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Legacy content for IP.Board 3.4. This content is no longer supported by WebFlake. We strongly recommend upgrading to IPS 4. Use at your own risk.

1,235 files

  1. [HQ] Awards

    About This File

    [b]Awards allows forum administrators to reward their members with awards in honour of their special accomplishments. To know all of the features Awards has to offer, read below.[/b]

    [b]Features List (** Full Version Only)[/b]
    [*]Awards Listings Page
    [*]AJAX Powered "View Awarded" on listings page
    [*]Topic-Post View [*]Profile-Tab view
    [*]Ability to temporarily or permanently remove awards from members
    [*]Add notes when you award members
    [*]Bulk Awarding
    [*]Public Awarding **
    [*]Signature View
    [*]Badge Awarding **
    [*]Auto Awarding **
    [*]Achievement System **
    [*]MultiAwards **
    [*]User Notification [img]http://assets.bravenet.com/common/images/forum/icons/4/thread_new.png[/img]



  2. Orange pungas

    Contact : [email protected]



  3. (NB34) Enhanced Reputation Notifications

    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Notifies members when someone rated their posts[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']By default, notifications are working with the "Like System (Positive rep only, visible names)" type of reputation[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']This hook extends reputation notifications[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Work with:[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']- Positive Reputation Points[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']- Negative Reputation Points[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']- Both Positive and Negative Reputation Points[/font][/color]



  4. BBcode Google Search Link

    This will replace the parameter with a link to Google search.

    Not my work, just sharing...



  5. BBcode Wikipedia Link

    This will replace the parameter with a link to Wikipedia.

    Not my work, victim of the internets high seas xD



  6. New Content Counter (English Translated)

    Display the new content counter on your forum.



  7. (DP33) Customize Posts

    [*]enable/disable mod, [*]select which groups can use this mod, [*]check or not secondary groups also, [*]block any text property, - select color select type: colorpicker or dropdown list, [*]set your own font styles.
    With this modification you can allow your members to set default look of their posts. Their can set: font size, font height, text align and many more!



  8. (SOS31) Topic Viewed by Users v2.10

    Shows when a topic was viewed by a user.



  9. (SOS34) Personal Photo on Register Screen

    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']This hook will allow users to choose a personal photo during the registration process.[/font][/color]

    [b]Setting[/b][color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']:[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'][*]Make personal photo a required field[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'][*]Setting to admin decide if wants users to remove their personal photo (on profile)[/font][/color]



  10. [Paid] Steam Profile Integration

    This hook will obtain data from Steam for your users and place it in your IP.Board database for use anywhere on your site. Your board will re-load your members Steam information, in batches, every 15 minutes, time can be changed, so you always have up to date information without impacting load times of your community pages.

    This hook, out of the box, will display steam information in the following places[list]
    [*]Member Profile
    [*]userInfoPane (Next to all of their posts)
    [*]Board Index
    [*]IP.Content page (IP.Content Block included)
    [*]Member Hovercards (Steam Online Status only)
    More detailed information about the members Steam profile are displayed on the Members Profile page. Including an optional list of games the member owns. Out of the box the list of games can be shown in either an image grid layout, or list view. If you'd like to see other layouts, let me know or tweak the templates to your liking.

    This hook integrates seamlessly with Lavo's Sign in through Steam.. It will automatically detect if it is installed and pull that users information.

    Don't have Lavo's sign in installed? No problem, this hook works with a Custom Profile field also. Want to use both a custom profile field AND Lavo's hook? Not a problem, this hook seamlessly pulls information from both locations to create a single list of users to pull information.

    Valid Steam Input format for Custom Profile Field:[list]
    [*]Steam Name: ex. ' Aiwa '
    [*]17 digit Steam ID: ex. 76561197964468370
    [*]Old school Steam ID: ex. STEAM_0:0:2101321
    If there are any other places you'd like to see a users steam information displayed, let me know. It's a very simple matter to output this data on other parts of your IPS Community.
    In order for this hook to pull your information, your Steam profile status must be set to Public.

    [url="https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/815f2b6c3e929b1182b34cf41a37376bd296a74f25b2c9e1bfd5e97a2dca997e/analysis/1420228419/"]VirusTotal Scan[/url]



  11. Question / Answer Math Challenge Questions

    A simple pack of twenty five math questions for the Question / Answer Challenge. :)

    These have been put together both to make them easy for humans but difficult for bots as both questions and answers are given in words only not any numerics. Certain variations 'forty' vs 'fourty' are also taken into account as well as three spelling variations of each answer: All capitals, all lower-case and first letter capitalized.

