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PHP Scripts

All the code you need from PHP to Bootstrap.

37 files

  1. MagicAI 6.5.1 ( NULLED )

    MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that leverages OpenAI's advanced AI capabilities to generate a variety of content types. Here's a breakdown of what this service likely offers based on the name:
    Content Generation: Automated creation of various types of content, which can include articles, blog posts, social media posts, and more. This feature is useful for businesses and individuals looking to streamline their content creation process. Text Generation: Generation of high-quality, coherent text for different purposes, such as marketing copy, technical writing, creative writing, and other textual content. Image Generation: Utilizing AI models to create images based on descriptions or predefined criteria. This can include generating illustrations, art, or even realistic images. Chat: Implementing conversational AI or chatbots that can engage in real-time conversation with users, providing customer support, answering queries, or facilitating interactive experiences. Code Generation: Automatically writing code based on user inputs, which can be helpful for developers by speeding up coding tasks or generating boilerplate code. SaaS (Software as a Service): Offering these AI-powered capabilities as a cloud-based service, allowing users to access and utilize these tools via the internet without needing to install or maintain software on their local machines.  
    How to use this script ? You can follow the documentation HERE
    I have personally modified several files to make the application work without a security key (license). If you encounter any issues, please send me a private message or leave a comment below! Enjoy ❤️ 


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  2. WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

    WoWonder is a PHP Social Network Script, WoWonder is the best way to start your own social network website! Our platform is fast, secured, and it is being regularly updated.
    WoWonder is the only social network in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system!
    Do you have any questions? take a look at our documentation. Current Version: v4.3.4, View Full Change Log. Looking For Demo? View Demo (You can sign up with any random information.)  
    PHP 7.1 or Higher.
    GD Library PHP extension.
    mbstring PHP extension.
    cURL + allow_url_fopen enabled.


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  3. Showcase platform

    This is a php showcase platform made by Marius Grafu.


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  4. CMS pro - Content Management System

    CMS Pro is the most intuitive CMS (Content Management System) that a web agency can implement for their customers. It’s perfect for small business websites and is really easy to use and to implement. 
    The value of CMS Pro! is in its intuitiveness. With CMS Pro!, content management becomes as easy as desktop publishing . 

    The real value to the customer does not come from hundreds of features that they can’t or won’t ever use. Real value comes from making it really simple to use some great power features that get the job done. 

    That’s exactly what CMS Pro delivers. CMS Pro allows small business owners manage their entire site, or change their web site design in seconds.
    Some of the features include:
    Responsive Layout Modular design – Creating a plugin(widget) takes only few clicks Dynamic layout – Easy drag and drop of plugins(widgets) for each individual page Unique page layout – Each page can have up to 4 module positions top/bottom/left/right Dynamic menu creation – add as many menu items as you like, unlimited menu levels, easy drag. Multiple posts per page – you can add multiple posts per page. Dedicated contact and home page. 10 professional plugins included jQuery slider, Elastis Slider, News Slider, Event Manager, jQuery Tabs, Poll, Vertical Menu, Recent Twitts, Rss Feeds and AdBlocks Built in gallery module Built in commenting system Powerful file manager Database backup/restore SEO Optimized Membership management Membership subscription PayPal, Payfast, Skrill, Stripe and offline payments integrated User permissions Built in Installation wizard and many more… Please note that some features are disabled in demo mode! 
    Knowledge-base http://ckb.wojoscripts.com/ contains short-codes, latest patches and many useful info related to cms pro. 
    Admin area http://wojoscripts.com/cmspro/admin/ 
    Username: admin
    Password: password

    Demo User: http://wojoscripts.com/cmspro/ 
    Username: demo
    Password: password



       (1 review)


  5. BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage

    BeDrive allows you to create your own fully-featured, self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes without any coding or server management knowledge.
    Admin Account and Panel
    When accessing login page on demo site, you will get admin account credentials pre-filled. Note that destructive actions like deleting and editing are disabled on demo site.
    Admin accounts will reset every hour and be populated with some sample files.
    To test a regular user, create a fresh account by registering on demo site.
    Easy Installation – Install BeDrive easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation. Ajax Based – BeDrive is ajax based application, which means it’s faster when a regular site and has no page refreshes. Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, allowing collaboration. Uploads – See status, progress, estimated time left and more for all current uploads. Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration date, password and permissions. Translatable – Site can be easily translated from admin panel, it also has multi-language suport. Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. File Previews – Preview multiple file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images right in the browser without the need to download the file. Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user upload files on many different cloud services and providers. Documentation – BeDrive comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login(facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Roles & Permissions – Assign roles and permissions to users to give or restrict access to specific functionality on the site. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Grid and List views – Both grid and list views are available and freely switchable by the user so they can select the one they prefer more. Ads – Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeDrive will display them automatically. Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor. Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. (Optional) Payments system – BeDrive comes with integrated subscription system that allows you to effortlessly offer your users plans with different amounts of space available (fully configurable by you), this system can be completely disabled as well, if not needed. Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop features for uploading, selecting and moving files & folders. Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on file or folder) is available with all the actions you’d expect like delete, copy, share, move, rename, get link and more. This menu can be accessed from navigation bar as well on touch based devices. Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to trash so they can be restored later. Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can find them easily from favorites page later. Search – Powerful search will find files and folders that are at any level of depth. File Details – Sidebar on the right will display selected file or folder details as well as preview (if available). Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications. Requirements
    PHP >= 5.6 PDO Extension (enabled by default) php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default) MySQL, Postgres, SQLite or SQL Database Server.  


