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Legacy content for IP.Board 3.4. This content is no longer supported by WebFlake. We strongly recommend upgrading to IPS 4. Use at your own risk.

1,235 files

  1. Stability

    [Dark Skin]
    Stability Skin (paid).



  2. Stability

    [Dark Skin]
    Stability skin (paid). Made by WebForumSkins



  3. TinyChat Module

    Use TinyChat on your Board

    Upload tinychat folder to /admin/applications_addon/other

    Go to AdminCP > Manage Applications & Modules install it and you're done.


    If you try to access the mod on Other Apps > tinychat, you will get [#404]
    incorrect_furl error.

    To access it, Go to System and Settings, and there will have a tab named Tinychat!

    Tinychat's API and Secret Key:

    [color=#800000]API Key: [b]43cef6758ce5f2ef0c1819e4ecead9a3[/b]

    Secret Key: [b]f9dc44d51cc42af030d58a150642f07d[/b][/color]



  4. eLeMentaL Facebook IPB Skin

    This is a free fluid skin inspired by Facebook.

    And now works with IPB 3.4.x (see 2.1 version)

    Has no sidebar enabled (recommended)

    If you want to enable the sidebar:

    Look & Feel >Manage Skin Sets & Templates >Manage Templates in eLeMentaL

    Open boardindexTemplate and....

    [color=#800000][b]Find:[/b][/color][code=auto:0] {parse variable="sidebar_enabled" default="$hide_side_blocks"} [/code]

    [color=#800000][b]Replace with:[/b][/color]
    [code=auto:0] {parse variable="sidebar_enabled" default="$show_side_blocks"} [/code]



  5. Concise

    Concise is a simplistic design which focuses the viewers attention on
    your content. The left navigation column can hold as many applications
    as required, and the skin comes with a unique topic layout to
    differentiate your forum from other IPB sites.



  6. Board Index Face

    This XML will simply add IP.Content block for (DDK33) Board Index Face hook into your IP.Content blocks library.

    After this block will be added you can put following replacement into your IP.Content pages and templates easily:



  7. Neat

    Free Neat skin for IP.Board 3.4.x. This is a clear style with dark elements.

    Made on the minimum, which shows a simple implementation and simple use of the page.

    Includes social media.

    [b]Skin Compatible with:[/b][list]
    [*]and much more
    [b]Files Included:[/b][list]
    [*]logo PSD
    [*]pliki stylu



  8. Se7enSins v6

    Se7enSins v6, previously uploaded by Xstrike on ForumCore.




  9. Velvet

    Velvet is a clean, professional looking skin for any type of community.
    It comes with a color scheme selector, allowing your members to choose
    from either blue, green or red.



  10. Staff Chat

    With [i]Staff Chat[/i] you can have a separate chat box - similar to the status updates, for your staff only, placed in the board index side bar.

    [b][color=#b22222]Note: Initial Support is for 3.3 but installs fine on 3.4 for me so i listed it compatible with 3.4[/color][/b]



  11. Brave Skin

    Brave is a dark IPB skin perfect for gaming sites or clan communities. The skin comes with a customizable header, allowing your members to choose from a range of images to use in the banner.



  12. (SOS34) Topic Title Colored

    This hook will allow users to use colors in topic title when creating a topic. Topic title colored will appear in forum view and in topic view.

    [*]Admins can set aditional places to show:
    - board index (last post info in categories)
    - Recent Topics sidebar hook
    - Search results
    - Tab profiles (topics and posts)[list]
    [*]User groups can create topic title colored
    [*]Forums where users can create topic title colored

    Version 2.0.1: IP.Board 3.2.X
    Version 2.1.1: IP.Board 3.3.X
    Version 2.2.0: IP.Board 3.4.X



  13. Carbon (Gold)

    Modified by [member=Justin™]. :)



  14. Miserable Users

    Has it ever happen to you that you have had enough of those annoying
    users that troll your forums and misbehave? And you are tired of banning

    If it has, then this hook might come in handy to you.

    hook will annoy those irritating users by making their browsing
    experience very miserable at your forum. Which hopefully will
    make them go away and troll somewhere else.

    [b]You can have fun with the annoying users with the following things:[/b]

    [b]1) Random Blank Pages![/b] You can show blank page to the annoying users at a random percantage.

    [b]2) Random 404 Error Messages![/b] You can show a 404 error message at a random percantage to the annoying users.

    [b]3) Minimum Loading Delay Speed! [/b]

    [b]4) Maximum Loading Delay Speed! [/b]
    You can make it so that they (the annoying users only) will experience an extremely slow page load at your forum.

