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Legacy content for IP.Board 3.4. This content is no longer supported by WebFlake. We strongly recommend upgrading to IPS 4. Use at your own risk.

1,235 files

  1. Manage Board Statistics

    [font=verdana]This hook allows you to easily modify the values in statistics strips found throughout the IP.Suite.

    Current options include the following:

    [b]Forum App[/b] and [b]Portal[/b] App[/font][list]
    [*][font=verdana][b]Easily switch[/b] on or off all Forum stats modifications.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Posts[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Members[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Accurately recount [b]Total Members[/b] in the database.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Accurately derive the [b]Newest Member[/b] based on join date.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Most Online[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Change the Most Online [b]Timestamp[/b].[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Set which [b]user groups[/b] can view the Forum stats strip.[/font]
    [font=verdana][b]Blog App[/b][/font][list]
    [*][font=verdana][b]Easily switch[/b] on or off all Blog stats modifications.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Blogs[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Entries[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Comments[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Set which [b]user groups[/b] can view the Blog stats strip.[/font]
    [font=verdana][b]Gallery App[/b][/font][list]
    [*][font=verdana][b]Easily switch[/b] on or off all Gallery stats modifications.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Albums[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Images[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Comments[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Gallery Size[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Set which [b]user groups[/b] can view the Gallery stats strip.[/font]
    [font=verdana][b]Downloads App[/b][/font][list]
    [*][font=verdana][b]Easily switch[/b] on or off all Downloads stats modifications.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Files[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Categories[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Authors[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Increase or Decrease the [b]Total Downloads[/b] value.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Set which [b]user groups[/b] can view the Downloads stats strip.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Utilize a [b]Compatibility Mode[/b] for future software, if needed.[/font]
    [*][font=verdana][b]Instantly[/b] switch off or on all stats modifications.[/font]



  2. Topic Covers

    [font=verdana]Topic Covers adds a touch of web 2.0 on your board.

    It lets your members display the topics list in different visual styles that can also replace Invision Power Board one.
    Version 1.0 has the Dynamic Image Grid Visual style already included, made famous by Pinterest, although many other visual styles will come in the future. You are welcome to suggest us visual styles that you like [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/filestore/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img]

    Every security check is made to make sure members can view the topics list and read the topics.

    Other features include:[/font][list]
    [*][font=verdana]Infinite scrolling: the app automatically loads new pages while scrolling[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Custom sort orders for each forum you want it to be enabled[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Control who can view/edit covers[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Inline topic reading, without leaving the topics list[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Cache: everytime a new topic is created, the app will get its cover, in order to make everything faster[/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Light app, most of the job is made by the client side [/font]
    [*][font=verdana]Many other features available and to come![/font]



  3. Disable Right Click And CTRL + C

    [font=verdana]This hook will disable (Right Click And CTRL + C) from selected groups and topics on forums selected.[/font]
    • Enable/disable hook
    • Choose which groups will be affected
    • Choose all topics on forums selected[/font]



  4. MAXX SKIN (Dark/Light)-The Most Advanced Skin

    [b]MAXX Skin[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3] :[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3]Maxx is the most advance skin for IPS, it has many many addons and paid scripts . The package includes two skins (Light/dark)[/size][/font][/color]



  5. Invite System

    This Application will make your board only accept new registrations from users who have received an invite.

    [*]Number of posts a member must make to gain an invite
    [*]Number of days to expire the invite
    [*]User groups who can invite
    [*]User groups who has unlimited invites



  6. Gamer one fx

    Ipb skin



  7. Embed Tweets

    For embedding tweets by posting the link given under the tweet details setting.
    do not use the code from the embed option.
    for example this link:

    shows like this when posted

    I will try to answer questions but this should be considered non-supported.
    while I will try to simplify into one tag I will not try to add features, etc.
    I know this works on 3.4.5, I have no idea about any other version and will not test to see.

    if using chrome paste link into notepad or something then copy from there.
    nothing I can do about that



  8. Nacht Skin

    [font=verdana][i][b]Nacht skin : The Popular Background Skin[/b][/i][/font]


    [b][size=3][color=#4B0082]Skin comes with a hook which allows you to modify the skin.[/color][/size][/b]