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  6. BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine

    BeMusic allows you to create your own music streaming website in minutes with no coding knowledge. It has an impressive feature set that rivals and even surpasses other biggest streaming services on the market.
    Admin Account/Area
    You can see a demo of admin area by logging in with username: [email protected] password: admin, note that destructive actions like deleting and editing are disabled on demo site and admin account will be reset every hour (playlists, songs, avatar etc will be detached or reset to default).
    Easy Installation – Install BeMusic easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation Appearence Editor – Powerful appearance editor will allow you to easily change the look of BeMusic without any coding knowledge. Automated – BeMusic has access to millions of artists, songs and albums, all available automatically. Use as a CMS – You can easily disable all automatic data fetching and create everything manually , turning BeMusic into fully functional music CMS. User Libraries – Users can add songs, albums and artists to their library on BeMusic in addition to playlists. Playlists – Users can create, share and follow playlists. Player – Fully-featured player including shuffle, repeat, lyrics, queue and more. Artist and Album Pages – Automatically generated pages for millions of artists and albums have full discography, similar artists, advanced radio, biograhpy, images, genres and more. Single Page – BeMusic is a single page (ajax based) application, which means it has no browser page refreshes when navigating trough the application. Translatable – BeMusic is fully translation ready. You can translate it easily from admin area so there is no need to mess with config files or 3rd party applications. Responsive – BeMusic is fully responsive and will scale to the size of any device. Documentation – In depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. User System – Fully featured users system with social login(facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, profiles, account settings and more. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Force Login – You can force users to login before they can access any of BeMusic features. Ads – 6 integrated ad spots. All you need to do is paste your ad codes in admin area and BeMusic will do the rest. Professional Design – Impress your users with a pixel-perfect professional design. Settings- Admin area is loaded with settings that allow you to customize the site to your needs. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin area so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on song, artist, album or playlist) is available with many actions. This menu can be accessed by clicking ellipses button on touch based devices. Search – Powerful search that will find nearly any song, artist or album. Requirements
    PHP >= 5.6 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO Extension (enabled by default) php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default) MySQL, Postgres, SQLite or SQL Database Server.


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  7. Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM

    Perfex CRM is complete Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, Perfex CRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time.
    Managing customers is important and Perfex CRM helps in several ways:
    Manage and invoice projects with the powerful Project Management Feature. Link tasks to many Perfex CRM features and stay organized. Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices. Powerful support system with ability to auto import tickets. Track time spent on tasks and bill your customers. Ability to assign multiple staff members on task and track timer per assigned staff. Add task followers even if the staff is not project member. The staff member will be able to track the task progress without accessing the project. Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop. Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales. Records your company/project expenses and have the ability to bill to your customers and auto convert to invoice. Know more about your customers with powerful CRM. Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys. Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind. Create announcements for your staff members and customers. Use Contracts feature to lock in current and future sales. Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads and more. Receive payments from Paypal and Stripe in different currencies. Tons of configurable options. Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature. Separated media folder for non-admin staff members to work inside the CRM and organize their uploads and files. Great looking calendar for each staff member based on staff permissions. Follow ups, reports, notes, files and many more features. CRMs need to focus on customers and Perfex CRM does that with a powerful support system that helps you track and resolve issues quickly via the integrated ticket system and customer reminders. Assign reminders to yourself, one or many staff members and with one click, reminders can be sent to email and in-app notification system. These features and more can take customer satisfaction to the next level.
    Perfex CRM has many features designed to fit many applications. Read more about the features below and try the demo to see how Perfex CRM can help you succeed.
    If you want to contribute translation please send us at [email protected]
    Please view our support tab for important notes and considerations


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  8. King Media - Viral Magazine News Video Image

    Free Download – King MEDIA v2.0 – Media Share PHP Script
    Download – King MEDIA v2.0 – Media Share PHP Script
    King MEDIA v2.0 is a Media Share PHP Script. This PHP Script Can Upload Image & Share From Url, Youtube, Vk, Facebook, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram, Metacafe, DailyMotion Videos and Soundcloud. Comments for Media. Facebook Comments. Responsive Layout. User Profile & Points. Tags or Category System. Super Easy Installation. Full Admin Panel. Moderate Guest Submissions. Social Share Buttons. Search for Media. Seo Url.

    Uploaded by JRiSpace
    Need help to build your website? Hire us!!!