    Note to import this list you'll likely need to have Import/Export Spider List installed as this permits QA imports/exports.



  12. Small Carbon Edit. By EdgarBar

    Small Carbon Edit by EdgarBar. Good Luck.



  13. [Retail] Dispersion

    Dispersion features an animated gradient background image which is randomized on each page load and overlaid by an image of your choice. The gradient is both created and animated (in compatible browsers) using css and your visitors are given the option of using a grayscale background by clicking a simple toggle button. The header collapses on-scroll, and stays at the top of the screen for easy access.


    [b]Settings" Template File[/b]

    This skin includes a settings file allowing you to easily enable or disable features within the skin. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required.

    [b]Animated gradient background[/b]

    An animated gradient scrolls horizontally beneath your background image (which is a simple black & white jpg image reduced in opacity).

    [b]Randomized gradient[/b]

    The position of the gradient background is randomized on each page load.

    [b]Grayscale background[/b]

    Members can choose to use a grayscale background instead of the rainbow effect by clicking a simple toggle button. Their choice is saved via cookies and remembered for their return visit.

    [b]Selection of background images[/b]

    Dispersion comes with 7 premade background images to choose from which overlay your animated gradient. To make your own, simply create and upload a black & white jpg image!

    [b]Collapsible header[/b]

    The header is reduced in size and sticks to the top of your browser when the page is scrolled, resulting in easily accessible navigation.

    [b]Mega Footer[/b]

    Popular and useful links have been added and categorized in the footer, providing easy access to your Invision addons & social links.

    [b]Modified topic view[/b]

    If enabled using the settings file, the topic page can be swapped to a horizontal design to focus your users attention on the content.

    [b]Guest message[/b]

    A customizable message is shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum.

    [b]Social buttons[/b]

    Social buttons can be enabled/disabled allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, Vimeo, Pinterest & Flickr)

    [b]Alternate social buttons[/b]

    The size of the social buttons can be customized easily (small, medium & large), which helps save space if you enable multiple buttons.

    [b]Optional Tooltips[/b]

    Forum descriptions are be placed inside animated tooltips (and can be disabled using the Settings file), resulting in a cleaner layout.

    [b]HTML text as logo[/b]

    The text logo is extremely easy to change by simply modifying the HTML text. If required, the text can be changed to a small image instead.

    [b]Individual forum icons[/b]

    If enabled, you can customize the icons for each forum, allowing for easier identification. Easy to add your own, with instructions provided once purchased.

    [b]Grayscale "no new" icons[/b]

    Forum icons are converted to grayscale using css filters in webkit browsers (Safari and Webkit) if there are no new posts in that forum. Other browsers simply reduce the icons opacity.



  14. (SOS34) Profile Photo in Online Lists

    About This File
    This hook will show user photo in online lists:[list]
    [*]Board Index
    [*]Forum view
    [*]Topic view
    [b]Notices[/b]: [*][b][color=#ff0000]MAKE SURE YOU READ AND AGREE TO THIS BEFORE YOU BUY IT: [/color][/b][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/6283-profile-photo-in-online-lists/%22http%3A//community.invisionpower.com/topic/381130-download-sos34-profile-photo-in-online-lists/?p=2382667%22"]http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/381130-download-sos34-profile-photo-in-online-lists/?p=2382667[/url]
    This hook will add [b]ONE QUERY[/b] on board index. No additional query is added on forum view or topic view.[list]
    [*]Member photo will appear with [b]50% opacity[/b] for those who can view anonymous members
    [*]The following user agents (bot/crawlers) has photos:
    [*]The rest of user agents (bot/crawlers) will use a generic image.
    You can add your own image to folder [b]public/style_extra/crawler_icons[/b].

    [*]IP.Board 3.4.X
    [*]IP.Board 3.3.X
    [*]NOT COMPATIBLE with [b](SOS33) Search Engine Image on Online List[/b]. Please, remove it or this hook won't work.



  15. Shoutbox @Mention Format

    Changes IPB Shoutbox's @name to use the member bbcode.



  16. Gaming Profiles

    A hook which adds Steam and Xfire banners to your profile, adds icons for your gaming profiles to your userInfoPane in posts and adds steam and xfire banner bbcodes.

    If you have any issues, please report them to [email protected]!




