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Legacy content for IP.Board 3.4. This content is no longer supported by WebFlake. We strongly recommend upgrading to IPS 4. Use at your own risk.

1,235 files

  1. Post marked as Best Answer notification 1.0.0

    This simple modification sends notification when the post author /
    moderator mark some post as the "best answer" to the post creator.



  2. (M34) Reputation Required to Post 1.0.0

    Description: Set a reputation requirement for adding new topics, posting replies or editing posts. Options include bypassing the reputation requirement for select forums and member groups.



  3. (NB34) Hot Topics 1.0.3

    Displays X hot topics in a sidebar block.

    What's New in Version 1.0.3[list]
    [*]Fixed when the gravatars are not displayed



  4. (PS34)Custom Sidebar1.0.2

    Hook allows to show own sidebar on the right forum page.

    [*]possibility to chose groups which can see sidebar
    [*]possibility to set up own name to sidebar header

    Version 1.0.2

    Full English version
    On/Off BBCode
    On/Off HTML

    Version 1.0.1
    Full English version

    Version 1.0.0
    No changes have been recorded in this version



  5. (NB34) Unread (New) PM's Counter 1.0.0

    This hook will show the number of unread (new) pm's in header bar.



  6. Secondary Group Indicator

    This HOOK will show all the secondary groups that a user belongs. It
    will show on UserInfoPane (posts, PMs, calendar events, apps, etc.),
    profile view and personal card. You can set if the hook is enabled and
    which groups can't show up in secondary groups



  7. (SOS34) What Others Are Downloading Now

    This hook will show, on board index sidebar, the latest downloaded files on your Downloads system. The hook respects categories permissions, so user will only view files that he has permission to view.



  8. Media Tag - YouTube Playlist

    Adds support for video playlists from [url="http://youtube.com/"]YouTube[/url] into the built-in IP.Board [media] bbcode.



  9. IP. Gallery 4.2.x and 5.0.x Security Update: 7th February 2013

    A cross-site-scripting (XSS) exploit has been discovered in IP.Gallery.
    We are releasing a security update for versions 4.2.x and 5.0.x today to patch this issue.


    Patching is very easy.
    Identify the version of IP.Gallery you are running.
    Download and unzip the appropriate patch file below that matches your version.
    Upload the contents of the zip to your /public/js directory, overwriting the existing file.

    A cross-site-scripting (XSS) exploit has been discovered in IP.Gallery.
    We are releasing a security update for versions 4.2.x and 5.0.x today to patch this issue.


    Patching is very easy.
    Identify the version of IP.Gallery you are running.
    Download and unzip the appropriate patch file below that matches your version.
    Upload the contents of the zip to your /public/js directory, overwriting the existing file.



  10. IPB Shoutbox 1.4.1 Beta 1b

    Just an updated version of the IPB Shoutbox 1.4.1, it's the B1 version meaning beta 1.



  11. Referrals System

    With this app you can allow your members invite other members.


    - enable/disable system,

    - select allowed groups to use this mod,

    - three invite types: free -> user may or may not enter inviter name;
    force -> user must enter inviter name; invite only: user must be
    referred by invite form (with hashed keycode),

    - list of all invited users,

    - list of all invited users in ACP with filter option for search invited members for specific user,

    - invites by referral link,

    - points system integration ( any system! ),

    - promotion to the new group after reaching specific amount of referred users,

    - ability to enable/disable member powers to raising people via ACP,

    - ability to check all referred users via ACP ( member manage ),

    - three notification methods: PM, E-mail or Inline,

    - info in member profiles about referrer,

    - top X referrers in sidebar,

    - ability to disable the 'Referral Link' in sidebar,

    - ability to add/edit/remove referred transactions,

    - ability to turn off the "Referrer Information" block in profiles,

    - ACP permissions (manage: add, remove, edit),

    - ability to award referrer if his referrred member made topic/post,

    - ranking with filters in the ACP view,

    - enhaced filters for referral transactions,

    - invite form,

    - option to enable/disable custom invite message,

    - option to disable invites from the same IP,

    - resend option to resend sent invites,

    - option to approve transaction only if referrer add more than X defined posts.



  12. Cubic 3.4.x Retail

    Cubic is an awesome and simplistic theme for IP.Board. It comes with
    style settings so you can easily modify the skin without touching any
    code. It also comes with the AD styler so you and your members can
    modify the look and feel of the skin. You can also add preset skins
    easily. Some features include the ability to have a text based logo,
    fixed and fluid width, disable/enable AD styler, easy color and
    background image changer, and more.

    Demo: [url="http://audentio.com/preview/ipb/cubic"]http://audentio.com/preview/ipb/cubic[/url]



  13. iHost 1.0.0

    This hook displays an inline form for iHost in the post form. When the 'Add Image' button is pressed the selected file will be uploaded and the iHost application is opened in a new window to show it.

    You are able to exclude forums, in which the upload form should not be displayed.



  14. (SOS34) Community Statistics on Mobile Skin 1.0.1

    This hook will display Community Statistics on board index of Mobile Skin

    What's New in Version 1.0.1
    Fixed the Newest Member link color



  15. Global Forum Message

    This is a simple hook that allows you to display a message at the top of all pages of your forum.