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    Cloud Based App for android (only)
    All notes and .apk file included, 
    Download Android Emulator to edit .apk file, only for x64 windows , does not support x86 windows.
    Link :
    https://www.makiplace.com/item/evochat-cloud-based-instant-messaging-mp38842/ Great little app from MAKIPLACE


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  10. Architect - HTML and Site Builder

    Architect is the most powerful and easy to use site and html builder not only on codecanyon, but probably on the internet as well. It has all the features you would except from a site builder, while also offering exclusive ones like themes & templates, closely integrated code editors, the best visual css and image editor around and much more. 
    Admin Account/Area
    You can see a demo of admin area by logging in with username: [email protected] password: admin, note that destructive actions like deleting and editing are disabled on demo site. 
    It’s recommend to register for a new account on demo site if you want to test the builder, because default admin account is shared between multiple users. 
    The Features

    Easy Installation – Install Architect easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation. Subscriptions/Billing – Easily create plans and require users to subscribe to access functionality of a plan. Supports paypal and stripe. Appearence Editor – Powerful appearance editor will allow you to easily change the look of BeMusic without any coding knowledge. Text Editor- Double click on any text content to open a text editor where you can modify the text contents and apply and remove various styles to highlighted text. Advanced Drag & Drop – no more trying to drag predefined elements by small handles, click element wherever you want and drag it wherever you want. Documentation – In depth documentation included with architect will explain everything the builder is capable of as well as advanced stuff like adding your own custom elements. Context Menu – Right click on any element to bring out the context menu with a variety of general options like moving elements up and down with more precision when drag and drop allows and options for that specific element like adding rows and columns to a table. Translatable – Architect is fully translation ready. You can translate it easily from admin area so there is no need to mess with config files or 3rd party applications. Interface that makes sense – annoyed by all the modals, panels and buttons you need to wade through just to change a font size on other builder? you’re in luck, we’ve designed architect so all the most used functionality is visible along with your current project and accessible without having to open a single modal. Live CSS Editor – easily, visually and in real-time edit most of elements properties like padding, margin, border, shadows, backgrounds, text styles and more. Or enter css by hand via integrated css editor for maximum control of your project. Publish or Export your project – Download your whole project, publish it to a remote server with a single click or simply give users a share link to render page on architect itself, moving to production has never been this easy. Themes & Templates – no need to build everything from scratch use one of the pre-built templates to give your project structure and change it’s design with one of included themes. Code Editors for Maximum control – have you ever been annoyed by this one thing you just couldn’t do with a drag and drop builder? No such problem with architect, drag and drop system is interconnected with code editors so you can modify html, css or javascript by hand and changes will be reflected in real time. Flexible Elements System – – use one of over 40 elements included with architect (and more to come in free future updates) or easily create your own custom elements for ultimate reusability. Preview – – easily preview how your project will look for users with a single click, no page reloads, no extra bars or wait time. Undo Manager – – made a mistake or want to step back to a previous iteration? No problem, use the integrated undo manager to undo and redo action in architect. User System – – Users can register to architect and create their own unlimited amount of projects, themes, templates and upload/edit images.  
    PHP >= 5.6.4 MCrypt PHP Extension (Optional, but recommended) PDO Extension (enabled by default) php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default) MySQL Database


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  11. PasteShr - Text Hosting & Sharing Script

    Pasteshr is a script which allows you to store any text online for easy sharing. The idea behind the script is to make it more convenient for people to share large amounts of text online.
    Bootstrap 4+ Simple & responsive interface Material Design Easy install 150+ different syntax languages 7+ Syntax Highlighting Skins (default, dark, coy, okadia, funky, solarized light, tomorrow night, twilight) Password protected pastes Encrypted pastes Unlisted pastes Private pastes Paste expiration system Self destroy pastes Daily paste limit for authorized and unauthorized users Share pastes on social network Embed, download, print pastes Clone pastes Report explicit pastes Multi-language support Disqus comment system Invisible captcha protection AdBlocks – Ad management for advertisement SEO friendly URLs Auto generated sitemap User management Disqus comment system Admin panel to manage pastes, syntax, users, pages, languages, translations & other settings and many more. Demo
    User Login – http://pasteshr.com/login
    Demo username – [email protected] Demo password – demo123
    Admin Panel – http://pasteshr.com/admin/login
    Admin username – [email protected] Admin password – admin123 Requirements
    PHP 7.1.3 or later MySQL 5.* or later Apache web server fopen enabled OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension BCMath PHP Extension Change Log
    - Syntax Highlighting Skins (default, dark, coy, okadia, funky, solarized light, tomorrow night, twilight) - Added resend activation link - Removed fade delay - Changed & Improved skin - Fixed user create bug from admin - Fixed language translation bug - Added views count on paste lists - Some other improvements v1.4
    - Self destroy paste - Fixed paste status on paste edit - Fixed encrypt/decrypt for raw data - Added lock & clock icon in paste list for protected & timed paste - Added url to syntax name in list - Pagination for logged in users - Improved mail system - Disable captcha if site key and secret key empty - Fixed Encrypt/Decrypt paste edit v1.3
    - Password protected pastes - Encrypted pastes - Improved UI for small devices. - Removed 'paste' from paste url. - Added settings to enable/disable features (share, copy link, raw, download, embed, report, print) in admin - My Recent Pastes box for logged in users - Added Image logo and settings - Added Favicon and settings - Added open graph tags - Improved settings in admin - User create from admin bug fixed v1.2
    - Fixed account verification flow. - Added Mail settings in admin panel. - Fixed paste max size bug. - Added autofocus on content field. - Added language change menu in header - Added Copy link button on paste page v1.1
    - Paste share link with copy button on paste page share modal. - A toggle to enable/disable registration in admin settings. - A toggle to enable/disable public paste in admin settings. v1.0
    - Initial release.


