Invision Community Suite 4.3
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259 files
[WF NULL] IPS Community Suite
IPS Community Suite 4.3.6
Released 9/20/2018
WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic if you need assistance.
As always, we recommend that you backup your current installation (database included) before upgrading.
Darkness Theme Lite
Darkness Theme Lite
Simple and beautiful dark design without features, it's just simple and for low budget.
Test user: Login: Demo / Password: demo
Discord Login Handler
Login Handler
Discord is a free voice and text chat for gamers, and it's now integrated with Invision Community with the Discord Login Handler by @Fosters! This login handler connects your Invision Community with the Discord app, and allows your members to login using their Discord account.
This app is currently under development with more features to come later. "Follow" to not miss out on future releases.
• Allows registration/login on your IPS 4.3 community through Discord OAuth2
By EvardSoft
ProVision Theme from @A Zayed
an IPS Theme with Different Taste.
Its supports all IPS addons [RTL support not completed yet]
Attached, a plugin file that will change the default gallery landing page to be in a similar a different look ? .
Hope you enjoy it... ?
IPS 4.3.x French Translation - Traduction française 20181014
By Myst
This is the last Community Suite french translation pack for IPS 4.3.x.
Please upvote this file if you like it !
I will try to keep this page updated with the last updates. If you see a new update elsewhere please contact me and I will update this page.
All information are located in LisezMoi.html (french) or ReadMe.html (english). This is the list of the apps included in the pack :
System Blog Calendar Commerce Converter Downloads Forums Gallery Pages
For french people : you can contact me if you need further explanations on how to update your language pack or install it on IPS.
I'm not sure it's permited to post something in french on the forum, but we can talk via PM's.
TeamSpeak Integration
Integrate a TeamSpeak server with your community
Display members TeamSpeak status on their profile. Caching available for this feature. Send global messages to TeamSpeak clients. Automatically synch TeamSpeak server groups using both Profile Fields and Member Groups. Integrate a TSViewer as a widget. Multiple UUIDs for members. TeamSpeak Ban/Unban from ACP. Edit the TeamSpeak Server information from ACP. Manage member UUIDs through ACP. Coming Soon
Synch forum bans with TeamSpeak bans. Integrate Reputation into the TeamSpeak Server TeamSpeak 5 Integration (once it's out) Option to require a TeamSpeak UUID to use the forum Notes
It is highly recommended that under System->Settings->Advanced Configuration you enable either `Use Cron` or `Use Web Service` for the Task Method and set it up as instructed. This way, your Tasks are not relying on traffic to your site. Members can add their TeamSpeak UUIDs by going to their member menu on the top right, and clicking 'Account Settings'. Their TeamSpeak UUIDs can be found under the 'TeamSpeak Settings' tab. Additional Information
You can access the TeamSpeak Query Admin class from anywhere using the following code.
// Connect to the TeamSpeak Server // ( // If a connection has already been established // during this PHP execution session, the current // connection will be used instead of a new one. // ) if (! \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::connectIPS()) { $tsError = \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsError; // end execution } // Example \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsAdmin->clientGetIds("osNiXxOSdfgl5nVJdtBipg/a+E4="); (See for documentation)
By fifyebikki
Note: Please share with version 1.3.4.
About This File
Build your own forms for your members, supporting alerts for pm, email and topics. Integrate with the registration form or add forms into widget areas throughout your forum.
Integrate with the registration form. Export displayed form logs to csv files. Toggle on and off other custom fields within a form. Optional confirmation email to let members know there message was received. Send reply emails within the Form Manager Quick preview feature for form logs. Per form option for rules or instructions for each form. Submit time wait feature, set how long each member group must wait before resubmitting a form. Per form permissions for who can view and submit to a form. And also who can view any form logs. Per member group option to bypass captcha. Per form option to send out personal messages when new form submissions are made. Per form option to send out emails when new form submissions are made. Per form option to create a forum topic when new form submissions are made.
Rich Discord Integration
Note from WebFlake Staff: Please note that this application currently does not support file feeds or post feeds, just topic feeds. There's also an issue with the application randomly removing and reassigning roles to users. We strongly recommend the user of Brilliant Discord Integration instead. Rich Discord Integration is an app which adds the possibility to control users who want to join your Discord server with ACP.