    [size=3][font='trebuchet ms']This is the new skin community TWG Romania made by me.Skin is still in beta, and I decided to give this version.[/font][/size] [size=3][font='trebuchet ms']Everything you see is made only in css not change anything in globaltemplate.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font='trebuchet ms']Thanks for you attention and please if you respect my work don`t delete my name from the skin template.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font='trebuchet ms'][color=#ff0000][b]LIVE DEMO[/b][/color]:[/font][/size] [url="http://twg.ro/forum/"]http://twg.ro/forum/[/url]



  18. Tracker

    [font=arial][b][color=#ff0000][size=5]If you installed Tracker 2.1.1 and are experiencing broken JavaScript/CKeditor etc, after upgrading to 2.1.3, you will need to go to the Manage Languages page and click 'Rebuild from XML' for every language pack that you have installed. - Sorry for the inconvenience.[/size][/color][/b]

    Tracker is a bug/issue tracking system, it allows members and staff to track certain issues, for examples, bugs within a project you are working on, or even building a house! Tracker supports statuses, severities, and much much more to bring you an extensible Tracker to use however you wish to.

    [b][color=#ff0000]Please make sure you read the included PDF document.[/color][/b][/font]



  19. Auto Birthday Greeter

    [b]Birthday greeting system[/b] that sends out birthday greetings to your members in several different ways: personal messages, email, birthday topics and integration with IP.Shoutbox. A sidebar block hook is also included, listing each days birthday members.

    [*]Zero file and skin edits, just upload the files and run the application installer and your done.
    [*]Exclude member groups such as Banned and Validating from receiving birthday greetings.
    [*]Optional customizable birthday greetings via email.
    [*]Smart quick tags allow you to send out birthday greetings with information such as Board Name, Member's Name and Age.
    [*]Optional sidebar block that lists the members celebrating their birthday each day.
    [*]Option to add birthday greetings to shoutbox. Only IP.Shoutbox is supported.
    [*]Option to insert birthday greetings into the profile comments of birthday members.
    [*]Optional customizable birthday greetings via IPB personal message system.
    [*]Choose to pin or close new birthday topics created.
    [*]Option to include all birthday users each day in 1 topic, instead of 1 topic per members birthday.
    [*]Create optional customizable birthday topics.
    [*]Optional integration with multiple point systems, give members a set amount of points every birthday.
    [*]Create new birthday topics or add replies to a "birthday topic" when there is a members birthday.



  20. (SOS33) Quick Topic

    Will add an ajax form to create a new topic in a faster way. The button will appear in all forums where the user can create new topics.



  21. (Pav32) Pastebin

    This application allows you to store and share code. Instead of pasting a lot of code from another website you can do it here and share just a link.
    Highlighting of syntax is possible due to external, a free, constantly being developed script with many coloring schemes.



  22. ibProArcade

    [b]ibProArcade[/b] [b]4.3.2a[/b] - a gaming component, allows you to add to the forum flash games and keep statistics of user points.
    [b]ibProArcade[/b] is ionCube encoded. If you require a loader, they can be found [url="http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php"]here[/url].



  23. [IF] IPB Shoutbox

    [b]Shoutbox [/b]is a feature-rich Shoutbox system for your IP.Board. Shoutbox will enable your users to send shouts to each other and allow others can read them. Your very own micro-blogging system, without the need for Java, Flash or any other browser dependency!


    IP.Board 3.4.x - Yes
    IP.Board 3.3.x - Yes



  24. [RIP]Dispersion Skin

    Dispersion features an animated gradient background image which is randomized on each page load and overlayed by an image of your choice. The gradient is both created and animated (in compatible browsers) using css and your visitors are given the option of using a greyscale background by clicking a simple toggle button. The header collapses on-scroll, and stays at the top of the screen for easy access.

    You can find the demo for the skin [url="http://www.ipsfocus.com/skindemo/?"]here[/url].



  25. Enkidu Adf.ly Advertisement Integration

    The Enkidu Adf.ly Advertisement Integration hook will allow you to connect Adf.ly to your Invision Power Board. This hook will provide a variety of features including but not limited to full page/banner advertisement and the link redirection script. The full list of features is below:[list=1]
    [*]Enable or disable hook
    [*]Multiple choice of which groups will be redirected
    [*]Choose specific forums that are able to redirect
    [*]Include or exclude domains
    [*]Choose between full page or banner type advertisement
    In order to install simply install the hook provided in the RAR file. Follow the ReadMe file for a full installation tutorial.



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