       (1 review)


  12. mooSocial

    Social network script to create a niche community or social site. It is features packed, highly configurable, expandable with many quality add-ons. mooSocial is mobile-friendly ready. Start your community site in minutes, It is easy to use even without design or programing skills.
    If you use nginx change the public folder path in your vhost to: /var/www/example.com/public/app/webroot/;
    and add the rule in location: try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;


       (0 reviews)


  13. [NULL]URL Shortener Script with Statistics v1.5

    URL Shortener Script with Statistics is a powerful URL Shortener based on Google’s Shortener, it offers advanced link statistics from Google, such as referrals, browsers or operating system used by the visitors. The script is also mobile devices responsive and cross-browser compatible.

    Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/url-shortener-script-with-statistics/4461940


       (1 review)


  14. Bookify - Multipurpose Booking App [NULLED]

    All Features Explained
    All features of Bookify are explained below.
    Payment Gateways: Stripe & PayPal Supported Offline Payment: Enable your customers to book and pay after service if they don’t want to pay upfront with credit card or paypal. Live Chat: Bookify have built in support for live chat software Email Notifications: Built in email notifications on bookings, cancellations and other actions Full Responsive: Bookify is 100% responsive across all devices including mobiles and tablets. Multi-language support: Bookify is 100% translated and support seven major languages. More languages are coming soon. Google Calendar Sync: Easily enable Google calendar and all bookings will br synced to your calendar. Offer Addon Services: Create addon or extra services for each booking category. Built In Clientarea: Bookify have built in clientarea where customers can track there bookings and invoices. Powerful Admin Panel: Take control of everything in an intuitive & powerful admin panel. Easily Customizable: Customize colors, logo, cover image and all settings easily. Interactive Workflow: Bookify offers interactive form instead of regular HTML form for booking divided in 4 easy steps. Powered By Laravel: With Laravel running at it’s core, Bookify is very secure and expandable. Easy Documentation: Documentation of Bookify is very easy and designed for non technical users. Installation Wizard: Bookify offers installation wizard, just upload and run installation. No need to open code. Multi User: Easily add more users with roles like administrator and customer. Refunds & Cancellations: One click refunds and cancellation. It was never that easy. Easy To Update: Easily update booking time and date. Support For Multiple Currencies: Bookify support multiple currencies. USD, CAD, AUD, Euro, GBP and 10 other currencies are available to choose from. Business Hours: Easily set your business hours for whole week with option to set off days. Booking Slots: Easily set booking slot time duration. You are in control of how long your bookings will be. Choose fixed duration or choose dynamic duration based on booking category. Booking Slot Rules: Need a single booking on a single slot or multiple. You will have the options. You can also define if you want to have multiple bookings on a single slot if booking package or category is different. Bookify have all options to support your business modal. Clock Format: Easily switch between 12 hour and 24 hour clock. Currency Options: Choose currency of your choice and easily customize currency display options according to your country.  
    Quick Documentation References
    Requirements to run Bookify on your server or hosting Installing Bookify Setting Up Bookify Quickstart Guide Getting support or refund License & Credits Updating From Previous Version  
    Requirements for running Bookify
    Make sure your server or hosting meets following requirements.
    PHP >= 7.1.3 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension cURL PHP Extension  
    Tested and works fine.


       (0 reviews)


  15. Varient - News & Magazine Script [NULLED]

    Key Features
    Clean and Responsive Design Built Using Bootstrap Totally Secure System Multilingual System (New language can be added easily) RTL Support Seo Optimized SEO-Friendly URL 10 Layout Colors Editable & Sortable Navigation (With mega menu) External Link & Dropdown Options for Navigation Responsive & Sortable Slider Responsive Ad Spaces for Any Kind of Ad Codes (Including Adsense) Create Ad Codes Adding Unlimited Fully Editable Pages Show & Hide Options for Page, Page Title, Page Breadcrumb, Page Right Column Gallery Page (Enable & Disable Option) Gallery Categories Contact Page (With Google Map) Search in Site Reading List Page (Add & Remove from List) Featured Posts News Ticker Emoji Reactions Add, Delete, Update Posts Video Post Option Audio Post Option(With Playlist) Scheduled Posts Save as Draft Option for Posts Add Multiple Images to a Post Add, Delete, Update Categories Add, Delete Photos Add & Remove Posts from Slider Newsletter (Send Html Email to All Registered Emails) Manage Registered Emails Lazy Image Loading Dynamic Tag System Ajax Comment System Facebook Comments Voting Poll (Add, Delete Unlimited Poll) Social Login (Facebook & Google) Social Sharing Social Media Links Sidebar Widgets (Add, Delete, Update widgets) Widget: Popular Posts Widget: Recommended Posts Widget: Random Posts Slider Widget: Tags Widget: Voting Poll Pageview Counts (Enable & Disable Option) Manage Comments Manage Contact Messages Advanced Post Options Database Cache System Roles & Permissions System Follow & Unfollow Users Email Verification Sitemap.xml Generator RSS Aggregator System (Auto Update with Cron Job) (Doesn’t support full-text RSS) RSS Feeds (With different channels) More Than 30 Font Options Rich Text Editor (Image and Video Can Be Added) Membership System with 3 Roles (Admin, Author, User) Manage Registered Users Ban User Accounts Change User Role Admin & Author Profile Page Enable & Disable Membership System Enable & Disable Comment System Secure Authentication Password Reset Google Analytics Advanced Settings Options Visual Settings Change Logo, Favicon, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard Detailed Documentation Runs on PHP 5.5+ (and PHP 7) Security
    Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention Password Hashing Avoiding SQL Injection Requirements
    PHP >= 5.6 cURL PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension  
    Tested and works fine.


