language strings in templates, emails, themes, and blocks!

    Open up new worlds of language and describe your community in ways you were never able to before.


       (0 reviews)


  14. [4.3.x] Fnatic Gaming

    An amazing theme for any game community or any site of you choosing
    Supports all official ips applications


       (0 reviews)


  15. Broreen

    Logo psd included ain't I nice eh


       (1 review)


  16. Arcane IPS

    Stunning template here all


       (1 review)


  17. Gradient theme 1.2.1

    Gradient is a highly customisable Theme comes with a lot of features and settings.
    3 color schemes (Dark and light included)
    the whole theme color can be changed with a single click
    Hope you enjoy all


       (1 review)


  18. Veizor Neon 1.0.1

    Fantastic Template here for you all
    All info included all xml files are here 


       (0 reviews)


  19. Limit Thread Views for Guests -- Motive Guests to Register

    About This File
    This mod is intended to use cookies to limit the number of times that your  guests can view threads your forum. After that limit has been reached, they will get an error message informing them of that fact. The limit will be for a day, after which it will expire and it will be repeated again after the number of view limit has been reached again.  You can set the limit from the plugin 's setting, enter your own custom message, select the forum(s), if any, that you would like to exclude and as last but not least, you can exclude spiders too from the limit. All settings are explained in detail below.
     Guests View Limit.
    This setting holds the number of views that you want to limit your guests to view topics your forum. After the number of views has been reached, guests will not be able to view your forum anymore. They will have to either register a new account or log in. Leave 0 to disable this option. Error Message.
    This setting holds the error message that will be displayed to guests after the number of views that they are allowed to view topics has been reached. Excluded Forums.
    Select the forum(s) that you want to exclude from the view limit. What about search bots?
    An option to exclude spiders from the view limit is available . However, excluding spiders from this setting may be considered cloacking from the search engines. Use it at your own risk.


       (0 reviews)


  20. Remembrance

    Remembrance is a simple, poppy themed design. Created for Remembrance Sunday, it features a mindful header image with most buttons and links themed in poppy colour or similar, on a simple white background.
    This is a very light and basic theme, created for my own site using the theme editor and hence it is offered here free of charge and with basic support. It is ideal if you are looking for a quick but attractive theme to mark the solemn remembrance occasion and coming ceremonies in your community.
    Tested on 4.3.6 Forums, Gallery, Blog, Downloads, Calendar and Pages.
    Go to AdminCP > Customization Themes Add Theme > Upload Theme Choose File and then locate the downloaded Remembrance.xml file, and then click Next to upload it. Feel free to tweak to suit by using the pencil icon to edit the theme. If there are any issues with the theme, please let me know. Hope it's of use.


       (0 reviews)


  21. Guest Message

    Add a message only visible to guests explaining the benefits of registration to guests.


       (1 review)


  22. Group Legend

    A separate Category will be Created For Group Legend 


       (1 review)


  23. Advanced Path Aliases - LITE

    NOTICE: This is the "Lite" version of the app. All features are enabled and you may create up to 50 URL aliases.
    Advanced path aliases is an application that allows you to change or create url paths to point to any page on your site. It enhances the capabilities of the core IPS furl definitions in the following ways:
    Set any interior page of your site as the homepage Maintain multiple custom path aliases for any individual page Set a path alias as canonical to be used as the primary URL for a page Create path aliases to 301 redirect old URL's to new locations Create path aliases to redirect to external web pages Set the HTTP protocol to be used explicitly for any page Automatically redirect old URL's when new URL's are created for a page  
    What's New in Version 1.1.7
    Fixed issue with meta tags on aliased URL's


       (0 reviews)


  24. Format Tags CSS

    This plugin adds a css value for each tag that can be later modified in the themes css files. Included where ever tag is displayed as well as in view more tag popup


       (0 reviews)


  25. Topic Title links to First Unread Post

    NOTE: This is not official version for 4.3.6, but it was tested on that version and it works fine. Once author uploads new version, this will be updated accordingly.
    Simple plugin that changes the behaviour of a forum topic title link so that it goes to the first unread post rather than the first post in the topic. At the moment this is a global change but it could be done on a per-user basis if there is sufficient interest.


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