- Configuring connection of your IPS with Discord
- Possibility to connect and disconnect profiles and joining to Discord server by users
- Configuring permissions of the app for administrators
- Configuring, which Discord role user from the forum will get
- Approving, banning and kicking users from ACP
- Automatical approval of users, who wants to join the server
- ACP notifications, when the user is waiting for verification
- Creating accounts using Discord
- Notifications about new topics on the Discord
After purchasing and downloading this you will get pictures, which will show you where you can find all tokens and ID. They are necessary to configure the connection with Discord. (
When you're configuring connection of your IPS with Discord, remember, that bot has to be on the Discord server before you will save the configuration in ACP
Remember, that role of Discord bot has to be higher than every other, because then the bot can give any role chosen by you to user
Last update
- Creating accounts using Discord,
- BugFix,
- New screenshots to help with the application installation,
- Notifications about new topics on the Discord
Hide Follow Button
This removes the follow button for guests in most places. It should stay the same for members.
Useful if you don't want visitors to see who follows what an adds some more privacy for your users, since I don't think there is a setting that disables this.
if you want to show the follow button again simply disable or uninstall this plugin.
You can see the before and after in images above.
Login Logs
Logs information about all logins performed on your site, whether they are successful or not. The following information is logged:
Time of attempt, Member account Username/Email used, IP Address Attempt number Result It should be noted that there is the potential for massive amounts of data to be stored with this application on busy sites, so I recommend you use the LOG PRUNING setting to prune old logs daily.
Upgrade from version 1.1.0 (IP.Board 3.X):
Simply perform a FRESH INSTALL of version 2.0.0 and the installer will insert the logs from the old app into the new and will delete all data from old app.179 downloads
[EPI] Topic Item Top Controls
This plug-in adds the topic item bottom controls to the top of the post also.
If you have long articles, I find it annoying to scroll all the way down to find the edit button. With this you can edit a post at the top and bottom.
I added some minor css modifications that adds a line and fixes the padding and margin a little.
You can see the modification at the red arrow in image below.
Application Forms
Application Forms opens up a world of possibility for you and your community by designing, curating, and managing custom application forms. Application forms can be designed from scratch with an infinite number of custom field types in over 20 different types, enabling you to fill any need you might have. Let your community submit their application for your position, proposal, project, or idea!
Do you want to harness the power of your community for brainstorming ideas? Do you want to run contests where everyone must follow the same guidelines? Are you looking for way to interview new clanmates or members? Do you require a background check on new staff members? If you need a way to ultimately manage user input in a methodical and orderly manner, then Application Forms is the best way to do it. Instead of wasting your time with forum posts where users may or may not follow your posting guidelines, require and draft a custom proposal form where users must follow your specifications.
Buy Application Forms to build amazing submission forms!
Application Forms features deep integration with native IPS functionality, giving you the design macro to let IPS power your custom field types:
Address Checkbox Code Color Date Editor Email Address Member Number Password Poll Radio Rating Select Box Telephone Number Text Text Area Upload URL Other features include:
Unlimited number of Forms Unlimited number of fields in each Form View all submissions with ability to edit and PM member Auto-link to new Forum Topic with ability to create poll for voting Send a PM After form submission Only allow members to apply once Member benefits such as promoting membergroups and secondary membergroups829 downloads
Disallow Attachments on Gallery Descriptions
This plugin prevents users from uploading attachments to the Album and Image description fields.
Contact Us Custom Message
If your site's like mine, people consistently use the Contact Us form to ask questions that are better suited for the forums. I searched all over and couldn't find a way to put a message explaining what to use the form for. So I made my own way.
This plugin lets you set a custom message to be displayed above the contact form, using a WYSIWYG editor.
Built on 4.3.1, and tested on 4.2.9. I make no promises this won't interfere with other 3rd party alterations to the Contact Us form.
Other Files From File Submitter
This pluign will add a slider on file view to display other files from the file submitter.
Number of files to display Type of files display: start date or random files Requirement:
Downloads34 downloads
Borx Gaming Theme
By chytrusek
Theme Borx based on modern trends of design and focused on community games theme.
A large number of settings are available for full customization of the style.
Selected fonts and colors are perfect for gaming forums, beautifully displaying all the content on your site.
View demo - Login and Pass: test
View demo -
Application Forms
By Birdman
Application Forms opens up a world of possibility for you and your community by designing, curating, and managing custom application forms. Application forms can be designed from scratch with an infinite number of custom field types in over 20 different types, enabling you to fill any need you might have. Let your community submit their application for your position, proposal, project, or idea!
Do you want to harness the power of your community for brainstorming ideas? Do you want to run contests where everyone must follow the same guidelines? Are you looking for way to interview new clanmates or members? Do you require a background check on new staff members? If you need a way to ultimately manage user input in a methodical and orderly manner, then Application Forms is the best way to do it. Instead of wasting your time with forum posts where users may or may not follow your posting guidelines, require and draft a custom proposal form where users must follow your specifications.