       (0 reviews)


  16. Dokan Pro 2.7.0

    The Complete Multivendor 
    e-Commerce Solution for WordPress
    An online marketplace that manages itself. Dokan Multivendor's super intuitive design & interface makes everything easy even for beginners. It's so automated that you only need to review the orders!


       (0 reviews)


  17. Droppy - Online file sharing

    Droppy is an online file sharing platform that can be used to share multiple files among friends, family and colleagues. The files can be sent by email or an url that can be shared with everyone you would like to.
    V 1.4.5 (31 July, 2017) * Fixed: Issue when only 1 background image was uploaded * Fixed: "Default email to" vulnerability * Fixed: Theme preview links in the admin panel * Fixed: Issue where upload progress wasn't showing when selected file was too large * Fixed: Copy button on upload page * Fixed: Some errors being caused by the loading of the plugins tabs * Fixed: Issue with file deletion on report * Added: Confirmation message on upload cancel * Added: Arabic language file * Removed: "Pages" tab from the admin panel


       (0 reviews)


  18. rogueBATTLE RPG Script (PAID)

    Main mysql (.sql) file is broken!
    Ever wanted your very own online multi-player RPG? Well now’s the time. rogueBATTLE is easily customizable via CSS, and with the ability to edit most of the in-game settings, you could be running your very own RPG in minutes!
    Live Demo: Current Not Available
    Server Requirements -
    PHP 4+
    MySQL 4+
    PHP Short Tags
    & Cron jobs.
    In-Game Features -
    + Training, Mining, Attacking: Build up an army and attack your enemies!
    + Random Events: Random findings of Gold, and Citizens turning up to your castle!
    + Account Profiles: Lets the players get to know each other better.
    + PM System: Send / Receive Personal Messages to / from other players in the game!
    + Recruitment Rewards: Earn gold, and citizens for every person you recruit with your referral link!
    + Forums: Communicate with fellow players in our built in forum.
    + and lots more stunning features you’ll love!
    Admin Panel / Admin Features -
    + Race Settings
    + Attack Settings
    + Training Settings
    + Armour Settings
    + Weapon Settings
    + News Management
    + Poll Management
    + Edit / Delete Players
    + Manage Forums
    + and lots more!
    We’ve also created a fully functional built in admin panel. When you log in you’ve got the option in the main home bar to go to the admin panel. From there, you can edit the names of the races and the names of the weapons and defense items as well. So if you don’t want a old type rpg game feel, you can change it up to make it a army game or something instead! You can also manage news, polls, users, nearly everything! You won’t have to edit php files 24/7 or go into your sql database, you can simply do most of the work from the admin panel. We’ve also got staff ranks all setup. So you can hire moderators and any type of staff you wish right away. They’ll only get certain limited access to the admin panel though. I’m sure you get the idea!


       (1 review)