    [b]5) Random Redirections![/b] You can redirect them randomly to whatever url/page that you would like to have some fun.

    [b]6) Random Posting Restriction![/b] You can restrict the annoying users from posting at a random percantage.

    [b]7) Forum Exclusion![/b]
    If for some reason you want them to browse&post normally at a
    forum/s, then you can exlude that particular forum/s from all the above
    mentioned things.

    [b]8) Random PM Disable![/b] You can disable the PM System for annoying users at a random percantage.

    [b]9) Random Chat Restriction![/b] You can disable Chat access for annoying users at a random percantage.

    [b]10) Miserable User Message![/b]
    And as last but not least, if after all this they still won't get the
    message, you can ram it home to them by showing a message at the board
    index that will be visible only to them.

    This was the most fun hook coding for me. [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]

    After you install the MiserableUsers.xml file through Manage Hooks in
    your Admin Panel, you can configure it to your likings/needs at the
    System Settings->NenaDice.

    To have an idea how it looks like when used, please check the below screenshots.

    The hook is compatible with 3.2.x as well.

    follow up application which will give you the possibility to frustrate
    all the annoying ip addresses as well that you do not want to browse
    your forum has been released here:



  15. Cielo (IPB3.4)

    Cielo is a chameleon skin: You can put any background in it and it will
    take the style of your background. It comes with custom-made backgrounds
    and it's simple to add your own. Categories on the index page can also
    be displayed in a grid layout.

    The latest versions of IP Board 3.x, Gallery, Blog, Downloads, Chat, IP.Content and Nexus

    The skin is compatible with all major, modern browsers including Internet Explorer 8/9, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera

    [b]Background Changer[/b]This skin includes a background
    changer which allows your members to individually customize the desgin
    of your site by choosing from a range of images.

    [b]"More" Dropdown Menu[/b]A "More" dropdown link is included
    in the header, allowing you to add additional links to your navigation
    such as URL's to you social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc).

    [b]Configuration Files[/b]This skin includes configuration
    files allowing you to easily enable or disable features within the skin.
    This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since no code changes
    in template files are required.

    [b]Grid Layout[/b]The index page has a grid layout which can be changed back to the standard layout if needed.



  16. iRadio Hook

    iRadio simply connects to a shoutcast server that you have purchased from a shoutcast hosting provider, when a DJ is broadcasting, iRadio sits on top of your forum categories on the board index and displays the latest radio statistics for the shoutcast server, like Current DJ, Current Song, Current Listeners out of a max listeners and peak listeners, it also has tune in links for your members to listen to the radio.

    [color=#b22222]For those having issues with load times or it not connecting to your shoutcast server, please ask you web host to unblock your shoutcast ports.... so if your port is 8000, ports 8000 and 8001 needs unblocking by your web host.[/color]



  17. Dead Topic Protection

    This hook will prevent selected groups from posting in dead topics. You can set groups affected, forums where it will happen, number of days, messages and if you allow new post.



  18. Forum Spammer IP & Email Check via Stop Forum Spam

    [b]Tested and working with IP.Board 3.4[/b]

    Adds a check during registration submission that checks the registers IP address and email address against a known list of spammer IP's and emails from stopforumspam.com. If it returns true for a spamming IP or
    email the registration is declined and the IP and email address can be added to IPB's ban filters.

    [*]Uses IPB built in functions to query Stop Forum Spam
    [*]Matched spam registrations can be added to IPB ban filter
    [*]Report spammers directly from ACP with evidence
    [*]Ability to whitelist IP's and Email addresses
    [*]Page showing the registrations that have been blocked
    [*]Graphs showing amount of spammers blocked per month
    [*]Email notification of blocked registrations

    There is an extras folder in this release that has a hook requested by Extreame. If you run your forum with the normal board stats turned off but want the amount of spammers stopped to still show on your board. Disable or uninstall the hook that installs with the mod and install the hook in the extras folder.


    The ability to report spammers from the ACP was only added after a lot of discussion with pedigree from SFS. I have been in contact with him since the first release of this mod when it was still just a hook. It follows guidelines that he requested. Any abuse of the ability will lead to you being banned from using SFS. Please be responsible with this. It is only available to Admins and is in the ACP.



  19. (ZoZ) Members avatars in board index stats

    This hook displays members avatars in board index instead of their FORMATTED display names, including search bots.



  20. (TB) Hide Content

    This mod allow your members to hide part of the content in their posts
    so other members will need to reply to the topic before being able to
    see the hidden content. Thanks to a powerful custom BBCODE plugin the
    number of file edits needed is reduced and the plugin has an internal
    cache to save all the topics checked each session which will reduce the
    number of queries used. Thanks to that only one additional query is used
    when viewing a topic and sometimes no queries at all!