Buy Application Forms to build amazing submission forms!
Application Forms features deep integration with native IPS functionality, giving you the design macro to let IPS power your custom field types:
Address Checkbox Code Color Date Editor Email Address Member Number Password Poll Radio Rating Select Box Telephone Number Text Text Area Upload URL Other features include:
Unlimited number of Forms Unlimited number of fields in each Form View all submissions with ability to edit and PM member Auto-link to new Forum Topic with ability to create poll for voting Send a PM After form submission Only allow members to apply once Member benefits such as promoting membergroups and secondary membergroups
This application also includes support for the Rules App
Version < 3.2.0 are for IPS 4.3.x
Version 3.2.0 is for IPS 4.4.0
Group Legend
This widget allows you to display your member groups to your users in a widget. This widget will help your users see what groups are available and allow to easily perform a search for members in a group by clicking on a group name.
Easy to setup. Widget works with both head/footer and sidebar zones. Customize order and remove groups from the list. Groups display styled. Add an additional global prefix & suffix on all groups in the list. Select which groups can view the block Click a group to perform a member search for all users in that group. Add extra text under the Legend.
I tested in 4.3.6 and is fully working. Any help you need hit me up. I uploaded this one since "(SOS40)_Group_Name_Indicator_2.0.1" wasn't working! This one, perfect! Hope I helped you.288 downloads
(BIM44) Chatbox 4.0.0
By Tricky
This is very simple chat system with the basic features:
Ajax chat, auto update.
Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page.
Sound notification. User can toggle on/off.
Admins/Moderators can block users.
Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see.
Load more messages when scrolling end (or top).
Announcement (on Top or Tab).
Support emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg)
@mention by clicking on usernames. (If @mention plugin installed - Check my other plugins)
Flood control.
Time format.
Display newer messages in top or bottom.
Permissions for viewing, chatting & management.
Edit/Delete messages.
Project Manager 2.3.4
By Tricky
Project Manager is an advanced suite of management tools that empower Admins and Project Managers to spearhead, plan, execute, oversee, and attain their community project.
Achieve specific goals, meet success criterias, and reach your target conclusion by using Project Manager to organize your workflow from beginning to end.
Project Manager is designed from the ground-up to be highly customizable for any use case. It can be custom-fitted to any project where you need to plan and execute based on your own project requirements. With built-in features like user assignment, priorities, and custom filters, it's now easier than ever to let your Invision Community power your next community project!
Birthday Greeter
By xuromi
The Birthday Greeter application has received an update with several new features and improvements. These changes include:
Setup a preferred local time and timezone to send out birthday greetings. Added support for Chatbox birthday alerts. Added support for status updates birthday alerts. Improvements to the main birthday widget and option to modify message from acp. Choose your own format for the today's date quick tag. Redesign of birthday greeter settings. Added support for Chatbox birthday alerts.
Added support for status updates birthday alerts.
Setup a preferred local time and timezone to send out birthday greetings.
Enhanced AdBlock Blocker
With this plugin you will be able to detect AdBlock & AdBlock+ browser plugin that blocks your website ads.
It will display a block message that will disable all website if the user didn't disable his AdBlocker....
This plugin comes with these features and options:
Select user groups that will be blocked if they enabled AdBlocker. Allow user to dismiss the message or not. Option to remember user selection (To be less aggressive), and this option is retested once admin edit plugin options. Choose if you need to disable the vertical navigation scroll bar. Enable/Disable the black overlay background (Totally hide the content). Adjust blocking message size (Small/Medium/Full Screen) Message Header Text. Message Body Text (Full CKE). Customized Buttons Texts. Support for different adBlockers (AdBlock Plus, AdGuard, uBlock, Ghostery....). This plugin is tested by many customers and assured to improve your ads income.
Classifieds System v1.2.1 - message board for 4.x the IPS .
By mr-pimpen
The Classifieds System is an IPS 4 announcement system, an application that allows your users to post products for sale. The administrator can enable transactions that allow participants to buy items directly from another participant through the application, and the advertiser receives the amount paid by credit card. If OPERATIONS are disabled, everything must be done manually: the participant must contact the advertiser the way he wants (he chooses when publishing the advertisement), make a deal, after which the advertiser sets the flag as SEND. After the payment / transaction is completed, the advertiser sets the ad flag as COMPLETED.
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