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MyBB 1.8 plugins and modifications.

12 files

  1. Thankyou / Like System Modified for 1.8

    Thankyou / Like system modified for 1.8
    you will need this for some (NetPen) Templates
    Its a nightmare to get so im posting it


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  2. Last poster avatar

    Displays a new popup windows with user profile info with AJAX technology.

    1.- Displays user formated name.
    2.- Displays user avatar on threads with owner and lastposter on forumdisplay.
    3.- Displays user avatar on index in forum list.
    4.- Displays announcements avatar on threalist on forumdisplay.
    5.- New popup windows with additional and customizable info for every user profile.
    6.- All plugin is customizable and editable for yourself.
    7.- You have to ade changes to style as you wish on your forums.
    8.- Take moderators and staff on forumlist to make styled usernames.
    9.- Shows avatar on private messages.
    10.- Shows avatar on portal

    Enjoy it !!!

    This new version add many features and all options are available to disable/enable every one feature in plugin to use at your own wishes.

    And now you can use modals in all your mods to not go to profiles directly preventing to load all page, instead you only load the customizable popup with only usefull information about users. And is a ligh or weight mod if you prefer, you may choose what you need and what you do not. And you can enable /disable plugin with selection on admincp to not deactivate, loose information and more...


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  3. MyBB-PageManager

    This Plugin allows you to create and manage new pages. There is no need to upload an additional file to your web server - everything will be handled through plugin file. HTML (and JavaScript, CSS, Java, ...) and PHP is allowed, so you have no limitations in creating new pages!
    You can easily export or import custom pages. So you are able to share pages with other people or just backup your pages on local storage.

    Notice: Every page you create will be displayed correctly on "Who is online" list!
    Update Notes:
    (from 1.5.2/ 2.0.* to 2.1.0/2.1.1/2.1.2/2.1.3)
    Deactivate older plugin version in ACP Copy content from UPLOAD folder into forum root folder Activate new plugin version in ACP
    Installation Notes:
    If you have preinstalled this older 1.8 version of PageManager plugin, only a Simple Update is required.


    [New] - Device sensitive page options [Fix] - Added missing lang phrases


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  4. Thanks/Likes System

    Thank You/Like System enables users to "Thank" or "Like" posts thus showing their appreciation for a post without necessarily having to bump the thread. This plugin is completely customizable where nearly every aspect of the plugin can be controlled from the settings page. Take a look at the screenshots or the live demo for more info on the available options and usability.
    Full Tapatalk support! MyAlerts v2.0 support! Support for MyBB group promotion system! Full language support. Turn plugin on/off with a single option. Switch between "Thank You" or "Like" by changing one simple option. Thank Yous/Likes are fully ajax compatible. Customize Thank Yous/Likes for first post of thread only or for all posts. Selectable option to allow/disallow users from removing their Thank Yous/Likes. Exclude forums where you do not want to use the Thank Yous/Likes system. Plugin tracks number of Thank Yous/Likes for users, posts and threads as well as a grand total. Shows Thank Yous/Likes in postbit as well as the user's profile. Counts both the Thanks/Likes given as well as the Thanks/Likes received and the number of posts received in. Finds all threads or posts Thanked/Liked by any particular user as well as threads or posts where a user received thanks/Likes. Thank Yous/Likes list can be made to collapse saving space for boards where threads/posts get alot of Thank Yous/Likes. Sort the Thank Yous/Likes by username or by order of Date/Time Thanked/Liked. Show/Hide Date/Time of Thank You/Like and also set the format of the Date/Time or show date/time on a mouse hover. Works for all modes of views, classic, modern, linear, threaded. Thank Yous/Likes can be recounted and rebuilt if they get out of sync for any reason. Format list of users who have Thanked/Liked according to their display groups or just keep it plain. IPv6 ready and fully supported. Custom css file for easier customization. Option to set like/thank you button only for specific forums. Hide/show thanks/like button/list for specific user groups. Allow/disallow adding like/thanks in closed threads. Popup notification in the top right corner. Recount and rebuild cache in ACP. Customize time and date output settings for Thank You/Likes received under posts. Ability to thank/like own posts with custom settings. Cached templates and minified JS for better site speed. Highlight popular posts with predefined amount of gained thanks/likes. ...and much more!