    [color=#000000][b][b][size=3]1-Four different board index layouts can be chosen through the admin panel :[/size][/b][/b][/color][list]
    [*][b]Topics Mode :[/b] which is suitable for Q&A Sites
    [*][b]Topics Mode settings:[/b]
    ...Number of Topics in board index
    ...Forums permission
    ...Group permission
    ...Post Limit
    [*][b]Forums Mode : [/b]which is two column Mode style with forums icon support
    [*][b]Default Mode :[/b] the original IPB board index
    [*][b]Category Mode : [/b]which is one column mode with category image support

    [color=#000000][b][size=3][b]2- Unlimited customizing :[/b][/size][/b][/color]
    You can allow your users to build their skin by using customizing color picker.[list]
    [*][b]Live color picker[/b]
    [*][b]Custom background via URL.[/b]
    [*][b]Live background switcher with custom pre-made backgrounds.[/b]
    [*][b]Board width live changer.[/b]

    And More ....[list]
    [*][b]Default color [/b]
    [*][b]Enable/disable Color picker[/b]
    [*]Admin setting to choose the default background.
    [*]Admin width setting to set the default width.
    [*]Setting to allow members to select the board index layout.
    [b]3-Install and customize :[/b]
    [*][b]Documents included[/b]



  9. Cursor Selection

    This simple hook allows you to change the highlight color when you highlight something on your screen.



  10. Twilight

    [b]Included in the download:[/b][list]
    [*]All fonts used throughout the skin
    [*]Installation instructions (document and video)
    [*]IBSkin copyright and license agreement



  11. Number of Posts to Send Personal Messages

    This will give the admin the option to make it so only users with a certain post count set by the admin can reply and send personal messages. By default it is set to 5 posts. This can be used to fight spam through the private messages.

    Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to congigure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the number of posts needed to read/reply to pm, enter the error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups can bypass the post restriction.



  12. Esmona

    [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)]Esmona has a few new innovations such as color picker where you can set your own color skin. It's a good options for individual choices. Proffessional design in which dark and light elements stand side by side makes the skin looks fresh and modern. Set your own slides and colors. Esmona hasn't thematic restrictions![/color][/size]

    [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)]Esmona has a lot of included modifications such as new topic icon generate system or topic view. Additionality the skin is full integraded with Nivo Slider and color picker.[/color][/size]





    [color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]Compatible with:[/b][/color][list]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IPB 3.4.x[/b][/color]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Gallery 5.x[/b][/color]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Nexus 1.5.x[/b][/color]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Blog 2.6.x[/b][/color]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Calendar 3.3.x[/b][/color]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Chat 1.4.x[/b][/color]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Content 2.3.x[/b][/color]
    [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Downloads 2.5.x[/b][/color]



  13. Tutorials

    A full-featured Tutorials/Article system for your IP.Board. Here's a quick rundown of some of the features for this application:[list]
    [*]Unlimited categories of articles, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships
    [*]Ability to use comments system or support topics, or both
    [*]Per-category permissions to show category, read articles, submit articles, add comments, and avoid approval queues
    [*]Numerous group permissions on various actions
    [*]Moderator actions on articles and comments
    [*]Ability to create RSS feeds of all tutorials, and selected categories
    [*]Ability to attach files to tutorials
    [*]Integration with IP.Board's Report Manager
    [*]Ability to create multi-paged tutorials
    [*]Included portal plugins for random, popular, and recent tutorials
    [*]Adds a 'Tutorials' tab to Member Profiles showing their submissions
    [*]Sidebar hook showing recent tutorials
    [*]Hook to quickly convert a forum post into a new tutorial
    [*]Ability to copy a tutorial from one category to another
    [*]Friendly URLs for tutorials and categories
    [*]Ability to give reputation points for tutorials
    [*]Integration with the board search + Sphinx search support
    [*]Rate tutorials, or follow them to receive notifications on updates
    [*]Integration with IP.Board's Share Links system to share, download, or print articles
    [*]Get notifications for approved/rejected submissions, and when your articles get new comments
    [*]Integration with the [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4589-queued-items/"]Queued Items[/url] hook
    [*]Integration with the IP.Board's sitemap system to include tutorials in your forum's sitemap
    [*]And much, much more!



  14. PM on Group Change

    This mod adds the ability to send an automatic PM to your members when an admin edits their primary group from the ACP.