  19. Create Your Own Online Game! (PAID)

    Features at a glance (40+ features!)
    Paypal integration – easily make money from your website just enter your paypal address and you’re ready to go! Reward members for inviting their friends and voting for your website on other websites. Voucher System – Create vouchers that can be redeemed for prizes such as energy, cash, tokens, icons and more! Administrate everything from the backend of the script. News system, you can even let your members submit articles for your approval. Custom forum integrated within the script and fully customisable. And of course a feature packed, unique game not seen anywhere else. Introduction
    Originally developed as a mafia themed browser-based online text-based game codenamed mafialegend, this script will allow you to run your very own game whether it be mafia related or something completely different.
    I provide free support and installation for all customers. Script comes with full documentation including: installation, quick starters guide and game FAQ.
    Account functionality (register/login/forgot password/resend activation Activation tokens, email verification, reCAPTCHA, Wordpress influenced authentication for security) Permission based accounts: 4 roles: super admin, admin, moderator, member (default) all with unique permissions all editable. Profiles – When someone creates an Account and logs in, they can create a Profile/Character that is connected to their account. You can edit your avatar, profile quote, change your password and email notifications you receive etc. Front Page News system – easily post and edit news to your website in second. Admin System – Edit news, edit front page news, edit game guide pages, edit vote websites, edit token packs, edit profiles, edit accounts, mass donations, ban members, view payments, view all messages sent between profiles and edit general settings such as resetting the game. Mail System – send and receive messages from other players in the game. Invite System – Invite friends for rewards Voting System – vote for websites for rewards (all editable via Administration Panel) Game Guide/FAQ system – View pages created by members of staff, ALL editable via the Administration Panel such as game related content, legal content: privacy policies, terms of service or staff lists, contact forms. Contact system – Add friends and enemies and see when their online. Alert System – Receive a sound alert customisable by the administrator every time you receive a alert. Forums – Custom built forum integrated with the game. Administrators can edit and add new forums, lock, sticky, delete, edit topics/posts, anyone can post in the forums. There are even forums automatically created only for each family with each family forum with its unique family permissions. Javascript WYSIWYG Editor – implements latest version of tiny_mce for WYSIWYG support for all editable parts of the script: messages, forums, funeral home, news, game guide, etc. Store system – Players can buy subscriptions, token packages and exchange them (all this is editable via the administration panel and files). PAYPAL INTEGRATION (simply edit paypal email address in config.php file!) Stats – view who is online or offline, attackable, in the same city as you, who the best players are and what families they are in (if any) and view your own stats such as skills, vehicles, money earned, bodyguards, rank progress, so much more! Stash System – View what inventory you currently have, you can also equip weapons from here. Turf System – View what turf you own in what city and how much income you get for each property/business. You can also see what money you have in the safe of each property. Crime system – Commit crimes of different difficulties and types to increase your skills, burgle houses, participate in drug trafficking, extortion, prostitution, contract hits, organised crimes and much more, each of these features alone could fill a page. Airport system – Fly to different cities in the game, prices are calculated from the distance in km from the current city to the next. Bank system – Withdraw and deposit money. Casino system – Play blackjack and slots (custom built), involves skill and luck, minimum and maximum bets editable by the casino owner, withdraw and deposit from his/her safe, sell the casino. Player can firebomb the casino. Chopshop system – Sell vehicles here for a fee settable by the owner of the chopshop. You have to visit different cities to find the best prices and lowest fees. Fence system – Sell items here for a fee settable by the owner of the fence. You have to visit different cities to find the best prices and lowest fees. Funeral system – When someone dies you can visit their funeral and leave messages to them and view other peoples messages as well as see who else has died in the game. Hospital system – Replenish your health by visiting a doctor for a fee. Police station – bribe police officers, go to jail, bail out inmates, smuggle in money to inmates, snitch on players or stay quiet, attack other inmates, and buy items from the prison shop. Pub system – Visit the pub and buy drinks for people. If they like you they may offer you a weapon which you can buy for a fee depending on the type of weapon, many different types: handguns, shotguns, machine guns, sniper rifle (type/name/image/damage/price all editable) City Map system – Nice overview of all the mobsters/families which control a city or business. Color coded. Family system – Create a family for a fee and if you meet the requirements, choose a unique colour, family type such as Italian Mafia or Russian Mafia etc, unique ranks per family type, invite anyone you want and choose what rank you want them to be, go to war with other families or forge alliances, kick members, whack (kill) members, mass message members, promote/demote members, pay tributes, withdraw/deposit from the family safe, view the family forums, edit/delete/lock/sticky topics you want and disband the family and SO much more!

      High Quality Code
    Implements Twig PHP template engine (twig.sensiolabs.org) to separate the code from the design. Object oriented code. Highest coding standards. Easily reusable code for your own applications.


       (2 reviews)


  20. HelloVideo - Video CMS nulled V1.1.1 + EXTRA 4 Themes

    Demo 2 > https://codecanyon.net/item/hellovideo-video-cms/11149598


       (1 review)


  21. Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM

    Are you a Freelance ?
    Do you do webwork and want to have a place to invoice, dashboard for customers, use PayPal or stripe?

    Well this is the CRM i use and of course its nulled (No registration needed)
    Below are also the install instructions, but it fairly straight foward, Upload to server have a MYSQL database and add the information.
    If you like this project and what i give please consider click the ^ to leave a like (well or cookie i accept cookies aswell)  Any problems please comment below.

    At the bottom there are a few links to see it from a customers perspective and as a admin. Great if you have a team as well to collaborate on projects
    Perfex CRM is complete Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, Perfex CRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time.
    Managing customers is important and Perfex CRM helps in several ways:
    Manage and invoice projects with the powerful Project Management Feature. Link tasks to many Perfex CRM features and stay organized. Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices. Powerful support system with ability to auto import tickets. Track time spent on tasks and bill your customers. Ability to assign multiple staff members on task and track timer per assigned staff. Add task followers even if the staff is not project member. The staff member will be able to track the task progress without accessing the project. Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop. Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales. Records your company/project expenses and have the ability to bill to your customers and auto convert to invoice. Know more about your customers with powerful CRM. Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys. Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind. Create announcements for your staff members and customers. Use Contracts feature to lock in current and future sales. Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads and more. Receive payments from Paypal and Stripe in different currencies. Tons of configurable options. Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature. Separated media folder for non-admin staff members to work inside the CRM and organize their uploads and files. Great looking calendar for each staff member based on staff permissions. Follow ups, reports, notes, files and many more features. CRMs need to focus on customers and Perfex CRM does that with a powerful support system that helps you track and resolve issues quickly via the integrated ticket system and customer reminders. Assign reminders to yourself, one or many staff members and with one click, reminders can be sent to email and in-app notification system. These features and more can take customer satisfaction to the next level.
    Perfex CRM has many features designed to fit many applications. Read more about the features below and try the demo to see how Perfex CRM can help you succeed.
    If you want to contribute translation please send us at [email protected]
    Please view our support tab for important notes and considerations