    Easily customizable via the ACP (System Settings -> Hooks (Tab) -> (G30) Global Message):[list]
    [*]Message enabled/disabled
    [*]Groups that can view the message
    [*]HTML parsed in message
    [*]BBCode parsed in message
    [*]Raw linebreaks parsed in message
    [*]Emoticons parsed in message
    [*]Display on specific pages (1.0.1)



  16. IPB 3.4.2 Patch 11 Feb 2013

    This patch resolves the following issues:

    Upgrades from prior to 3.0.0 may result in an upgrade loop and be unable to finish.
    CTRL+B and other shortcuts may not work properly in the RTE editor
    Friendly URLs with non-latin characters may be missing characters or may be empty
    Editing HTML in the ACP (including in IP.Content) may result in the HTML being misformatted
    HTML editing may result in <br> tags being added or may not format properly
    A database driver error may be seen when performing certain post moderation actions
    Old post links may no longer redirect to the post correctly
    Dates in certain languages may be malformed
    IP.Content pages may experience slow loading directly proportionate to the number of emoticons in use
    As of the time of this post, the main download in the client area has been updated to include these fixes. A separate patch file is included at the end of this post. To apply the patch to your site, you simply need to download this patch, extract the files, and then upload the contents of the "upload" folder to your community root folder (where conf_global.php is), preserving directory structure.

    When applying this patch, please note that you will need to rebuild your skins in order to finish applying certain fixes included in the patch. To do this, please perform the following steps after you have uploaded the patch to your site:

    Log into your Admin CP

    Navigate to "Look & Feel" > "Template Tools"

    Under the "Rebuild Master Skin Data" section, tick the checkboxes for "Rebuild HTML" and then for the "Members" application.

    Press the 'Rebuild' button and wait for the page to reload.

    Under the "Rebuild Skin Sets" section at the top of the page, leave the drop down box as "All Skin Sets"
    Press the "Recache Skin Sets" button.

    This patch is optional, however if you are facing any of the issues outlined above you are encouraged to apply the patch to your site to resolve the issues noted.



  17. Recent Topics

    This hook will show a box with the last five topics/posts on board
    index. You can set how many topics do you want to show, the interval for
    the list auto update, exclude forums and groups allowed to see the
    list. To notify you about new topics/posts, this hook uses an effect
    that will pulsate the list only if some new topic or new post is made.



  18. (KC3X) SIte Poll Block

    Do you like having polls on your IP.Content homepage?
    Do you find it cumbersome to have to go into your Admin CP to change the link to the topic every time you have a new poll to display?

    If so, this is the block for you.

    Plugin config allows you to specify which FORUM to pull polls from. It will automatically pull the LATEST poll from whatever forum you specify. If you want a little more control, you can even have it set to only pull the latest PINNED poll. So all you have to do from the front end is pin or unpin your polls to control which is displayed on the front page!

    You also have control over what groups can see your poll. You should note, however, that forum permissions are still honored. If the member / guest does not have permission to read or reply to the toipc, they won't be able to submit a vote or see the results. If they can read the topic, they can see the results but not vote. If they can reply to the topic, the block will be fully functional.

    This block can be easily styled to meet your sites needs!

    I have tested with the supported versions on the right, however it should work with IP.Board 3.2.x and IP.Content 2.2.x. What's New in Version 1.0.2
    Fixed issue where the block pulled old polls instead of newer ones.



  19. CoreModding v5 (Red)

    CoreModding v5 skin, red version. Credit goes to TreeJay for making this skin.



  20. (SOS34) Truncate Best Answer Post Content

    This hook will truncate the content of the post marked as [b]best answer [/b]of a topic.

    [*]Remove line break
    [*]Number of characters



  21. VIP Members

    This application will manage VIP Members on your forum. You can promote
    users to a specific group and provide a number of days he will be as a
    VIP Member. After that time, he will return to his original group
    You can add/remove days, make him Permanent VIP Member and demote members easily.
    every action (when member becomes a VIP Member, when he is demoted and
    when his time in VIP Account is changed) user will receive an automatic
    message. You can also configure a number of days remaining to finish
    the plan VIP member and he will receive an automatic warning.



  22. Invision Modding 3.3.x

    Invision Modding's skin, ripped. Screenshot was unavailable as the site is currently down.



  23. Chameleon 3.3.x

    The chameleon skin is a modern design that allows you to quickly and
    easily change the theme of the design by swapping the background image
    with your own. The skin utilizes css3 to create the border-radius and
    box-shadow effect on category boxes



  24. IPS Convertor

    This download is for users converting from third-party software to IP.Board 3.3.x and 3.4.x, for more information about our converters please visit [url="http://www.invisionpower.com/convert/"]http://www.invisionpower.com/convert/[/url]

    Please refer to the change log for information on what has changed in the converters.

    [color=#800000][b]Untouched Retail Version[/b][/color]



  25. Xbox Skin

    Xbox.com based skin, made by Cudder.



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