    [*]No file edits, coded as an hook!
    [*]Easily enable/disable the hook from the Admin CP
    [*]Ability to specify always the same account to send the PMs or use the account of the admin that edited the group
    [*]Ability to exclude certain groups by default from receiving a PM (useful for the banned group)
    [*]Ability to setup a custom PM subject and message from the ACP with some quick tags (member name and new group name)
    [*]New options in the ACP near the dropdown of the primary group when editing a member to not send a PM to individual accounts
    [*]The hook itself makes use of the MemberSync option so every time the group changes a PM is sent



  15. Ribbon Forum Ranks v3.1

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Ribbon Forum Ranks [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]I saw the concept on Google and wanted to create my own version so here it is. Works well with any forum and the file includes the PSD for easy editing, font file and 8 premade images. ENJOY![/size][/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color]



  16. Topic Thumbnail

    This modification can show thumbnails of topics on the main forum view.

    [b]Main features:[/b]
    - Automatically takes an image from the first post of topic (include attachment image) and display it as topic thumbnail.
    - [b][color=#ff0000]*NEW*[/color][/b] Option to show topics as gallery
    Topic's authors or member groups that you specify can change thumnail
    by clicking on the thumbnail and choosing an image from topic or from
    - Preview image when hover the thumbnail.
    - Set thumbnail width and height for each forum.
    - Option to use the Lazy Loader method to delay image loading ( [url="https://github.com/fasterize/lazyload"]https://github.com/fasterize/lazyload[/url] )
    - [color=#ff0000][b]*NEW* [/b][/color]Automatically resize and crop images in a smart way that does not distort images.



  17. Group Color on User Link

    Will show group color in user link.

    [*]Version 1.3.1: IP.Board 3.4.X
    [*]Version 1.2.0: IP.Board 3.3.X
    [*]Version 1.1.3: IP.Board 3.2.X
    [/list][color=#000000][b]IMPORTANT NOTICE[/b]:[/color]
    [*][color=#FF0000]if you upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4, [b]UNINSTALL THE VERSION FOR IP.BOARD 3.3 AND INSTALL THE VERSION FOR 3.4[/b][/color][color=#FF0000]![/color]



  18. Aspect Dark Skin

    My first ever skin made for IP Board, using minimal html edits, mainly CSS.

    Works with most applications but won't be updated in the future.
    Releasing here free for others to use.

    Zip file includes installation readme along with the skin and images xml files (mainly default IP Board images).



  19. IPB Shoutbox 1.4.1 - Final

    Shoutbox is a feature-rich Shoutbox system for your IP.Board. Shoutbox will enable your users to send shouts to each other and allow others can read them. Your very own micro-blogging system, without the need for Java, Flash or any other browser dependency!


    IP.Board 3.4.x - Yes
    IP.Board 3.3.x - Yes

    1.4.1 Final
    1.4.1 Final has removed the profile shoutbox this was unwanted and removed.
    Uninstall Shoutbox vCard Hook from the hook area
    Open FTP
    delete profiletabs folder
    From 1.4.1 The shoutbox profile card is no longer being supported.[/quote]



  20. [HQ] Toggle Visability

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This hook allows you to quickly toggle your visibility (with AJAX) on the forums without the need for logging out.[/size][/font][/color]



  21. [Source] Player Panel SOURCEBANS / IP.Board

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]
    [size=6][b]What is Player Panel (Sourcebans)?[/b][/size]

    [font='comic sans ms']Player Panel is the first application in the world which integrates SourceBans with IP.Board[/font]

    [b]Admin Control[/b][/size][/font][/color][list]
    [*]Who sees IP ( groups )
    [*]Who can comment ( groups )
    [*]Who can add bans ( groups )
    [*]Who can add complaints ( groups )
    [*]Who can add appeals ( groups )
    [*]Who can check appeals ( groups )
    [*]Who can check complaints ( groups )
    [*]Full editor ( for information, ex: articles about adding complaints ),
    [/list][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]

    [b]Player Panel[/b][/size][/font][/color][list]
    [*]Add Complaint,
    [*]Add Bans ( if have permission )
    [*]Add Comments
    [*]Add Appeal
    [*]Search Bans
    [*]Can Administrate
    [*]Accept Appeals ( automatically unban player )
    [*]Reject Appeals
    [*]Accept Complaints ( automatically ban acussed )
    [*]Reject Complaints
    [*]Change Complaint data
    [*]Add Bans from Forums
    [/list][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]

    [i]In the ban module users can view the ban penalties if it has not yet expired[/i].