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  5. Google SEO

    The goal of this plugin is to implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in MyBB according to the guidelines presented in Google's SEO starter guide to make MyBB more friendly to both users and search engines.
    Google SEO is free open source software (LGPL). This means that you can download the plugin for free, modify it to your liking, and you do not have to put any copyright or backlinks on your page.


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  6. Group Vouchers 1.0

    This plugin allows the forum administrator to setup codes for his groups to be purchased with. Setting up a shop that a member can go and buy a code from for a certain group, and then they apply the code and it will place them in said group. Each code works once, and can be pruned in the ACP


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  7. Profile Cover 1.8

    This plugin allows you to enable certain members/groups to upload their own cover photo to their usercp. Kind of like Twitter has, except the way it's viewed can be changed in the CSS to fit your theme needs.


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  8. Staff Online

    Steps to use this plugin:
    1) Upload and Install
    2) Select staff you want displayed
    3) Edit theme templates to put it where you like, as well as CSS to change how it fits in the template
    4) Profit???


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  9. MyBB - Lottery

    Please Read Instructions with this plugin
    Adds a lottery system to 
    This is a plugin for the NewPoints system.
    1. Upload the contents of the Upload folder to the root of your MyBB installation.
    2. Go to ACP -> NewPoints -> Plugins -> Activate & Install "Lottery".
    3. Go to ACP -> NewPoints-> Settings -> Lottery to change anything you need.
    3. Go to ACP -> Tools & Maintenance -> Setup the NewPoints Lottery task to run at a similar period of time that you set in the Draw Frequency setting, i.e. if you want a new draw to be done every day, starting at midnight, you'll need to configure the task to be run at midnight of every day.
    To access the Lottery go to www.yoursite.com/newpoints.php?action=lottery.


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  10. MyBB - My Achievements 1.9

    My Achievements lets you setup various types of achievements that motivate your members to be more active.
    Setup ranks according to achievements and users will definitely do their best to upgrade their rank.
    There are five types of achievements:
    Post Count: achievements gained by reaching a certain post number. Thread Count: achievements gained by reaching a certain thread number. Activity: achievements gained by being a certain amount of time online. Custom: achievements given by administrators (similar to awards). Points: achievements gained by being reaching a certain amount of NewPoints points. (required: NewPoints must be activated, thus this feature is optional)  
    Based on the achievements collected, it is possible to get the rank upgraded, however the administrator must have setup ranks already:
    In order to setup a rank you need to have created at least one achievement. You can setup ranks by going to Admin Panel -> My Achievements tab -> Ranks on the side bar -> Add  
    Here's how the rank upgrading process works:
    The task checks if users have reached certain conditions to receive certain achievements. If a user achieves something, it checks if the rank should be upgraded. Each time an administrator gives a custom achievement, My Achievements checks if there is a rank which depends on that custom achievement and if there is, it upgrades the user's rank.  
    You should always setup a rank with level 0 and no achievement requirements for users that have no achievements.


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  11. MyBB - MyChatbox 1.1

    Adds a chat box to MyBB using jQuery.
    Permissions per group: allowed to view, post, edit, delete and commands. Allow MyCode. Allow IMG tags. Allow video tags. Chatbox logs. Custom message displayed for users that cannot view the shoutbox. Manage bans from Users & Groups -> MyChatbox. Special commands: /clear => clears all messages. /clear dd/mm/yy => clears all messages since the specified date. NewPoints compatibility: price per message. NewPoints compatibility: groups exempt from fees.


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  12. MyBB - MyDownloads 2.6

    MyDownloads is the best and most powerful downloads manager for MyBB. 

    AdminCP Lots of Settings to customize plenty of features Manage categories and downloads Many sub-category levels Permissions to view, download and submit items Logs (ratings, downloads and comments) Submissions - downloads that have been submitted by users and are awaiting approval PayPal Logs - payment logs Reported Items Tags Font End (Optional) Most recent downloads box on index and portal Home page with stats: most downloaded, most viewed, most rated Many sub-category levels Users can submit their own downloads (either file or download links) Users can submit their own downloads Users can comment downloads Users can rate downloads Download authors can upload (through drag and drop) multiple previews for their downloads and can set one as cover. Users can manage their submissions (edit and delete) Users can report downloads. Supports PayPal and NewPoints. Users can search downloads in all categories or speficic categories. Users can associate tags with their downloads and filter downloads by tags.


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