    [*]No file edits (makes use of the hooks system)
    [*]2 options to specify who can bypass the reply check: groups & member IDs
    [*]All IP.Board default areas are covered
    [*]Topics (Print & Download included)
    [*]Profiles (both Topics & Posts tabs)
    [*]Search (hide bbcode content is stripped from results)
    [*]Quoting replies for both ajax & non-ajax quoting (hidden content is stripped)
    [*]Topic Summary (below the editor while replying)
    [*]Email Notifications (both Forum & Topic subscriptions)Custom BBCODE button in the editor to quickly insert the hide tag
    [*]Full support of the new IPB 3 feature "BBCODE aliases" so you can specify
    other tags as well as the default [hide] (This is especially useful for
    those people that have used the Unreal Hide Hack mod on IPB 2.x and so
    have the tag [hide_me])
    [*]Easy integration with 3rd party mods that displays IPB topics & replies
    [*]Fixed mobile skin templates not being included in the previous version



  21. Unreal Portal Alpha

    Unreal Portal 3.0.3 is a portal based on IBF Portal 4.0 by bammerboy.

    Unreal Portal is coded by Cricket.



  22. Portal

    Adds a Portal application to IP.Board.



  23. (BIM34) Topic Thumbnail

    This modification can show thumbnails of topics on the main forum view.

    [b]Main features:[/b]
    - Automatically takes an image from the first post of topic (include attachment image) and display it as topic thumbnail.
    - [b][color=#ff0000]*NEW*[/color][/b] Option to show topics as gallery
    Topic's authors or member groups that you specify can change thumnail
    by clicking on the thumbnail and choosing an image from topic or from
    - Preview image when hover the thumbnail.
    - Set thumbnail width and height for each forum.
    - Option to use the Lazy Loader method to delay image loading[code=auto:0] https://github.com/fasterize/lazyload [/code]

    - [color=#ff0000][b]*NEW* [/b][/color]Automatically resize and crop images in a smart way that does not distort images.



  24. Invision Power Board 3.4.2 (retail)

    [color=#ff0000][b]Patch Feb 11 - 2013.zip already applied![/b][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
    [size=5][b]Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of IP.Board 3.4.2[/b][/size]

    The release of IP.Board 3.4.2 is a maintenance release.

    [b]What's New in 3.4[/b]

    Please read these blog entries for a full list and explanation of what's new in this release.[/font][/color][list]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7815-ipboard-34-dev-update-ipseo/"]IP.SEO Removed[/url] (we have removed IP.SEO and merged all its functionality right into IP.Board!)
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7940-ipboard-34-dev-update-editor-improvements/"]Editor Improvements[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7911-ipboard-34-dev-update-ips-connect/"]IPS Connect[/url] (please note that with the release of IPS Connect our old Converge product will no longer function)
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7941-ipboard-34-dev-update-seo-improvements/"]SEO Improvements[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7999-ipboard-34-dev-update-viglink/"]VigLink Integration[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-8192-ipboard-34-dev-update-best-answer-feature/"]Best Answer Feature[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-8191-ipboard-34-dev-update-acp-user-interface-enhancements/"]AdminCP Interface Enhancements[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-8323-ipboard-34-dev-update-bulk-mail-with-mandrill/"]Bulk Mail with Mandrill[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-8144-ipboard-34-dev-update-miscellaneous-enhancements/"]Miscellaneous Enhancements[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-8017-introducing-ips-cdn-service/"]IPS CDN Service[/url]
    [*][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-8429-ipboard-34-dev-update-anti-spam-enhancements/"]Anti-Spam Improvements[/url]



  25. [HSC] Topic Template System

    The Topic Template System allows you to customize your forums and create
    forms for the user to fill out when starting a new topic.[list]
    custom fields - supported field types include text, text area,
    checkbox, radio button, dropdown, multi-checkbox, and multi-select
    [*]Mark individual fields as required - members cannot start a topic unless required fields are populated
    [*]Add field validation - numeric, date, email, and URL
    [*]Group custom fields into Templates for individual forums
    [*]Customize template views for the Post Screen, Topic View, and Forum View
    [*]Allow members of specific groups to enter HTML and/or BBCode in custom fields
    [*]Use the Template System for the full post - and make the post content optional
    [*]Allow multiple templates per forum to give users a choice of how topics should be created
    [*]Display the custom fields inside the first post OR anywhere in the Topic View
    [*]Field values are stored with the post content and are therefore included in any Search.

    [color=#ff0000][b]This version is compatible with 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. A 3.1 version is no longer supported.[/b][/color]



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