    Easily manage your customers and their contacts, create multiple contacts for your customers and set proper permissions. Customers area is fully separated from the admin area. Clients have their own client portal with all financial data from your company presented in clear view. Set customer reminders Never forget anything about your customers.
    Perfex allows you to keep in track your invoices, items and generate reports. Add new currencies, using multiple currencies is allowed by previously setup customer currency. Invoice with different tax based on item.
    Recurring Invoices
    Create recurring invoices that will be regenerated automatically based on your setup for recurring invoice (every X months). You can set recurring starting from 1 month to 12 months.
    Recurring Expenses
    Creating recurring expenses. Set up a recurring expense and the expense will automatically be created after the specified period. The period time could be days, weeks, months or years
    Create estimate within a minute, sent to your customers and wait to accept, add notes for better organization for your next actions, create reminders. Ability to auto convert the estimate to invoice after customer accept.
    Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales. Receive notification when proposal is accepted/declined and auto sent thank you email to your customer after accepting the proposal. Proposal overdue notice before X days available.
    Online Payments
    Receive payments from Paypal and Stripe in different currencies.
    Manage projects and track time spent on project for each staff member. Record project expenses and invoices and bill your clients faster. Professional Gantt Chart included for each project and staff member.
    Create milestones for projects and track time spend based on milestone. Ability to Drag and Drop tasks between milestones.
    Leads or potential clients are really important part to any company. Every company trying everyday to get new leads. Very offen happend some potential client to call and ask for specific service that you company serve and then sometimes this is fogotten. With Perfex CRM you will never forget your potential clients and you will be able to manage all of them in one place. Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop.. Ability to auto import leads from emails and import leads from .CSV file included.
    Web to Lead Forms
    Create unlimited web to lead forms and inject in your landing page or website. This feature allows you to import leads into Perfex CRM from form. Use web to lead forms to gather potential clients informations, allow them to requests quotes directly from your website.
    You can add new contracts based on your clients. Adding contracts is very simple, you can set start date and end date and have clear view of all your company contracts in one place. You wont need anymore to search in your desk documents. Create PDF contracts and send to your customers from Perfex CRM. Contract overdue reminders available.
    Great support ticket system with autoresponse. Private ticket staff notes, ticket assignments, attachments, predefined ticket replies, insert knowledge base link, ticket priorities, ticket statuses.
    Assign your staff to specific departments and ability to auto import tickets by department email.
    Custom Fields
    Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads, tickets, invoices, comapany, estimates and more.
    Staff Reminders
    Setup staff reminders for staff member with ability to notify by email and built-in. Reminders are available for important features.
    Theme Styling without coding
    Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature. To fit best for your needs create custom.css and add your own styles.
    Create private or public events. Receive notification when an event is coming built-in and email.
    Easily re-organize admin menu
    You can re-organize admin main menu and the setup menu from in few seconds, you need only to login in your admin area. No coding is required. Add/Remove icons to fit for your needs.
    Email Templates
    Setup predefined email templates from text editor. Merge fields available.
    Staff Roles & Permissions
    You can give staff a specific permissions what can do or cant do. Role permissions can be overided for each staff.
    Goals Tracking
    Setup goals and tracking achievements. Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.
    Personal todo items
    Every staff member can have their own personal todo dashboard.
    Manage all your staff members from one place.
    Company Newsfeed
    Share great company events, upload documents, easy employees communications.
    Staff Tasks
    Assign task to multiple employees, add task followers, task comments allowed, task attachments. Link tasks to many Perfex CRM features and stay organized.
    Recurring Tasks
    Create tasks that will be auto created for a given time.
    Create surveys with one click. Send to staff,leads, clients or manually created mail lists. Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.
    Expenses Report
    Reports by customer
    Custom date picker
    Leads Conversions
    Knowledge base articles (Track if your article is usefull to clients, improve text based on votes)
    Knowledge Base
    Add knowledge base articles from text editor. “Did you find this article useful?” vote included in clients area.
    Media Library
    Upload files in media library. Each staff member that is not admin have their own folder for uploading files.
    Auto Backup Database
    Setup auto backup database each X days to prevent losing your important data.
    Sensitive data is encrypted
    Perfex CRM encrypts all sensitive data in the database with unique encryption key. Encryption performed on email passwords, api keys, api passwords etc..
    Server Side Datatables
    Perfex CRM is using serverside datatables to perfectly handle large databases.
    Perfex is fully responsive. You can easily access your data from mobile or tablet.
    Google reCaptcha
    Google reCaptcha available for admin login, customer login and customer register area.
    Action Hooks
    To prevent editing the core files we created action hooks for some important functionalities. Send us an email if you want we to include another action hook based on your needs.
    Activity Log
    Track all staff activity. Adding new items, creating, deleting.
    PHP 5.4+
    MYSQL 5.1+
    mod_rewrite Apache
    Mcrypt Extension
    MBString Extension
    GD Extension
    MYSQLi Extension
    PDO Extension
    OpenSSL Extension
    Zip Extension
    IMAP Extension – not recomended godaddy as email provider
    CURL Extension
    Download this file to check required extensions directly in your server.

    Demo Informations
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: 123123

    Staff 1:
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: 123123

    Client: http://www.perfexcrm.com/demo/
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: 123123
    SHA256:    14e855d00f718e69d5d5e01157b1116e17bbf02a326a01598ef7530f0ddacf16
    File name:    codecanyon-14013737-perfex-powerful-open-source-crm-1.6.2.zip
    Detection ratio:    0 / 47
    If you like this project and what i give please consider click the ^ to leave a like (well or cookie i accept cookies aswell)  Any problems please comment below.