    [b]Compatible with:[/b]

    IP.Board 3.2 +[/size][/font][/color]

    [i]Thanks for Travis Jeffries[/i]



  22. [TZ34] Last Bans from AMXBANS

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Hi![/size][/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This is my first hook. Compatible with:[/size][/font][/color][list]
    [*]AMXBANS defender
    [color=rgb(255,0,0)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]After installation you MUST INSERT DATABASE DATA IN SYSTEM SETTING -> teez's apps -> [TZ34] LAST BANS [/b][/size][/font][/color]



  23. (CRY34) IPS Community Suite Installer

    [b]What is IPS Community Suite Installer?[/b]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]IPS Community Suite Installer guides you through the installation of IP.Board and addons. IPS community installer uses its own installation packages. These are self-created installation packages based on the Nulled version of _.:illus!on:. _.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]IPSCSI is written in PHP and Javascript scripts. It uses the basic php extensions to install software from Invision Power. This information includes the upload and unzip the file archive. Moment during the execution file permissions are set and checked for completeness of the data.[/size][/font][/color]

    [b]Is there support for this tool?[/b]
    [color=rgb(255,0,0)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]If you have any problems with this release write it in the support section.[/b][/size][/font][/color]

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b][color=rgb(255,0,0)]Note[/color][/b][/size][/font][/color]
    [b][color=rgb(255,0,0)]There were no changed files, it was just repackaged![/color][/b]

    [b]How to install the IPS Community Suite Installer?[/b][list=1]
    [*]Download "[b]IPSCSI zip file[/b]" from here and extract.
    [*]Upload "[b]setup_[color=rgb(51,51,51)][size=3]ipscsi.php[/size][/color][/b]" to your server.
    [*]Set the permissions of the IP.Board root directory to 0777 (chmod 777).
    [*]Execute IPS Community installer in the browser and follow the instructions.
    [*]Set the permissions of the IP.Board root directory back to 0755 (chmod 755).
    [*]Delete the file "setup_ipscsi.php" from the server
    [b]Features included:[/b][list]
    [*]Checks installation requirements
    [*]Upload and unzip IPS Software
    [*]Checks files and directories
    [*]Set access rights (chmod)
    [b]Supported IPS Software:[/b][list]
    [b]Install Packages could find here[/b]



  24. IPSCSI Setup Package

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=5][b]Setup Packages for IPS Community Suite Installer[/b][/size][/font][/color]

    [b]These Packages include the following Software[/b][list]
    [*][b]IP.Board 3.4.5[/b]
    Invision Power Board, a fast, efficient, scalable community solution written in PHP and using MySQL for database storage.
    [*][b]IP.Blog 2.6.3[/b]
    IP.Blog enables users to create and maintain their own individual or group blogs right from within your community, to share ideas & thoughts.
    [*][b]IP.Calendar 3.3.4[/b]
    IP.Calendar is a integrated calendar and event management for your IP.Board.
    [*][b]IP.Content 2.3.6[/b]
    IP.Content is a new way of building dynamic, data-driven community websites using the content generated by your IPS platform.
    [*][b]IP.Downloads 2.5.4[/b]
    IP.Downloads has all the features you need to manage a file sharing area in your community, including advanced features to control permissions and resource usage.
    [*][b]IP.Gallery 5.0.5[/b]
    IP.Gallery is a fully-featured photo and multimedia sharing app for the IPS Community Suite. Create albums, upload photos, discuss the hottest shots and much more.
    [*][b]IP.Nexus 1.5.8[/b]
    IP.Nexus is an app for the IPS Community Suite that provides a range of tools that help you monetize your community. Sell subscriptions, products, advertising space, collect donations and much more.



  25. Fenix Cyan IPB Skin 1.0

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This is a cyan color skin based on [/size][/font][/color][url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5145-fenix-ipb-skin/"]fenix skin[/url][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]. ([/size][/font][/color][b]by request[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]) and was made with 3.2.3 version.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Included a [/size][/font][/color][b]recent comments[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] block (in footer). You must have IP.Content to use this block.[/size][/font][/color]

    [b]Demo Account[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color]
    [b]User[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]: Demo[/size][/font][/color]
    [b]Password[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]: demo[/size][/font][/color]



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