       (5 reviews)


  22. GamePort - Video Game Marketplace

    eMail: [email protected] 
    Password: adminadmin 

    eMail: [email protected] 
    Password: demodemo 

    GamePort is a unique marketplace web application specifically designed for video games.

    Sell, buy or trade your favourite video games Create trade lists 
    You can even set additional charges for every game. (Example: Trade Game X for Game Y + 10$) Unique game adding function 
    Game is missing in the database? No problem! Just search for the missing game and hit the “Add” button. The system will fetch all informations like cover, images and more automatically! Support for over 15 platforms and digital distributors 
    Like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Wii U and many more! Responsive design 
    It’s beautiful on every device! Social Login 
    One click authentication through Steam, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter or Google. User locations based on zip / postal codes 
    Over 60 countries supported! + Now with worldwide support Great payment system supporting PayPal and Stripe 
    Earn money with each transaction! AJAX Comment System Blog User rating system Mail & Web Push notifications Ajax chat Live search Multilingual Frontend language switcher Easy installation Great admin panel Based on Laravel 5.4 ...and much more

    Make sure your server meets the following requirements:
    PHP 5.6.4 or later, PHP 7 highly recommended! MySQL 5 or later OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension GD Library MySQL Database

    Version 1.2 (1 April 2017)
    Added: Payment System including: + PayPal Payment Gateway + Variable and fixed fees + One click refund option + Transaction processing system including withdrawals Added: Comment System including: + In games, listings and articles + Likes + Replies + Spam protection Added: Blog Added: Invisible reCAPTCHA for registration Added: Geolocation API to locate user position Added: Distance to listing Added: Sitemap for listings & games Added: Notification for new messages Added: Filter functions in admin panel Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.1.1 (1 March 2017)
    Added: New location system with worldwide support Added: Image upload for listings Added: Read / sent check mark in offer chat Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.1 (21 February 2017)
    Added: Price suggestions Added: Trade suggestions Added: Advanced offer report system (with many options for the admin) Added: New releases carousel Added: Video carousel Added: Google Maps on listing overview Added: Admin can add games without the API Added: Contact form template Added: Google AdSense slots Added: Affiliate link on game overview Added: Button to mark all notifications as read Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.0 (30 January 2017)
    Initial Release  


       (2 reviews)


  23. Contact Form 7 Popup Message

    Add-on for Contact Form 7 ? The Most Simple but flexible Contact Form
    Popup Message Addon is an addon for contact for 7. Using this addon you can replace your validation and success messages into beautiful popup message to attract visitors.
    This useful add-on will allow you to select between 10 preset themes (color schemes) to instantly change the overall look of your Message.


       (0 reviews)


  24. BeMusic

    BeMusic allows you to create your own music streaming website in minutes with no coding knowledge. It has an impressive feature set that rivals and even surpasses other biggest streaming services on the market.
    Easy Installation – Install BeMusic easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation Appearence Editor – Powerful appearence editor will allow you to easily change the look of BeMusic without any coding knowledge. Automated – BeMusic has access to millions of artists, songs and albums, all available automatically. Use as a CMS – You can easily disable all automatic data fetching and create everything manually , turning BeMusic into fully functional music CMS. User Libraries – Users can add songs, albums and artists to their library on BeMusic in addition to playlists. Playlists – Users can create, share and follow playlists. Player – Fully-featured player including shuffle, repeat, lyrics, queue and more. Artist and Album Pages – Automatically generated pages for millions of artists and albums have full discography, similar artists, advanced radio, biograhpy, images, genres and more. Single Page – BeMusic is a single page (ajax based) application, which means it has no browser page refreshes when navigating trough the application. Translatable – BeMusic is fully translation ready. You can translate it easily from admin area so there is no need to mess with config files or 3rd party applications. Responsive – BeMusic is fully responsive and will scale to the size of any device. Documentation – In depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. User System – Fully featured users system with social login(facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, profiles, account settings and more. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Force Login – You can force users to login before they can access any of BeMusic features. Ads – 6 integrated ad spots. All you need to do is paste your ad codes in admin area and BeMusic will do the rest. Professional Design – Impress your users with a pixel-perfect professional design. Settings- Admin area is loaded with settings that allow you to customize the site to your needs. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin area so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on song, artist, album or playlist) is available with many actions. This menu can be accessed by clicking ellipses button on touch based devices. Search – Powerful search that will find nearly any song, artist or album.


       (3 reviews)


  25. PHP FOX 3.8 - with facebook clone

    PhpFox is an easy to use software program that gives you the ability to customize it to suit your needs. It comes packed with advanced social networking features found on top community websites!
    Features :
    (1)Theme Manager System
    (2)No coding needed, all changes are easily preview
    (3)Extend with Apps, 3rd party applications available
    (4)Advanced Customizing, Worrying about your Specific needs?
    Requirements :
    (1)5.5 or higher PHP Version
    (2)4.1 or higher Mysql Version
    (3)Required PHP EXEC function
    (4)Required PHP GD
    (5)Required PHP CURL
    (6)Required PHP ZipArchive
    (7)Required PHP Multibyte String
    (8)Required PHP XML extension
    (9)64M or higher PHP memory_limit
    (10)Required for Short URLs Apache mod_rewrite (optional)


    Demo :
    Social Networking Community
    How want this theme PM ME 
    demo : http://facetoface.hdfilmenoi.com



       (0 reviews)


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